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package repository

import (


// InsertURLDatabase defines the interface to insert a new URL to the database.
type InsertURLDatabase interface {
    // Insert inserts a new URL into the database.
    // It must handle if the data already exists.
    Insert(ctx context.Context, url *entity.URL) error

// InsertURLCache defines the interface to insert a new URL to the cache.
type InsertURLCache interface {
    // Save saves a new URL into the cache.
    Save(ctx context.Context, url *entity.URL) error

// URLInserter is responsible to insert a new URL into storage.
// It uses database and cache.
type URLInserter struct {
    database InsertURLDatabase
    cache    InsertURLCache

// NewURLInserter creates an instance of URLInserter.
func NewURLInserter(database InsertURLDatabase, cache InsertURLCache) *URLInserter {
    return &URLInserter{
        database: database,
        cache:    cache,

// Save saves a new URL into the storage.
// First, it inserts to database. If success, the data will be inserted to cache.
// It ignores the error from cache since it can always be generated when retrieving the data.
// But, it doesn't ignore the error from the database.
func (ui *URLInserter) Save(ctx context.Context, url *entity.URL) error {
    if url == nil {
        return entity.ErrEmptyURL()

    if err := ui.database.Insert(ctx, url); err != nil {
        return err
    _ = ui.cache.Save(ctx, url)
    return nil