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Test Coverage
package group

import (

type (
    group struct {
        ignore   []error
        services []service
        shutdown time.Duration

    service struct {
        callback Callback
        shutdown Shutdown

    // Shutdown function that receives shutdown context and allows to gracefully stop an service.
    Shutdown func(context.Context)

    // Callback function that will be called on service starts.
    Callback func(context.Context) error

    // Service collects services and runs them concurrently.
    // - when any service returns, all services will be stopped.
    // - when context canceled or deadlined all services will be stopped.
    Service interface {
        Add(Callback, Shutdown) Service
        Run(context.Context) error

const defaultShutdown = time.Second * 5

var (
    _ Service = (*group)(nil)

    // nolint:gochecknoglobals
    defaultIgnoredErrors = []error{

// New creates and configures Service by passed Option's.
func New(options ...Option) Service {
    runner := &group{
        shutdown: defaultShutdown,
        ignore:   defaultIgnoredErrors,

    for _, o := range options {

    return runner

// Add an service (callback and shutdown) to the group.
// Canceling context shutdowns all running services.
// The first service (callback function) to return shutdowns all running services.
// The context.Context passed into shutdown function needed to gracefully shutdown services.
func (g *group) Add(callback Callback, stopper Shutdown) Service { = append(, service{
        callback: callback,
        shutdown: stopper,

    return g

func (g *group) checkAndIgnore(err error) error {
    for i := range g.ignore {
        if errors.Is(err, g.ignore[i]) {
            return nil

    return err

// Run allows to run all services (callback function).
// - method blocks until all services will be stopped.
// - when context will be canceled or deadline exceeded we calls shutdown for services.
// - when the first service (callback function) returns, all other services will be notified to stop.
func (g *group) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
    if len( == 0 {
        return nil

    var (
        cnt int
        err error
        res = make(chan error, len(

    // we should add cancel to prevent service freeze
    top, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)

    // run all services
    for i := range {
        go func(callback Callback) { res <- callback(top) }([i].callback)

    // wait for context.Done() or error will be received:
    select {
    case err = <-res:
        cnt = 1 // first error received, ignore it in future
    case <-top.Done():
        err = top.Err()


    // prepare graceful context to stop
    grace, stop := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), g.shutdown)
    defer stop()

    // we should wait until all services will gracefully stopped
    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    defer wg.Wait()

    // notify all services to stop
    for i := range {
        go func(shutdown Shutdown) {
            defer wg.Done()


    // wait when all services will stop
    for i := cnt; i < cap(res); i++ {

    // return only first error except ignored errors
    return g.checkAndIgnore(err)