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<div class="card-panel orange black-text lighten-3">
  <div style="font-size: 1.4rem">
    <strong>Welcome to's new image generator</strong>

    This tool exists to generate images for your pages. Images can
    vary wildly in quality and are meant to serve as inspiration or reference
    material for your ideas.
    To generate an image of this <%= @content.try(:page_type).try(:downcase) || 'page' %>,
    simply click a style below. Once the image has generated, you can move it
    to your <%= link_to @content.try(:name), @content.view_path %> page by clicking "Save" on any image.
  <% if Date.current <= 'April 20, 2023'.to_date %>
      <i class="material-icons left medium purple-text">celebration</i>
      Image generation is a Premium feature, but is free for everyone to use until
      April 14<sup>th</sup>. Images created during this time are yours to keep forever!
  <% end %>

    <%= link_to 'Dismiss this message', notice_dismissal_dismiss_path(notice_id: 19), class: 'right blue-text text-darken-3' %>