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const R        = require('ramda')
const Bluebird = require('bluebird')
const uuid     = require('uuid')
const Err      = require('../error.js')
const Util     = require('../util')

const STORE = 'memory'
const ZERO  = 0
const ONE   = 1
const TWO   = 2

const throwInvalidBucket = (bucket) => {
  throw new Error(`Invalid Bucket: ${bucket}`)

const missingBucket = R.curryN(TWO, R.compose(R.not, R.flip(R.has)))

const assertBucket = R.curry((store, bucket) =>
    R.when(missingBucket(store), throwInvalidBucket)(bucket)

/*eslint max-statements: ["error", 21]*/
module.exports = function MemoryStore(data_set) {

  const store = R.defaultTo({}, data_set)

  const getBucket = (bucket) => {
    assertBucket(store, bucket)

    return R.prop(bucket, store)

  const getById = R.curry((bucket, id) => {
    assertBucket(store, bucket)

    return Bluebird.resolve(store[bucket][id])

  const insert = R.curry((bucket, data) => { = uuid.v4()

    if (!R.has(bucket, store)) store[bucket] = {}

    store[bucket][] = data

    return Bluebird.resolve(

  const update = R.curry((bucket, id, data) =>

    getById(bucket, id)

    .tap(R.when(R.isNil, () => Err.NotFound.throw(STORE, bucket, id)))

    .then(() => {
      store[bucket][id] = R.merge(store[bucket][id], data)



  const findWhere = R.curry((bucket, predicates) => R.composeP(
    R.unless(R.isNil, R.compose(
      , R.values
    , R.compose(Bluebird.resolve, R.prop(R.__, store))

  const upsert = R.curry((bucket, keys, data) =>

    findWhere(bucket, R.pick(keys, data))

    .then((found) => found ?
      update(bucket,, R.merge(found, data)) :
      insert(bucket, data)


  const bulk_upsert = R.curry((bucket, keys, data_list) =>, (data) =>
      upsert(bucket, keys, data)

  const getAll = R.compose(Bluebird.resolve, R.values, getBucket)

  // _paginate :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
  const _paginate = R.curry((skip, limit) => {
    if (!limit) return R.drop(skip)
    return R.compose(R.take(limit), R.drop(skip))

  // _sortToFn :: Sort -> ComparatorFn
  const _sortToFn = ([key, order]) => R.ifElse(
  , R.always(Util.descend(R.prop(key)))
  , R.always(Util.ascend(R.prop(key)))

  // _sortsToFns :: [Sort] -> [ComparatorFn]
  const _sortsToFns =, R.head, R.toPairs))

  // _sort :: [Sort] -> [a] -> [a]
  const _sort = R.curry((sorts, list) => {
    if (R.either(R.isNil, R.isEmpty)(sorts)) return list
    return Util.sortWhere(_sortsToFns(sorts), list)

  const findWhereEq = R.curry((bucket, request) => {

    const projection = request.projection
    const predicates = R.defaultTo({}, request.predicates)
    const sort       = R.defaultTo({}, request.sort)
    const limit      = R.defaultTo(null, request.limit)
    const skip       = R.defaultTo(ZERO, request.skip)

    return getAll(bucket)
    .then(_paginate(skip, limit))


  // updateWhereEq :: Bucket -> Predicate -> Updates -> Promise Int
  const updateWhereEq = R.curry((bucket, predicate, updates) =>
    .each(row => {
      store[bucket][] = R.merge(store[bucket][], updates)

  /** @TODO Query Routing
   * const query = QueryRouter(config.query_route_file)(store)

  const projectAll = R.curry((bucket, projection) =>

  const findBy = R.curry((bucket, projection, prop, value) =>
      projectAll(bucket, projection).filter(R.propEq(prop, value)))

  const findOneBy = R.curry((bucket, projection, prop, value) =>
    findBy(bucket, projection, prop, value)
      R.when(, Err.TooManyRecords.throw(STORE, bucket, prop, value))
    , R.length

  const findById = R.curry((bucket, projection, id) =>
      getById(bucket, id).then(R.pick(projection))

  // Hard delete record with given identifier from the given bucket.
  const deleteById = R.curry((bucket, id) =>
      getById(bucket, id)
      .tap(R.when(R.isNil, () => Err.NotFound.throw(STORE, bucket, id)))
      .then(() => {
        delete store[bucket][id]
        return true

  return {
  , update
  , updateWhereEq
  , upsert
  , bulk_upsert
  , deleteById
  , getById
  , getAll
  , projectAll
  , findBy
  , findOneBy
  , findById
  , findWhere
  , findWhereEq
