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== Phonelib

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Phonelib is a gem allowing you to validate phone number. All validations are based on {Google libphonenumber}[].
Currently it can make basic validations and formatting to e164 international number format and national number format with prefix.
But it still doesn't include all Google's library functionality.

== Information

=== RDoc

RDoc documentation can be found here

=== Bug reports

If you discover a problem with Phonelib gem, let us know about it.

For upstream issues report to:

=== Example application

You can see an example of ActiveRecord validation by phonelib working in test/dummy application of this gem

== Getting started

Phonelib was written and tested on Rails >= 3.1. You can install it by adding in to your Gemfile with:

  gem 'phonelib'

Run the bundle command to install it.

To set the default country (country names are {ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2}[] codes), create a initializer in <tt>config/initializers/phonelib.rb</tt>:

  Phonelib.default_country = "CN"

=== ActiveRecord Integration

This gem adds validator for active record.
Basic usage:

  validates :attribute, phone: true

This will enable Phonelib validator for field "attribute". This validator checks that passed value is valid phone number.
Please note that passing blank value also fails.

Additional options:

  validates :attribute, phone: { possible: true, allow_blank: true, types: [:voip, :mobile] }

<tt>possible: true</tt> - enables validation to check whether the passed number is a possible phone number (not strict check).
Refer to {Google libphonenumber}[] for more information on it.

<tt>allow_blank: true</tt> - when no value passed then validation passes

<tt>types: :mobile</tt> or <tt>types: [:voip, :mobile]</tt> - allows to validate against specific phone types patterns,
if mixed with <tt>possible</tt> will check if number is possible for specified type

=== Basic usage

To check if phone number is valid simply run:

  Phonelib.valid?('123456789') # returns true or false

Additional methods:

  Phonelib.valid? '123456789'      # checks if passed value is valid number
  Phonelib.invalid? '123456789'    # checks if passed value is invalid number
  Phonelib.possible? '123456789'   # checks if passed value is possible number
  Phonelib.impossible? '123456789' # checks if passed value is impossible number

There is also option to check if provided phone is valid for specified country.
Country should be specified as two letters country code (like "US" for United States).
Country can be specified as String <tt>'US'</tt> or <tt>'us'</tt> as well as symbol <tt>:us</tt>.

  Phonelib.valid_for_country? '123456789', 'XX'   # checks if passed value is valid number for specified country
  Phonelib.invalid_for_country? '123456789', 'XX' # checks if passed value is invalid number for specified country

Additionally you can run:

  phone = Phonelib.parse('123456789')

Returned value is object of <tt>Phonelib::Phone</tt> class which have following methods:

  # basic validation methods

  # validations for countries
  phone.valid_for_country? 'XX'
  phone.invalid_for_country? 'XX'

You can also fetch matched valid phone types

  phone.types          # returns array of all valid types
  phone.type           # returns first element from array of all valid types
  phone.possible_types # returns array of all possible types

Possible types:
* <tt>:premium_rate</tt> - Premium Rate
* <tt>:toll_free</tt> - Toll Free
* <tt>:shared_cost</tt> - Shared Cost
* <tt>:voip</tt> - VoIP
* <tt>:personal_number</tt> - Personal Number
* <tt>:pager</tt> - Pager
* <tt>:uan</tt> - UAN
* <tt>:voicemail</tt> - VoiceMail
* <tt>:fixed_line</tt> - Fixed Line
* <tt>:mobile</tt> - Mobile
* <tt>:fixed_or_mobile</tt> - Fixed Line or Mobile (if both mobile and fixed pattern matches)

Or you can get human representation of matched types

  phone.human_types # return array of human representations of valid types
  phone.human_type  # return human representation of first valid type

Also you can fetch all matched countries

  phone.countries # returns array of all matched countries   # returns first element from array of all matched countries

Also it is possible to get formatted phone number # returns formatted e164 international phone number
  phone.national      # returns formatted national number with country prefix

Phone class has following attributes

  phone.original        # string that was passed as phone number
  phone.sanitized       # sanitized phone number (only digits left)

=== How it works

Gem includes data from Google libphonenumber which has regex patterns for validations.
Valid patterns are more specific to phone type and country.
Possible patterns as usual are patterns with number of digits in number.

=== Development and tests

Everyone can do whatever he wants, the only limit is your imagination.
Just don't forget to write test before the pull request.
In order to run test without Rails functionality simply use

  bundle exec rake spec

If you want to run including Rails environment, you need to set <tt>BUNDLE_GEMFILE</tt> while running the spec task, for example:

  BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-3.2.x bundle exec rake spec

Gemfiles can be found in <tt>gemfiles</tt> folder, there are gemfiles for Rails 3.1, 3.2 and 4.

To update the data with the most recent libphonenumber patterns, there is a rake task that can be run (Phonelib:import_data).