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# inversify-logger-middleware

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A console logger middleware for [InversifyJS](


## Installation

You can install `inversify-logger-middleware` using npm:

npm install inversify inversify-logger-middleware reflect-metadata --save

The `inversify-logger-middleware` type definitions are included in the npm module and require TypeScript 2.0.
Please refer to the [InversifyJS documentation]( to learn more about the installation process.

### Motivation

Lets imagine that we have already configured an InversifyJS Container and the logger middleware using the fillowing bindings:

let module = new ContainerModule((bind: inversify.interfaces.Bind) => {
    bind<Warrior>("Warrior").to(Samurai).whenTargetTagged("canSneak", false);
    bind<Warrior>("Warrior").to(Ninja).whenTargetTagged("canSneak", true);

This middleware will display the InversifyJS resolution plan in console in the following format.

//  container.getTagged<Warrior>("Warrior", "canSneak", true);

SUCCESS: 0.41 ms.
    └── Request : 0
        └── serviceIdentifier : Warrior
        └── bindings
            └── Binding<Warrior> : 0
                └── type : Instance
                └── implementationType : Ninja
                └── scope : Transient
        └── target
            └── serviceIdentifier : Warrior
            └── name : undefined
            └── metadata
                └── Metadata : 0
                    └── key : canSneak
                    └── value : true
        └── childRequests
            └── Request : 0
                └── serviceIdentifier : Weapon
                └── bindings
                    └── Binding<Weapon> : 0
                        └── type : Instance
                        └── implementationType : Shuriken
                        └── scope : Transient
                └── target
                    └── serviceIdentifier : Weapon
                    └── name : shuriken
                    └── metadata
                        └── Metadata : 0
                            └── key : name
                            └── value : shuriken
                        └── Metadata : 1
                            └── key : inject
                            └── value : Weapon

You can configure which elements of the resolution plan are being displayed.

This kind of information can help you during the development of applications with InersifyJS.

### Default settings and renderer

You can create a logger using the default settings as follows:

import { makeLoggerMiddleware } from 'inversify-logger-middleware';
let logger = makeLoggerMiddleware();

The default options are the following:

let deatultOptions: LoggerSettings = {
    request: {
        bindings: {
            activated: false,
            cache: false,
            constraint: false,
            dynamicValue: false,
            factory: false,
            implementationType: true,
            onActivation: false,
            provider: false,
            scope: false,
            serviceIdentifier: false,
            type: false
        serviceIdentifier: true,
        target: {
            metadata: true,
            name: false,
            serviceIdentifier: false
    time: true

You can use the option to determine which elements of the resolution plan should be logged.

The default renderer look as follows:

function consoleRenderer(out: string) {

### Custom settings and renderer

The following code snippet uses custom settings and a string renderer instead of the default console renderer.

let options: LoggerSettings = {
    request: {
        serviceIdentifier: true,
        bindings: {
            scope: true
        result: true

// Takes object (loggerOutput) instead of primitive (string) to share reference
let makeStringRenderer = function (loggerOutput: { content: string }) {
    return function (out: string) {
        loggerOutput.content = out;

let loggerOutput = { content : "" };
let stringRenderer = makeStringRenderer(loggerOutput);
let logger = makeLoggerMiddleware(null, stringRenderer);

### Applying the middleware

You can apply the logger middlerare using the InversifyJS API:

let container = new Container();
let logger = makeLoggerMiddleware();

Please refere to the
[InversifyJS documentation](
to learn more about middleware.

### Demo app

A sample application can be found at the
[inversify-code-samples]( repository.