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Test Coverage
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
Any violations of this scheme are considered to be bugs.

## [Unreleased]


### Added

* [#569]( Added support for Rails 7 - [@aflansburg](
* Your contribution here.

### Changed

* [#571]( Test with Ruby 3.2 - [@petergoldstein](
* [#558]( Test with Ruby 3.1 - [@petergoldstein](
* Your contribution here.

### Deprecated

* Your contribution here.

### Removed

* Your contribution here.

### Fixed

* Your contribution here.

### Security

* Your contribution here.

## [5.0.0] - 2021-11-08


### Added

* [#523]( Added TOC, ensure a keep-a-changelog formatted CHANGELOG - [@dblock](
* [#522]( Added eierlegende Wollmilchsau mascot graphic - [@carolineartz](
* [#530]( Added Hashie::Extensions::Dash::PredefinedValues - [@caalberts](
* [#536]( Added exporting a normal Hash from an indifferent one through the `#to_hash` method - [@michaelherold](
* [#539]( Run 2.7 tests once - [@anakinj](

### Changed

* [#521]( Do not convert keys that cannot be represented as symbols to `String` in `Mash` initialization - [@carolineartz](
* [#524]( Test with Ruby 2.7 - [@aried3r](
* [#525]( Use `indifferent_writer` in `IndifferentAccess#convert!` - [@yogeshjain999](
* [#527]( Updated Copyright to (c) 2009-2020 Intridea, Inc., and Contributors - [@dblock](
* [#555]( Test with Ruby 3.0 - [@dblock](

### Removed

* [#538]( Dropped testing for JRuby 9.0, though not support - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#516]( Fixed `NoMethodError` raised when including `Hashie::Extensions::Mash::SymbolizeKeys` and `Hashie::Extensions::SymbolizeKeys` in mashes/hashes with non string or symbol keys - [@carolineartz](
* [#531]( Fixed [slice doesn't work using symbols]( using hash with `IndifferentAccess` extension - [@gnomex](
* [#533]( Fixed `NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_json'` at `hashie/dash_spec` - [@gnomex](
* [#535]( Restored the exporting of all properties as part of `Dash#to_h` and `Dash#to_hash` - [@michaelherold](
* [#537]( Fixed inconsistencies with handling defaults in `Dash` with and without `IgnoreUnclared` mixed in - [@michaelherold](
* [#547]( Fixed issue where a source hash key can be used in translating multiple properties - [@danwa5](

## [4.1.0] - 2020-02-01


### Added

* [#545]( Add `Hashie::Mash#except` and `Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess#except` when running under Ruby 3 to match newly added Ruby stdlib method - [@jackjennings](
* [#499]( Add `Hashie::Extensions::Mash::PermissiveRespondTo` to make specific subclasses of Mash fully respond to messages for use with `SimpleDelegator` - [@michaelherold](

### Changed

* [#498]( Exclude tests from the gem release to reduce installation size and improve installation speed - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#467]( Fixed `DeepMerge#deep_merge` mutating nested values within the receiver - [@michaelherold](
* [#505]( Ensure that `Hashie::Array`s are not deconverted within `Hashie::Mash`es to make `Mash#dig` work properly - [@michaelherold](
* [#507]( Suppress `Psych.safe_load` arg warn when using Psych 3.1.0+ - [@koic](
* [#508]( Fixed `Mash.load` no longer uses Rails-only `#except` - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#508]( Fixed `Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge` `#deep_merge` not correctly dup'ing sub-hashes if active_support hash extensions were not present - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#500]( Do not warn when setting Mash keys that look like underbang, bang, and query methods - [@michaelherold](
* [#510]( Ensure that `Hashie::Mash#compact` is only defined on Ruby version >= 2.4.0 - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#511]( Suppress keyword arguments warning for Ruby 2.7.0 - [@koic](
* [#512]( Suppress an integer unification warning for using Ruby 2.4.0+ - [@koic](
* [#513]( Suppress a Ruby's warning when using Ruby 2.6.0+ - [@koic](

## [4.0.0] - 2019-10-30


### Added

* [#323]( Added `Hashie::Extensions::Mash::DefineAccessors` - [@marshall-lee](
* [#474]( Expose `YAML#safe_load` options in `Mash#load` - [@riouruma](, [@dblock](
* [#478]( Added optional array parameter to `Hashie::Mash.disable_warnings` - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#481]( Ruby 2.6 - Support `Hash#merge` and `#merge!` called with multiple Hashes/Mashes - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#488]( Added ability to create an anonymous `Hashie::Mash` subclass with key conflict errors silenced using `` - [@bobbymcwho](

### Changed

* [#481]( Implement non-destructive standard Hash methods - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#482]( Update Travis configs to make jruby builds run on trusty dist - [@BobbyMcWho](

### Fixed

* [#459]( Fixed a regression in `Mash.load` that disallowed aliases - [@arekt]( and [@michaelherold](
* [#465]( Fixed `deep_update` to call any readers when a key exists - [@laertispappas](
* [#479]( Fixed an issue with `Hash#except` not returning a `Mash` in Rails 6 - [@bobbymcwho](
* [#489]( Updated the documentation to exlain the behavior of `Mash` and keyword arguments - [@Bhacaz](
* [#465]( Clean up our RuboCop configuration and fix the outstanding line length violations. This involved some minor refactoring on `Hashie::Extensions::Coercion`, `Hashie::Extensions::Dash::IndifferentAccess`, `Hashie::Extensions::DeepLocate`, `Hashie::Extensions::Mash::SafeAssignment`, and `Hashie::Hash`, but none that were detectable via the test suite - [@michaelherold](

## [3.6.0] - 2018-08-13


### Added

* [#455]( Allow overriding methods when passing in a hash - [@lnestor](
* [#434]( Add documentation around Mash sub-Hashes - [@michaelherold](
* [#439]( Add an integration spec for Elasticsearch - [@michaelherold](

### Changed

* [#433]( Update Rubocop to the most recent version - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#435]( Mash `default_proc`s are now propagated down to nested sub-Hashes - [@michaelherold](
* [#436]( Ensure that `Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess` injects itself after a non-destructive merge - [@michaelherold](
* [#437]( Allow codependent properties to be set on Dash - [@michaelherold](
* [#438]( Fix: `NameError (uninitialized constant Hashie::Extensions::Parsers::YamlErbParser::Pathname)` in `Hashie::Mash.load` - [@onk](
* [#457]( Fix `Trash` to allow it to copy properties from other properties - [@michaelherold](

## [3.5.7] - 2017-12-19


### Fixed

* [#430]( Fix Hashie::Rash randomly losing items - [@Antti](

### Changed

* [#425]( Update rubies in CI - [@kachick](

## [3.5.6] - 2017-07-12


### Fixed

* [#416]( Fix `warning: instance variable @disable_warnings not initialized` - [@axfcampos](

## [3.5.5] - 2017-02-24


### Added

* [#326]( Added `Hashie::Extensions::Mash::KeepOriginalKeys` to give Mashes the ability to keep the original structure given to it - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#415]( Fixed Mash logging keys multiple times which lead to a bad user experience or, in some cases, errors - [@michaelherold](

## [3.5.4] - 2017-02-22


### Added

* [#412]( Added a Hashie::Extensions::Mash::SymbolizeKeys extension that overrides the default stringification behavior for keys - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#409]( Fixed Railtie detection for projects where Rails is defined but Railties are not available - [@CallumD](
* [#411]( Fixed a performance regression from 3.4.3 that caused a 10x slowdown in OmniAuth - [@michaelherold](

## [3.5.3] - 2017-02-11


### Fixed

* [#402]( Use a Railtie to set Hashie.logger on rails boot - [@matthewrudy](
* [#406]( Ensure that subclasses that disable warnings propagate that setting to grandchild classes - [@michaelherold](
* Your contribution here.

## [3.5.2] - 2017-02-10


### Added

* [#395]( Add the ability to disable warnings in Mash subclasses - [@michaelherold](
* [#400]( Fix Hashie.logger load and set the Hashie logger to the Rails logger in a Rails environment - [@michaelherold](
* [#397]( Add the integration specs harness into the main test tasks - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#396]( Fix for specs in #381: Incorrect use of shared context meant example was not being run - [@biinari](
* [#399]( Fix passing Pathname object to Hashie::Mesh.load() - [@albb0920](

## [3.5.1] - 2017-01-31

* [#392]( Fix for #391: Require all dependencies of Hashie::Mash - [@dblock](


## [3.5.0] - 2017-01-31

* [#386]( Fix for #385: Make `deep_merge` always `deep_dup` nested hashes before merging them in so that there are no shared references between the two hashes being merged. - [@mltsy](
* [#389]( Support Ruby 2.4.0 - [@camelmasa](


### Added

* [#381]( Add a logging layer that lets us report potential issues to our users. As the first logged issue, report when a `Hashie::Mash` is attempting to overwrite a built-in method, since that is one of our number one questions - [@michaelherold](

### Changed

* [#384]( Updated to CodeClimate 1.x - [@boffbowsh](

### Fixed

* [#369]( If a translation for a property exists when using IndifferentAccess and IgnoreUndeclared, use the translation to find the property - [@whitethunder](
* [#376]( Leave string index unchanged if it can't be converted to integer for Array#dig - [@sazor](
* [#377]( Dont use Rubygems to check ruby version - [@sazor](
* [#378]( Deep find all searches inside all nested hashes - [@sazor](
* [#380]( Evaluate procs default values of Dash in object initialization - [@sazor](
* [#387]( Fixed builds failing due to Rake 11 having a breaking change - [@michaelherold](

## [3.4.6] - 2016-09-16


### Fixed

* [#368]( Since `hashie/mash` can be required alone, require its dependencies - [@jrafanie](

## [3.4.5] - 2016-09-16


### Added

* [#337](, [#331]( `Hashie::Mash#load` accepts a `Pathname` object - [@gipcompany](
* [#366]( Added Danger, PR linter - [@dblock](

### Deprecated

* [#366]( Hashie is no longer tested on Ruby < 2 - [@dblock](

### Fixed

* [#358]( Fixed support for Array#dig - [@modosc](
* [#365]( Ensured ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess is defined before use in #deep_locate  - [@mikejarema](

## [3.4.4] - 2016-04-29


### Added

* [#349]( Convert `Hashie::Mash#dig` arguments for Ruby 2.3.0 - [@k0kubun](

### Fixed

* [#240]( Fixed nesting twice with Clash keys - [@bartoszkopinski](
* [#317]( Ensured `Hashie::Extensions::MethodQuery` methods return boolean values - [@michaelherold](
* [#319]( Fixed a regression from 3.4.1 where `Hashie::Extensions::DeepFind` is no longer indifference-aware - [@michaelherold](
* [#322]( Fixed `reverse_merge` issue with `Mash` subclasses - [@marshall-lee](
* [#346]( Fixed `merge` breaking indifferent access - [@docwhat](, [@michaelherold](
* [#350]( Fixed from string translations used with `IgnoreUndeclared` - [@marshall-lee](

## [3.4.3] - 2015-10-25


### Added

* [#306]( Added `Hashie::Extensions::Dash::Coercion` - [@marshall-lee](
* [#314]( Added a `StrictKeyAccess` extension that will raise an error whenever a key is accessed that does not exist in the hash - [@pboling](

### Fixed

* [#304]( Ensured compatibility of `Hash` extensions with singleton objects - [@regexident](
* [#310]( Fixed `Hashie::Extensions::SafeAssignment` bug with private methods - [@marshall-lee](

### Changed

* [#313]( Restrict pending spec to only Ruby versions 2.2.0-2.2.2 - [@pboling](
* [#315]( Default `bin/` scripts: `console` and `setup` - [@pboling](

## [3.4.2] - 2015-06-02


### Added

* [#297]( Extracted `Trash`'s behavior into a new `Dash::PropertyTranslation` extension - [@michaelherold](

### Removed

* [#292]( Removed `Mash#id` and `Mash#type` - [@jrochkind](

## [3.4.1] - 2015-03-31


### Added

* [#269]( Added Hashie::Extensions::DeepLocate - [@msievers](
* [#281]( Added #reverse_merge to Mash to override ActiveSupport's version - [@mgold](

### Fixed

* [#270]( Fixed ArgumentError raised when using IndifferentAccess and HashWithIndifferentAccess - [@gardenofwine](
* [#282]( Fixed coercions in a subclass accumulating in the superclass - [@maxlinc](, [@martinstreicher](

## [3.4.0] - 2015-02-02


### Added

* [#251]( Added block support to indifferent access #fetch - [@jgraichen](
* [#252]( Added support for conditionally required Hashie::Dash attributes - [@ccashwell](
* [#254]( Added public utility methods for stringify and symbolize keys - [@maxlinc](
* [#260]( Added block support to Extensions::DeepMerge - [@galathius](
* [#271]( Added ability to define defaults based on current hash - [@gregory](

### Changed

* [#249]( SafeAssignment will now also protect hash-style assignments - [@jrochkind](
* [#264]( Methods such as abc? return true/false with Hashie::Extensions::MethodReader - [@Zloy](

### Fixed

* [#247]( Fixed #stringify_keys and #symbolize_keys collision with ActiveSupport - [@bartoszkopinski](
* [#256]( Inherited key coercions - [@Erol](
* [#259]( Fixed handling of default proc values in Mash - [@Erol](
* [#261]( Fixed bug where modifies argument object - [@d-tw](
* [#269]( Added #extractable_options? so ActiveSupport Array#extract_options! can extract it - [@ridiculous](

## [3.3.2] - 2014-11-26


### Added

* [#231]( Added support for coercion on class type that inherit from Hash - [@gregory](
* [#233]( Custom error messages for required properties in Hashie::Dash subclasses - [@joss](
* [#245]( Added Hashie::Extensions::MethodAccessWithOverride to autoloads - [@Fritzinger](

### Fixed

* [#221]( Reduced amount of allocated objects on calls with suffixes in Hashie::Mash - [@kubum](
* [#224]( Merging Hashie::Mash now correctly only calls the block on duplicate values - [@amysutedja](
* [#228]( Made Hashie::Extensions::Parsers::YamlErbParser pass template filename to ERB - [@jperville](

## [3.3.1] - 2014-08-26


### Added

* [#183]( Added Mash#load with YAML file support - [@gregory](
* [#189]( Added Rash#fetch - [@medcat](
* [#204]( Added Hashie::Extensions::MethodOverridingWriter and MethodAccessWithOverride - [@michaelherold](
* [#205]( Added Hashie::Extensions::Mash::SafeAssignment - [@michaelherold](
* [#209]( Added Hashie::Extensions::DeepFind - [@michaelherold](

### Fixed

* [#69]( Fixed regression in assigning multiple properties in Hashie::Trash - [@michaelherold](, [@einzige](, [@dblock](
* [#195]( Ensured that the same object is returned after injecting IndifferentAccess - [@michaelherold](
* [#201]( Hashie::Trash transforms can be inherited - [@fobocaster](
* [#200]( Improved coercion: primitives and error handling - [@maxlinc](
* [#206]( Fixed stack overflow from repetitively including coercion in subclasses - [@michaelherold](
* [#207]( Fixed inheritance of transformations in Trash - [@fobocaster](

## [3.2.0] - 2014-07-10


### Added

* [#177]( Added support for coercing enumerables and collections - [@gregory](

### Changed

* [#179]( Mash#values_at will convert each key before doing the lookup - [@nahiluhmot](
* [#184]( Allow ranges on Rash to match all Numeric types - [@medcat](

### Fixed

* [#164](, [#165](, [#166]( Fixed stack overflow when coercing mashes that contain ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess values - [@numinit](, [@kgrz](
* [#187]( Automatically require version - [@medcat](
* [#190]( Fixed `coerce_key` with `from` Trash feature and Coercion extension - [@gregory](
* [#192]( Fixed StringifyKeys#stringify_keys! to recursively stringify keys of embedded ::Hash types - [@dblock](

## [3.1.0] - 2014-06-25


### Added

* [#172]( Added Dash and Trash#update_attributes! - [@gregory](

### Changed

* [#169]( Hash#to_hash will also convert nested objects that implement to_hash - [@gregory](
* [#173]( Auto include Dash::IndifferentAccess when IndifferentAccess is included in Dash - [@gregory](

### Fixed

* [#171]( Include Trash and Dash class name when raising `NoMethodError` - [@gregory](
* [#174]( Fixed `from` and `transform_with` Trash features when IndifferentAccess is included - [@gregory](

## [3.0.0] - 2014-06-03


### Added

* [#149]( Allow IgnoreUndeclared and DeepMerge to be used with undeclared properties - [@jhaesus](

### Changed

* [#152]( Do not convert keys to String in Hashie::Dash and Hashie::Trash, use Hashie::Extensions::Dash::IndifferentAccess to achieve backward compatible behavior - [@dblock](
* [#152]( Do not automatically stringify keys in Hashie::Hash#to_hash, pass `:stringify_keys` to achieve backward compatible behavior - [@dblock](

### Fixed

* [#146]( Mash#respond_to? inconsistent with #method_missing and does not respond to #permitted? - [@dblock](
* [#148]( Consolidated Hashie::Hash#stringify_keys implementation - [@dblock](
* [#159]( Handle nil intermediate object on deep fetch - [@stephenaument](

## [2.1.2] - 2014-05-12


### Changed

* [#169]( Hash#to_hash will also convert nested objects that implement `to_hash` - [@gregory](

## [2.1.1] - 2014-04-12


### Fixed

* [#131]( Added IgnoreUndeclared, an extension to silently ignore undeclared properties at initialization - [@righi](
* [#138]( Added Hashie::Rash, a hash whose keys can be regular expressions or ranges - [@epitron](
* [#144]( Fixed regression invoking `to_hash` with no parameters - [@mbleigh](

## [2.1.0] - 2014-04-06


### Added

* [#134]( Added deep_fetch extension for nested access - [@tylerdooling](

### Changed

* [#89]( Do not respond to every method with suffix in Hashie::Mash, fixes Rails strong_parameters - [@Maxim-Filimonov](
* Ruby style now enforced with Rubocop - [@dblock](

### Removed

* Removed support for Ruby 1.8.7 - [@dblock](
* [#136]( Removed Hashie::Extensions::Structure - [@markiz](

### Fixed

* [#69]( Fixed assigning multiple properties in Hashie::Trash - [@einzige](
* [#99]( Hash#deep_merge raises errors when it encounters integers - [@defsprite](
* [#100]( IndifferentAccess#store will respect indifference - [@jrochkind](
* [#103]( Fixed support for Hashie::Dash properties that end in bang - [@thedavemarshall](
* [#107]( Fixed excessive value conversions, poor performance of deep merge in Hashie::Mash - [@davemitchell](, [@dblock](
* [#110]( Correctly use Hash#default from Mash#method_missing - [@ryansouza](
* [#111]( Trash#translations correctly maps original to translated names - [@artm](
* [#113]( Fixed Hash#merge with Hashie::Dash - [@spencer1248](
* [#120]( Pass options to recursive to_hash calls - [@pwillett](
* [#129]( Added Trash#permitted_input_keys and inverse_translations - [@artm](
* [#130]( IndifferentAccess now works without MergeInitializer - [@npj](
* [#133]( Fixed Hash##to_hash with symbolize_keys - [@mhuggins](

## [2.0.5] - 2013-05-10


### Fixed

* [#96]( Made coercion work better with non-symbol keys in Hashie::Mash - [@wapcaplet](

## [2.0.4] - 2013-04-24


### Fixed

* [#94]( Made #fetch method consistent with normal Hash - [@markiz](

### Changed

* [#90]( Various doc tweaks - [@craiglittle](

## [2.0.3] - 2013-03-18


### Fixed

* [#68]( Fixed #replace - [@jimeh](
* [#88]( true).respond_to?(:abc?) works - [@7even](

## [2.0.2] - 2013-02-26


### Fixed

* [#85]( Added symbolize_keys back to to_hash - [@cromulus](

## [2.0.1] - 2013-02-26


### Removed

* [#81]( Removed Mash#object_id override - [@matschaffer](
* Removed VERSION and Gemfile.lock - [@jch](, [@mbleigh](

## [2.0.0] - 2013-02-16


### Added

* [#41]( DeepMerge extension - [@nashby](
* [#78]( Merge and update accepts a block - [@jch](
* [#72]( Updated gemspec with license info - [@jordimassaguerpla](

### Changed

* [#28]( Hashie::Extensions::Coercion coerce_keys takes arguments - [@mattfawcett](
* [#77]( Removed id, type, and object_id as special allowable keys - [@jch](

### Fixed

* [#27]( Initialize with merge coerces values - [@mattfawcett](
* [#39]( Trash removes translated values on initialization - [@sleverbor](
* [#49]( Hashie::Hash inherits from ::Hash to avoid ambiguity - [@meh](, [@orend](
* [#62]( Updated respond_to? method signature to match ruby core definition - [@dlupu](
* [#63]( Dash defaults are dup'ed before assigned - [@ohrite](
* [#66]( Mash#fetch works with symbol or string keys - [@arthwood](