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package database

import (



const (
    errDuplicateMessage = "pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint"

// PgxPoolIface defines a little interface for pgxpool functionality.
// Since in the real implementation we can use pgxpool.Pool,
// this interface exists mostly for testing purpose.
type PgxPoolIface interface {
    Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
    Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (pgx.Rows, error)
    QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) pgx.Row
    Ping(ctx context.Context) error

// URLPostgres is responsible to connect URL with PostgreSQL.
type URLPostgres struct {
    pool PgxPoolIface

// NewURLPostgres creates an instance of URLPostgres.
func NewURLPostgres(pool PgxPoolIface) *URLPostgres {
    return &URLPostgres{pool: pool}

// Insert inserts a URL into PostgreSQL by running SQL INSERT query.
// It validates if the URL already exists.
func (ur *URLPostgres) Insert(ctx context.Context, url *entity.URL) error {
    if url == nil {
        return entity.ErrEmptyURL()

    query := "INSERT INTO " +
        "urls (code, short_url, original_url, expired_at, created_at) " +
        "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)"
    _, err := ur.pool.Exec(ctx, query,
    if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), errDuplicateMessage) {
        return entity.ErrAlreadyExists()
    if err != nil {
        return entity.ErrInternal(err.Error())
    return nil

// GetAll gets all URLs from PostgreSQL.
// If there isn't any data, it returns empty list and nil error.
func (ur *URLPostgres) GetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]*entity.URL, error) {
    query := "SELECT code, short_url, original_url, expired_at, created_at FROM urls"
    rows, qerr := ur.pool.Query(ctx, query)
    if qerr != nil {
        return []*entity.URL{}, entity.ErrInternal(qerr.Error())
    defer rows.Close()

    res := []*entity.URL{}
    for rows.Next() {
        var tmp entity.URL
        if serr := rows.Scan(&tmp.Code, &tmp.ShortURL, &tmp.OriginalURL, &tmp.ExpiredAt, &tmp.CreatedAt); serr != nil {
            log.Printf("[URLPostgres-GetAll] scan rows error: %s", serr.Error())
        res = append(res, &tmp)
    if rows.Err() != nil {
        return []*entity.URL{}, entity.ErrInternal(rows.Err().Error())
    return res, nil

// GetByCode gets a single URL by its code.
// It returns entity.ErrNotFound() if the URL can't be found.
func (ur *URLPostgres) GetByCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (*entity.URL, error) {
    query := "SELECT code, short_url, original_url, expired_at, created_at FROM urls WHERE code = $1 LIMIT 1"
    row := ur.pool.QueryRow(ctx, query, code)

    res := entity.URL{}
    err := row.Scan(&res.Code, &res.ShortURL, &res.OriginalURL, &res.ExpiredAt, &res.CreatedAt)
    if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, entity.ErrNotFound()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, entity.ErrInternal(err.Error())
    return &res, nil

// IsAlive must returns true if Postgres can connect without any problem.
// It basically calls Ping() method.
func (ur *URLPostgres) IsAlive(ctx context.Context) bool {
    return ur.pool.Ping(ctx) == nil