import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, Observer, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { IPolylineOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolyline-options';
import { ILatLong } from '../../interfaces/ilatlong';
import { Polyline } from '../../models/polyline';
import { MapPolylineDirective } from '../../components/map-polyline';
import { PolylineService } from '../polyline.service';
import { MapService } from '../map.service';
import { LayerService } from '../layer.service';
* Concrete implementation of the Polyline Service abstract class for Bing Maps V8.
* @export
export class BingPolylineService implements PolylineService {
/// Field declarations
private _polylines: Map<MapPolylineDirective, Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>> =
new Map<MapPolylineDirective, Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>>();
/// Constructor
* Creates an instance of BingPolylineService.
* @param _mapService - {@link MapService} instance. The concrete {@link BingMapService} implementation is expected.
* @param _layerService - {@link LayerService} instance.
* The concrete {@link BingLayerService} implementation is expected.
* @param _zone - NgZone instance to support zone aware promises.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
constructor(private _mapService: MapService,
private _layerService: LayerService,
private _zone: NgZone) {
/// Public members and MarkerService implementation
* Adds a polyline to a map. Depending on the polyline context, the polyline will either by added to the map or a
* corresponding layer.
* @param polyline - The {@link MapPolylineDirective} to be added.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public AddPolyline(polyline: MapPolylineDirective): void {
const o: IPolylineOptions = {
id: polyline.Id,
clickable: polyline.Clickable,
draggable: polyline.Draggable,
editable: polyline.Editable,
geodesic: polyline.Geodesic,
path: polyline.Path,
showTooltip: polyline.ShowTooltip,
strokeColor: polyline.StrokeColor,
strokeOpacity: polyline.StrokeOpacity,
strokeWeight: polyline.StrokeWeight,
title: polyline.Title,
visible: polyline.Visible,
zIndex: polyline.zIndex,
let polylinePromise: Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>;
if (polyline.InCustomLayer) {
polylinePromise = this._layerService.CreatePolyline(polyline.LayerId, o);
} else {
polylinePromise = this._mapService.CreatePolyline(o);
this._polylines.set(polyline, polylinePromise);
* Registers an event delegate for a line.
* @param eventName - The name of the event to register (e.g. 'click')
* @param polyline - The {@link MapPolylineDirective} for which to register the event.
* @returns - Observable emiting an instance of T each time the event occurs.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public CreateEventObservable<T>(eventName: string, polyline: MapPolylineDirective): Observable<T> {
const b: Subject<T> = new Subject<T>();
if (eventName === 'mousemove') {
return b.asObservable();
if (eventName === 'rightclick') {
return b.asObservable();
/// mousemove and rightclick are not supported by bing polygons.
return Observable.create((observer: Observer<T>) => {
this._polylines.get(polyline).then(p => {
const x: Array<Polyline> = Array.isArray(p) ? p : [p];
x.forEach(line => line.AddListener(eventName, (e: T) => =>;
* Deletes a polyline.
* @param polyline - {@link MapPolylineDirective} to be deleted.
* @returns - A promise fullfilled once the polyline has been deleted.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public DeletePolyline(polyline: MapPolylineDirective): Promise<void> {
const m = this._polylines.get(polyline);
if (m == null) {
return Promise.resolve();
return m.then((l: Polyline) => {
return => {
const x: Array<Polyline> = Array.isArray(l) ? l : [l];
x.forEach(line => line.Delete());
* Obtains geo coordinates for the marker on the click location
* @abstract
* @param e - The mouse event.
* @returns - {@link ILatLong} containing the geo coordinates of the clicked marker.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public GetCoordinatesFromClick(e: Microsoft.Maps.IMouseEventArgs): ILatLong {
if (!e) { return null; }
if (!e.location) { return null; }
return { latitude: e.location.latitude, longitude: e.location.longitude };
* Obtains the marker model for the marker allowing access to native implementation functionatiliy.
* @param polyline - The {@link MapPolylineDirective} for which to obtain the polyline model.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the {@link Polyline}
* implementation of the underlying platform. For complex paths, returns an array of polylines.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public GetNativePolyline(polyline: MapPolylineDirective): Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>> {
return this._polylines.get(polyline);
* Set the polyline options.
* @param polyline - {@link MapPolylineDirective} to be updated.
* @param options - {@link IPolylineOptions} object containing the options. Options will be merged with the
* options already on the underlying object.
* @returns - A promise fullfilled once the polyline options have been set.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public SetOptions(polyline: MapPolylineDirective, options: IPolylineOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._polylines.get(polyline).then(l => {
const x: Array<Polyline> = Array.isArray(l) ? l : [l];
x.forEach(line => line.SetOptions(options));
* Updates the Polyline path
* @param polyline - {@link MapPolylineDirective} to be updated.
* @returns - A promise fullfilled once the polyline has been updated.
* @memberof BingPolylineService
public UpdatePolyline(polyline: MapPolylineDirective): Promise<void> {
const m = this._polylines.get(polyline);
if (m == null) {
return Promise.resolve();
return m.then(l => => {
const x: Array<Polyline> = Array.isArray(l) ? l : [l];
const p: Array<Array<ILatLong>> =
polyline.Path.length > 0 && Array.isArray(polyline.Path[0]) ? <Array<Array<ILatLong>>>polyline.Path :
x.forEach((line, index) => {
if (p.length > index) { line.SetPath(p[index]); }
if (Array.isArray(l) && l.length > p.length) {
l.splice(p.length - 1).forEach(line => line.Delete());