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import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { IMarkerOptions } from '../../interfaces/imarker-options';
import { IPolygonOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolygon-options';
import { IPolylineOptions } from '../../interfaces/ipolyline-options';
import { Marker } from '../../models/marker';
import { Polygon } from '../../models/polygon';
import { Polyline } from '../../models/polyline';
import { Layer } from '../../models/layer';
import { GoogleLayer } from '../../models/google/google-layer';
import { GooglePolygon } from '../../models/google/google-polygon';
import { GooglePolyline } from '../../models/google/google-polyline';
import { MapLayerDirective } from '../../components/map-layer';
import { LayerService } from '../layer.service';
import { GoogleLayerBase } from './google-layer-base';
import { MapService } from '../map.service';
import { GoogleConversions } from './google-conversions';
import * as GoogleMapTypes from './google-map-types';
declare var google: any;
* Implements the {@link LayerService} contract for a Google Maps specific implementation.
* @export
export class GoogleLayerService extends GoogleLayerBase implements LayerService {
/// Field Declarations.
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
protected _layers: Map<number, Promise<Layer>> = new Map<number, Promise<Layer>>();
/// Constructor
* Creates an instance of GoogleLayerService.
* @param _mapService - Instance of the Google Maps Service. Will generally be injected.
* @param _zone - NgZone instance to provide zone aware promises.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
constructor(_mapService: MapService, _zone: NgZone) {
super(_mapService, _zone);
* Adds a layer to the map.
* @abstract
* @param layer - MapLayerDirective component object.
* Generally, MapLayerDirective will be injected with an instance of the
* LayerService and then self register on initialization.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
public AddLayer(layer: MapLayerDirective): void {
const p: Promise<Layer> = new Promise<Layer>((resolve, reject) => {
this._mapService.MapPromise.then(m => {
const l: GoogleLayer = new GoogleLayer(m, this._mapService, layer.Id);
this._layers.set(layer.Id, p);
* Adds a polygon to the layer.
* @abstract
* @param layer - The id of the layer to which to add the polygon.
* @param options - Polygon options defining the polygon.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the an instance of the Polygon model.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
public CreatePolygon(layer: number, options: IPolygonOptions): Promise<Polygon> {
const p: Promise<Polygon> = this._mapService.CreatePolygon(options);
const l: Promise<Layer> = this._layers.get(layer);
Promise.all([p, l]).then(x => x[1].AddEntity(x[0]));
return p;
* Creates an array of unbound polygons. Use this method to create arrays of polygons to be used in bulk
* operations.
* @param layer - The id of the layer to which to add the polygon.
* @param options - Polygon options defining the polygons.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the an arrays of the Polygon models.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
public CreatePolygons(layer: number, options: Array<IPolygonOptions>): Promise<Array<Polygon>> {
// Note: we attempted using data.Polygons in an attempt to improve performance, but either data.Polygon
// or data.MultiPolygon actually operate significantly slower than generating the polygons this way.
// the slowness in google as opposed to bing probably comes from the point reduction algorithm uses.
// Signigicant performance improvements might be possible in google when using a pixel based reduction algorithm
// prior to setting the polygon path. This will lower to processing overhead of the google algorithm (with is Douglas-Peucker
// and rather compute intensive)
const p: Promise<Layer> = this.GetLayerById(layer);
if (p == null) { throw (new Error(`Layer with id ${layer} not found in Layer Map`)); }
return p.then((l: Layer) => {
const polygons: Promise<Array<Polygon>> = new Promise<Array<Polygon>>((resolve, reject) => {
const polys: Array<GooglePolygon> = => {
const op: GoogleMapTypes.PolygonOptions = GoogleConversions.TranslatePolygonOptions(o);
const poly: GoogleMapTypes.Polygon = new google.maps.Polygon(op);
const polygon: GooglePolygon = new GooglePolygon(poly);
if (o.title && o.title !== '') { polygon.Title = o.title; }
Similar blocks of code found in 8 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (o.metadata) { o.metadata.forEach((val: any, key: string) => polygon.Metadata.set(key, val)); }
return polygon;
return polygons;
* Adds a polyline to the layer.
* @abstract
* @param layer - The id of the layer to which to add the polyline.
* @param options - Polyline options defining the polyline.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the an instance of the Polyline (or an array
* of polygons for complex paths) model.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
public CreatePolyline(layer: number, options: IPolylineOptions): Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>> {
const p: Promise<Polyline|Array<Polyline>> = this._mapService.CreatePolyline(options);
const l: Promise<Layer> = this._layers.get(layer);
Promise.all([p, l]).then(x => {
const p1: Array<Polyline> = Array.isArray(x[0]) ? <Array<Polyline>>x[0] : [<Polyline>x[0]];
for (const p2 of p1) {x[1].AddEntity(p2); }
return p;
* Creates an array of unbound polylines. Use this method to create arrays of polylines to be used in bulk
* operations.
* @param layer - The id of the layer to which to add the polylines.
* @param options - Polyline options defining the polylines.
* @returns - A promise that when fullfilled contains the an arrays of the Polyline models.
* @memberof GoogleLayerService
public CreatePolylines(layer: number, options: Array<IPolylineOptions>): Promise<Array<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>> {
const p: Promise<Layer> = this.GetLayerById(layer);
if (p == null) { throw (new Error(`Layer with id ${layer} not found in Layer Map`)); }
return p.then((l: Layer) => {
const polylines: Promise<Array<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>> = new Promise<Array<Polyline|Array<Polyline>>>((resolve, reject) => {
const polys: Array<Polyline|Array<Polyline>> = => {
const op: GoogleMapTypes.PolylineOptions = GoogleConversions.TranslatePolylineOptions(o);
if (o.path && o.path.length > 0 && !Array.isArray(o.path[0])) {
op.path = GoogleConversions.TranslatePaths(o.path)[0];
const poly: GoogleMapTypes.Polyline = new google.maps.Polyline(op);
const polyline: GooglePolyline = new GooglePolyline(poly);
if (o.title && o.title !== '') { polyline.Title = o.title; }
if (o.metadata) { o.metadata.forEach((v, k) => polyline.Metadata.set(k, v)); }
return polyline;
else {
const paths: Array<Array<GoogleMapTypes.LatLng>> = GoogleConversions.TranslatePaths(o.path);
const lines: Array<Polyline> = new Array<Polyline>();
paths.forEach(x => {
op.path = x;
const poly = new google.maps.Polyline(op);
const polyline: GooglePolyline = new GooglePolyline(poly);
if (o.metadata) { o.metadata.forEach((v, k) => polyline.Metadata.set(k, v)); }
if (o.title && o.title !== '') {polyline.Title = o.title; }
return lines;
return polylines;