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namespace Intraxia\Gistpen\View;

use Intraxia\Gistpen\Params\Repository as Params;
use Intraxia\Jaxion\Assets\Register as Assets;

 * Registers the front-end content output
 * @package    Intraxia\Gistpen
 * @author     James DiGioia <>
 * @link
 * @since      0.5.0

use Intraxia\Gistpen\Contract\Templating;
use Intraxia\Gistpen\Model\Repo;
use Intraxia\Jaxion\Contract\Core\HasActions;
use Intraxia\Jaxion\Contract\Core\HasFilters;
use Intraxia\Jaxion\Contract\Core\HasShortcode;
use WP_Post;

 * This class manipulates the Gistpen post content.
 * @package Content
 * @author  James DiGioia <>
class Content implements HasActions, HasFilters, HasShortcode {
     * Shortcode defaults.
     * @var array
    protected static $defaults = array(
        'id'        => 0,
        'highlight' => '',
        'offset'    => 0,

     * Params service.
     * @var Params
    protected $params;

     * Templating service.
     * @var Templating
    protected $templating;

     * Post currently being processed by shortcode.
     * @var WP_Post
    private $shortcode_post;

     * Highlighting for the current shortcode.
     * @var string
    private $shortcode_highlight;

     * Assets service provider.
     * @var Assets
    private $assets;

     * Initialize the class and set its properties.
     * @since    0.5.0
     * @param Params     $params
     * @param Templating $templating
     * @param Assets     $assets
    public function __construct( Params $params, Templating $templating, Assets $assets ) {
        $this->params     = $params;
        $this->templating = $templating;
        $this->assets     = $assets;

     * Remove extra filters from the Gistpen content
     * @param string $content
     * @return string
     * @since    0.1.0
    public function remove_filters( $content ) {
        if ( Repo::get_post_type() === get_post_type() ) {
            remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
            remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );
            remove_filter( 'the_content', 'capital_P_dangit' );
            remove_filter( 'the_content', 'convert_chars' );
            remove_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt' );

        return $content;

     * Add the Gistpen content field to the_content
     * @param string $content
     * @return string post_content
     * @since    0.1.0
    public function post_content( $content = '' ) {
        $post = get_post(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

        if ( Repo::get_post_type() !== $post->post_type ) {
            return $content;

        if ( ! $post->post_parent ) {
            return $this->templating->render(
                $this->params->props( 'content.repo' )

        return $this->templating->render(
            $this->params->props( 'content.blob' )

     * Filter the child posts from the main query
     * @param  \WP_Query $query Query object.
     * @return \WP_Query
     * @since  0.4.0
    public function pre_get_posts( $query ) {
        if ( ! $query->is_main_query() ) {
            return $query;

        if ( ! $query->is_post_type_archive( Repo::get_post_type() ) ) {
            return $query;

        // only top level posts
        $query->set( 'post_parent', 0 );

        return $query;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return string
    public function shortcode_name() {
        return 'gistpen';

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param array  $attrs attributes passed into the shortcode.
     * @param string $content
     * @return   string
     * @since    0.1.0
    public function do_shortcode( array $attrs, $content = '' ) {
        $args = shortcode_atts( static::$defaults, $attrs, 'gistpen' );

        // If the user didn't provide an ID, raise an error
        if ( ! $args['id'] ) {
            return '<div class="wp-gistpen-error">' . __( 'No Gistpen ID was provided.', 'wp-gistpen' ) . '</div>';

        $args['id']        = (int) str_replace( '&quot;', '', $args['id'] );
        $args['highlight'] = str_replace( '&quot;', '', $args['highlight'] );

        if ( Repo::get_post_type() !== get_post_type( $args['id'] ) ) {
            return '<div class="wp-gistpen-error">' . __( 'ID provided is not a Gistpen repo.', 'wp-gistpen' ) . '</div>';

        global $post;
        $post_bu = $post;
        $post = get_post( $args['id'] ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

        if ( ! $post->post_parent ) {
            $content = $this->templating->render(
                $this->params->props( 'content.repo' )
        } else {
            $content = $this->templating->render(
                $this->params->props( 'content.blob', array(
                    'highlight' => $args['highlight'],
                    'offset'    => $args['offset'],
                ) )

        $post = $post_bu; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

        return $content;

     * Enqueues the js required to highlight the embed.
    public function enqueue_embed_scripts() {
        $post = get_post(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

        if ( Repo::get_post_type() !== $post->post_type ) {


     * Remove the title from the Gistpen oembed.
     * @param string $title Post title.
     * @param int    $id    Post ID.
     * @return string
    public function remove_embed_title( $title, $id ) {
        $post = get_post( $id ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

        if (
            is_embed() &&
            Repo::get_post_type() === $post->post_type &&
            0 !== $post->post_parent // only remove the title from `Blob` embeds
        ) {
            return '';

        return $title;

     * Remove the hard-coded width so the embed can scale with the width of the column.
     * @param string  $output Embed html output.
     * @param WP_Post $post   Associated post.
     * @return string New embed html output.
    public function remove_embed_width( $output, WP_Post $post ) {
        if ( Repo::get_post_type() === $post->post_type ) {
            return preg_replace( '/width="\d+"/', 'width="100%"', $output );

        return $output;

     * Replaces the styles injected by WordPress with our own for the embed.
    public function inject_styles() {
        if ( get_post_type() === Repo::get_post_type() ) {
            remove_action( 'embed_head', 'print_embed_styles' );
            remove_action( 'embed_content_meta', 'print_embed_comments_button' );
            remove_action( 'embed_content_meta', 'print_embed_sharing_button' );
            remove_action( 'embed_footer', 'print_embed_sharing_dialog' );
            remove_action( 'embed_footer', 'print_embed_scripts' );

            // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
            echo <<<CSS
body {
    margin: 0;

.wp-embed-heading {
    display: none;

.wp-embed-excerpt pre[class*="language-"] {
    margin: 0;


     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return array[]
    public function action_hooks() {
        return array(
                'hook'     => 'embed_head',
                'method'   => 'inject_styles',
                'priority' => 5,
                'hook'   => 'the_content',
                'method' => 'remove_filters',

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return array[]
    public function filter_hooks() {
        return array(
                'hook'     => 'the_content',
                'method'   => 'post_content',
                'priority' => 20,
                'hook'   => 'pre_get_posts',
                'method' => 'pre_get_posts',
                'hook'   => 'the_excerpt_embed',
                'method' => 'post_content',
                'hook'   => 'embed_footer',
                'method' => 'enqueue_embed_scripts',
                'hook'   => 'the_title',
                'method' => 'remove_embed_title',
                'args'   => 2,
                'hook'   => 'embed_html',
                'method' => 'remove_embed_width',
                'args'   => 2,