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class Childrenship < ApplicationRecord
  include HasContentLinking

  belongs_to :user, optional: true

  belongs_to :character
  belongs_to :child, class_name: 'Character', optional: true

  # These values are used for detecting whether a related character is a male or female
  #todo: proper gender extraction
  MALE_VALUES   = ['male', 'male.', 'm', 'man', 'guy', 'dude', 'patern', 'father']
  FEMALE_VALUES = ['female', 'female.', 'f', 'woman', 'lady', 'gal', 'dudette', 'matern', 'matriarch', 'mother']

  # after_create do
  #   this_object  = Character.find_by(id: self.character_id)
  #   other_object = Character.find_by(id: self.child_id)

  #   if other_object.present?
  #     # If this character is marked having a child, we need to figure out whether it's the father or mother
  #     # of that child and create the proper association
  #     gender = gender_of_object this_object
  #     if gender == :male
  #       other_object.fatherships.create(character: other_object, father: this_object) unless other_object.fathers.include?(this_object)

  #     elsif gender == :female
  #       other_object.motherships.create(character: other_object, mother: this_object) unless other_object.mothers.include?(this_object)

  #     end
  #   end
  # end

  # after_destroy do
  #   # This is a two-way relation, so we should also delete the reverse association
  #   this_object  = Character.find_by(id: self.character_id)
  #   other_object = Character.find_by(id: self.child_id)

  #   # If there's no linked object to modify, what are we even doing here?
  #   if other_object.present?
  #     gender = gender_of_object(this_object)
  #     if gender == :male
  #       other_object.fathers.delete(this_object)

  #     elsif gender == :female
  #       other_object.mothers.delete(this_object)

  #     elsif gender.nil?
  #       if other_object.fathers.include?(this_object)
  #         other_object.fathers.delete(this_object)

  #       elsif other_object.mothers.include?(this_object)
  #         other_object.mothers.delete(this_object)
  #       end
  #     end
  #   end
  # end

  # todo: move this somewhere more reusable
  def gender_of_object object
    return nil     if object.nil?
    return nil     if object.gender.nil?
    return :male   if MALE_VALUES.include? object.gender.downcase
    return :female if FEMALE_VALUES.include? object.gender.downcase