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Test Coverage
import {describe, it} from 'mocha';
import assert from 'assert';
import URL from 'url';
import {isAllowedExtension, isHostnamePubliclyAccessible} from '../src/network';

describe('Network blocks', () => {
    describe('#isPubliclyAccessible()', async () => {
        const create = async (name, url, expected) => {
            it(name, async () => {
                assert.strictEqual(await isHostnamePubliclyAccessible(URL.parse(url).hostname), expected);

        create('should disallow localhost without a port', 'http://localhost', false);
        create('should disallow localhost with a port', 'http://localhost:1223', false);
        create('should disallow localhost ip', '', false);
        create('should disallow localhost ip', '', false);

        create('should allow some domain without a port', '', true);
        create('should allow some domain with a port', '', true);
        create('should allow some ip', '', true);

        create('should allow an external domain', '', true);
        create('should not allow an internal domain', '', false);

    describe('#isAllowedExtension()', () => {
        const create = async (name, url, expected) => {
            it(name, async () => assert.strictEqual(isAllowedExtension(url), expected));

        create('should allow some file', '', true);
        create('should allow the file root', '', true);
        create('should allow some ip an url with a block somewhere', '', true);

        const createType = async (type, expected) => {
            const name2 = `should ${!expected ? 'dis' : ''}allow an ${type ? type : 'root document'}`;
            const url = `${type ? '.' : ''}${type}`;
            create(name2, url, expected);
        createType('PDF', false);
        createType('pdf', false);
        createType('gif', false);
        createType('GIF', false);
        createType('JPG', false);
        createType('MP4', false);
        createType('html', true);
        createType('html', true);
        createType('', true);