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/** * ************************************************
 * Image CMS Template Engine (Mabilis TPL)
 * Simple template engine for Image CMS based on regular expressions search and replace.
 * @author <>
 * @version 0.3 PHP5
 * ************************************************ */
class Mabilis_Compiler extends Mabilis

    public $config = NULL;

    // Array with functions that are in ./functions/ folder
    // Each of this function will be renamed as tpl_$func
    private $func_prefix = 'func_';

    private $func_array = [

    // Constructor

     * @param Mabilis_Config $config_obj
    public function __construct(&$config_obj) {
        $this->config = &$config_obj;

     * Compile template file to php code
     * @access public
     * @param string $file filename
     * @return bool
    public function compile($file) {
        // Read template data
        $tpl_data = $this->read_tpl_file($file);

        if ($tpl_data === FALSE) {
            $this->error('File ' . $file . ' not found;');
            return FALSE;
        } else {

            $curFilePath = dirname(realpath($file));

            $include_functions = [];

            // Replace all {$variable} as echo $variable
            //$tpl_data = preg_replace('/({\s*)\s*(\$\w*?)\s*(\s*\})/', '$1 echo $2;$3', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(\$\w*?)\}/', '{ echo $1; }', $tpl_data);

            // For arrays like $arr['1']['2']
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(\$.*?\[.*?\])\}/', '{ echo $1; }', $tpl_data);

            // Replace $arr.key to $arr['key']
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(\$\w*)?\.(\w*)?\.(\w*)\}/', '{ echo $1[\'$2\'][\'$3\']; }', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(\$\w*)?\.(\w*)\}/', '{ echo $1[\'$2\']; }', $tpl_data);

            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(.*?)(\$\w*)\.(\w*)\.(\w*)(.*?)\s*\}/', '{ $1 $2[\'$3\'][\'$4\'] $5 }', $tpl_data);

            for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{(.*?)(\$\w*)\.(\w*)(.*?)\}/', '{ $1 $2[\'$3\'] $4 }', $tpl_data); //mother of god
            // Find end replace template functions
            foreach ($this->func_array as $func) {
                // Replace { function(params) } as { echo functon(params); }
                if (preg_match_all('/\{\s*(' . $func . ')\s*(\(.*?\))\s*\}/', $tpl_data, $_match) > 0) {
                    // Function found
                    $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{\s*(' . $func . ')\s*(\(.*?\))\s*\}/', '{ echo ' . $this->func_prefix . '$1 $2; }', $tpl_data);

                    // Include function
                    $include_functions[$func] = TRUE;

                // If we want to assign function result to variable
                // tpl code { $var = function(params) }
                if (preg_match_all('/\{\s*\$.*?\=\s*(' . $func . ')\s*(\(.*?\))\s*\}/', $tpl_data, $_match) > 0) {
                    // Function found
                    $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{\s*(\$.*?)\=\s*(' . $func . ')\s*(\(.*?\))\s*\}/', '{ $1 = ' . $this->func_prefix . '$2 $3; }', $tpl_data);

                    // Include function
                    $include_functions[$func] = TRUE;

            // PHP functions
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{\s*(\w*)\s*(\(.*?\))\s*\}/', '{ echo $1 $2; }', $tpl_data);

            // Replace PHP tags
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php(.*?)\?>/si', '<!user_php$1user_php!>', $tpl_data);

            // Replace literal tags
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\{\s*literal\s*\}(.*?)\{\s*\/literal\}/si', '<!user_literal$1user_literal!>', $tpl_data);

            // Replace delimiters to php tags
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/(\s*)\{(\s*)/', '$1<?php$2', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/(\s*)\}(\s*)/', '$1?>$2', $tpl_data);

            /*             * ****************************************
             * Functions
             * Replace all between php tags to php code
             * **************************************** */

            // If
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*\/if\s*\?>/', '<?php endif; ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php.*elseif (.*).*\?>/', '<?php elseif ($1): ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*?(if)\s*(.*?)\s*(\?>)/', '<?php $1($2): ?>', $tpl_data);

            // Foreach
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*\/foreach\s*\?>/', '<?php }} ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*(foreach)\s*(\$.*?)\s*as\s*(\$.*?)\s*\?>/', '<?php if(is_true_array($2)){ $1 ($2 as $3){ ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*(foreach)\s*(.*?)\s*as\s*(\$.*?)\s*\?>/', "<?php  \$result = $2; \n if(is_true_array(\$result)){ $1 (\$result as $3){ ?>", $tpl_data);

            // For
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*\/for\s*\?>/', '<?php } ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*(for) (.*?)\s*\?>/', '<?php $1($2){?>', $tpl_data);

            // Switch
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*\/switch\s*\?>/', '<?php } ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php\s*(switch)(.*)\?>/', '<?php $1($2){ default: break; ?>', $tpl_data);

            // While
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php.*\/while\s*?>/', '<?php } ?>', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/<\?php.*while(.*).*\?>/', '<?php while ($1){ ?>', $tpl_data);

            // Include_tpl
            $tpl_data = preg_replace_callback(
                function ($arr) use ($curFilePath) {
                        return '<?php $this->include_tpl(' . $arr[1] . ', \'' . $curFilePath . '\'); ?>';

            $tpl_data = preg_replace_callback(
                function ($arr) use ($curFilePath) {
                        return '<?php $this->include_shop_tpl(' . $arr[1] . ', \'' . $curFilePath . '\'); ?>';

            preg_match_all('/<\!user_php(.*)\s*user_php\!>/', $tpl_data, $_match);

            $php_patterns = [

            foreach ($_match[0] as $k => $v) {
                $text = preg_replace($php_patterns, $this->config->delimiters, $v);
                $tpl_data = str_replace($v, $text, $tpl_data);

            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\s*<\!user_php/', '<?php', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/user_php!>/', '?>', $tpl_data);

            // Replace php tags to { } between literal tags
            preg_match_all('/<\!user_literal(.*?)user_literal\!>/si', $tpl_data, $_match);

            $php_patterns = [

            foreach ($_match[0] as $k => $v) {
                $text = preg_replace($php_patterns, $this->config->delimiters, $v);
                $tpl_data = str_replace($v, $text, $tpl_data);

            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/\s*<\!user_literal/', '', $tpl_data);
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/user_literal!>/', '', $tpl_data);

            // Replace all 'echo $var' to if(isset($var)) { echo $var }
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/(<\?php)\s*(echo)\s*(\$\w*?);\s*(\?>)/', '$1 if(isset($3)){ $2 $3; } $4', $tpl_data);

            $add_data = '';

            if (count($include_functions) > 0) {
                foreach ($include_functions as $k => $v) {
                    $add_data .= 'include (\'' . $this->config->function_path . 'func.' . $k . $this->config->function_ext . '\'); ';

                $add_data = '<?php ' . $add_data . ' ?>';

            $del_time = time() + $this->config->compiled_ttl;
            $modifi_time = '';

            if ($this->config->use_filemtime == TRUE) {
                $modifi_time = '$mabilis_last_modified=' . filemtime($file) . ';';

            // Delete repeating spaces after php open tag
            $tpl_data = preg_replace('/(\s*)\<\?php\s*/', '$1<?php ', $tpl_data);

            $ttl_string = '<?php $mabilis_ttl=' . $del_time . '; ' . $modifi_time . ' //' . $file . ' ?>';

            $this->write_compiled_file($file, $add_data . $tpl_data . $ttl_string);

            return TRUE;

     * Read template file
     * @param string $file
     * @return string|false
    public function read_tpl_file($file) {
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            return file_get_contents($file);
        } else {
            // File no found
            return FALSE;

     * Write compiled template file
     * @param string $file
     * @param string $data
     * @return boolean
    private function write_compiled_file($file, $data) {
        if (!$fp = fopen($this->config->compile_path . md5($file) . $this->config->compiled_ext, 'w')) {
            return FALSE;

        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
        fwrite($fp, $data);
        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

        @chmod($this->config->compile_path . md5($file) . $this->config->compiled_ext, 0777);

        return TRUE;

     * @param string $text
    private function error($text) {
        echo '<p>Error: ' . $text . '</p>';


/* End of Mabilis.compiler.php */