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# JWT authenticator for Integreat

Signs a JWT token.

[![npm Version](](

## Getting started

### Prerequisits

Requires node v18 and Integreat v1.0.

### Installing and using

Install from npm:

npm install integreat-authenticator-jwt

The authenticator supports the following options:

- `key`: The key to sign the JWT with. Required
- `algorithm`: The algorithm to sign with. Default `HS256`
- `subPath`: A dot notation path into the request object, to get the JWT sub
- `audience`: The JWT audience claim. Required
- `expiresIn`: The expiration time for the JWT, as
  [a ms string]( When not set, the token
  will never expire
- `payload`: An object whose properties will be set on the JWT payload
- `trustedKeys`: A JavaScript Map of trusted keys used for validating JWTs on
  incoming actions. This is only relevant for the `validate()` method, and it is
  also the only option relevant for this method.

### Running the tests

The tests can be run with `npm test`.

## Contributing

Please read
for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull

## License

This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the
file for details.