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import { validateRoleOrIdent } from './authAction.js'
import getField from '../../utils/getField.js'
import { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array.js'
import { isTypedData, isNullOrUndefined, isRootIdent } from '../../utils/is.js'
import type { Action, Response, TypedData, Ident } from '../../types.js'
import type Schema from '../../schema/Schema.js'
import type { Access } from '../../schema/types.js'

export interface AuthorizeDataFn {
  (action: Action, allowRaw?: boolean): Action

const isStringOrArray = (value: unknown): value is string | string[] =>
  typeof value === 'string' || Array.isArray(value)

function getValueAndCompare(
  item: TypedData,
  fieldPath: string,
  compareValue?: string | string[],
) {
  const values = getField(item, fieldPath)
  return isStringOrArray(values) && arrayIncludes(compareValue, values)

const isIdentFromFieldOrIdentOk = (
  item: TypedData,
  field?: string,
  present?: string | string[],
) => field && getValueAndCompare(item, field, present)

const isItemAuthorized = (item: TypedData, access: Access, ident?: Ident) =>
  (!access.identFromField && !access.roleFromField) || // No data based auth required
  validateRoleOrIdent(access.role, ident?.roles) || // We are authorized by role
  validateRoleOrIdent(access.ident, ident?.id) || // We are authorized by ident
  isIdentFromFieldOrIdentOk(item, access.identFromField, ident?.id) || // We are authorized by identFromField, or it's not needed
  isIdentFromFieldOrIdentOk(item, access.roleFromField, ident?.roles) // We are authorized by roleFromField, or it's not needed

const authorizeItem =
    schemas: Map<string, Schema>,
    actionType: string,
    allowRaw: boolean,
    ident?: Ident,
  ) =>
  (item: unknown): string | undefined => {
    if (!isTypedData(item)) {
      return allowRaw ? undefined : 'RAW_DATA'
    const schema = schemas.get(item.$type)
    if (!schema) {
      return 'NO_SCHEMA'

    const access = schema.accessForAction(actionType)
    if (isItemAuthorized(item, access, ident)) {
      // We either are already authorized trough `role` or `ident`, we have no
      // `identFromField` or `roleFromField`, or we have are authorized by one
      // of them
      return undefined
    } else {
      // Authorization failed and we'll return the reason. If both ident and
      // role is missing, we'll return `WRONG_IDENT` as the reason.
      return access.identFromField ? 'WRONG_IDENT' : 'MISSING_ROLE'

const generateWarning = (removedCount: number, isToService: boolean) =>
  removedCount > 0
    ? `${removedCount} item${
        removedCount === 1 ? ' was' : 's were'
      } removed from ${
        isToService ? 'request' : 'response'
      } data due to lack of access`
    : undefined

const generateErrorAndReason = (
  reason: string,
  data: unknown,
  isToService: boolean,
  service?: string,
) =>
  reason === 'RAW_DATA'
    ? `Authentication was refused for raw ${
        isToService ? 'request' : 'response'
      } data${
        service ? ` ${isToService ? 'to' : 'from'} service '${service}'` : ''
    : `Authentication was refused for type '${(data as TypedData).$type}'${
        service ? ` on service '${service}'` : ''

 * Authorize an array of data items, and remove the ones that are not
 * authorized. Wrap the data in a response object and include a warning if
 * any items were removed.
function authorizeDataArrayAndWrapInResponse(
  data: unknown[],
  authItemFn: (item: unknown) => string | undefined,
  isToService: boolean,
) {
  const authed = data.filter((data: unknown) => authItemFn(data) === undefined)
  const warning = generateWarning(data.length - authed.length, isToService)
  return { data: authed, warning }

 * Authorize a single data item and wrap it in a response object if successful.
 * If not authorized, we return a `noaccess` response.
function authorizeDataItemAndWrapInResponse(
  data: unknown,
  authItemFn: (item: unknown) => string | undefined,
  isToService: boolean,
  service?: string,
) {
  if (!isNullOrUndefined(data)) {
    const reason = authItemFn(data)
    if (typeof reason === 'string') {
      const error = generateErrorAndReason(reason, data, isToService, service)
      return {
        data: undefined,
        status: 'noaccess',
        origin: 'auth:data',
  return { data }

const authorizeDataAndWrapInResponse = (
  data: unknown,
  authItemFn: (item: unknown) => string | undefined,
  isToService: boolean,
  service?: string,
): Response =>
    ? authorizeDataArrayAndWrapInResponse(data, authItemFn, isToService)
    : authorizeDataItemAndWrapInResponse(data, authItemFn, isToService, service)

const isError = (status?: string | null) =>
  typeof status === 'string' && status !== 'ok'

const authorizeDataBase = (
  schemas: Map<string, Schema>,
  isToService: boolean,
) =>
  function authorizeData(action: Action, allowRaw = false): Action {
    if (isRootIdent(action.meta?.ident)) {
      return action

    const {
      type: actionType,
      payload: { targetService },
      meta: { ident } = {},
    } = action
    const {
      status: authedStatus,
    } = authorizeDataAndWrapInResponse(
      isToService ? : action.response?.data,
      authorizeItem(schemas, actionType, allowRaw, ident),
    const status =
      isError(action.response?.status) || !authedStatus
        ? action.response?.status
        : authedStatus

    const response =
      status !== undefined || warning
        ? {
            ...(!isToService && { data }),
            ...(!action.response?.error && error && { error }),
            ...(!action.response?.error && reason && { reason }),
            ...(warning && { warning }),
              ? { origin: action.response?.origin || 'auth:data' }
              : {}),
        : undefined

    return {
      payload: {
        ...(isToService && { data }),
      ...(response && { response }),

export const fromService = (schemas: Map<string, Schema>): AuthorizeDataFn =>
  authorizeDataBase(schemas, false)

export const toService = (schemas: Map<string, Schema>): AuthorizeDataFn =>
  authorizeDataBase(schemas, true)