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-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.

-- Connection group types

CREATE TYPE guacamole_connection_group_type AS ENUM(

-- Entity types

CREATE TYPE guacamole_entity_type AS ENUM(

-- Object permission types

CREATE TYPE guacamole_object_permission_type AS ENUM(

-- System permission types

CREATE TYPE guacamole_system_permission_type AS ENUM(

-- Guacamole proxy (guacd) encryption methods

CREATE TYPE guacamole_proxy_encryption_method AS ENUM(

-- Table of connection groups. Each connection group has a name.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_group (

connection_group_id   serial       NOT NULL,
parent_id             integer,
connection_group_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
type                  guacamole_connection_group_type
                        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ORGANIZATIONAL',

-- Concurrency limits
max_connections          integer,
max_connections_per_user integer,
enable_session_affinity  boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,

PRIMARY KEY (connection_group_id),

CONSTRAINT connection_group_name_parent
    UNIQUE (connection_group_name, parent_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_group_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection_group (connection_group_id)


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_group_parent_id
    ON guacamole_connection_group(parent_id);

-- Table of connections. Each connection has a name, protocol, and
-- associated set of parameters.
-- A connection may belong to a connection group.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection (

connection_id       serial       NOT NULL,
connection_name     varchar(128) NOT NULL,
parent_id           integer,
protocol            varchar(32)  NOT NULL,

-- Concurrency limits
max_connections          integer,
max_connections_per_user integer,

-- Connection Weight
connection_weight        integer,
failover_only            boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,

-- Guacamole proxy (guacd) overrides
proxy_port              integer,
proxy_hostname          varchar(512),
proxy_encryption_method guacamole_proxy_encryption_method,

PRIMARY KEY (connection_id),

CONSTRAINT connection_name_parent
    UNIQUE (connection_name, parent_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection_group (connection_group_id)


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_parent_id
    ON guacamole_connection(parent_id);

-- Table of base entities which may each be either a user or user group. Other
-- tables which represent qualities shared by both users and groups will point
-- to guacamole_entity, while tables which represent qualities specific to
-- users or groups will point to guacamole_user or guacamole_user_group.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_entity (

entity_id     serial                  NOT NULL,
name          varchar(128)            NOT NULL,
type          guacamole_entity_type   NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_entity_name_scope
    UNIQUE (type, name)


-- Table of users. Each user has a unique username and a hashed password
-- with corresponding salt. Although the authentication system will always set
-- salted passwords, other systems may set unsalted passwords by simply not
-- providing the salt.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user (

user_id       serial       NOT NULL,
entity_id     integer      NOT NULL,

-- Optionally-salted password
password_hash bytea        NOT NULL,
password_salt bytea,
password_date timestamptz  NOT NULL,

-- Account disabled/expired status
disabled      boolean      NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
expired       boolean      NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,

-- Time-based access restriction
access_window_start    time,
access_window_end      time,

-- Date-based access restriction
valid_from  date,
valid_until date,

-- Timezone used for all date/time comparisons and interpretation
timezone varchar(64),

-- Profile information
full_name           varchar(256),
email_address       varchar(256),
organization        varchar(256),
organizational_role varchar(256),

PRIMARY KEY (user_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_single_entity
    UNIQUE (entity_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id)


-- Table of user groups. Each user group may have an arbitrary set of member
-- users and member groups, with those members inheriting the permissions
-- granted to that group.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_group (

user_group_id serial      NOT NULL,
entity_id     integer     NOT NULL,

-- Group disabled status
disabled      boolean     NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,

PRIMARY KEY (user_group_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_single_entity
    UNIQUE (entity_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id)


-- Table of users which are members of given user groups.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_group_member (

user_group_id    integer       NOT NULL,
member_entity_id integer       NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (user_group_id, member_entity_id),

-- Parent must be a user group
CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_member_parent
    FOREIGN KEY (user_group_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user_group (user_group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

-- Member may be either a user or a user group (any entity)
CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_member_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (member_entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


-- Table of sharing profiles. Each sharing profile has a name, associated set
-- of parameters, and a primary connection. The primary connection is the
-- connection that the sharing profile shares, and the parameters dictate the
-- restrictions/features which apply to the user joining the connection via the
-- sharing profile.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_sharing_profile (

sharing_profile_id    serial       NOT NULL,
sharing_profile_name  varchar(128) NOT NULL,
primary_connection_id integer      NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (sharing_profile_id),

CONSTRAINT sharing_profile_name_primary
    UNIQUE (sharing_profile_name, primary_connection_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_sharing_profile_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (primary_connection_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection (connection_id)


CREATE INDEX guacamole_sharing_profile_primary_connection_id
    ON guacamole_sharing_profile(primary_connection_id);

-- Table of connection parameters. Each parameter is simply a name/value pair
-- associated with a connection.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_parameter (

connection_id   integer       NOT NULL,
parameter_name  varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
parameter_value varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (connection_id,parameter_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_parameter_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection (connection_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_parameter_connection_id
    ON guacamole_connection_parameter(connection_id);

-- Table of sharing profile parameters. Each parameter is simply
-- name/value pair associated with a sharing profile. These parameters dictate
-- the restrictions/features which apply to the user joining the associated
-- connection via the sharing profile.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_sharing_profile_parameter (

sharing_profile_id integer       NOT NULL,
parameter_name     varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
parameter_value    varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (sharing_profile_id, parameter_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_sharing_profile_parameter_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (sharing_profile_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_sharing_profile (sharing_profile_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_sharing_profile_parameter_sharing_profile_id
    ON guacamole_sharing_profile_parameter(sharing_profile_id);

-- Table of arbitrary user attributes. Each attribute is simply a name/value
-- pair associated with a user. Arbitrary attributes are defined by other
-- extensions. Attributes defined by this extension will be mapped to
-- properly-typed columns of a specific table.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_attribute (

user_id         integer       NOT NULL,
attribute_name  varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
attribute_value varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (user_id, attribute_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_attribute_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_attribute_user_id
    ON guacamole_user_attribute(user_id);

-- Table of arbitrary user group attributes. Each attribute is simply a
-- name/value pair associated with a user group. Arbitrary attributes are
-- defined by other extensions. Attributes defined by this extension will be
-- mapped to properly-typed columns of a specific table.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_group_attribute (

user_group_id   integer       NOT NULL,
attribute_name  varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
attribute_value varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (user_group_id, attribute_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_attribute_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (user_group_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user_group (user_group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_group_attribute_user_group_id
    ON guacamole_user_group_attribute(user_group_id);

-- Table of arbitrary connection attributes. Each attribute is simply a
-- name/value pair associated with a connection. Arbitrary attributes are
-- defined by other extensions. Attributes defined by this extension will be
-- mapped to properly-typed columns of a specific table.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_attribute (

connection_id   integer       NOT NULL,
attribute_name  varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
attribute_value varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (connection_id, attribute_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_attribute_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection (connection_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_attribute_connection_id
    ON guacamole_connection_attribute(connection_id);

-- Table of arbitrary connection group attributes. Each attribute is simply a
-- name/value pair associated with a connection group. Arbitrary attributes are
-- defined by other extensions. Attributes defined by this extension will be
-- mapped to properly-typed columns of a specific table.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_group_attribute (

connection_group_id integer       NOT NULL,
attribute_name      varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
attribute_value     varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (connection_group_id, attribute_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_group_attribute_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_group_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection_group (connection_group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_group_attribute_connection_group_id
    ON guacamole_connection_group_attribute(connection_group_id);

-- Table of arbitrary sharing profile attributes. Each attribute is simply a
-- name/value pair associated with a sharing profile. Arbitrary attributes are
-- defined by other extensions. Attributes defined by this extension will be
-- mapped to properly-typed columns of a specific table.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_sharing_profile_attribute (

sharing_profile_id integer       NOT NULL,
attribute_name     varchar(128)  NOT NULL,
attribute_value    varchar(4096) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (sharing_profile_id, attribute_name),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_sharing_profile_attribute_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (sharing_profile_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_sharing_profile (sharing_profile_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_sharing_profile_attribute_sharing_profile_id
    ON guacamole_sharing_profile_attribute(sharing_profile_id);

-- Table of connection permissions. Each connection permission grants a user or
-- user group specific access to a connection.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_permission (

entity_id     integer NOT NULL,
connection_id integer NOT NULL,
permission    guacamole_object_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, connection_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_permission_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection (connection_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_permission_connection_id
    ON guacamole_connection_permission(connection_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_connection_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of connection group permissions. Each group permission grants a user
-- or user group specific access to a connection group.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_group_permission (

entity_id           integer NOT NULL,
connection_group_id integer NOT NULL,
permission          guacamole_object_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, connection_group_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_group_permission_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_group_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection_group (connection_group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_group_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_group_permission_connection_group_id
    ON guacamole_connection_group_permission(connection_group_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_group_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_connection_group_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of sharing profile permissions. Each sharing profile permission grants
-- a user or user group specific access to a sharing profile.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_sharing_profile_permission (

entity_id          integer NOT NULL,
sharing_profile_id integer NOT NULL,
permission         guacamole_object_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, sharing_profile_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_sharing_profile_permission_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (sharing_profile_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_sharing_profile (sharing_profile_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_sharing_profile_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_sharing_profile_permission_sharing_profile_id
    ON guacamole_sharing_profile_permission(sharing_profile_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_sharing_profile_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_sharing_profile_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of system permissions. Each system permission grants a user or user
-- group a system-level privilege of some kind.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_system_permission (

entity_id  integer NOT NULL,
permission guacamole_system_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_system_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_system_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_system_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of user permissions. Each user permission grants a user or user group
-- access to another user (the "affected" user) for a specific type of
-- operation.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_permission (

entity_id        integer NOT NULL,
affected_user_id integer NOT NULL,
permission       guacamole_object_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, affected_user_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_permission_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (affected_user_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_permission_affected_user_id
    ON guacamole_user_permission(affected_user_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_user_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of user group permissions. Each user group permission grants a user
-- or user group access to a another user group (the "affected" user group) for
-- a specific type of operation.

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_group_permission (

entity_id              integer NOT NULL,
affected_user_group_id integer NOT NULL,
permission             guacamole_object_permission_type NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, affected_user_group_id, permission),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_permission_affected_user_group
    FOREIGN KEY (affected_user_group_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user_group (user_group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_group_permission_entity
    FOREIGN KEY (entity_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_entity (entity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_group_permission_affected_user_group_id
    ON guacamole_user_group_permission(affected_user_group_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_group_permission_entity_id
    ON guacamole_user_group_permission(entity_id);

-- Table of connection history records. Each record defines a specific user's
-- session, including the connection used, the start time, and the end time
-- (if any).

CREATE TABLE guacamole_connection_history (

history_id           serial       NOT NULL,
user_id              integer      DEFAULT NULL,
username             varchar(128) NOT NULL,
remote_host          varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
connection_id        integer      DEFAULT NULL,
connection_name      varchar(128) NOT NULL,
sharing_profile_id   integer      DEFAULT NULL,
sharing_profile_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
start_date           timestamptz  NOT NULL,
end_date             timestamptz  DEFAULT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (history_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_history_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_history_ibfk_2
    FOREIGN KEY (connection_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_connection (connection_id) ON DELETE SET NULL,

CONSTRAINT guacamole_connection_history_ibfk_3
    FOREIGN KEY (sharing_profile_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_sharing_profile (sharing_profile_id) ON DELETE SET NULL


CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_user_id
    ON guacamole_connection_history(user_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_connection_id
    ON guacamole_connection_history(connection_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_sharing_profile_id
    ON guacamole_connection_history(sharing_profile_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_start_date
    ON guacamole_connection_history(start_date);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_end_date
    ON guacamole_connection_history(end_date);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_connection_history_connection_id_start_date
    ON guacamole_connection_history(connection_id, start_date);

-- User login/logout history

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_history (

history_id           serial       NOT NULL,
user_id              integer      DEFAULT NULL,
username             varchar(128) NOT NULL,
remote_host          varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
start_date           timestamptz  NOT NULL,
end_date             timestamptz  DEFAULT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (history_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_history_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_history_user_id
    ON guacamole_user_history(user_id);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_history_start_date
    ON guacamole_user_history(start_date);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_history_end_date
    ON guacamole_user_history(end_date);

CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_history_user_id_start_date
    ON guacamole_user_history(user_id, start_date);

-- User password history

CREATE TABLE guacamole_user_password_history (

password_history_id serial  NOT NULL,
user_id             integer NOT NULL,

-- Salted password
password_hash bytea        NOT NULL,
password_salt bytea,
password_date timestamptz  NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (password_history_id),

CONSTRAINT guacamole_user_password_history_ibfk_1
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
    REFERENCES guacamole_user (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


CREATE INDEX guacamole_user_password_history_user_id
    ON guacamole_user_password_history(user_id);