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import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'
import Transition from 'react-transition-group/Transition'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const TIMEOUT = 0
const TRASITION_TIME = 200
const TIMING_FUNCTION = 'ease-in-out'
const START_SCALE = 0
const END_SCALE = 1
const START_MAX_SIZE = 0
const END_MAX_SIZE = 1500

  start: 0,
  end: 1,
const MAX_SIZE = {
  start: 0,
  end: 1500,

const AXIS = 'y'

class Grow extends PureComponent {
  static propTypes = {
     * A convenience prop that enables or disabled appear animations for
     * all children. Note that specifying this will override any defaults
     * set on individual children Transitions.
    appear: PropTypes.bool,

    /** Axis that is animated */
    axis: PropTypes.oneOf(['x', 'y']),

    children: PropTypes.node,

    /** Show the component; triggers the enter or exit states */
    in: PropTypes.bool,

     * Settings for max-height and max-width during animation (this is what animates the element's height/width).
     * Default start: 0
     * Default end: 1500 (If content's height is larger than 1500, pass the content's height here )
    maxSize: PropTypes.shape({
      start: PropTypes.number,
      end: PropTypes.number,

     * Settings for starting and ending transformation to scale.
     * Default start: 0
     * Default end: 1
    scale: PropTypes.shape({
      start: PropTypes.number,
      end: PropTypes.number,

    /** Optional style overrides. */
    style: PropTypes.object,

    /** Delay in milliseconds until animation start. */
    timeout: PropTypes.number,

    /** Name of the transition-timing-function CSS property. */
    timingFunction: PropTypes.oneOf(['ease', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out', 'linear']),

    /** Time of animation in milliseconds. */
    transitionTime: PropTypes.number,

  static defaultProps = {
    timeout: TIMEOUT,
    transitionTime: TRASITION_TIME,
    timingFunction: TIMING_FUNCTION,
    scale: SCALE_DEFAULT,
    maxSize: MAX_SIZE,
    axis: AXIS,
    style: {},
    in: true,
    appear: true,

  get scale() {
    const { start = START_SCALE, end = END_SCALE } = this.props.scale
    return {

  get maxSize() {
    const { start = START_MAX_SIZE, end = END_MAX_SIZE } = this.props.maxSize
    return {

  get transformAxis() {
    return this.props.axis === 'x' ? 'scaleX' : 'scaleY'

  get transitionStyles() {
    const { start: startScale, end: endScale } = this.scale
    const { start: startMaxSize, end: endMaxSize } = this.maxSize

    return {
      entering: {
        maxWidth: startMaxSize,
        maxHeight: startMaxSize,
        transform: `${this.transformAxis}(${startScale})`,
      entered: {
        maxWidth: endMaxSize,
        maxHeight: endMaxSize,
        transform: `${this.transformAxis}(${endScale})`,

  get initialStyles() {
    const { start: startScale } = this.scale
    const { start: startMaxSize } = this.maxSize
    const { transitionTime, timingFunction } = this.props

    return {
      maxWidth: startMaxSize,
      maxHeight: startMaxSize,
      transform: `${this.transformAxis}(${startScale})`,
      transition: `all ${transitionTime}ms ${timingFunction}`,

  renderChild = state => {
    const { style, children } = this.props
    const styles = {

    return <div style={styles}>{children}</div>

  render() {
    const { in: inProp, timeout, appear } = this.props

    return (
      <Transition in={inProp} appear={appear} timeout={timeout}>

export default Grow