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<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Messenger" src=""></a>

This repository is for the Flask version of the Boyd Bot - a chatbot helping university students with their timetable. <br />

## 🔧 Setup

### Cloning

The first step is to clone the repository in your preferred directory using

$ git clone
$ cd boyd_bot_messenger

This requires [Git]( installed; you can also download a [ZIP]( instead.

### Packages

All requirements have been listed in `requirements.txt`, they can be installed in your preferred environment using

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

### Environment Variables

Access tokens, keys, etc. have been hidden from the repository for obvious reasons. These are used as environment variables.

import os

xyz = os.environ.get("XYZ_KEY")

You **must** replace these with your own. You can either just replace `os.environ.get()` with the value (**this is discouraged**), or use

$ set XYZ_KEY="random_key_value"

## 🏛️ Want to use this for your university? [Fork it!](

It's lovely to know that you're considering to use this for your university. This project aims to act a base for many other chatbots. You can also [use this repository as a template]( A good idea is to start development with the [terminal / CLI version]( The following are considerations / instructions that you should know about if you aren't aware:

### Services

This version uses some external services that should be easily replaceable.

* [Facebook Messenger]( The idea for this project is to present the timetable without having to install another application. A large number of university students use Facebook and its messaging service - Messenger. Users are identified using their unique IDs generated by Facebook specific to the app.
* [Dialogflow]( also known as API AI. This enables webhook, integration with Facebook Messenger (and also other messaging services if needed), intents and small talk.
* [mongoDB]( This is to store user details to acquire their timetable while being fast and convenient.

### Instructions

The code is documented using _docstrings_ and on [Read the Docs](; make sure you go through it. Since this repository acts like a template, there is not much to change. Much of it is mentioned, for example

tmzn = pytz.timezone("Europe/London")   # Timezone
cal_url = "link/to/timetable.ics"       # University ICS link

Templates should also be tailored to your need. Go through the files in [templates]( and [static](

### Deployment

Be sure to do your research on where and how to deploy your code! Make sure that access tokens, keys, etc. are changed, and, along with the code & database, are **secure**.

## 🙌 Contributions & Thanks

Contributions are more than welcome in any form, they are all allowed under the [MIT License](! 😄

There may be some planned updates or issues for this project. They're listed in the [issues section]( with a helpful description (hopefully). Feel free to help out in order to solve these.