
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
### 2.1.0 (Next)

#### Features

* [#2432]( Deep merge for group parameter attributes - [@numbata](
* [#2419]( Add the `contract` DSL - [@dgutov](
* [#2371]( Use a param value as the `default` value of other param - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2377]( Allow to use instance variables values inside `rescue_from` - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2379]( Take into account the `route_param` type in `recognize_path` - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2383]( Use regex block instead of if - [@ericproulx](
* [#2384]( Allow to use `before/after/rescue_from` methods in any order when using `mount` - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2390]( Drop support for Ruby 2.6 and Rails 5 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2393]( Optimize AttributeTranslator - [@ericproulx](
* [#2395]( Set `max-age` to 0 when `cookies.delete` - [@ericproulx](
* [#2397]( Add support for ruby 3.3 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2399]( Update `rubocop` to 1.59.0, `rubocop-performance` to 1.20.1 and `rubocop-rspec` to 2.25.0 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2402]( Grape::Deprecations will be raised when running specs  - [@ericproulx](
* [#2406]( Remove mime-types dependency in specs - [@ericproulx](
* [#2408]( Fix params method redefined warnings - [@ericproulx](
* [#2410]( Gem deprecations will raise a DeprecationWarning in specs - [@ericproulx](
* [#2389]( Remove rack-accept dependency - [@ericproulx](
* [#2426]( Drop support for rack 1.x series - [@ericproulx](
* [#2427]( Use `rack-contrib` jsonp instead of rack-jsonp - [@ericproulx](
* [#2363]( Replace autoload by zeitwerk - [@ericproulx](
* [#2425]( Replace `{}` with `Rack::Header` or `Rack::Utils::HeaderHash` - [@dhruvCW](
* [#2430]( Isolate extensions within specific gemfile - [@ericproulx](
* [#2431]( Drop appraisals in favor of eval_gemfile - [@ericproulx](
* [#2435]( Use rack constants - [@ericproulx](
* [#2436]( Update coverallsapp github-action - [@ericproulx](
* [#2434]( Implement nested `with` support in parameter dsl - [@numbata](
* [#2438]( Fix some Rack::Lint - [@ericproulx](
* Your contribution here.

#### Fixes

* [#2375]( Fix setter methods for `Grape::Router::AttributeTranslator` - [@Jell](
* [#2370]( Remove route_xyz method_missing deprecation - [@ericproulx](
* [#2372]( Fix `declared` method for hash params with overlapping names - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2373]( Fix markdown files for following 1-line format - [@jcagarcia](
* [#2382]( Fix values validator for params wrapped in `with` block - [@numbata](
* [#2387]( Fix rubygems version within workflows - [@ericproulx](
* [#2405]( Fix edge workflow - [@ericproulx](
* [#2414]( Fix Rack::Lint missing content-type - [@ericproulx](
* [#2378]( Do not overwrite `route_param` with a regular one if they share same name - [@arg](
* Your contribution here.

### 2.0.0 (2023/11/11)

#### Features

* [#2353]( Added Rails 7.1 support - [@ericproulx](
* [#2355]( Set response headers based on Rack version - [@schinery](
* [#2360]( Reduce gem size by removing specs - [@ericproulx](
* [#2361]( Remove `Rack::Auth::Digest` - [@ninoseki](

#### Fixes

* [#2364]( Add missing requires - [@ericproulx](
* [#2366]( Default quality to 1.0 in the `Accept` header when omitted - [@hiddewie](
* [#2368]( Stripping the internals of `Grape::Endpoint` when `NoMethodError` is raised - [@jcagarcia](

### 1.8.0 (2023/08/30)

#### Features

* [#2326]( Use ActiveSupport extensions - [@ericproulx](
* [#2327]( Use ActiveSupport deprecation - [@ericproulx](
* [#2330]( Use ActiveSupport inflector - [@ericproulx](
* [#2331]( Memory optimization when running validators - [@ericproulx](
* [#2332]( Use ActiveSupport configurable - [@ericproulx](
* [#2333]( Use custom messages in parameter validation with arity 1 - [@thedevjoao](
* [#2341]( Stop yielding skip value - [@ericproulx](
* [#2342]( Allow specifying a handler for grape_exceptions - [@mscrivo](
* [#2338]( Fix unknown validator when using requires/optional with entity - [@mscrivo](

#### Fixes

* [#2339]( Documentation and specs for remountable configuration in params - [@myxoh](
* [#2328]( Don't cache Class.instance_methods - [@byroot](
* [#2337]( Fix: allow custom validators that do not end with _validator - [@ericproulx](
* [#2346]( Adjust test expectations to conform to rack 3 - [@kbarrette](

## 1.7.1 (2023/05/14)

#### Features

* [#2288]( Dropped support for Ruby 2.5 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2288]( Updated rubocop to 1.41.0 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2296]( Fix cops and enables some - [@ericproulx](
* [#2302]( Rack < 3 and update rack-test - [@ericproulx](
* [#2303]( Rack >= 1.3.0 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2301]( Revisit GH workflows - [@ericproulx](
* [#2311]( Fix tests by pinning rack-test to < 2.1 - [@duffn](
* [#2310]( Fix YARD docs markdown rendering - [@duffn](
* [#2317]( Remove maruku and rubocop-ast as direct development/testing dependencies - [@ericproulx](
* [#2292]( Introduce Docker to local development - [@ericproulx](
* [#2325]( Change edge test workflows only run on demand - [@dblock](
* [#2324]( Expose default in the description dsl - [@dhruvCW](

#### Fixes

* [#2299]( Fix, do not use kwargs for empty args  - [@dm1try](
* [#2307]( Fixed autoloading of InvalidValue - [@fixlr](
* [#2315]( Update rspec - [@ericproulx](
* [#2319]( Update rubocop - [@ericproulx](
* [#2323]( Fix using endless ranges for values parameter - [@dhruvCW](

### 1.7.0 (2022/12/20)

#### Features

* [#2233]( Added `do_not_document!` for disabling documentation to internal APIs - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2235]( Add support for Ruby 3.1 - [@petergoldstein](
* [#2248]( Upgraded to rspec 3.11.0 - [@dblock](
* [#2249]( Split CI matrix, extract edge - [@dblock](
* [#2249]( Upgraded to RuboCop 1.25.1 - [@dblock](
* [#2271]( Fixed validation regression on Numeric type introduced in 1.3 - [@vasfed](
* [#2267]( Standardized English error messages - [@dblock](
* [#2272]( Added error on param init when provided type does not have `[]` coercion method, previously validation silently failed for any value - [@vasfed](
* [#2274]( Error middleware support using rack util's symbols as status - [@dhruvCW](
* [#2276]( Fix exception super - [@ericproulx](
* [#2285](, [#2287]( Added :evaluate_given to declared(params) - [@zysend](

#### Fixes

* [#2263]( Explicitly require `bigdecimal` and `date` - [@dblock](
* [#2222]( Autoload types and validators - [@ericproulx](
* [#2232]( Fix kwargs support in shared params definition - [@dm1try](
* [#2229]( Do not collect params in route settings - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2234]( Remove non-UTF8 characters from format before generating JSON error - [@bschmeck](
* [#2227]( Rename `MissingGroupType` and `UnsupportedGroupType` exceptions - [@ericproulx](
* [#2244]( Fix a breaking change in `Grape::Validations` provided in 1.6.1 - [@dm1try](
* [#2250]( Add deprecation warning for `UnsupportedGroupTypeError` and `MissingGroupTypeError` - [@ericproulx](
* [#2256]( Raise `Grape::Exceptions::MultipartPartLimitError` from Rack when too many files are uploaded - [@bschmeck](
* [#2266]( Fix code coverage - [@duffn](
* [#2284]( Fix an unexpected backtick - [@zysend](

### 1.6.2 (2021/12/30)

#### Fixes

* [#2219]( Revert the changes for autoloading provided in 1.6.1 - [@dm1try](

### 1.6.1 (2021/12/28)

#### Features

* [#2196]( Add support for `passwords_hashed` param for `digest_auth` - [@lHydra](
* [#2208]( Added Rails 7 support - [@ericproulx](

#### Fixes

* [#2206]( Require main active_support lib before any of its extension definitions - [@annih](
* [#2193]( Fixed the broken ruby-head NoMethodError spec - [@Jack12816](
* [#2192]( Memoize the result of Grape::Middleware::Base#response - [@Jack12816](
* [#2200]( Add validators module to all validators - [@ericproulx](
* [#2202]( Fix random mock spec error - [@ericproulx](
* [#2203]( Add rubocop-rspec - [@ericproulx](
* [#2207]( Autoload Validations/Validators - [@ericproulx](
* [#2209]( Autoload Validations/Types - [@ericproulx](

### 1.6.0 (2021/10/04)

#### Features

* [#2190]( Upgrade dev deps & drop Ruby 2.4.x support - [@dnesteryuk](

#### Fixes

* [#2176]( Fix: OPTIONS fails if matching all routes - [@myxoh](
* [#2177]( Fix: `default` validator fails if preceded by `as` validator - [@Catsuko](
* [#2180]( Call `super` in `API.inherited` - [@yogeshjain999](
* [#2189]( Fix: rename parameters when using `:as` (behaviour and grape-swagger documentation) - [@Jack12816](

### 1.5.3 (2021/03/07)

#### Fixes

* [#2161]( Handle EOFError from Rack when given an empty multipart body - [@bschmeck](
* [#2162]( Corrected a hash modification while iterating issue - [@Jack12816](
* [#2164]( Fix: `coerce_with` is now called for params with `nil` value - [@braktar](

### 1.5.2 (2021/02/06)

#### Features

* [#2157]( Custom types can set a message to be used in the response when invalid - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2145]( Ruby 3.0 compatibility - [@ericproulx](
* [#2143]( Enable GitHub Actions with updated RuboCop and Danger - [@anakinj](

#### Fixes

* [#2144]( Fix compatibility issue with activesupport 6.1 and XML serialization of arrays - [@anakinj](
* [#2137]( Fix typos - [@johnny-miyake](
* [#2131]( Fix Ruby 2.7 keyword deprecation warning in validators/coerce - [@K0H205](
* [#2132]( Use #ruby2_keywords for correct delegation on Ruby <= 2.6, 2.7 and 3 - [@eregon](
* [#2152]( Fix configuration method inside namespaced params - [@fsainz](

### 1.5.1 (2020/11/15)

#### Fixes

* [#2129]( Fix validation error when Required Array nested inside an optional array, for Multiparam validators - [@dwhenry](
* [#2128]( Fix validation error when Required Array nested inside an optional array - [@dwhenry](
* [#2127]( Fix a performance issue with dependent params - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2126]( Fix warnings about redefined attribute accessors in `AttributeTranslator` - [@samsonjs](
* [#2121]( Fix 2.7 deprecation warning in validator_factory - [@Legogris](
* [#2115]( Fix declared_params regression with multiple allowed types - [@stanhu](
* [#2123]( Fix 2.7 deprecation warning in middleware/stack - [@Legogris](

### 1.5.0 (2020/10/05)

#### Fixes

* [#2104]( Fix Ruby 2.7 keyword deprecation warning - [@stanhu](
* [#2103]( Ensure complete declared params structure is present - [@tlconnor](
* [#2099]( Added truffleruby to Travis-CI - [@gogainda](
* [#2089]( Specify order of mounting Grape with Rack::Cascade in README - [@jonmchan](
* [#2088]( Set `Cache-Control` header only for streamed responses - [@stanhu](
* [#2092]( Correct an example params in Include Missing doc - [@huyvohcmc](
* [#2091]( Fix ruby 2.7 keyword deprecations - [@dim](
* [#2097]( Skip to set default value unless `meets_dependency?` - [@wanabe](
* [#2096]( Fix redundant dependency check - [@braktar](
* [#2096]( Fix nested coercion - [@braktar](
* [#2102]( Fix retaining setup blocks when remounting APIs - [@jylamont](

### 1.4.0 (2020/07/10)

#### Features

* [#1520]( Un-deprecate stream-like objects - [@urkle](
* [#2060]( Drop support for Ruby 2.4 - [@dblock](
* [#2060]( Upgraded Rubocop to 0.84.0 - [@dblock](
* [#2077]( Simplify logic for defining declared params - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2076]( Make route information available for hooks when the automatically generated endpoints are invoked - [@anakinj](

#### Fixes

* [#2067]( Coerce empty String to `nil` for all primitive types except `String` - [@petekinnecom](
* [#2064]( Fix Ruby 2.7 deprecation warning in `Grape::Middleware::Base#initialize` - [@skarger](
* [#2072]( Fix `Grape.eager_load!` and `compile!` - [@stanhu](
* [#2084]( Fix memory leak in path normalization - [@fcheung](

### 1.3.3 (2020/05/23)

#### Features

* [#2048]( Grape Enterprise support is now available [via TideLift]( - [@dblock](
* [#2039]( Travis - update rails versions - [@ericproulx](
* [#2038]( Travis - update ruby versions - [@ericproulx](
* [#2050]( Refactor route public_send to AttributeTranslator - [@ericproulx](

#### Fixes

* [#2049]( Coerce an empty string to nil in case of the bool type - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2043]( Modify declared for nested array and hash - [@kadotami](
* [#2040]( Fix a regression with Array of type nil - [@ericproulx](
* [#2054]( Coercing of nested arrays - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2050]( Fix broken multiple mounts - [@Jack12816](

### 1.3.2 (2020/04/12)

#### Features

* [#2020]( Reduce array allocation - [@ericproulx](
* [#2015]( Reduce MatchData allocation - [@ericproulx](
* [#2014]( Reduce total allocated arrays - [@ericproulx](
* [#2011]( Reduce total retained regexes - [@ericproulx](

#### Fixes

* [#2033]( Ensure `Float` params are correctly coerced to `BigDecimal` - [@tlconnor](
* [#2031]( Fix a regression with an array of a custom type - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#2026]( Fix a regression in `coerce_with` when coercion returns `nil` - [@misdoro](
* [#2025]( Fix Decimal type category - [@kdoya](
* [#2019]( Avoid coercing parameter with multiple types to an empty Array - [@stanhu](

### 1.3.1 (2020/03/11)

#### Features

* [#2005]( Content types registrable - [@ericproulx](
* [#2003]( Upgraded Rubocop to 0.80.1 - [@ericproulx](
* [#2002]( Objects allocation optimization (lazy_lookup) - [@ericproulx](

#### Fixes

* [#2006]( Fix explicit rescue StandardError - [@ericproulx](
* [#2004]( Rubocop fixes - [@ericproulx](
* [#1995]( Fix: "undefined instance variables" and "method redefined" warnings - [@nbeyer](
* [#1994]( Fix typos in README - [@bellmyer](
* [#1993]( Lazy join allow header - [@ericproulx](
* [#1987]( Re-add exactly_one_of mutually exclusive error message - [@ZeroInputCtrl](
* [#1977]( Skip validation for a file if it is optional and nil - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1976]( Ensure classes/modules listed for autoload really exist - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1971]( Fix BigDecimal coercion - [@FlickStuart](
* [#1968]( Fix args forwarding in Grape::Middleware::Stack#merge_with for ruby 2.7.0 - [@dm1try](
* [#1988]( Refactor the full_messages method and stop overriding full_message - [@hosseintoussi](
* [#1956]( Comply with Rack spec, fix `undefined method [] for nil:NilClass` error when upgrading Rack - [@ioquatix](

### 1.3.0 (2020/01/11)

#### Features

* [#1949]( Add support for Ruby 2.7 - [@nbulaj](
* [#1948]( Relax `dry-types` dependency version - [@nbulaj](
* [#1944]( Reduces `attribute_translator` string allocations - [@ericproulx](
* [#1943]( Reduces number of regex string allocations - [@ericproulx](
* [#1942]( Optimizes retained memory methods - [@ericproulx](
* [#1941]( Adds frozen string literal - [@ericproulx](
* [#1940]( Gets rid of a needless step in `HashWithIndifferentAccess` - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1938]( Adds project metadata to the gemspec - [@orien](
* [#1920]( Replaces Virtus with dry-types - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1930]( Moves block call to separate method so it can be spied on - [@estolfo](

#### Fixes

* [#1965]( Fix typos in README - [@davidalee](
* [#1963]( The values validator must properly work with booleans - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1950]( Consider the allow_blank option in the values validator - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1947]( Careful check for empty params - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1931]( Fixes issue when using namespaces in `Grape::API::Instance` mounted directly - [@myxoh](

### 1.2.5 (2019/12/01)

#### Features

* [#1931]( Introduces LazyBlock to generate expressions that will executed at mount time - [@myxoh](
* [#1918]( Helper methods to access controller context from middleware - [@NikolayRys](
* [#1915]( Micro optimizations in allocating hashes and arrays - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1904]( Allows Grape to load files on startup rather than on the first call - [@myxoh](
* [#1907]( Adds outside configuration to Grape with `configure` - [@unleashy](
* [#1914]( Run specs in random order - [@splattael](

#### Fixes

* [#1917]( Update access to rack constant - [@NikolayRys](
* [#1916]( Drop old appraisals - [@NikolayRys](
* [#1911]( Make sure `Grape::Valiations::AtLeastOneOfValidator` properly treats nested params in errors - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#1893]( Allows `Grape::API` to behave like a Rack::app in some instances where it was misbehaving - [@myxoh](
* [#1898]( Refactor `ValidatorFactory` to improve memory allocation - [@Bhacaz](
* [#1900]( Define boolean for `Grape::Api::Instance` - [@Bhacaz](
* [#1903]( Allow nested params renaming (Hash/Array) - [@bikolya](
* [#1913]( Fix multiple params validators to return correct messages for nested params - [@bikolya](
* [#1926]( Fixes configuration within given or mounted blocks - [@myxoh](
* [#1937]( Fix bloat in released gem - [@dblock](

### 1.2.4 (2019/06/13)

#### Features

* [#1888]( Makes the `configuration` hash widely available - [@myxoh](
* [#1864]( Adds `finally` on the API - [@myxoh](
* [#1869]( Fix issue with empty headers after `error!` method call - [@anaumov](

#### Fixes

* [#1868]( Fix NoMethodError with none hash params - [@ksss](
* [#1876]( Fix const errors being hidden by bug in `const_missing` - [@dandehavilland](

### 1.2.3 (2019/01/16)

#### Features

* [#1850]( Adds `same_as` validator - [@glaucocustodio](
* [#1833]( Allows to set the `ParamBuilder` globally - [@myxoh](

#### Fixes

* [#1852]( `allow_blank` called after `as` when the original param is not blank - [@glaucocustodio](
* [#1844]( Enforce `:tempfile` to be a `Tempfile` object in `File` validator - [@Nyangawa](

### 1.2.2 (2018/12/07)

#### Features

* [#1832]( Support `body_name` in `desc` block - [@fotos](
* [#1831]( Support `security` in `desc` block - [@fotos](

#### Fixes

* [#1836]( Fix: memory leak not releasing `call` method calls from setup - [@myxoh](
* [#1830](, [#1829]( Restores `self` sanity - [@myxoh](

### 1.2.1 (2018/11/28)

#### Fixes

* [#1825]( `to_s` on a mounted class now responses with the API name - [@myxoh](

### 1.2.0 (2018/11/26)

#### Features

* [#1813]( Add ruby 2.5 support, drop 2.2. Update rails version in travis - [@darren987469](
* [#1803]( Adds the ability to re-mount all endpoints in any location - [@myxoh](
* [#1795]( Fix vendor/subtype parsing of an invalid Accept header - [@bschmeck](
* [#1791]( Support `summary`, `hidden`, `deprecated`, `is_array`, `nickname`, `produces`, `consumes`, `tags` options in `desc` block - [@darren987469](

#### Fixes

* [#1796]( Fix crash when available locales are enforced but fallback locale unavailable - [@Morred](
* [#1776]( Validate response returned by the exception handler - [@darren987469](
* [#1787]( Add documented but not implemented ability to `.insert` a middleware in the stack - [@michaellennox](
* [#1788]( Fix route requirements bug - [@darren987469](, [@darrellnash](
* [#1810]( Fix support in `given` for aliased params - [@darren987469](
* [#1811]( Support nested dependent parameters - [@darren987469](, [@andreacfm](
* [#1822]( Raise validation error when optional hash type parameter is received string type value and exactly_one_of be used - [@woshidan](

### 1.1.0 (2018/8/4)

#### Features

* [#1759]( Instrument serialization as `'format_response.grape'` - [@zvkemp](

#### Fixes

* [#1762]( Fix unsafe HTML rendering on errors - [@ctennis](
* [#1759]( Update appraisal for rails_edge - [@zvkemp](
* [#1758]( Fix expanding load_path in gemspec - [@2maz](
* [#1765]( Use 415 when request body is of an unsupported media type - [@jdmurphy](
* [#1771]( Fix param aliases with 'given' blocks - [@jereynolds](

### 1.0.3 (2018/4/23)

#### Fixes

* [#1755]( Fix shared params with exactly_one_of - [@milgner](
* [#1740]( Fix dependent parameter validation using `given` when parameter is a `Hash` - [@jvortmann](
* [#1737]( Fix translating error when passing symbols as params in custom validations - [@mlzhuyi](
* [#1749]( Allow rescue from non-`StandardError` exceptions - [@dm1try](
* [#1750]( Fix a circular dependency warning due to router being loaded by API - [@salasrod](
* [#1752]( Fix `include_missing` behavior for aliased parameters - [@jonasoberschweiber](
* [#1754]( Allow rescue from non-`StandardError` exceptions to use default error handling - [@jelkster](
* [#1756]( Allow custom Grape exception handlers when the built-in exception handling is enabled - [@soylent](

### 1.0.2 (2018/1/10)

#### Features

* [#1686]( Avoid coercion of a value if it is valid - [@timothysu](
* [#1688]( Removes yard docs - [@ramkumar-kr](
* [#1702]( Added danger-toc, verify correct TOC in README - [@dblock](
* [#1711]( Automatically coerce arrays and sets of types that implement a `parse` method - [@dslh](

#### Fixes

* [#1710]( Fix wrong transformation of empty Array in declared params - [@pablonahuelgomez](
* [#1722]( Fix catch-all hiding multiple versions of an endpoint after the first definition - [@zherr](
* [#1724]( Optional nested array validation - [@ericproulx](
* [#1725]( Fix `rescue_from :all` documentation - [@Jelkster](
* [#1726]( Improved startup performance during API method generation - [@jkowens](
* [#1727]( Fix infinite loop when mounting endpoint with same superclass - [@jkowens](

### 1.0.1 (2017/9/8)

#### Features

* [#1652]( Add the original exception to the error_formatter the original exception - [@dcsg](
* [#1665]( Make helpers available in subclasses - [@pablonahuelgomez](
* [#1674]( Add parameter alias (`as`) - [@glaucocustodio](

#### Fixes

* [#1652]( Fix missing backtrace that was not being bubbled up to the `error_formatter` - [@dcsg](
* [#1661]( Handle deeply-nested dependencies correctly - [@rnubel](, [@jnardone](
* [#1679]( Treat StandardError from explicit values validator proc as false - [@jlfaber](

### 1.0.0 (2017/7/3)

#### Features

* [#1594]( Replace `Hashie::Mash` parameters with `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess` - [@james2m](, [@dblock](
* [#1622]( Add `except_values` validator to replace `except` option of `values` validator - [@jlfaber](
* [#1635]( Instrument validators with ActiveSupport::Notifications - [@ktimothy](
* [#1646]( Add ability to include an array of modules as helpers - [@pablonahuelgomez](
* [#1623]( Removed `multi_json` and `multi_xml` dependencies - [@dblock](
* [#1650]( Add extra specs for Boolean type field - [@tiarly](

#### Fixes

* [#1648]( Declared now returns declared options using the class that params is set to use - [@thogg4](
* [#1632]( Silence warnings - [@thogg4](
* [#1615]( Fix default and type validator when values is a Hash with no value attribute - [@jlfaber](
* [#1625]( Handle `given` correctly when nested in Array params - [@rnubel](, [@avellable](
* [#1649]( Don't share validator instances between requests - [@anakinj](

### 0.19.2 (2017/4/12)

#### Features

* [#1555]( Added code coverage w/Coveralls - [@dblock](
* [#1568]( Add `proc` option to `values` validator to allow custom checks - [@jlfaber](
* [#1575]( Include nil values for missing nested params in declared - [@thogg4](
* [#1585]( Bugs in declared method - make sure correct options var is used and respect include missing for non children params - [@thogg4](

#### Fixes

* [#1570]( Make versioner consider the mount destination path - [@namusyaka](
* [#1579]( Fix delete status with a return value - [@eproulx-petalmd](
* [#1559]( You can once again pass `nil` to optional attributes with `values` validation set - [@ghiculescu](
* [#1562]( Fix rainbow gem installation failure above ruby 2.3.3 on travis-ci - [@brucehsu](
* [#1561]( Fix performance issue introduced by duplicated calls in StackableValue#[] - [@brucehsu](
* [#1564]( Fix declared params bug with nested namespaces - [@bmarini](
* [#1567]( Fix values validator when value is empty array and apply except to input array - [@jlfaber](
* [#1569](, [#1511]( Upgrade mustermann-grape to 1.0.0 - [@namusyaka](
* [#1589]( [#726]( Use default_format when Content-type is missing and respond with 406 when Content-type is invalid - [@inclooder](

### 0.19.1 (2017/1/9)

#### Features

* [#1536]( Updated `invalid_versioner_option` translation - [@Lavode](
* [#1543]( Added support for ruby 2.4 - [@LeFnord](, [@namusyaka](

#### Fixes

* [#1548]( Fix: avoid failing even if given path does not match with prefix - [@thomas-peyric](, [@namusyaka](
* [#1550]( Fix: return 200 as default status for DELETE - [@jthornec](

### 0.19.0 (2016/12/18)

#### Features

* [#1503]( Allowed use of regexp validator with arrays - [@akoltun](
* [#1507]( Added group attributes for parameter definitions - [@304](
* [#1532]( Set 204 as default status for DELETE - [@LeFnord](

#### Fixes

* [#1505]( Run `before` and `after` callbacks, but skip the rest when handling OPTIONS - [@jlfaber](
* [#1517](, [#1089]( Fix: priority of ANY routes - [@namusyaka](, [@wagenet](
* [#1512]( Fix: deeply nested parameters are included within `#declared(params)` - [@krbs](
* [#1510]( Fix: inconsistent validation for multiple parameters - [@dgasper](
* [#1526]( Reduced warnings caused by instance variables not initialized - [@cpetschnig](

### 0.18.0 (2016/10/7)

#### Features

* [#1480]( Used the ruby-grape-danger gem for PR linting - [@dblock](
* [#1486]( Implemented except in values validator - [@jonmchan](
* [#1470]( Dropped support for Ruby 2.0 - [@namusyaka](
* [#1490]( Switched to Ruby-2.x+ syntax - [@namusyaka](
* [#1499]( Support `fail_fast` param validation option - [@dgasper](

#### Fixes

* [#1498]( Fix: skip validations in inactive given blocks - [@jlfaber](
* [#1479]( Fix: support inserting middleware before/after anonymous classes in the middleware stack - [@rosa](
* [#1488]( Fix: ensure calling before filters when receiving OPTIONS request - [@namusyaka](, [@jlfaber](
* [#1493]( Fix: coercion and lambda fails params validation - [@jonmchan](

### 0.17.0 (2016/7/29)

#### Features

* [#1393]( Middleware can be inserted before or after default Grape middleware - [@ridiculous](
* [#1390]( Allowed inserting middleware at arbitrary points in the middleware stack - [@rosa](
* [#1366]( Stored `message_key` on `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` - [@mkou](
* [#1398]( Added `rescue_from :grape_exceptions` - allow Grape to use the built-in `Grape::Exception` handing and use `rescue :all` behavior for everything else - [@mmclead](
* [#1443]( Extended `given` to receive a `Proc` - [@glaucocustodio](
* [#1455]( Added an automated PR linter - [@orta](

#### Fixes

* [#1463]( Fix array indicies in error messages - [@ffloyd](
* [#1465]( Fix 'before' being called twice when using not allowed method - [@jsteinberg](
* [#1446]( Fix for `env` inside `before` when using not allowed method - [@leifg](
* [#1438]( Try to dup non-frozen default params with each use - [@jlfaber](
* [#1430]( Fix for `declared(params)` inside `route_param` - [@Arkanain](
* [#1405]( Fix priority of `rescue_from` clauses applying - [@hedgesky](
* [#1365]( Fix finding exception handler in error middleware - [@ktimothy](
* [#1380]( Fix `allow_blank: false` for `Time` attributes with valid values causes `NoMethodError` - [@ipkes](
* [#1384]( Fix parameter validation with an empty optional nested `Array` - [@ipkes](
* [#1414]( Fix multiple version definitions for path versioning - [@304](
* [#1415]( Fix `declared(params, include_parent_namespaces: false)` - [@304](
* [#1421]( Avoid polluting `Grape::Middleware::Error` - [@namusyaka](
* [#1422]( Concat parent declared params with current one - [@plukevdh](, [@rnubel](, [@namusyaka](

### 0.16.2 (2016/4/12)

#### Features

* [#1348]( Fix global functions polluting Grape::API scope - [@dblock](
* [#1357]( Expose Route#options - [@namusyaka](

#### Fixes

* [#1357]( Don't include fixed named captures as route params - [@namusyaka](
* [#1359]( Avoid evaluating the same route twice - [@namusyaka](, [@dblock](
* [#1361]( Return 405 correctly even if version is using as header and wrong request method - [@namusyaka](, [@dblock](

### 0.16.1 (2016/4/3)

#### Features

* [#1276]( Replace rack-mount with new router - [@namusyaka](
* [#1321]( Serve files without using FileStreamer-like object - [@lfidnl](
* [#1339]( Implement Grape::API.recognize_path - [@namusyaka](

#### Fixes

* [#1325]( Params: Fix coerce_with helper with Array types - [@ngonzalez](
* [#1326]( Fix wrong behavior for OPTIONS and HEAD requests with catch-all - [@ekampp](, [@namusyaka](
* [#1330]( Add `register` keyword for adding customized parsers and formatters - [@namusyaka](
* [#1336]( Do not modify Hash argument to `error!` - [@tjwp](

### 0.15.0 (2016/3/8)

#### Features

* [#1227]( Store `message_key` on `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` - [@stjhimy](
* [#1232]( Helpers are now available inside `rescue_from` - [@namusyaka](
* [#1237]( Allow multiple parameters in `given`, which behaves as if the scopes were nested in the inputted order - [@ochagata](
* [#1238]( Call `after` of middleware on error - [@namusyaka](
* [#1243]( Add `header` support for middleware - [@namusyaka](
* [#1252]( Allow default to be a subset or equal to allowed values without raising IncompatibleOptionValues - [@jeradphelps](
* [#1255]( Allow param type definition in `route_param` - [@namusyaka](
* [#1257]( Allow Proc, Symbol or String in `rescue_from with: ...` - [@namusyaka](
* [#1280]( Support `Rack::Sendfile` middleware - [@lfidnl](
* [#1285]( Add a warning for errors appearing in `after` callbacks - [@gregormelhorn](
* [#1295]( Add custom validation messages for parameter exceptions - [@railsmith](

#### Fixes

* [#1216]( Fix JSON error response when calling `error!` with non-Strings - [@jrforrest](
* [#1225]( Fix `given` with nested params not returning correct declared params - [@JanStevens](
* [#1249]( Don't fail even if invalid type value is passed to default validator - [@namusyaka](
* [#1266]( Fix `Allow` header including `OPTIONS` when `do_not_route_options!` is active - [@arempe93](
* [#1270]( Fix `param` versioning with a custom parameter - [@wshatch](
* [#1282]( Fix specs circular dependency - [@304](
* [#1283]( Fix 500 error for xml format when method is not allowed - [@304](
* [#1197]( Fix using JSON and Array[JSON] as groups when parameter is optional - [@lukeivers](

### 0.14.0 (2015/12/07)

#### Features

* [#1218]( Provide array index context in errors - [@towanda](
* [#1196]( Allow multiple `before_each` blocks - [@huynhquancam](
* [#1190]( Bypass formatting for statuses with no entity-body - [@tylerdooling](
* [#1188]( Allow parameters with more than one type - [@dslh](
* [#1179]( Allow all RFC6838 valid characters in header vendor - [@suan](
* [#1170]( Allow dashes and periods in header vendor - [@suan](
* [#1167]( Convenience wrapper `type: File` for validating multipart file parameters - [@dslh](
* [#1167]( Refactor and extend coercion and type validation system - [@dslh](
* [#1163]( First-class `JSON` parameter type - [@dslh](
* [#1161]( Custom parameter coercion using `coerce_with` - [@dslh](

#### Fixes

* [#1194]( Redirect as plain text with message - [@tylerdooling](
* [#1185]( Use formatters for custom vendored content types - [@tylerdooling](
* [#1156]( Fixed `no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer` with nested `values` validation - [@quickpay](
* [#1153]( Fixes boolean declaration in an external file - [@towanda](
* [#1142]( Makes #declared unavailable to before filters - [@jrforrest](
* [#1114]( Fix regression which broke identical endpoints with different versions - [@suan](
* [#1109]( Memoize Virtus attribute and fix memory leak - [@marshall-lee](
* [#1101]( Fix: Incorrect media-type `Accept` header now correctly returns 406 with `strict: true` - [@elliotlarson](
* [#1108]( Raise a warning when `desc` is called with options hash and block - [@rngtng](

### 0.13.0 (2015/8/10)

#### Features

* [#1039]( Added support for custom parameter types - [@rnubel](
* [#1047]( Adds `given` to DSL::Parameters, allowing for dependent params - [@rnubel](
* [#1064]( Add public `Grape::Exception::ValidationErrors#full_messages` - [@romanlehnert](
* [#1079]( Added `stream` method to take advantage of `Rack::Chunked` - [@zbelzer](
* [#1086]( Added `ActiveSupport::Notifications` instrumentation - [@wagenet](

#### Fixes

* [#1062]( Fix: `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` will include headers set by `header` - [@yairgo](
* [#1038]( Avoid dup-ing the `String` class when used in inherited params - [@rnubel](
* [#1042]( Fix coercion of complex arrays - [@dim](
* [#1045]( Do not convert `Rack::Response` to `Rack::Response` in middleware - [@dmitry](
* [#1048]( Only dup `InheritableValues`, remove support for `deep_dup` - [@toddmazierski](
* [#1052]( Reset `description[:params]` when resetting validations - [@marshall-lee](
* [#1088]( Support ActiveSupport 3.x by explicitly requiring `Hash#except` - [@wagenet](
* [#1096]( Fix coercion on booleans - [@towanda](

### 0.12.0 (2015/6/18)

#### Features

* [#995]( Added support for coercion to Set or Set[Other] - [@jordansexton]( [@u2](
* [#980]( Grape is now eager-loaded - [@u2](
* [#956]( Support `present` with `Grape::Presenters::Presenter`  - [@u2](
* [#974]( Added `error!` to `rescue_from` blocks - [@whatasunnyday](
* [#950]( Status method can now accept one of Rack::Utils status code symbols (:ok, :found, :bad_request, etc.) - [@dabrorius](
* [#952]( Status method now raises error when called with invalid status code - [@dabrorius](
* [#957]( Regexp validator now supports `allow_blank`, `nil` value behavior changed - [@calfzhou](
* [#962]( The `default` attribute with `false` value is documented now - [@ajvondrak](
* [#1026]( Added `file` method, explicitly setting a file-like response object - [@dblock](

#### Fixes

* [#994]( Fixed optional Array params default to Hash - [@u2](
* [#988]( Fixed duplicate identical endpoints - [@u2](
* [#936]( Fixed default params processing for optional groups - [@dm1try](
* [#942]( Fixed forced presence for optional params when based on a reused entity that was also required in another context - [@croeck](
* [#1001]( Fixed calling endpoint with specified format with format in its path - [@hodak](
* [#1005]( Fixed the Grape::Middleware::Globals - [@urkle](
* [#1012]( Fixed `allow_blank: false` with a Boolean value of `false` - [@mfunaro](
* [#1023]( Fixes unexpected behavior with `present` and an object that responds to `merge` but isn't a Hash - [@dblock](
* [#1017]( Fixed `undefined method stringify_keys` with nested mutual exclusive params - [@quickpay](

### 0.11.0 (2015/2/23)

* [#925]( Fixed `toplevel constant DateTime referenced by Virtus::Attribute::DateTime` - [@u2](
* [#916]( Added `DateTime/Date/Numeric/Boolean` type support `allow_blank` - [@u2](
* [#871]( Fixed `Grape::Middleware::Base#response` - [@galathius](
* [#559]( Added support for Rack 1.6.0, which parses requests larger than 128KB - [@myitcv](
* [#876]( Call to `declared(params)` now returns a `Hashie::Mash` - [@rodzyn](
* [#879]( The `route_info` value is no longer included in `params` Hash - [@rodzyn](
* [#881]( Fixed `Grape::Validations::ValuesValidator` support for `Range` type - [@ajvondrak](
* [#901]( Fix: callbacks defined in a version block are only called for the routes defined in that block - [@kushkella](
* [#886]( Group of parameters made to require an explicit type of Hash or Array - [@jrichter1](
* [#912]( Extended the `:using` feature for param documentation to `optional` fields - [@croeck](
* [#906]( Fix: invalid body parse errors are not rescued by handlers - [@croeck](
* [#913]( Fix: Invalid accept headers are not processed by rescue handlers - [@croeck](
* [#913]( Fix: Invalid accept headers cause internal processing errors (500) when http_codes are defined - [@croeck](
* [#917]( Use HTTPS for - [@O-I](

### 0.10.1 (2014/12/28)

* [#868](, [#862](, [#861]( Fixed `version`, `prefix`, and other settings being overridden or changing scope when mounting API - [@yesmeck](
* [#864]( Fixed `declared(params, include_missing: false)` now returning attributes with `nil` and `false` values - [@ppadron](

### 0.10.0 (2014/12/19)

* [#803](, [#820]( Added `all_or_none_of` parameter validator - [@loveltyoic](, [@natecj](
* [#774]( Extended `mutually_exclusive`, `exactly_one_of`, `at_least_one_of` to work inside any kind of group: `requires` or `optional`, `Hash` or `Array` - [@ShPakvel](
* [#743]( Added `allow_blank` parameter validator to validate non-empty strings - [@elado](
* [#745]( Removed `atom+xml`, `rss+xml`, and `jsonapi` content-types - [@akabraham](
* [#745]( Added `:binary, application/octet-stream` content-type - [@akabraham](
* [#757]( Changed `desc` can now be used with a block syntax - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#779]( Fixed using `values` with a `default` proc - [@ShPakvel](
* [#799]( Fixed custom validators with required `Hash`, `Array` types - [@bwalex](
* [#784]( Fixed `present` to not overwrite the previously added contents of the response body whebn called more than once - [@mfunaro](
* [#809]( Removed automatic `(.:format)` suffix on paths if you're using only one format (e.g., with `format :json`, `/path` will respond with JSON but `/path.xml` will be a 404) - [@ajvondrak](
* [#816]( Added ability to filter out missing params if params is a nested hash with `declared(params, include_missing: false)` - [@georgimitev](
* [#819]( Allowed both `desc` and `description` in the params DSL - [@mzikherman](
* [#821]( Fixed passing string value when hash is expected in params - [@rebelact](
* [#824]( Validate array params against list of acceptable values - [@dnd](
* [#813]( Routing methods dsl refactored to get rid of explicit `paths` parameter - [@AlexYankee](
* [#826]( Find `coerce_type` for `Array` when not specified - [@manovotn](
* [#645]( Invoking `body false` will return `204 No Content` - [@dblock](
* [#801]( Only evaluate permitted parameter `values` and `default` lazily on each request when declared as a proc - [@dblock](
* [#679]( Fixed `OPTIONS` method returning 404 when combined with `prefix` - [@dblock](
* [#679]( Fixed unsupported methods returning 404 instead of 405 when combined with `prefix` - [@dblock](

### 0.9.0 (2014/8/27)

#### Features

* [#691]( Added `at_least_one_of` parameter validator - [@dblock](
* [#698]( `error!` sets `status` for `Endpoint` too - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#703]( Added support for Auth-Middleware extension - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#703]( Removed `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Basic` - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#703]( Removed `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Digest` - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#703]( Removed `Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2` - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#719]( Allow passing options hash to a custom validator - [@elado](
* [#716]( Calling `content-type` will now return the current content-type - [@dblock](
* [#705]( Errors can now be presented with a `Grape::Entity` class - [@dspaeth-faber](

#### Fixes

* [#687]( Fix: `mutually_exclusive` and `exactly_one_of` validation error messages now label parameters as strings, consistently with `requires` and `optional` - [@dblock](

### 0.8.0 (2014/7/10)

#### Features

* [#639]( Added support for blocks with reusable params - [@mibon](
* [#637]( Added support for `exactly_one_of` parameter validation - [@Morred](
* [#626]( Added support for `mutually_exclusive` parameters - [@oliverbarnes](
* [#617]( Running tests on Ruby 2.1.1, Rubinius 2.1 and 2.2, Ruby and JRuby HEAD - [@dblock](
* [#397]( Adds `Grape::Endpoint.before_each` to allow easy helper stubbing - [@mbleigh](
* [#673]( Avoid requiring non-existent fields when using Grape::Entity documentation - [@qqshfox](

#### Fixes

* [#671]( Allow required param with predefined set of values to be nil inside optional group - [@dm1try](
* [#651]( The `rescue_from` keyword now properly defaults to rescuing subclasses of exceptions - [@xevix](
* [#614]( Params with `nil` value are now refused by `RegexpValidator` - [@dm1try](
* [#494]( Fixed performance issue with requests carrying a large payload - [@dblock](
* [#619]( Convert specs to RSpec 3 syntax with Transpec - [@danielspector](
* [#632]( `Grape::Endpoint#present` causes ActiveRecord to make an extra query during entity's detection - [@fixme](

### 0.7.0 (2014/4/2)

#### Features

* [#558]( Support lambda-based values for params - [@wpschallenger](
* [#510]( Support lambda-based default values for params - [@myitcv](
* [#511]( Added `required` option for OAuth2 middleware - [@bcm](
* [#520]( Use `default_error_status` to specify the default status code returned from `error!` - [@salimane](
* [#525]( The default status code returned from `error!` has been changed from 403 to 500 - [@dblock](
* [#526]( Allowed specifying headers in `error!` - [@dblock](
* [#527]( The `before_validation` callback is now a distinct one - [@myitcv](
* [#530]( Added ability to restrict `declared(params)` to the local endpoint with `include_parent_namespaces: false` - [@myitcv](
* [#531]( Helpers are now available to auth middleware, executing in the context of the endpoint - [@joelvh](
* [#540]( Ruby 2.1.0 is now supported - [@salimane](
* [#544]( The `rescue_from` keyword now handles subclasses of exceptions by default - [@xevix](
* [#545]( Added `type` (`Array` or `Hash`) support to `requires`, `optional` and `group` - [@bwalex](
* [#550]( Added possibility to define reusable params - [@dm1try](
* [#560]( Use `Grape::Entity` documentation to define required and optional parameters with `requires using:` - [@reynardmh](
* [#572]( Added `documentation` support to `requires`, `optional` and `group` parameters - [@johnallen3d](

#### Fixes

* [#600]( Don't use an `Entity` constant that is available in the namespace as presenter - [@fuksito](
* [#590]( Fix issue where endpoint param of type `Integer` cannot set values array - [@xevix](
* [#586]( Do not repeat the same validation error messages - [@kiela](
* [#508]( Allow parameters, such as content encoding, in `content_type` - [@dm1try](
* [#492]( Don't allow to have nil value when a param is required and has a list of allowed values - [@Antti](
* [#495]( Fixed `ParamsScope#params` for parameters nested inside arrays - [@asross](
* [#498]( Dry'ed up options and headers logic, allow headers to be passed to OPTIONS requests - [@karlfreeman](
* [#500]( Skip entity auto-detection when explicitly passed - [@yaneq](
* [#503]( Calling declared(params) from child namespace fails to include parent namespace defined params - [@myitcv](
* [#512]( Don't create `Grape::Request` multiple times - [@dblock](
* [#538]( Fixed default values for grouped params - [@dm1try](
* [#549]( Fixed handling of invalid version headers to return 406 if a header cannot be parsed - [@bwalex](
* [#557]( Pass `content_types` option to `Grape::Middleware::Error` to fix the content-type header for custom formats - [@bernd](
* [#585]( Fix after boot thread-safety issue - [@etehtsea](
* [#587]( Fix oauth2 middleware compatibility with [draft-ietf-oauth-v2-31]( spec - [@etehtsea](
* [#610]( Fixed group keyword was not working with type parameter - [@klausmeyer](

### 0.6.1 (2013/10/19)

#### Features

* [#475]( Added support for the `:jsonapi`, `application/vnd.api+json` media type registered at - [@bcm](
* [#471]( Added parameter validator for a list of allowed values - [@vickychijwani](
* [#488]( Upgraded to Virtus 1.0 - [@dblock](

#### Fixes

* [#477]( Fixed `default_error_formatter` which takes a format symbol - [@vad4msiu](

#### Development

* Implemented Rubocop, a Ruby code static code analyzer - [@dblock](

### 0.6.0 (2013/9/16)

#### Features

* Grape is no longer tested against Ruby 1.8.7 - [@dblock](
* [#442]( Enable incrementally building on top of a previous API version - [@dblock](
* [#442]( API `version` can now take an array of multiple versions - [@dblock](
* [#444]( Added `:en` as fallback locale for I18n - [@aew](
* [#448]( Adding POST style parameters for DELETE requests - [@dquimper](
* [#450]( Added option to pass an exception handler lambda as an argument to `rescue_from` - [@robertopedroso](
* [#443]( Let `requires` and `optional` take blocks that initialize new scopes - [@asross](
* [#452]( Added `with` as a hash option to specify handlers for `rescue_from` and `error_formatter` - [@robertopedroso](
* [#433](, [#462]( Validation errors are now collected and `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` is raised - [@stevschmid](

#### Fixes

* [#428]( Removes memoization from `Grape::Request` params to prevent middleware from freezing parameter values before `Formatter` can get them - [@mbleigh](

### 0.5.0 (2013/6/14)

#### Features

* [#344]( Added `parser :type, nil` which disables input parsing for a given content-type - [@dblock](
* [#381]( Added `cascade false` option at API level to remove the `X-Cascade: true` header from the API response - [@dblock](
* [#392]( Extracted headers and params from `Endpoint` to `Grape::Request` - [@niedhui](
* [#376]( Added `route_param`, syntax sugar for quick declaration of route parameters - [@mbleigh](
* [#390]( Added default value for an `optional` parameter - [@oivoodoo](
* [#403]( Added support for versioning using the `Accept-Version` header - [@politician](
* [#407]( Specifying `default_format` will also set the default POST/PUT data parser to the given format - [@dblock](
* [#241]( Present with multiple entities using an optional Symbol - [@niedhui](

#### Fixes

* [#378]( Fix: stop rescuing all exceptions during formatting - [@kbarrette](
* [#380]( Fix: `Formatter#read_body_input` when transfer encoding is chunked - [@paulnicholon](
* [#347]( Fix: handling non-hash body params - [@paulnicholon](
* [#394]( Fix: path version no longer overwrites a `version` parameter - [@tmornini](
* [#412]( Fix: specifying `content_type` will also override the selection of the data formatter - [@dblock](
* [#383]( Fix: Mounted APIs aren't inheriting settings (including `before` and `after` filters) - [@seanmoon](
* [#408]( Fix: Goliath passes request header keys as symbols not strings - [@bobek](
* [#417]( Fix: Rails 4 does not rewind input, causes POSTed data to be empty - [@dblock](
* [#423]( Fix: `Grape::Endpoint#declared` now correctly handles nested params (ie. declared with `group`) - [@jbarreneche](
* [#427]( Fix: `declared(params)` breaks when `params` contains array - [@timhabermaas](

### 0.4.1 (2013/4/1)

* [#375]( Fix: throwing an `:error` inside a middleware doesn't respect the `format` settings - [@dblock](

### 0.4.0 (2013/3/17)

* [#356]( Fix: presenting collections other than `Array` (eg. `ActiveRecord::Relation`) - [@zimbatm](
* [#352]( Fix: using `Rack::JSONP` with `Grape::Entity` responses - [@deckchair](
* [#347]( Grape will accept any valid JSON as PUT or POST, including strings, symbols and arrays - [@qqshfox](, [@dblock](
* [#347]( JSON format APIs always return valid JSON, eg. strings are now returned as `"string"` and no longer `string` - [@dblock](
* Raw body input from POST and PUT requests (`env['rack.input'].read`) is now available in `api.request.input` - [@dblock](
* Parsed body input from POST and PUT requests is now available in `api.request.body` - [@dblock](
* [#343]( Fix: return `Content-Type: text/plain` with error 405 - [@gustavosaume](, [@wyattisimo](
* [#357]( Grape now requires Rack 1.3.0 or newer - [@jhecking](
* [#320]( API `namespace` now supports `requirements` - [@niedhui](
* [#353]( Revert to standard Ruby logger formatter, `require active_support/all` if you want old behavior - [@rhunter](, [@dblock](
* Fix: `undefined method 'call' for nil:NilClass` for an API method implementation without a block, now returns an empty string - [@dblock](

### 0.3.2 (2013/2/28)

* [#355]( Relax dependency constraint on Hashie - [@reset](

### 0.3.1 (2013/2/25)

* [#351]( Compatibility with Ruby 2.0 - [@mbleigh](

### 0.3.0 (2013/02/21)

* [#294]( Extracted `Grape::Entity` into a [grape-entity]( gem - [@agileanimal](
* [#340](, [#342]( Added `:cascade` option to `version` to allow disabling of rack/mount cascade behavior - [@dieb](
* [#333]( Added support for validation of arrays in `params` - [@flyerhzm](
* [#306]( Added I18n support for all Grape exceptions - [@niedhui](
* [#309]( Added XML support to the entity presenter - [@johnnyiller](, [@dblock](
* [#131]( Added instructions for Grape API reloading in Rails - [@jyn](, [@dblock](
* [#317]( Added `headers` that returns a hash of parsed HTTP request headers - [@dblock](
* [#332]( `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` now contains full nested parameter names - [@alovak](
* [#328]( API version can now be specified as both String and Symbol - [@dblock](
* [#190]( When you add a `GET` route for a resource, a route for the `HEAD` method will also be added automatically. You can disable this behavior with `do_not_route_head!` - [@dblock](
* Added `do_not_route_options!`, which disables the automatic creation of the `OPTIONS` route - [@dblock](
* [#309]( An XML format API will return an error instead of returning a string representation of the response if the latter cannot be converted to XML - [@dblock](
* A formatter that raises an exception will cause the API to return a 500 error - [@dblock](
* [#322]( When returning a 406 status, Grape will include the requested format or content-type in the response body - [@dblock](
* [#60]( Fix: mounting of a Grape API onto a path - [@dblock](
* [#335]( Fix: request body parameters from a `PATCH` request not available in `params` - [@FreakenK](

### 0.2.6 (2013/01/11)

* Fix: support content-type with character set when parsing POST and PUT input - [@dblock](
* Fix: CVE-2013-0175, multi_xml parse vulnerability, require multi_xml 0.5.2 - [@dblock](

### 0.2.5 (2013/01/10)

* Added support for custom parsers via `parser`, in addition to built-in multipart, JSON and XML parsers - [@dblock](
* Removed `body_params`, data sent via a POST or PUT with a supported content-type is merged into `params` - [@dblock](
* Setting `format` will automatically remove other content-types by calling `content_type` - [@dblock](
* Setting `content_type` will prevent any input data other than the matching content-type or any Rack-supported form and parseable media types (`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`, `multipart/related` and `multipart/mixed`) from being parsed - [@dblock](
* [#305]( Fix: presenting arrays of objects via `represent` or when auto-detecting an `Entity` constant in the objects being presented - [@brandonweiss](
* [#306]( Added i18n support for validation error messages - [@niedhui](

### 0.2.4 (2013/01/06)

* [#297]( Added `default_error_formatter` - [@dblock](
* [#297]( Setting `format` will automatically set `default_error_formatter` - [@dblock](
* [#295]( Storing original API source block in endpoint's `source` attribute - [@dblock](
* [#293]( Added options to `cookies.delete`, enables passing a path - [@inst](
* [#174]( The value of `env['PATH_INFO']` is no longer altered with `path` versioning - [@dblock](
* [#296]( Fix: ArgumentError with default error formatter - [@dblock](
* [#298]( Fix: subsequent calls to `body_params` would fail due to IO read - [@justinmcp](
* [#301]( Fix: symbol memory leak in cookie and formatter middleware - [@dblock](
* [#300]( Fix `Grape::API.routes` to include mounted api routes - [@aiwilliams](
* [#302]( Fix: removed redundant `autoload` entries - [@ugisozols](
* [#172]( Fix: MultiJson deprecated methods warnings - [@dblock](
* [#133]( Fix: header-based versioning with use of `prefix` - [@seanmoon](, [@dblock](
* [#280]( Fix: grouped parameters mangled in `route_params` hash - [@marcusg](, [@dblock](
* [#304]( Fix: `present x, :with => Entity` returns class references with `format :json` - [@dblock](
* [#196]( Fix: root requests don't work with `prefix` - [@dblock](

### 0.2.3 (2012/12/24)

* [#179]( Using `content_type` will remove all default content-types - [@dblock](
* [#265]( Fix: Moved `ValidationError` into `Grape::Exceptions` - [@thepumpkin1979](
* [#269]( Fix: `LocalJumpError` will not be raised when using explict return in API methods - [@simulacre](
* [#86]( Fix Path-based versioning not recognizing `/` route - [@walski](
* [#273]( Disabled formatting via `serializable_hash` and added support for `format :serializable_hash` - [@dblock](
* [#277]( Added a DSL to declare `formatter` in API settings - [@tim-vandecasteele](
* [#284]( Added a DSL to declare `error_formatter` in API settings - [@dblock](
* [#285]( Removed `error_format` from API settings, now matches request format - [@dblock](
* [#290]( The default error format for XML is now `error/message` instead of `hash/error` - [@dpsk](
* [#44]( Pass `env` into formatters to enable templating - [@dblock](

### 0.2.2 (2012/12/10)

#### Features

* [#201](, [#236](, [#221]( Added coercion and validations support to `params` DSL - [@schmurfy](, [@tim-vandecasteele](, [@adamgotterer](
* [#204]( Added ability to declare shared `params` at `namespace` level - [@tim-vandecasteele](
* [#234]( Added a DSL for creating entities via mixin - [@mbleigh](
* [#240]( Define API response format from a query string `format` parameter, if specified - [@neetiraj](
* Adds Endpoint#declared to easily filter out unexpected params - [@mbleigh](

#### Fixes

* [#248]( Fix: API `version` returns last version set - [@narkoz](
* [#242]( Fix: permanent redirect status should be `301`, was `304` - [@adamgotterer](
* [#211]( Fix: custom validations are no longer triggered when optional and parameter is not present - [@adamgotterer](
* [#210]( Fix: `Endpoint#body_params` causing undefined method 'size' - [@adamgotterer](
* [#205]( Fix: Corrected parsing of empty JSON body on POST/PUT - [@tim-vandecasteele](
* [#181]( Fix: Corrected JSON serialization of nested hashes containing `Grape::Entity` instances - [@benrosenblum](
* [#203]( Added a check to `Entity#serializable_hash` that verifies an entity exists on an object - [@adamgotterer](
* [#208]( `Entity#serializable_hash` must also check if attribute is generated by a user supplied block - [@ppadron](
* [#252]( Resources that don't respond to a requested HTTP method return 405 (Method Not Allowed) instead of 404 (Not Found) - [@simulacre](

### 0.2.1 (2012/7/11)

* [#186]( Fix: helpers allow multiple calls with modules and blocks - [@ppadron](
* [#188]( Fix: multi-method routes append '(.:format)' only once - [@kainosnoema](
* [#64](, [#180]( Added support to `GET` request bodies as parameters - [@bobbytables](
* [#175]( Added support for API versioning based on a request parameter - [@jackcasey](
* [#168]( Fix: Formatter can parse symbol keys in the headers hash - [@netmask](
* [#169]( Silence multi_json deprecation warnings - [@whiteley](
* [#166]( Added support for `redirect`, including permanent and temporary - [@allenwei](
* [#159]( Added `:requirements` to routes, allowing to use reserved characters in paths - [@gaiottino](
* [#156]( Added support for adding formatters to entities - [@bobbytables](
* [#183]( Added ability to include documentation in entities - [@flah00](
* [#189]( `HEAD` requests no longer return a body - [@stephencelis](
* [#97]( Allow overriding `Content-Type` - [@dblock](

### 0.2.0 (2012/3/28)

* Added support for inheriting exposures from entities - [@bobbytables](
* Extended formatting with `default_format` - [@dblock](
* Added support for cookies - [@lukaszsliwa](
* Added support for declaring additional content-types - [@joeyAghion](
* Added support for HTTP PATCH - [@LTe](
* Added support for describing, documenting and reflecting APIs - [@dblock](
* Added support for anchoring and vendoring - [@jwkoelewijn](
* Added support for HTTP OPTIONS - [@grimen](
* Added support for silencing logger - [@evansj](
* Added support for helper modules - [@freelancing-god](
* Added support for Accept header-based versioning - [@jch](, [@rodzyn](
* Added support for mounting APIs and other Rack applications within APIs - [@mbleigh](
* Added entities, multiple object representations - [@mbleigh](
* Added ability to handle XML in the incoming request body - [@jwillis](
* Added support for a configurable logger - [@mbleigh](
* Added support for before and after filters - [@mbleigh](
* Extended `rescue_from`, which can now take a block - [@dblock](

### 0.1.5 (2011/6/14)

* Extended exception handling to all exceptions - [@dblock](
* Added support for returning JSON objects from within error blocks - [@dblock](
* Added support for handling incoming JSON in body - [@tedkulp](
* Added support for HTTP digest authentication - [@daddz](

### 0.1.4 (2011/4/8)

* Allow multiple definitions of the same endpoint under multiple versions - [@chrisrhoden](
* Added support for multipart URL parameters - [@mcastilho](
* Added support for custom formatters - [@spraints](

### 0.1.3 (2011/1/10)

* Added support for JSON format in route matching - [@aiwilliams](
* Added suport for custom middleware - [@mbleigh](

### 0.1.1 (2010/11/14)

* Endpoints properly reset between each request - [@mbleigh](

### 0.1.0 (2010/11/13)

* Initial public release - [@mbleigh](