import {
Directive, SimpleChange, Input, Output, OnDestroy, OnChanges,
EventEmitter, ContentChild, AfterContentInit, ViewContainerRef
} from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { IPoint } from '../interfaces/ipoint';
import { ILatLong } from '../interfaces/ilatlong';
import { IMarkerEvent } from '../interfaces/imarker-event';
import { IMarkerIconInfo } from '../interfaces/imarker-icon-info';
import { MarkerService } from '../services/marker.service';
import { InfoBoxComponent } from './infobox';
* internal counter to use as ids for marker.
let markerId = 0;
* MapMarkerDirective renders a map marker inside a {@link MapComponent}.
* ### Example
* ```typescript
* import {Component} from '@angular/core';
* import {MapComponent, MapMarkerDirective} from '...';
* @Component({
* selector: 'my-map-cmp',
* styles: [`
* .map-container {
* height: 300px;
* }
* `],
* template: `
* <x-map [Latitude]="lat" [Longitude]="lng" [Zoom]="zoom">
* <x-map-marker [Latitude]="lat" [Longitude]="lng" [Label]="'M'"></x-map-marker>
* </x-map>
* `
* })
* ```
* @export
selector: 'x-map-marker'
export class MapMarkerDirective implements OnDestroy, OnChanges, AfterContentInit {
/// Field declarations
private _clickTimeout: Subscription = null;
private _events: Subscription[] = [];
private _id: string;
private _inClusterLayer = false;
private _inCustomLayer = false;
* Any InfoBox that is a direct children of the marker
* @protected
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@ContentChild(InfoBoxComponent) protected _infoBox: InfoBoxComponent;
private _layerId: number;
private _markerAddedToManger = false;
* Icon anchor relative to marker root
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Anchor: IPoint;
* This event is fired when the DOM dblclick event is fired on the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() DblClick: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() Drag: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is fired when the user stops dragging the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() DragEnd: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* If true, the marker can be dragged. Default value is false.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Draggable = false;
* This event is fired when the user starts dragging the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() DragStart: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event emitter gets emitted when a marker icon is being created.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() public DynamicMarkerCreated: EventEmitter<IMarkerIconInfo> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerIconInfo>();
* Icon height
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Height: number;
* Information for dynamic, custom created icons.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public IconInfo: IMarkerIconInfo;
* Icon (the URL of the image) for the foreground.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public IconUrl: string;
* True to indiciate whether this is the first marker in a set.
* Use this for bulk operations (particularily clustering) to ensure performance.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public IsFirstInSet = false;
* True to indiciate whether this is the last marker in a set.
* Use this for bulk operations (particularily clustering) to ensure performance.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public IsLastInSet = true;
* The label (a single uppercase character) for the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Label: string;
* The latitude position of the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Latitude: number;
* The longitude position of the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Longitude: number;
* This event emitter gets emitted when the user clicks on the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() public MarkerClick: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* Arbitary metadata to assign to the Marker. This is useful for events
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Metadata: Map<string, any> = new Map<string, any>();
* This event is fired when the DOM mousedown event is fired on the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() MouseDown: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is fired when the DOM mousemove event is fired on the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() MouseMove: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is fired on marker mouseout.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() MouseOut: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is fired on marker mouseover.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() MouseOver: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This event is fired whe the DOM mouseup event is fired on the marker
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() MouseUp: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* This even is fired when the marker is right-clicked on.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Output() RightClick: EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent> = new EventEmitter<IMarkerEvent>();
* The title of the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Title: string;
* Sets the visibility of the marker
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Visible: boolean;
* Icon Width
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
@Input() public Width: number;
/// Delegates
/// Property declarations
* Getswhether the marker has already been added to the marker service and is ready for use.
* @readonly
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public get AddedToManager(): boolean { return this._markerAddedToManger; }
* Gets the id of the marker as a string.
* @readonly
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public get Id(): string { return this._id; }
* Gets whether the marker is in a cluster layer. See {@link ClusterLayer}.
* @readonly
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public get InClusterLayer(): boolean { return this._inClusterLayer; }
* Gets whether the marker is in a custom layer. See {@link MapLayer}.
* @readonly
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public get InCustomLayer(): boolean { return this._inCustomLayer; }
* gets the id of the Layer the marker belongs to.
* @readonly
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public get LayerId(): number { return this._layerId; }
/// Constructor
* Creates an instance of MapMarkerDirective.
* @param _markerService - Concreate implementation of a {@link MarkerService}.
* @param _containerRef - View container hosting the marker.
* Used to determine parent layer through markup.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
constructor(private _markerService: MarkerService, private _containerRef: ViewContainerRef) {
this._id = (markerId++).toString();
/// Public methods
* Translates a marker geo location to a pixel location relative to the map viewport.
* @param [loc] - {@link ILatLong} containing the geo coordinates. If null, the marker's coordinates are used.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains an {@link IPoint} representing the pixel coordinates.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public LocationToPixel(loc?: ILatLong): Promise<IPoint> {
return this._markerService.LocationToPoint(loc ? loc : this);
* Called after Component content initialization. Part of ng Component life cycle.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public ngAfterContentInit() {
if (this._infoBox != null) { this._infoBox.HostMarker = this; }
if (this._containerRef.element.nativeElement.parentElement) {
const parentName: string = this._containerRef.element.nativeElement.parentElement.tagName;
if (parentName.toLowerCase() === 'x-cluster-layer') {
this._inClusterLayer = true;
} else if (parentName.toLowerCase() === 'x-map-layer') {
this._inCustomLayer = true;
this._layerId = Number(this._containerRef.element.nativeElement.parentElement.attributes['layerId']);
if (!this._markerAddedToManger) {
this._markerAddedToManger = true;
* Reacts to changes in data-bound properties of the component and actuates property changes in the underling layer model.
* @param changes - collection of changes.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public ngOnChanges(changes: { [key: string]: SimpleChange }) {
if (typeof this.Latitude !== 'number' || typeof this.Longitude !== 'number') {
if (!this._markerAddedToManger) { return; }
if (changes['Latitude'] || changes['Longitude']) {
if (changes['Title']) {
if (changes['Label']) {
if (changes['Draggable']) {
if (changes['IconUrl'] || changes['IconInfo']) {
if (changes['Anchor']) {
if (changes['Visible']) {
* Called on component destruction. Frees the resources used by the component. Part of the ng Component life cycle.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public ngOnDestroy() {
this._events.forEach((s) => s.unsubscribe());
* Obtains a string representation of the Marker Id.
* @returns - string representation of the marker id.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
public toString(): string { return 'MapMarker-' + this._id.toString(); }
/// Private methods
* Adds various event listeners for the marker.
* @memberof MapMarkerDirective
private AddEventListeners(): void {
const _getEventArg: (e: MouseEvent) => IMarkerEvent = e => {
return {
Marker: this,
Click: e,
Location: this._markerService.GetCoordinatesFromClick(e),
Pixels: this._markerService.GetPixelsFromClick(e)
this._events.push(this._markerService.CreateEventObservable('click', this).subscribe((e: MouseEvent) => {
/// this is necessary since map will treat a doubleclick first as two clicks...'
this._clickTimeout = timer(300).subscribe(n => {
if (this._infoBox != null) {
this._events.push(this._markerService.CreateEventObservable('dblclick', this).subscribe((e: MouseEvent) => {
if (this._clickTimeout) {
this._clickTimeout = null;
const handlers = [
{ name: 'drag', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.Drag.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'dragend', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.DragEnd.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'dragstart', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.DragStart.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'mousedown', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.MouseDown.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'mousemove', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.MouseMove.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'mouseout', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.MouseOut.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'mouseover', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.MouseOver.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'mouseup', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.MouseUp.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
{ name: 'rightclick', handler: (ev: MouseEvent) => this.RightClick.emit(_getEventArg(ev)) },
handlers.forEach((obj) => {
const os = this._markerService.CreateEventObservable(, this).subscribe(obj.handler);