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// Event for DX_Auth
// You can use DX_Auth_Event to extend DX_Auth to fullfil your needs
// For example: you can use event below to PM user when he already activated the account, etc.

class DX_Auth_Event

    var $ci;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->ci = & get_instance();

    // If DX_email_activation in config is TRUE,
    // this event occurs after user succesfully activated using specified key in their email.
    // If DX_email_activation in config is FALSE,
    // this event occurs right after user succesfully registered.

    public function user_activated($user_id) {
        // Load models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_profile', 'user_profile');

        // Create user profile

    // This event occurs right after user login

    public function user_logged_in($user_id) {


    // This event occurs right before user logout

    public function user_logging_out($user_id) {


    // This event occurs right after user change password

    public function user_changed_password($user_id, $new_password) {


    // This event occurs right before user account is canceled

    public function user_canceling_account($user_id) {
        // Load models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_profile', 'user_profile');

        // Delete user profile

    // This event occurs when check_uri_permissions() function in DX_Auth is called
    // after checking if user role is allowed or not to access URI, this event will be triggered
    // $allowed is result of the check before, it's possible to alter the value since it's passed by reference

    public function checked_uri_permissions($user_id, &$allowed) {


    // This event occurs when get_permission_value() function in DX_Auth is called

    public function got_permission_value($user_id, $key) {


    // This event occurs when get_permissions_value() function in DX_Auth is called

    public function got_permissions_value($user_id, $key) {


    // This event occurs right before dx auth send email with account details
    // $data is an array, containing username, password, email and last ip
    // $content is email content, passed by reference
    // You can customize email content here

    public function sending_account_email($data, &$content) {
        // Load helper

        // Create content
        $content = sprintf($this->ci->lang->line('auth_account_content'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'), $data['username'], $data['email'], $data['password'], site_url($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_uri')), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));

    // This event occurs right before dx auth send activation email
    // $data is an array, containing username, password, email, last ip, activation_key, activate_url
    // $content is email content, passed by reference
    // You can customize email content here

    public function sending_activation_email($data, &$content) {
        // Create content
        $content = sprintf($this->ci->lang->line('auth_activate_content'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'), $data['activate_url'], $this->ci->config->item('DX_email_activation_expire') / 60 / 60, $data['username'], $data['email'], $data['password'], $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));

    // This event occurs right before dx auth send forgot password request email
    // $data is an array, containing password, key, and reset_password_uri
    // $content is email content, passed by reference
    // You can customize email content here

    public function sending_forgot_password_email($data, &$content) {
        if (class_exists(ShopCore)) {
            $replaceData = [
                            '%webSiteName%'      => $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'),
                            '%resetPasswordUri%' => $data['reset_password_uri'],
                            '%password%'         => $data['password'],
                            '%key%'              => $data['key'],
                            '%webMasterEmail%'   => $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email'),

            $content = str_replace(array_keys($replaceData), $replaceData, ShopCore::app()->SSettings->getForgotPasswordMessageText());
        } else {
            // Create content
            $content = sprintf($this->ci->lang->line('auth_forgot_password_content'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'), $data['reset_password_uri'], $data['password'], $data['key'], $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));
