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import { IMapOptions } from '../../interfaces/imap-options';
import { IBox } from '../../interfaces/ibox';
import { ILatLong } from '../../interfaces/ilatlong';
import { IMarkerOptions } from '../../interfaces/imarker-options';
import { IMarkerIconInfo } from '../../interfaces/imarker-icon-info';
import { IClusterOptions } from '../../interfaces/icluster-options';
import { IInfoWindowOptions } from '../../interfaces/iinfo-window-options';
import { IInfoWindowAction } from '../../interfaces/iinfo-window-action';
import { IPolygonOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolygon-options';
import { IPolylineOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolyline-options';
import { IPoint } from '../../interfaces/ipoint';
import { MapTypeId } from '../../models/map-type-id';
import { Marker } from '../../models/marker';
import { ClusterPlacementMode } from '../../models/cluster-placement-mode';
import { BingMapService } from './bing-map.service';

 * This class contains helperfunctions to map various interfaces used to represent options and structures into the
 * corresponding Bing Maps V8 specific implementations.
 * @export
export class BingConversions {

    /// Field declarations

     * Map option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _mapOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * View option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _viewOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * InfoWindow option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _infoWindowOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * Marker option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _markerOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * Polygon option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map Polygon properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _polygonOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * Polyline option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map Polyline properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _polylineOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

     * Cluster option attributes that are supported for conversion to Bing Map properties
     * @memberof BingConversions
    private static _clusterOptionsAttributes: string[] = [

    /// Public methods

     * Maps an IInfoWindowAction to a Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions
     * @param action - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Navtive mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateAction(action: IInfoWindowAction): Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions {
        const a: Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions = {
            eventHandler: action.eventHandler,
            label: action.label
        return a;

     * Maps an Array of IInfoWindowAction to an Array of Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions
     * @param actions - Array of objects to be mapped.
     * @returns - Array of mapped objects.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateActions(actions: Array<IInfoWindowAction>): Array<Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions> {
        const a: Array<Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions> = new Array<Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxActions>();
        actions.forEach(x => a.push(BingConversions.TranslateAction(x)));
        return a;

     * Maps an IBox object to a Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect object.
     * @param box - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateBounds(box: IBox): Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect {
        const r: Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect =
            Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromEdges(box.maxLatitude, box.minLongitude, box.minLatitude, box.maxLongitude);
        return r;

     * Maps an IClusterOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IClusterLayerOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateClusterOptions(options: IClusterOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IClusterLayerOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IClusterLayerOptions | any = {};
            .filter(k => BingConversions._clusterOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'layerOffset') {
                    o.layerOffset = BingConversions.TranslatePoint(options.layerOffset);
                if (k === 'placementMode') {
                    if (options.placementMode === ClusterPlacementMode.FirstPin) {
                        o.placementMode = Microsoft.Maps.ClusterPlacementType.FirstLocation;
                    else {
                        o.placementMode = Microsoft.Maps.ClusterPlacementType.MeanAverage;
                else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Maps an IInfoWindowOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateInfoBoxOptions(options: IInfoWindowOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IInfoboxOptions | any = {};
            .filter(k => BingConversions._infoWindowOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'pixelOffset') {
                    o.offset = BingConversions.TranslatePoint(options.pixelOffset);
                else if (k === 'position') {
                    o.location = BingConversions.TranslateLocation(options.position);
                else if (k === 'actions') {
                    o.actions = BingConversions.TranslateActions(options.actions);
                else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Maps an IMapOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IMapLoadOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateLoadOptions(options: IMapOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IMapLoadOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IMapLoadOptions | any = {};
            .filter(k => {
                return BingConversions._mapOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1 || BingConversions._viewOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1;
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'center') {
           = BingConversions.TranslateLocation(;
                else if (k === 'mapTypeId') {
                    if (options.mapTypeId === MapTypeId.hybrid) {
                        o.mapTypeId = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.aerial;
                        o.labelOverlay = Microsoft.Maps.LabelOverlay.visible;
                    else if (options.mapTypeId === MapTypeId.aerial) {
                        o.mapTypeId = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.aerial;
                        o.labelOverlay = Microsoft.Maps.LabelOverlay.hidden;
                    else {
                        o.mapTypeId = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId[(<any>MapTypeId)[options.mapTypeId]];
                else if (k === 'bounds') {
                    o.bounds = BingConversions.TranslateBounds(options.bounds);
                else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Maps an ILatLong object to a Microsoft.Maps.Location object.
     * @param latlong - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateLocation(latlong: ILatLong): Microsoft.Maps.Location {
        const l: Microsoft.Maps.Location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(latlong.latitude, latlong.longitude);
        return l;

     * Maps an IMarkerOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IPushpinOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - The mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateMarkerOptions(options: IMarkerOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IPushpinOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IPushpinOptions = {};
            .filter(k => BingConversions._markerOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'anchor') {
                    o.anchor = BingConversions.TranslatePoint(options.anchor);
                else {
                    (<any>o)[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Maps an IMapOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IMapOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateOptions(options: IMapOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IMapOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IMapOptions | any = {};
            .filter(k => BingConversions._mapOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'center') {
           = BingConversions.TranslateLocation(;
                else if (k === 'mapTypeId') {
                    o.mapTypeId = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId[(<any>MapTypeId)[options.mapTypeId]];
                else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Translates an array of locations or an array or arrays of location to and array of arrays of Bing Map Locations
     * @param paths - ILatLong based locations to convert.
     * @returns - converted locations.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslatePaths(paths: Array<ILatLong> | Array<Array<ILatLong>>): Array<Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>> {
        const p: Array<Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>> = new Array<Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>>();
        if (paths == null || !Array.isArray(paths) || paths.length === 0) {
            p.push(new Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>());
        else if (Array.isArray(paths[0])) {
            // parameter is an array or arrays
            // us for loop for performance
            const p1 = <Array<Array<ILatLong>>>paths;
            for (let i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) {
                const _p: Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location> = new Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>();
                for (let j = 0; j < p1[i].length; j++) {
                    _p.push(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(p1[i][j].latitude, p1[i][j].longitude));
        else {
            // parameter is a simple array....
            const y: Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location> = new Array<Microsoft.Maps.Location>();
            const p1 = <Array<ILatLong>>paths;
            for (let i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) {
                y.push(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(p1[i].latitude, p1[i].longitude));
        return p;

     *  Maps an IPoint object to a Microsoft.Maps.Point object.
     * @param point - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslatePoint(point: IPoint): Microsoft.Maps.Point {
        const p: Microsoft.Maps.Point = new Microsoft.Maps.Point(point.x, point.y);
        return p;

     *  Maps an IPolygonOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IPolygonOptions.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslatePolygonOptions(options: IPolygonOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IPolygonOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IPolygonOptions = {};
        const f: (s: string, a: number) => string = (s, a) => {
            const m = /rgba?\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*\d+[\.\d+]*)*\)/g.exec(s);
            if (m && m.length > 3) {
                a = a > 1 ? (a / 100) : a;
                return 'rgba(' + [m[1], m[2], m[3], a].join(',') + ')';
            else if (s[0] === '#') {
                const x: number = a > 1 ? a : Math.floor(a * 255);
                const z: string = s.substr(1);
                const r: number = parseInt(z.substr(0, 2), 16);
                const g: number = parseInt(z.substr(2, 2), 16);
                const b: number = parseInt(z.substr(4, 2), 16);
                return 'rgba(' + [r , g, b, a].join(',') + ')';
            else {
                return s;

            .filter(k => BingConversions._polygonOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'strokeWeight') {
                    o.strokeThickness = options.strokeWeight;
                else if (k === 'strokeColor') {
                    if (options.strokeOpacity) {
                        o.strokeColor = f(options.strokeColor, options.strokeOpacity);
                    else {
                        o.strokeColor = options.strokeColor;
                else if (k === 'strokeOpacity') {}
                else if (k === 'fillColor') {
                    if (options.fillOpacity) {
                        o.fillColor = f(options.fillColor, options.fillOpacity);
                    else {
                        o.fillColor = options.fillColor;
                else if (k === 'fillOpacity') {}
                else {
                    (<any>o)[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     *  Maps an IPolylineOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IPolylineOptions.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslatePolylineOptions(options: IPolylineOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IPolylineOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IPolylineOptions | any = {};
        const f: (s: string, a: number) => string = (s, a) => {
            const m = /rgba?\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*\d+[\.\d+]*)*\)/g.exec(s);
            if (m && m.length > 3) {
                a = a > 1 ? (a / 100) : a;
                return 'rgba(' + [m[1], m[2], m[3], a].join(',') + ')';
            else if (s[0] === '#') {
                const x: number = a > 1 ? a : Math.floor(a * 255);
                const z: string = s.substr(1);
                const r: number = parseInt(z.substr(0, 2), 16);
                const g: number = parseInt(z.substr(2, 2), 16);
                const b: number = parseInt(z.substr(4, 2), 16);
                return 'rgba(' + [r , g, b, a].join(',') + ')';
            else {
                return s;
            .filter(k => BingConversions._polylineOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'strokeWeight') {
                    o.strokeThickness = options.strokeWeight;
                } else if (k === 'strokeColor') {
                    if (options.strokeOpacity) {
                        o.strokeColor = f(options.strokeColor, options.strokeOpacity);
                    else {
                        o.strokeColor = options.strokeColor;
                else if (k === 'strokeOpacity') {
                else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;

     * Maps an IMapOptions object to a Microsoft.Maps.IViewOptions object.
     * @param options - Object to be mapped.
     * @returns - Mapped object.
     * @memberof BingConversions
    public static TranslateViewOptions(options: IMapOptions): Microsoft.Maps.IViewOptions {
        const o: Microsoft.Maps.IViewOptions | any = {};
            .filter(k => BingConversions._viewOptionsAttributes.indexOf(k) !== -1)
            .forEach((k) => {
                if (k === 'center') {
           = BingConversions.TranslateLocation(;
                } else if (k === 'bounds') {
                    o.bounds = BingConversions.TranslateBounds(options.bounds);
                } else if (k === 'centerOffset') {
                    o.centerOffset = BingConversions.TranslatePoint(options.centerOffset);
                } else if (k === 'mapTypeId') {
                    o.mapTypeId = Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId[(<any>MapTypeId)[options.mapTypeId]];
                } else {
                    o[k] = (<any>options)[k];
        return o;
