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class Cfcm_forms extends MY_Controller

    public $field_types = [
                           'text'       => 'Text',
                           'textarea'   => 'Textarea',
                           'select'     => 'Select',
                           'checkbox'   => 'Checkbox',
                           'checkgroup' => 'Checkgroup',
                           'radiogroup' => 'Radiogroup',

    public function __construct() {

        $lang = new MY_Lang();

    public function create_field() {
        $fields = [
                   'field_name' => [
                                    'type'       => 'text',
                                    'label'      => lang('Name', 'cfcm') . ': '."<span class='must'>*</span>",
                                    'validation' => 'alpha_dash|max_length[255]',
                                    'help_text'  => lang('To name will be prefixed with', 'cfcm') . ' field_',
                                    'class'      => 'required alphanumeric',
                   'label'      => [
                                    'type'       => 'text',
                                    'label'      => lang('Label', 'cfcm') . ': '."<span class='must'>*</span>",
                                    'validation' => 'max_length[255]',
                                    'class'      => 'required',
                   //            'in_search' => [
                   //                'type' => 'checkbox',
                   //                'label' => lang('Participate in search', 'cfcm'),
                   //                'initial' => '1',
                   //            ],
                   'type'       => [
                                    'type'    => 'select',
                                    'label'   => lang('Type', 'cfcm') . ':',
                                    'initial' => $this->field_types,
                   'groups'     => [
                                    'type'      => 'select',
                                    'label'     => lang('Group', 'cfcm') . ':',
                                    'initial'   => self::prepare_groups_select(),
                                    'multiple'  => true,
                                    'help_text' => lang('Tighten Ctrl to select multiple items', 'admin'),
                                    'class'     => 'required',
                   'data'       => [
                                    'type'       => 'hidden',
                                    'validation' => 'alpha_dash',
                                    'initial'    => '',

        return $this->forms->add_fields($fields);

    public function edit_field($type) {
        $f = [];

        $f['label'] = [
                       'type'       => 'text',
                       'label'      => lang('Label', 'cfcm') . ': '."<span class='must'>*</span>",
                       'validation' => 'max_length[255]',
                       'class'      => 'required',
        $f['initial'] = [
                         'type'  => 'textarea',
                         'label' => lang('The initial value', 'cfcm') . ':',
        $f['help_text'] = [
                           'type'      => 'text',
                           'label'     => lang('Hint', 'cfcm') . ':',
                           'help_text' => lang('Field description ', 'cfcm') . '.',
        $f['required'] = [
                          'type'    => 'checkbox',
                          'label'   => lang('Required field', 'cfcm'),
                          'initial' => '1',
        $f['type'] = [
                      'type'  => 'text',
                      'style' => 'display: none',

        if (in_array($type, ['select', 'checkgroup', 'radiogroup'])) {
            $f['initial']['help_text'] = lang('Specify the possible values in the new row', 'cfcm') . '.';

        if ($type == 'select') {
            $f['multiple'] = [
                              'type'    => 'checkbox',
                              'label'   => lang('Multiple', 'cfcm'),
                              'initial' => '1',
                              'checked' => FALSE,

        if ($type == 'checkbox') {
            $f['checked'] = [
                             'type'    => 'checkbox',
                             'label'   => lang('Checked', 'cfcm'),
                             'initial' => '1',
                             'checked' => FALSE,

        if ($type == 'text' OR $type == 'textarea') {
            $f['enable_image_browser'] = [
                                          'type'    => 'checkbox',
                                          'label'   => lang('Enable images viewing', 'cfcm'),
                                          'initial' => '1',
                                          'checked' => FALSE,

            $f['enable_file_browser'] = [
                                         'type'    => 'checkbox',
                                         'label'   => lang('Enable file viewing', 'cfcm'),
                                         'initial' => '1',
                                         'checked' => FALSE,

        //        if ($type == 'textarea')
        //        {
        //                $f['enable_tinymce_editor'] = array(
        //                'type'  => 'checkbox',
        //                'label' => lang('Enable Tinymce editor', 'cfcm'). ':',
        //                'initial'=> '1',
        //                'checked'=> FALSE,
        //            );
        //        }

        $f['validation'] = [
                            'type'      => 'text',
                            'label'     => lang('Check conditions', 'cfcm') . ':',
                            'help_text' => lang('For example', 'cfcm') . ': valid_email|max_length[255]',
        $f['groups'] = [
                        'type'      => 'select',
                        'label'     => lang('Group', 'cfcm') . ': ',
                        'initial'   => self::prepare_groups_select(),
                        'multiple'  => true,
                        'help_text' => lang('Tighten Ctrl to select multiple items', 'admin'),
                        'class'     => 'required',
        return $this->forms->add_fields($f, true);

    public function create_group_form() {
        return $this->forms->add_fields(
             'name'        => [
                               'type'       => 'text',
                               'label'      => lang('Name', 'cfcm').': '."<span class='must'>*</span>",
                               'validation' => 'max_length[255]',
                               'class'      => 'required',
             'description' => [
                               'type'  => 'textarea',
                               'label' => lang('Description', 'cfcm'),

    // Return groups array: group_id => name

    public function prepare_groups_select() {
        $this->db->select('id, name');
        $groups = $this->db->get('content_field_groups');

        $list = ['-1' => lang('Without group', 'cfcm')];
        if ($groups->num_rows() > 0) {
            foreach ($groups->result_array() as $group) {
                $list[$group['id']] = $group['name'];

        return $list;
