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3 days
Test Coverage
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from difflib import unified_diff
from functools import partial
from functools import wraps
from inspect import isclass
from logging import _checkLevel
from logging import getLevelName
from logging import getLogger
from sys import _getframe
from traceback import format_stack

from aspectlib import ALL_METHODS
from aspectlib import mimic
from aspectlib import weave

from .utils import Sentinel
from .utils import camelcase_to_underscores
from .utils import container
from .utils import logf
from .utils import qualname
from .utils import repr_ex

    from logging import _levelNames as nameToLevel
except ImportError:
    from logging import _nameToLevel as nameToLevel
    from dummy_thread import allocate_lock
except ImportError:
        from _dummy_thread import allocate_lock
    except ImportError:
        from _thread import allocate_lock

from collections import ChainMap
from collections import OrderedDict

__all__ = 'mock', 'record', "Story"

logger = getLogger(__name__)
logexception = logf(logger.exception)

Call = namedtuple('Call', ('self', 'args', 'kwargs'))
CallEx = namedtuple('CallEx', ('self', 'name', 'args', 'kwargs'))
Result = namedtuple('Result', ('self', 'args', 'kwargs', 'result', 'exception'))
ResultEx = namedtuple('ResultEx', ('self', 'name', 'args', 'kwargs', 'result', 'exception'))
_INIT = Sentinel("INIT")

def mock(return_value, call=False):
    Factory for a decorator that makes the function return a given `return_value`.

        return_value: Value to return from the wrapper.
        call (bool): If ``True``, call the decorated function. (default: ``False``)

        A decorator.

    def mock_decorator(func):
        def mock_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if call:
                func(*args, **kwargs)
            return return_value

        return mock_wrapper

    return mock_decorator

class LogCapture(object):
    Records all log messages made on the given logger. Assumes the logger has a ``_log`` method.


        >>> import logging
        >>> logger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')
        >>> with LogCapture(logger, level='INFO') as logs:
        ...     logger.debug("Message from debug: %s", 'somearg')
        ..."Message from info: %s", 'somearg')
        ...     logger.error("Message from error: %s", 'somearg')
        >>> logs.calls
        [('Message from info: %s', ('somearg',), 'INFO'), ('Message from error: %s', ('somearg',), 'ERROR')]
        >>> logs.messages
        [('INFO', 'Message from info: somearg'), ('ERROR', 'Message from error: somearg')]
        >>> logs.has('Message from info: %s')
        >>> logs.has('Message from info: somearg')
        >>> logs.has('Message from info: %s', 'badarg')
        >>> logs.has('Message from debug: %s')
        >>> logs.assertLogged('Message from error: %s')
        >>> logs.assertLogged('Message from error: %s')
        >>> logs.assertLogged('Message from error: %s')

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0

        Added ``messages`` property.
        Changed ``calls`` to retrun the level as a string (instead of int).

    def __init__(self, logger, level='DEBUG'):
        self._logger = logger
        self._level = nameToLevel[level]
        self._calls = []
        self._rollback = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self._rollback = weave(
            record(callback=self._callback, extended=True, iscalled=True),
            methods=('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'exception', 'critical', 'log'),
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *exc):

    def _callback(self, _binding, qualname, args, _kwargs):
        _, name = qualname.rsplit('.', 1)

        if name == 'log':
            level, args = _checkLevel(args[0]), args[1:]
        elif name == 'exception':
            level = logging.ERROR
            level = _checkLevel(name.upper())

        if len(args) > 1:
            message, args = args[0], args[1:]
            message, args = args[0], ()

        if level >= self._level:
            self._calls.append((message % args if args else message, message, args, getLevelName(level)))

    def calls(self):
        return [i[1:] for i in self._calls]

    def messages(self):
        return [(i[-1], i[0]) for i in self._calls]

    def has(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
        level = kwargs.pop('level', None)
        assert not kwargs, "Unexpected arguments: %s" % kwargs
        for call_final_message, call_message, call_args, call_level in self._calls:
            if level is None or level == call_level:
                if message == call_message and args == call_args if args else message == call_final_message or message == call_message:
                    return True
        return False

    def assertLogged(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.has(message, *args, **kwargs):
            raise AssertionError(
                "There's no such message %r (with args %r) logged on %s. Logged messages where: %s"
                % (message, args, self._logger, self.calls)

class _RecordingFunctionWrapper(object):
    Function wrapper that records calls and can be used as an weaver context manager.

    See :obj:`aspectlib.test.record` for arguments.

    def __init__(self, wrapped, iscalled=True, calls=None, callback=None, extended=False, results=False, recurse_lock=None, binding=None):
        assert not results or iscalled, "`iscalled` must be True if `results` is True"
        mimic(self, wrapped)
        self.__wrapped = wrapped
        self.__entanglement = None
        self.__iscalled = iscalled
        self.__binding = binding
        self.__callback = callback
        self.__extended = extended
        self.__results = results
        self.__recurse_lock = recurse_lock
        self.calls = [] if not callback and calls is None else calls

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        record = not self.__recurse_lock or self.__recurse_lock.acquire(False)
            if self.__results:
                    result = self.__wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as exc:
                    if record:
                        self.__record(args, kwargs, None, exc)
                    if record:
                        self.__record(args, kwargs, result, None)
                    return result
                if record:
                    self.__record(args, kwargs)
                if self.__iscalled:
                    return self.__wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
            if record and self.__recurse_lock:

    def __record(self, args, kwargs, *response):
        if self.__callback is not None:
            self.__callback(self.__binding, qualname(self), args, kwargs, *response)
        if self.calls is not None:
            if self.__extended:
                self.calls.append((ResultEx if response else CallEx)(self.__binding, qualname(self), args, kwargs, *response))
                self.calls.append((Result if response else Call)(self.__binding, args, kwargs, *response))

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return _RecordingFunctionWrapper(
            self.__wrapped.__get__(instance, owner),

    def __enter__(self):
        self.__entanglement = weave(self.__wrapped, lambda _: self)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

def record(func=None, recurse_lock_factory=allocate_lock, **options):
    Factory or decorator (depending if `func` is initially given).

        callback (list):
            An a callable that is to be called with ``instance, function, args, kwargs``.
        calls (list):
            An object where the `Call` objects are appended. If not given and ``callback`` is not specified then a new list
            object will be created.
        iscalled (bool):
            If ``True`` the `func` will be called. (default: ``False``)
        extended (bool):
            If ``True`` the `func`'s ``__name__`` will also be included in the call list. (default: ``False``)
        results (bool):
            If ``True`` the results (and exceptions) will also be included in the call list. (default: ``False``)

        A wrapper that records all calls made to `func`. The history is available as a ``call``
        property. If access to the function is too hard then you need to specify the history manually.


        >>> @record
        ... def a(x, y, a, b):
        ...     pass
        >>> a(1, 2, 3, b='c')
        >>> a.calls
        [Call(self=None, args=(1, 2, 3), kwargs={'b': 'c'})]

    Or, with your own history list::

        >>> calls = []
        >>> @record(calls=calls)
        ... def a(x, y, a, b):
        ...     pass
        >>> a(1, 2, 3, b='c')
        >>> a.calls
        [Call(self=None, args=(1, 2, 3), kwargs={'b': 'c'})]
        >>> calls is a.calls

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0

        Renamed `history` option to `calls`.
        Renamed `call` option to `iscalled`.
        Added `callback` option.
        Added `extended` option.
    if func:
        return _RecordingFunctionWrapper(func, recurse_lock=recurse_lock_factory(), **options)
        return partial(record, **options)

class StoryResultWrapper(object):
    __slots__ = '__recorder__'

    def __init__(self, recorder):
        self.__recorder__ = recorder

    def __eq__(self, result):

    def __pow__(self, exception):
        if not (isinstance(exception, BaseException) or isclass(exception) and issubclass(exception, BaseException)):
            raise RuntimeError("Value %r must be an exception type or instance." % exception)

    def __unsupported__(self, *args):
        raise TypeError("Unsupported operation. Only `==` (for results) and `**` (for exceptions) can be used.")

    for mm in (
        exec("%s = __unsupported__" % mm)

class _StoryFunctionWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, wrapped, handle, binding=None, owner=None):
        self._wrapped = wrapped
        self._name = wrapped.__name__
        self._handle = handle
        self._binding = binding
        self._owner = owner

    def _qualname(self):
        return qualname(self)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._binding is None:
            return StoryResultWrapper(partial(self._handle, None, self._qualname, args, kwargs))
            if self._name == '__init__':
                self._handle(None, qualname(self._owner), args, kwargs, _Binds(self._binding))
                return StoryResultWrapper(partial(self._handle, self._binding, self._name, args, kwargs))

    def __get__(self, binding, owner):
        return mimic(
                self._wrapped.__get__(binding, owner) if hasattr(self._wrapped, '__get__') else self._wrapped,

class _ReplayFunctionWrapper(_StoryFunctionWrapper):
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._binding is None:
            return self._handle(None, self._qualname, args, kwargs, self._wrapped)
            if self._name == '__init__':
                self._handle(None, qualname(self._owner), args, kwargs, self._wrapped, _Binds(self._binding))
                return self._handle(self._binding, self._name, args, kwargs, self._wrapped)

class _RecordingBase(object):
    _target = None
    _options = None

    def __init__(self, target, **options):
        self._target = target
        self._options = options
        self._calls = OrderedDict()
        self._ids = {}
        self._instances = defaultdict(int)

    def _make_key(self, binding, name, args, kwargs):
        if binding is not None:
            binding, _ = self._ids[id(binding)]
        return (binding, name, ', '.join(repr_ex(i) for i in args), ', '.join("%s=%s" % (k, repr_ex(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()))

    def _tag_result(self, name, result):
        if isinstance(result, _Binds):
            instance_name = camelcase_to_underscores(name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
            self._instances[instance_name] += 1
            instance_name = "%s_%s" % (instance_name, self._instances[instance_name])
            self._ids[id(result.value)] = instance_name, result.value
            result.value = instance_name
            result.value = repr_ex(result.value, self._ids)
        return result

    def _handle(self, binding, name, args, kwargs, result):
        pk = self._make_key(binding, name, args, kwargs)
        result = self._tag_result(name, result)
        assert (
            pk not in self._calls or self._calls[pk] == result
        ), "Story creation inconsistency. There is already a result cached for " "binding:%r name:%r args:%r kwargs:%r and it's: %r." % (
        self._calls[pk] = result

    def __enter__(self):
        self._options.setdefault('methods', ALL_METHODS)
        self.__entanglement = weave(self._target, partial(self._FunctionWrapper, handle=self._handle), **self._options)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        del self._ids

_Raises = container("Raises")
_Returns = container("Returns")
_Binds = container("Binds")

class Story(_RecordingBase):
    This a simple yet flexible tool that can do "capture-replay mocking" or "test doubles" [1]_. It leverages
    ``aspectlib``'s powerful :obj:`weaver <aspectlib.weave>`.

        target (same as for :obj:`aspectlib.weave`):
            Targets to weave in the `story`/`replay` transactions.
        subclasses (bool):
            If ``True``, subclasses of target are weaved. *Only available for classes*
        aliases (bool):
            If ``True``, aliases of target are replaced.
        lazy (bool):
            If ``True`` only target's ``__init__`` method is patched, the rest of the methods are patched after ``__init__``
            is called. *Only available for classes*.
        methods (list or regex or string): Methods from target to patch. *Only available for classes*

    The ``Story`` allows some testing patterns that are hard to do with other tools:

    * **Proxied mocks**: partially mock `objects` and `modules` so they are called normally if the request is unknown.
    * **Stubs**: completely mock `objects` and `modules`. Raise errors if the request is unknown.

    The ``Story`` works in two of transactions:

    *   **The story**: You describe what calls you want to mocked. Initially you don't need to write this. Example:


            >>> import mymod
            >>> with Story(mymod) as story:
            ...     mymod.func('some arg') == 'some result'
            ...     mymod.func('bad arg') ** ValueError("can't use this")

    *   **The replay**: You run the code uses the interfaces mocked in the `story`. The :obj:`replay
        <aspectlib.test.Story.replay>` always starts from a `story` instance.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0

        Added in.

    .. [1]

    _FunctionWrapper = _StoryFunctionWrapper

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Story, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        frame = _getframe(1)
        self._context = frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals

    def replay(self, **options):
            proxy (bool):
                If ``True`` then unexpected uses are allowed (will use the real functions) but they are collected for later
                use. Default: ``True``.
            strict (bool):
                If ``True`` then an ``AssertionError`` is raised when there were `unexpected calls` or there were `missing
                calls` (specified in the story but not called). Default: ``True``.
            dump (bool):
                If ``True`` then the `unexpected`/`missing calls` will be printed (to ``sys.stdout``). Default: ``True``.

            A :obj:`aspectlib.test.Replay` object.


            >>> import mymod
            >>> with Story(mymod) as story:
            ...     mymod.func('some arg') == 'some result'
            ...     mymod.func('other arg') == 'other result'
            >>> with story.replay(strict=False):
            ...     print(mymod.func('some arg'))
            ...     mymod.func('bogus arg')
            some result
            Got bogus arg in the real code!
            STORY/REPLAY DIFF:
                --- expected...
                +++ actual...
                @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
                 mymod.func('some arg') == 'some result'  # returns
                -mymod.func('other arg') == 'other result'  # returns
                +mymod.func('bogus arg') == None  # returns
                mymod.func('some arg') == 'some result'  # returns
                mymod.func('bogus arg') == None  # returns
        return Replay(self, **options)

ReplayPair = namedtuple("ReplayPair", ('expected', 'actual'))

def logged_eval(value, context):
        return eval(value, *context)
    except:  # noqa
        logexception("Failed to evaluate %r.\nContext:\n%s", value, ''.join(format_stack(f=_getframe(1), limit=15)))

class Replay(_RecordingBase):
    Object implementing the `replay transaction`.

    This object should be created by :obj:`Story <aspectlib.test.Story>`'s :obj:`replay <aspectlib.test.Story.replay>`

    _FunctionWrapper = _ReplayFunctionWrapper

    def __init__(self, play, proxy=True, strict=True, dump=True, recurse_lock=False, **options):
        super(Replay, self).__init__(play._target, **options)
        self._calls, self._expected, self._actual = ChainMap(self._calls, play._calls), play._calls, self._calls

        self._proxy = proxy
        self._strict = strict
        self._dump = dump
        self._context = play._context
        self._recurse_lock = allocate_lock() if recurse_lock is True else (recurse_lock and recurse_lock())

    def _handle(self, binding, name, args, kwargs, wrapped, bind=None):
        pk = self._make_key(binding, name, args, kwargs)
        if pk in self._expected:
            result = self._actual[pk] = self._expected[pk]
            if isinstance(result, _Binds):
                self._tag_result(name, bind)
            elif isinstance(result, _Returns):
                return logged_eval(result.value, self._context)
            elif isinstance(result, _Raises):
                raise logged_eval(result.value, self._context)
                raise RuntimeError('Internal failure - unknown result: %r' % result)  # pragma: no cover
            if self._proxy:
                shouldrecord = not self._recurse_lock or self._recurse_lock.acquire(False)
                        if bind:
                            bind = self._tag_result(name, bind)
                        result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
                    except Exception as exc:
                        if shouldrecord:
                            self._calls[pk] = self._tag_result(name, _Raises(exc))
                        if shouldrecord:
                            self._calls[pk] = bind or self._tag_result(name, _Returns(result))
                        return result
                    if shouldrecord and self._recurse_lock:
                raise AssertionError("Unexpected call to %s/%s with args:%s kwargs:%s" % pk)

    def _unexpected(self, _missing=False):
        if _missing:
            expected, actual = self._actual, self._expected
            actual, expected = self._actual, self._expected
        return ''.join(_format_calls(OrderedDict((pk, val) for pk, val in actual.items() if pk not in expected or val != expected.get(pk))))

    def unexpected(self):
        Returns a pretty text representation of just the unexpected calls.

        The output should be usable directly in the story (just copy-paste it). Example::

            >>> import mymod
            >>> with Story(mymod) as story:
            ...     pass
            >>> with story.replay(strict=False, dump=False) as replay:
            ...     mymod.func('some arg')
            ...     try:
            ...         mymod.badfunc()
            ...     except ValueError as exc:
            ...         print(exc)
            Got some arg in the real code!
            >>> print(replay.unexpected)
            mymod.func('some arg') == None  # returns
            mymod.badfunc() ** ValueError('boom!',)  # raises

        We can just take the output and paste in the story::

            >>> import mymod
            >>> with Story(mymod) as story:
            ...     mymod.func('some arg') == None  # returns
            ...     mymod.badfunc() ** ValueError('boom!')  # raises
            >>> with story.replay():
            ...     mymod.func('some arg')
            ...     try:
            ...         mymod.badfunc()
            ...     except ValueError as exc:
            ...         print(exc)

        return self._unexpected()

    def missing(self):
        Returns a pretty text representation of just the missing calls.
        return self._unexpected(_missing=True)

    def diff(self):
        Returns a pretty text representation of the unexpected and missing calls.

        Most of the time you don't need to directly use this. This is useful when you run the `replay` in
        ``strict=False`` mode and want to do custom assertions.

        actual = list(_format_calls(self._actual))
        expected = list(_format_calls(self._expected))
        return ''.join(unified_diff(expected, actual, fromfile='expected', tofile='actual'))

    def actual(self):
        return ''.join(_format_calls(self._actual))

    def expected(self):
        return ''.join(_format_calls(self._expected))

    def __exit__(self, *exception):
        super(Replay, self).__exit__()
        if self._strict or self._dump:
            diff = self.diff
            if diff:
                if exception or self._dump:
                    print('STORY/REPLAY DIFF:')
                    print('    ' + '\n    '.join(diff.splitlines()))
                    print('    ' + '    '.join(_format_calls(self._actual)))
                if not exception and self._strict:
                    raise AssertionError(diff)

def _format_calls(calls):
    for (binding, name, args, kwargs), result in calls.items():
        sig = '%s(%s%s%s)' % (name, args, ', ' if kwargs and args else '', kwargs)

        if isinstance(result, _Binds):
            yield '%s = %s\n' % (result.value, sig)
        elif isinstance(result, _Returns):
            if binding is None:
                yield '%s == %s  # returns\n' % (sig, result.value)
                yield '%s.%s == %s  # returns\n' % (binding, sig, result.value)
        elif isinstance(result, _Raises):
            if binding is None:
                yield '%s ** %s  # raises\n' % (sig, result.value)
                yield '%s.%s ** %s  # raises\n' % (binding, sig, result.value)