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# Currency Formatter
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## Minimum Requirements ##

- PHP 5.5+


Install using composer:

composer require indibeast/currency-formatter
## Example
 $price = new Currency\Price(3000,'LKR');
 $price->pretty();// Rs 3,000.00
 You can pass the options as an array to the third parameter.
  $price = new Currency\Price(3000,'LKR',['show_decimal' => false,'seperator' => ',']);
  $price->pretty();// Rs 3,000
 Currency conversion
  $currency = new Price(1,'USD');
  $currency->setConverter(new OpenExchangeConverter('app_id'));// Pass true as second parameter if you are having an enterprise APP_ID.
  $currency->convert('LKR') // This will convert U.S Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees
 If you wish to implement your own currency exchange provider implement \Currency\Converter\ConverterInterface
  class FixedConverter implements ConverterInterface{

      * @return float
     public function getConversionRate($code,$to)
         return 1;
## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.