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The spacing module exports values which can be used for padding, margin, and positioning (top, left, bottom, right).
Using predefined values for spacing help us keep things visually consistent.

The pixel values are a base-8 strategy as defined by the design system.

### Sizes
| Property   | Px value  |
| XS         | 8px       |
| SM         | 16px      |
| MD         | 24px      |
| LG         | 32px      |
| XL         | 48px      |
| HUGE       | 64px      |

### Example usage:

```js static
import { spacing } from 'ic-snacks'

// If you need to reference the pixel values directly
spacing.SM //=> 16

const styles = {
  // Padding/margin for all sides
  ...spacing.PADDING_SM,               // => { padding: 16 }
  ...spacing.MARGIN_SM,                // => { margin: 16 }

  // Padding/margin in one direction
  ...spacing.PADDING_LEFT_MD,          // => { paddingLeft: 24 }
  ...spacing.MARGIN_TOP_MD,            // => { marginLeft: 24 }

  // Padding/margin along one dimension
  ...spacing.PADDING_Y_XL,             // => { paddingTop: 64, paddingBottom: 64 }
  ...spacing.MARGIN_X_LG,              // => { marginLeft: 32, marginRight: 32 }

  // Positioning
  ...spacing.LEFT_XS,                  // => { left: 8 }
  ...spacing.RIGHT_SM,                 // => { right: 16 }