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namespace mod_discount\classes;

use Cart\BaseCart;
use CI;
use discount_model_front;
use MY_Controller;
use MY_Lang;
use ShopCore;

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Class BaseDiscount for Mod_Discount module
 * @author DevImageCms
 * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
 * @package ImageCMSModule
 * @property discount_model_front $discount_model_front
class BaseDiscount

    private static $object;

    private static $totalPrice;

    private static $reBuild;

    private static $ignoreCart;

    private static $userId;

    private static $moduleInstalled;

     * @var MY_Controller
    public $ci;

     * @var BaseCart
    public $cart;

     * @var integer
    public $userGroupId;

     * @var array
    public $cartData;

     * @var double
    public $amoutUser;

     * @var array
    public $allDiscount;

     * @var array
    public $discountType;

     * @var array|false
    public $discountAllOrder;

     * @var array|false
    public $discountComul;

     * @var float
    public $discountProductVal;

     * @var array|false
    public $discountGroupUser;

     * @var array
    public $discountMax;

     * @var int
    public $user_Id;

     * @var float
    public $total_Price;

     * check_module_install
     * @access public
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return boolean
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    public static function checkModuleInstall() {
        $ci = &get_instance();
        if (self::$moduleInstalled == null) {
            self::$moduleInstalled = count($ci->db->where('name', 'mod_discount')->get('components')->result_array()) !== 0;
        return self::$moduleInstalled;

     * prepareOption
     * @access public
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $option params:
     * - (float) price:
     * - (int) userId:
     * - (bool) ignoreCart: ignore cart Data:
     * - (bool) reBuild: for redeclare singelton:
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    public static function prepareOption($option) {
        if (isset($option['price'])) {
        if (isset($option['userId'])) {
        if (isset($option['ignoreCart'])) {
        if (isset($option['reBuild'])) {

     * setTotalPrice
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param (float) price:
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private static function setTotalPrice($price = null) {
        self::$totalPrice = $price;

     * setTotalPrice
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param (int) userId:
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private static function setUserId($userId = null) {
        self::$userId = $userId ?: CI::$APP->dx_auth->get_user_id();

     * setIgnoreCart
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param (bool) ignoreCart
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private static function setIgnoreCart($ignoreCart = null) {
        self::$ignoreCart = $ignoreCart;

     * reBuild
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private static function reBuild() {
        self::$reBuild = 1;

     * singelton method
     * @return BaseDiscount
    public static function create() {
        if (!self::$object || self::$reBuild) {
            self::$object = new self;

        return self::$object;

     * __construct base object loaded
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function __construct() {
        $this->ci = &get_instance();
        if (BaseDiscount::checkModuleInstall()) {
            include_once __DIR__ . '/../models/discount_model_front.php';
            $this->ci->discount_model_front = new discount_model_front;
            $lang = new MY_Lang();
            $this->cart = BaseCart::getInstance();
            if (!self::$userId) {
                $this->userGroupId = $this->ci->dx_auth->get_role_id();
                $this->user_Id = $this->ci->dx_auth->get_user_id();
            } else {
                $this->user_Id = self::$userId;
                $this->userGroupId = $this->ci->db->where('id', $this->user_Id)->get('users')->row()->role_id;
            if (!self::$ignoreCart) {
                $this->cartData = $this->getCartData();

            $this->amoutUser = $this->ci->discount_model_front->getAmoutUser($this->user_Id);
            $this->total_Price = (!self::$totalPrice) ? $this->cart->getOriginTotalPrice() : self::$totalPrice;
            $this->allDiscount = $this->getAllDiscount();
            $this->discountType = $this->collectType($this->allDiscount);
            $this->discountAllOrder = $this->getAllOrderDiscountNotRegister();
            if ($this->user_Id) {
                $this->discountUser = $this->getUserDiscount();
                $this->discountGroupUser = $this->getUserGroupDiscount();
                $this->discountComul = $this->getComulativDiscount();
                $this->discountAllOrder = $this->getAllOrderDiscountRegister();

            $this->discountProductVal = (self::$ignoreCart) ? null : $this->getDiscountProducts();
            $this->discountMax = $this->getMaxDiscount([$this->discountUser, $this->discountGroupUser, $this->discountComul, $this->discountAllOrder], $this->total_Price);
            $this->discountNoProductVal = $this->getDiscountValue($this->discountMax, $this->total_Price);

     * get Cart items for current session
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getCartData() {

        $cart = $this->cart->getItems();
        return $cart['data'];

     * @param string $type short type of discount (en)
     * @return string full translated name of discount
    public static function getDiscountsLabels($type = NULL) {
        $discounts = [
                      'all_order'  => lang('Order amount of more than', 'mod_discount'),
                      'comulativ'  => lang('Cumulative discount', 'mod_discount'),
                      'user'       => lang('User', 'mod_discount'),
                      'group_user' => lang('Users group', 'mod_discount'),
                      'category'   => lang('Category', 'mod_discount'),
                      'product'    => lang('Product', 'mod_discount'),
                      'brand'      => lang('Brand', 'mod_discount'),
        if ($type == null) {
            return $discounts;
        if (isset($discounts[$type])) {
            return $discounts[$type];
        return false;

     * get all active discount joined whith his type
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getAllDiscount() {

        return $this->joinDiscountSettings($this->ci->discount_model_front->getDiscount());

     * joined discount whith his type
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $discount
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function joinDiscountSettings($discount) {

        foreach ($discount as $key => $disc) {
            $discount[$key] = array_merge($discount[$key], $this->ci->discount_model_front->joinDiscount($disc['id'], $disc['type_discount']));

        return $discount;

     * partitioning discounts on their types
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $discount
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function collectType($discount) {

        $arr = [];
        foreach ($discount as $disc) {
            $arr[$disc['type_discount']][] = $disc;

        return $this->emptyToArray($arr);

     * set empty array for null element discount
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $discount
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
     * @return array
    private function emptyToArray($discount) {
        $toEmpty = [

        foreach ($toEmpty as $key) {
            if (!isset($discount[$key])) {
                $discount[$key] = [];

        return $discount;

     * get max discount considering type value and price
     * @access public
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $discount
     * @param float $price
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    public function getMaxDiscount($discount, $price) {
        $discount = array_filter(
            function ($el) {
                    return !empty($el);
        $maxDiscount = 0;
        $keyMax = 0;
        foreach ($discount as $key => $disc) {
            $discountValue = $this->getDiscountValue($disc, $price);
            if ($maxDiscount <= $discountValue) {
                $maxDiscount = $discountValue;
                $keyMax = $key;
        return $discount[$keyMax];

     * get value discount considering type value and price
     * @access public
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param array $discount
     * @param float $price
     * @return float
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    public function getDiscountValue($discount, $price) {

        return ($discount['type_value'] == 1) ? $price * $discount['value'] / 100 : $discount['value'];

     * update discount apply
     * @access public
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @param string $key
     * @param string $gift optional
     * @return int|null
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    public function updateDiskApply($key, $gift = null) {

        return $this->ci->discount_model_front->updateApply($key, $gift);

    public function getAppliesLeft($key) {
        $result = CI::$APP->db
            ->select(['max_apply', 'count_apply'])
            ->where(['key' => $key])

        if ($result['max_apply'] == null) {
            return null;

        if ($result) {
            return (int) $result['max_apply'] - (int) $result['count_apply'];

     * get max discount for current user
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getUserDiscount() {

        $discountUser = [];
        foreach ($this->discountType['user'] as $userDisc) {
            if ($userDisc['user_id'] == $this->user_Id) {
                $discountUser[] = $userDisc;

        return (count($discountUser) > 0) ? $this->getMaxDiscount($discountUser, $this->total_Price) : false;

     * get max discount for current user_group
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getUserGroupDiscount() {

        $discountUserGr = [];
        foreach ($this->discountType['group_user'] as $userGrDisc) {
            if ($userGrDisc['group_id'] == $this->userGroupId) {
                $discountUserGr[] = $userGrDisc;

        return (count($discountUserGr) > 0) ? $this->getMaxDiscount($discountUserGr, $this->total_Price) : false;

     * get max comulativ discount for current user with current amout
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getComulativDiscount() {

        $discountComulativ = [];
        foreach ($this->discountType['comulativ'] as $disc) {
            if (($disc['begin_value'] <= (float) $this->amoutUser and $disc['end_value'] > (float) $this->amoutUser) or ( $disc['begin_value'] <= (float) $this->amoutUser and ! $disc['end_value'])) {
                $discountComulativ[] = $disc;

        return (count($discountComulativ) > 0) ? $this->getMaxDiscount($discountComulativ, $this->total_Price) : false;

     * get discount for product in cart with his discount
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return float
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getDiscountProducts() {
        $discountValue = 0;
        foreach ($this->cartData as $item) {
            $priceOrigin = number_format($item->originPrice, ShopCore::app()->SSettings->getPricePrecision(), '.', ''); // new Cart
            if (abs($priceOrigin - $item->price) >= 1) {
                $discountValue += ($priceOrigin - $item->price) * $item->quantity;
        return $discountValue;

     * get max discount for all order for register and not register user
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getAllOrderDiscountRegister() {

        $allOrderArrReg = [];
        foreach ($this->discountType['all_order'] as $disc) {
            if (!$disc['is_gift']) {
                if ($disc['begin_value'] <= (int) $this->total_Price) {
                    $allOrderArrReg[] = $disc;

        return (count($allOrderArrReg) > 0) ? $this->getMaxDiscount($allOrderArrReg, $this->total_Price) : false;

     * get max discount for all order for not register user
     * @access private
     * @author DevImageCms
     * @return array
     * @copyright (c) 2013, ImageCMS
    private function getAllOrderDiscountNotRegister() {
        $allOrderArrNotReg = [];
        foreach ($this->discountType['all_order'] as $disc) {
            if (!$disc['is_gift']) {
                if ($disc['begin_value'] <= $this->total_Price and ! $disc['for_autorized']) {
                    $allOrderArrNotReg[] = $disc;

        return (count($allOrderArrNotReg) > 0) ? $this->getMaxDiscount($allOrderArrNotReg, $this->total_Price) : false;
