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const R            = require('ramda')
const Bluebird     = require('bluebird')

const Connection   = require('./connection.js')
const CouchDBError = require('./error.js')

const wrapper = (fn) => R.curryN(
, (couch, bucket, ...args) => {
    const conn = couch.use(bucket)
    conn[] = Bluebird.promisify(conn[])

    return fn.apply(fn, [conn, bucket].concat(args))

// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> Document
// -> Promise<Array<{ok: Boolean, id: String, rev: String}>>
function bulk(couch, bucket, docs) {
  return couch.bulk({docs: docs})

// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> String -> Promise<CouchDbResponse>
function destroy(couch, bucket, id, rev) {
  return couch.destroy(id, rev)

// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> Promise<CouchDbResponse>
function get(couch, bucket, id) {
  return couch.get(id)

// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> Document -> Promise<CouchDbResponse>
function insert(couch, bucket, doc) {
  return couch.insert(doc)

// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> ListQuery -> Promise<CouchDbResponse>
function list(couch, bucket, params) {
  return couch.list(params)

// This function does not adhere to the wrapper pattern because Nano does not
// encapsulate the CouchDb endpoint /db/_find similarly to other endpoints.
// In order to use this endpoint we need to build a custom request.
// :: CouchDbConnection -> String -> FindQuery -> Promise<CouchDbResponse>
function find(couch, bucket, query) {
  const request = Bluebird.promisify(couch.request)
  const options = {
    selector: {},
    db: bucket,
    method: 'POST',
    doc: '_find',
    body: query

  return request(options)

module.exports = (config) =>
  .then((connection) => ({
    insert          : wrapper(insert)(connection)
  , deleteByIdAndRev: wrapper(destroy)(connection)
  , bulk_upsert     : wrapper(bulk)(connection)
  , get             : wrapper(get)(connection)
  , list            : wrapper(list)(connection)
  , query           : R.curry(find)(connection)