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utilities/intent-data/Default Fallback Intent.json


Test Coverage
  "id": "308f3f7b-443b-4c04-8ba5-d8ff0cfbb600",
  "name": "Default Fallback Intent",
  "auto": true,
  "condition": "",
  "conditionalFollowupEvents": [],
  "conditionalResponses": [],
  "context": [],
  "contexts": [],
  "endInteraction": false,
  "events": [],
  "fallbackIntent": true,
  "liveAgentHandoff": false,
  "parentId": null,
  "followUpIntents": [],
  "priority": 500000,
  "responses": [
      "action": "input.unknown",
      "affectedContexts": [],
      "parameters": [],
      "defaultResponsePlatforms": {},
      "messages": [
          "type": "message",
          "condition": "",
          "speech": [
            "I'm sorry, I don't understand.",
            "I'm not sure how to respond to that.",
            "I'm not able to reply to that.",
            "I'm not sure I follow.",
            "I'm afraid I don't understand.",
            "I'm sorry; I'm having trouble understanding that.",
            "I'm sorry; I'm unable to grasp that.",
            "I don't think I'm qualified to answer that yet.",
            "I'm a bit confused by that last part.",
            "I'm slightly confused."
      "resetContexts": false
  "rootParentId": null,
  "templates": [],
  "userSays": [],
  "webhookForSlotFilling": false,
  "webhookUsed": true