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Test Coverage
# Development Guide

- Fork or clone the project


- Create a meaningful branch

    $ git checkout -b <your-meaningful-branch>


    $ git checkout -b optimize-stream-url

- Create some changes and their tests (unit test and any test if any).

- If you want to generate files based on protocol buffer definition, run

    $ make gengrpc

- If you want to generate mock based on some interfaces, run

    $ make mockgen

- Make sure you format/beautify the code by running

    $ make pretty

- As a reminder, always run the command above before add and commit changes.
    That command will be run in CI Pipeline to verify the format.

- Add, commit, and push the changes to repository

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -s -m "your meaningful commit message"
    $ git push origin <your-meaningful-branch>

    For writing commit message, please use [conventionalcommits]( as a reference.

- Create a Pull Request (PR). In your PR's description, please explain the goal of the PR and its changes.

- Ask the other contributors to review.

- Once your PR is approved and its pipeline status is green, ask the owner to merge your PR.