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import { ILatLong } from '../../interfaces/ilatlong';
import { IPolylineOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolyline-options';
import { GoogleConversions } from '../../services/google/google-conversions';
import * as GoogleMapTypes from '../../services/google/google-map-types';
import { GoogleMapLabel } from './google-label';
import { Polyline } from '../polyline';

declare var google: any;

 * Concrete implementation for a polyline model for Google Maps.
 * @export
export class GooglePolyline extends Polyline implements Polyline {

    /// Field declarations
    private _title: string = '';
    private _showTooltip: boolean = false;
    private _tooltip: GoogleMapLabel = null;
    private _tooltipVisible: boolean = false;
    private _hasToolTipReceiver: boolean = false;
    private _mouseOverListener: GoogleMapTypes.MapsEventListener = null;
    private _mouseOutListener: GoogleMapTypes.MapsEventListener = null;
    private _mouseMoveListener: GoogleMapTypes.MapsEventListener = null;
    private _metadata: Map<string, any> = new Map<string, any>();

    /// Property declarations

     * Gets the polyline metadata.
     * @readonly
     * @memberof GooglePolyline
    public get Metadata(): Map<string, any> { return this._metadata; }

     * Gets the native primitve implementing the marker, in this case {@link GoogleMApTypes.Polyline}
     * @readonly
     * @memberof GooglePolygon
    public get NativePrimitve(): GoogleMapTypes.Polyline { return this._polyline; }

     * Gets or sets whether to show the tooltip
     * @abstract
     * @memberof GooglePolygon
     * @property
    public get ShowTooltip(): boolean { return this._showTooltip; }
    public set ShowTooltip(val: boolean) {
        this._showTooltip = val;

     * Gets or sets the title off the polygon
     * @abstract
     * @memberof GooglePolygon
     * @property
    public get Title(): string { return this._title; }
    public set Title(val: string) {
        this._title = val;

    /// constructor

     * Creates an instance of GooglePolygon.
     * @param _polyline - The {@link GoogleMApTypes.Polyline} underlying the model.
     * @memberof GooglePolyline
    constructor(private _polyline: GoogleMapTypes.Polyline) {

     * Adds a delegate for an event.
     * @param eventType - String containing the event name.
     * @param fn - Delegate function to execute when the event occurs.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public AddListener(eventType: string, fn: Function): void {
        const supportedEvents = [
            'drag', 'dragend',
        if (supportedEvents.indexOf(eventType) !== -1) {
            this._polyline.addListener(eventType, fn);

     * Deleted the polyline.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public Delete(): void {
        if (this._tooltip) { this._tooltip.Delete(); }

     * Gets whether the polyline is draggable.
     * @returns - True if the polyline is dragable, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public GetDraggable(): boolean {
        return this._polyline.getDraggable();

     * Gets whether the polyline path can be edited.
     * @returns - True if the path can be edited, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public GetEditable(): boolean {
        return this._polyline.getEditable();

     * Gets the polyline path.
     * @returns - Array of {@link ILatLong} objects describing the polyline path.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public GetPath(): Array<ILatLong> {
        const p: Array<GoogleMapTypes.LatLng> = this._polyline.getPath();
        const path: Array<ILatLong> = new Array<ILatLong>();
        p.forEach(x => path.push({ latitude:, longitude: x.lng() }));
        return path;

     * Gets whether the polyline is visible.
     * @returns - True if the polyline is visible, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public GetVisible(): boolean {
        return this._polyline.getVisible();

     * Sets whether the polyline is dragable.
     * @param draggable - True to make the polyline dragable, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public SetDraggable(draggable: boolean): void {

     * Sets wether the polyline path is editable.
     * @param editable - True to make polyline path editable, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public SetEditable(editable: boolean): void {

     * Sets the polyline options
     * @param options - {@link ILatLong} object containing the options. The options are merged with hte ones
     * already on the underlying model.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public SetOptions(options: IPolylineOptions): void {
        const o: GoogleMapTypes.PolylineOptions = GoogleConversions.TranslatePolylineOptions(options);
        if (options.path) {

     * Sets the polyline path.
     * @param path - An Array of {@link ILatLong} (or array of arrays) describing the polylines path.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public SetPath(path: Array<ILatLong>): void {
        const p: Array<GoogleMapTypes.LatLng> = new Array<GoogleMapTypes.LatLng>();
        path.forEach(x => p.push(new google.maps.LatLng(x.latitude, x.longitude)));

     * Sets whether the polyline is visible.
     * @param visible - True to set the polyline visible, false otherwise.
     * @memberof Polyline
    public SetVisible(visible: boolean): void {

    /// Private methods
     * Configures the tooltip for the polyline
     * @memberof GooglePolyline
    private ManageTooltip(): void {
        if (this._showTooltip && this._title != null && this._title !== '') {
            const o: { [key: string]: any } = {
                text: this._title,
                align: 'left',
                offset: new google.maps.Point(0, 25),
                backgroundColor: 'bisque',
                hidden: true,
                fontSize: 12,
                fontColor: '#000000',
                strokeWeight: 0
            if (this._tooltip == null) {
       = this.NativePrimitve.getMap();
                o.zIndex = 100000;
                this._tooltip = new GoogleMapLabel(o);
            else {
            if (!this._hasToolTipReceiver) {
                this._mouseOverListener = this.NativePrimitve.addListener('mouseover', (e: GoogleMapTypes.MouseEvent) => {
                    this._tooltip.Set('position', e.latLng);
                    if (!this._tooltipVisible) {
                        this._tooltip.Set('hidden', false);
                        this._tooltipVisible = true;
                this._mouseMoveListener = this.NativePrimitve.addListener('mousemove', (e: GoogleMapTypes.MouseEvent) => {
                    if (this._tooltipVisible) { this._tooltip.Set('position', e.latLng); }
                this._mouseOutListener = this.NativePrimitve.addListener('mouseout', (e: GoogleMapTypes.MouseEvent) => {
                    if (this._tooltipVisible) {
                        this._tooltip.Set('hidden', true);
                        this._tooltipVisible = false;
                this._hasToolTipReceiver = true;
        if ((!this._showTooltip || this._title === '' || this._title == null)) {
            if (this._hasToolTipReceiver) {
                if (this._mouseOutListener) { google.maps.event.removeListener(this._mouseOutListener); }
                if (this._mouseOverListener) { google.maps.event.removeListener(this._mouseOverListener); }
                if (this._mouseMoveListener) { google.maps.event.removeListener(this._mouseMoveListener); }
                this._hasToolTipReceiver = false;
            if (this._tooltip) {
                this._tooltip = null;
