import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { IMarkerOptions } from '../../interfaces/imarker-options';
import { IMarkerIconInfo } from '../../interfaces/imarker-icon-info';
import { Marker } from '../../models/marker';
import { Layer } from '../../models/layer';
import { MarkerTypeId } from '../../models/marker-type-id';
import { MapService } from '../map.service';
import { MapLayerDirective } from '../../components/map-layer';
import { LayerService } from '../layer.service';
import { GoogleMapService } from './google-map.service';
import { GoogleConversions } from './google-conversions';
import { GoogleMarker } from '../../models/google/google-marker';
import * as GoogleMapTypes from './google-map-types';
declare var google: any;
* This abstract partially implements the contract for the {@link LayerService}
* and {@link ClusterService} for the Google Maps archtiecture. It serves
* as the base class for basic layer ({@link GoogleLayerService}) and cluster layer ({@link GoogleClusterLayer}).
* @export
* @abstract
export abstract class GoogleLayerBase {
/// Field declarations
protected abstract _layers: Map<number, Promise<Layer>>;
/// Constructor
* Creates an instance of GoogleLayerBase.
* @param _mapService - Concrete {@link MapService} implementation for Google Maps.
* An instance of {@link GoogleMapService}.
* @param _zone - NgZone instance to provide zone aware promises.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
constructor(protected _mapService: MapService, protected _zone: NgZone) { }
/// Public methods
* Adds a layer to the map.
* @abstract
* @param layer - MapLayerDirective component object.
* Generally, MapLayerDirective will be injected with an instance of the
* LayerService and then self register on initialization.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
public abstract AddLayer(layer: MapLayerDirective): void;
* Deletes the layer
* @param layer - MapLayerDirective component object for which to retrieve the layer.
* @returns - A promise that is fullfilled when the layer has been removed.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
public DeleteLayer(layer: MapLayerDirective): Promise<void> {
const l = this._layers.get(layer.Id);
if (l == null) {
return Promise.resolve();
return l.then((l1: Layer) => {
return => {
* Returns the Layer model represented by this layer.
* @param layer - MapLayerDirective component object or layer id for which to retrieve the layer model.
* @returns - A promise that when resolved contains the Layer model.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
public GetNativeLayer(layer: MapLayerDirective|number): Promise<Layer> {
let p: Promise<Layer> = null;
if (typeof(layer) === 'number') {
p = this._layers.get(layer);
else {
p = this._layers.get((<MapLayerDirective>layer).Id);
return p;
* Creates a marker in the layer.
* @param layer - The Id of the layer in which to create the marker.
* @param options - {@link IMarkerOptions} object containing the marker properties.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the {@link Marker} model for the created marker.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
public CreateMarker(layer: number, options: IMarkerOptions): Promise<Marker> {
const mp: Promise<GoogleMapTypes.GoogleMap> = this._mapService.MapPromise;
const lp: Promise<Layer> = this._layers.get(layer);
return Promise.all([mp, lp]).then(([map, l]) => {
const payload = (x: GoogleMapTypes.MarkerOptions): GoogleMarker => {
const marker = new google.maps.Marker(x);
if (options.metadata) { options.metadata.forEach((val: any, key: string) => marker.Metadata.set(key, val)); }
const m = new GoogleMarker(marker);
m.IsFirst = options.isFirst;
m.IsLast = options.isLast;
if (options.metadata) { options.metadata.forEach((val: any, key: string) => m.Metadata.set(key, val)); }
return m;
const o: GoogleMapTypes.MarkerOptions = GoogleConversions.TranslateMarkerOptions(options);
if (options.iconInfo && options.iconInfo.markerType) {
const s = Marker.CreateMarker(options.iconInfo);
if (typeof(s) === 'string') {
o.icon = s;
return payload(o);
else {
return s.then(x => {
o.icon = x.icon;
return payload(o);
else {
return payload(o);
* Creates an array of unbound markers. Use this method to create arrays of markers to be used in bulk
* operations.
* @param options - Marker options defining the markers.
* @param markerIcon - Optional information to generate custom markers. This will be applied to all markers.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the an arrays of the Marker models.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
public CreateMarkers(options: Array<IMarkerOptions>, markerIcon?: IMarkerIconInfo): Promise<Array<Marker>> {
const payload = (icon: string): Array<GoogleMarker> => {
const markers: Array<GoogleMarker> = => {
const o: GoogleMapTypes.MarkerOptions = GoogleConversions.TranslateMarkerOptions(mo);
if (icon && icon !== '') { o.icon = icon; }
const pushpin = new google.maps.Marker(o);
const marker: GoogleMarker = new GoogleMarker(pushpin);
marker.IsFirst = mo.isFirst;
marker.IsLast = mo.isLast;
if (mo.metadata) { mo.metadata.forEach((val: any, key: string) => marker.Metadata.set(key, val)); }
return marker;
return markers;
const p: Promise<Array<Marker>> = new Promise<Array<Marker>>((resolve, reject) => {
if (markerIcon && markerIcon.markerType) {
const s = Marker.CreateMarker(markerIcon);
if (typeof(s) === 'string') { resolve(payload(s)); }
else {
return s.then(x => {
else {
resolve (payload(null));
return p;
/// Protected methods
* Gets the layer based on its id.
* @protected
* @param id - Layer Id.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the {@link Layer} model for the layer.
* @memberof GoogleLayerBase
protected GetLayerById(id: number): Promise<Layer> {
let p: Promise<Layer>;
this._layers.forEach((l: Promise<Layer>, k: number) => { if (k === id) { p = l; } });
return p;