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Test Coverage
<% if analysis.forcast_grade_level %>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col s12 m12 l12">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card-content">
          <div class="card-title">
            <span class="right"><%= analysis.forcast_grade_level.try(:round) %> / 16</span>
            <i class="left material-icons orange-text">bubble_chart</i>
            FORCAST Readability Formula
          <div class="progress">
            <div class="determinate" style="width: <%= 100 * analysis.forcast_grade_level.try(:round) / 16 %>%"></div>
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col s12 m12 l7">
                According to this scale, your document is
                <% if analysis.forcast_grade_level.round > 12 %>
                    Understandable by a <%= (analysis.forcast_grade_level.round - 12).ordinalize %>-year college student.
                <% else %>
                    Understandable by a <%= analysis.forcast_grade_level.round.ordinalize %>-grade reader.
                <% end %>
              <br />
                The FORCAST Readability Formula was first published by UNESCO’s International Institute for Adult Literacy in 1973 in
                the <em>Literacy Discussion</em> journal. It focuses on functional literacy and how likely it is the average reader will
                completely understand a passage.
              <br />
                This formula is recommended for short-form nonfiction applications such as multiple-choice quizzes, tests, entrance forms,
                and technical regulations, as well as when documents include many tables or lists.
              <br />
                A <strong>higher score</strong> on this scale indicates a document is <strong class="red-text">harder to understand</strong>.
            <div class="col s12 m12 l4 offset-l1">
              <p class="red-text text-darken-3">
                To <strong>raise</strong> your score on this scale:
                  <i class="material-icons left red-text">arrow_drop_up</i>
                  Use more polysyllabic words.
              <br />
              <p class="green-text text-darken-4">
                To <strong>lower</strong> your score on this scale:
                  <i class="material-icons left green-text">arrow_drop_down</i>
                  Use more monosyllabic words.
              <br />
<% end %>