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import {
  action, computed, extendObservable,
  IComputedValue, IObservableArray,
  observable, runInAction,
} from 'mobx';

import patchType from './enums/patchType';
import ICollection from './interfaces/ICollection';
import IDictionary from './interfaces/IDictionary';
import IModel from './interfaces/IModel';
import IModelConstructor from './interfaces/IModelConstructor';
import IOpts from './interfaces/IOpts';
import IPatch from './interfaces/IPatch';
import IType from './interfaces/IType';
import {Model} from './Model';

import {DEFAULT_TYPE, TYPE_PROP} from './consts';
import {assign, first, getProp, getType, matchModel} from './utils';

 * MobX Collection class
 * @export
 * @class Collection
 * @implements {ICollection}
export class Collection implements ICollection {

   * List of custom model types
   * @static
   * @type {Array<IModelConstructor>}
   * @memberOf Collection
  public static types: Array<IModelConstructor> = [];

   * Internal data storage
   * @private
   * @type {IObservableArray<IModel>}
   * @memberOf Collection
  private __data: IObservableArray<IModel> = observable([]);

  private __modelHash: IDictionary = {};

   * A list of all registered patch listeners
   * @private
   * @memberof Model
  private __patchListeners: Array<(change: IPatch, model: IModel) => void> = [];

   * Creates an instance of Collection.
   * @param {Array<object>} [data=[]]
   * @memberOf Collection
  constructor(data: Array<object> = []) {

    const computedProps: IDictionary = {};
    for (const model of this.static.types) {
      computedProps[model.type] = this.__getByType(model.type);

    extendObservable(this, computedProps);

   * Insert serialized models into the store
   * @param {(Array<object>|object)} data models to insert
   * @memberof Collection
  @action public insert(data: Array<object>|object): Array<IModel> {
    const items = [].concat(data)
      .map((item) => {
        const type: IType = item[TYPE_PROP];
        if (!type) {
          throw new Error('The input is not valid. Make sure you used model.toJS or model.snapshot to serialize it');
        return item;
      .map((item) => {
        const modelType: IType = item[TYPE_PROP];
        const type = this.__getModel(modelType);

        const existing = this.__modelHash[modelType] &&
          this.__modelHash[modelType][getProp<string|number>(item, type.idAttribute)];

        /* istanbul ignore if */
        if (existing) {
          // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal
          existing['__silent'] = true;


          // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal
          existing['__silent'] = false;
          return existing;
        } else {
          const instance = this.__initItem(item);
          const id = getProp<string|number>(item, instance.static.idAttribute);
          this.__modelHash[modelType] = this.__modelHash[modelType] || {};
          this.__modelHash[modelType][id] = instance;
          return instance;

    return items;

   * Static model class
   * @readonly
   * @type {typeof Collection}
   * @memberOf Collection
  public get static(): typeof Collection {
    return this.constructor as typeof Collection;

   * Number of unique models in the collection
   * @readonly
   * @type {number}
   * @memberOf Collection
  @computed public get length(): number {
    return this.__data.length;

   * Add a model or list of models to the collection
   * @template T
   * @argument {object|IModel|Array<object>|Array<IModel>} model - The model or array of models to be imported
   * @argument {IOpts} [type] - The model type to be imported (not relevant if the model is an instance of Model)
   * @returns {IModel|Array<IModel>|T|Array<T>} Model instance(s)
   * @memberOf Collection
  public add<T extends IModel>(model: Array<IModel>): Array<T>;
  public add<T extends IModel>(model: IModel): T;
  public add<T extends IModel>(model: Array<object>, type?: IOpts): Array<T>;
  public add<T extends IModel>(model: object, type?: IOpts): T;
  @action public add(model: any, type?: IOpts) {
    if (model instanceof Array) {
      return IModel|object) => this.add(item, type));

    const instance: IModel = this.__getModelInstance(model, type);
    const modelType = getType(instance);

    const id = getProp<string|number>(instance, instance.static.idAttribute);
    const existing = this.find(modelType, id);
    if (existing) {
      return existing;

    this.__modelHash[modelType] = this.__modelHash[modelType] || {};
    this.__modelHash[modelType][id] = instance;

    this.__triggerChange(patchType.ADD, instance, instance);
    return instance;

   * Find a specific model
   * @template T
   * @argument {IType} type - Type of the model that will be searched for
   * @argument {string|number} [id] - ID of the model (if none is defined, the first result will be returned)
   * @returns {T} Found model
   * @memberOf Collection
  public find<T extends IModel>(type: IType, id?: string|number): T {
    return id
      ? ((this.__modelHash[type] && this.__modelHash[type][id]) || null)
      : (this.__data.find((item) => getType(item) === type) as T) || null;

   * Find all models of the specified type
   * @template T
   * @argument {IType} type - Type of the models that will be searched for
   * @returns {Array<T>} Found models
   * @memberOf Collection
  public findAll<T extends IModel>(type: IType): Array<T> {
    return this.__data.filter((item) => getType(item) === type) as Array<T>;

   * Remove a specific model from the collection
   * @template T
   * @argument {IType} type - Type of the model that will be removed
   * @argument {string|number} [id] - ID of the model (if none is defined, the first result will be removed)
   * @returns {T} Removed model
   * @memberOf Collection
  public remove<T extends IModel>(type: IType, id?: string|number): T {
    const model = this.find<T>(type, id);
    return model;

   * Remove all models of the specified type from the collection
   * @template T
   * @argument {IType} type - Type of the models that will be removed
   * @returns {Array<T>} Removed models
   * @memberOf Collection
  @action public removeAll<T extends IModel>(type: IType): Array<T> {
    const models = this.findAll<T>(type);
    return models;

   * Reset the collection - remove all models
   * @memberOf Collection
  @action public reset(): void {
    const models = [...this.__data];

   * Convert the collection (and containing models) into a plain JS Object in order to be serialized
   * @returns {Array<IDictionary>} Plain JS Object Array representing the collection and all its models
   * @memberOf Collection
  public toJS(): Array<IDictionary> {
    return => item.toJS());

   * Exposed snapshot state of the collection
   * @readonly
   * @memberof Collection
  @computed public get snapshot() {
    return => item.snapshot);

   * Add a listener for patches
   * @param {(data: IPatch) => void} listener A new listener
   * @returns {() => void} Function used to remove the listener
   * @memberof Collection
  public patchListen(listener: (data: IPatch, model: IModel) => void): () => void {

    return () => {
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      this.__patchListeners = this.__patchListeners.filter((item) => item !== listener);

   * Apply an existing JSONPatch on the model
   * @param {IPatch} patch The patch object
   * @memberof Collection
  public applyPatch(patch: IPatch): void {
    const [type, id, field] = patch.path.slice(1).split('/');
    const model = this.__modelHash && this.__modelHash[type] && this.__modelHash[type][id];
    if (field) {
      const modelPatch = assign({}, patch, {path: `/${field}`});
    } else if (patch.op === patchType.ADD) {
    } else if (patch.op === patchType.REMOVE && model) {
      this.remove(getType(model), getProp<string|number>(model, model.static.idAttribute));

   * Get a list of the type models
   * @private
   * @argument {IType} type - Type of the model
   * @returns {IComputedValue<Array<IModel>>} Getter function
   * @memberOf Collection
  private __getByType(type: IType): IComputedValue<Array<IModel>> {
    return computed(
      () => this.__data.filter((item) => getType(item) === type),

   * Get the model constructor for a given model type
   * @private
   * @argument {IType} type - The model type we need the constructor for
   * @returns {IModelConstructor} The matching model constructor
   * @memberOf Collection
  private __getModel(type: IType): IModelConstructor {
    return first(this.static.types.filter((item) => item.type === type)) || Model;

   * Initialize a model based on an imported Object
   * @private
   * @argument {Object} item - Imported model POJO
   * @returns {IModel} The new model
   * @memberOf Collection
  private __initItem(item: IDictionary): IModel {
    const type: IType = item[TYPE_PROP];
    const TypeModel: IModelConstructor = this.__getModel(type);
    return new TypeModel(item, this);

   * Prepare the model instance either by finding an existing one or creating a new one
   * @private
   * @param {IModel|Object} model - Model data
   * @param {IOpts} [type] - Model type
   * @returns {IModel} - Model instance
   * @memberOf Collection
  private __getModelInstance(model: IModel|object, type?: IOpts): IModel {
    if (model instanceof Model) {
      model.__collection = this;
      return model;
    } else {
      const typeName: IType = typeof type === 'object' ? type.type : type;
      const TypeModel: IModelConstructor = this.__getModel(typeName);
      return new TypeModel(model, type, this);

   * Remove models from the collection
   * @private
   * @param {Array<IModel>} models - Models to remove
   * @memberOf Collection
  @action private __removeModels(models: Array<IModel>): void {
    models.forEach((model) => {
      if (model) {
        const id = getProp<number|string>(model, model.static.idAttribute);
        this.__modelHash[getType(model)][id] = null;
        model.__collection = null;

        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal
        this.__triggerChange(patchType.REMOVE, model, undefined, model);

   * Function that creates a patch object and calls all listeners
   * @private
   * @param {patchType} type Action type
   * @param {string} field Field where the action was made
   * @param {*} [value] The new value (if it applies)
   * @memberof Model
  private __triggerChange(type: patchType, model: IModel, value?: any, oldValue?: any): void {
    const patchObj: IPatch = {
      op: type,
      path: '',

    this.__onPatchTrigger(patchObj, model);

   * Pass model patches trough to the collection listeners
   * @private
   * @param {IPatch} patch Model patch object
   * @param {IModel} model Updated model
   * @memberof Collection
  @action.bound private __onPatchTrigger(patch: IPatch, model: IModel) {
    const id = getProp<number|string>(model, model.static.idAttribute);
    const collectionPatch: IPatch = assign({}, patch, {
      path: `/${getType(model)}/${id}${patch.path}`,
    }) as IPatch;

    this.__patchListeners.forEach((listener) => typeof listener === 'function' && listener(collectionPatch, model));