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Test Coverage
langs["Error"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Error", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable is not removed"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable is not removed", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Message"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Message", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable successfully removed"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable successfully removed", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable is not updated"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable is not updated", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable successfully updated"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable successfully updated", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable is not added"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable is not added", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable successfully added"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable successfully added", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Enter variable"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Enter variable", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable should contain only Latin characters"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable should contain only Latin characters", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable must be surrounded by"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable must be surrounded by", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';
langs["Variable must have a value"] = '<?php echo addslashes(lang("Variable must have a value", "cmsemail", FALSE))?>';