# Setting up the development environment
Hey! :wave: We are so glad you want to help us shape a better future for
street cats. Here you'll find some notes on how to install the web application
on your computer. Let's get started! :rocket:
## Installing Ruby on Rails
Please, follow along the instructions for yor OS (**INSTALL POSTGRESQL**)
## Cloning the repo locally
Create a fork of this repo and clone it into your PC:
`git clone`
## Installing bundled gems
Run `bundle install` inside the 'ConexionFelina' app directory.
## First run
1. `rails db:create`
2. `rails db:migrate`
3. `rails db:seed`
If you want to migrate and populate the test database too you should
add `RAILS_ENV=TEST` at the end of the 2º and 3º commands and execute them.
`rails s`
## Configuring postgresql on linux (ubuntu)
1. Run `sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive`
Use as username your OS account name
Type "y" to be superuser
2. Run `sudo -u [your OS account name] createdb conexion_felina_test`
## Configuring postgreSQL on Mac OS
1. `createuser -s -r postgres`
## Front-end development Environment
### Installing the required tools
- To install Node.js
`brew install node`
- To install Yarn
`brew install yarn`
- To install Storybook and other dependencies
`npm install`
`yarn install`
Please, checkout our [conventions guidelines]( to know more
about our code quality specs and how to run tests.