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Test Coverage
# cython: linetrace=True, language_level=3str, c_string_encoding=ascii
from functools import partial
from linecache import getline
from linecache import getlines
from os.path import basename
from os.path import exists
from os.path import splitext
from threading import current_thread
from tokenize import TokenError
from tokenize import generate_tokens

from cpython.pythread cimport PyThread_get_thread_ident
from cpython.ref cimport Py_XINCREF
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from cython cimport auto_pickle

from ._tracer cimport Tracer
from .vendor._cymem.cymem cimport Pool

from .const import SITE_PACKAGES_PATHS
from .const import SYS_PREFIX_PATHS
from .util import CYTHON_SUFFIX_RE
from .util import LEADING_WHITESPACE_RE
from .util import MISSING
from .util import get_func_in_mro
from .util import get_main_thread
from .util import if_same_code

__all__ = 'Event',

cdef object UNSET = object()

cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef PyObject** KIND_NAMES = make_kind_names(['call', 'exception', 'line', 'return', 'call', 'exception', 'return'])

cdef inline PyObject** make_kind_names(list strings):
    cdef PyObject** array = <PyObject**>mem.alloc(len(strings), sizeof(PyObject*))
    cdef object name
    for i, string in enumerate(strings):
        name = intern(string)
        Py_XINCREF(<PyObject*> name)
        array[i] = <PyObject*> name
    return <PyObject**>array

cdef class Event:
    A wrapper object for Frame objects. Instances of this are passed to your custom functions or predicates.

    Provides few convenience properties.

        frame (Frame): A python `Frame <>`_ object.
        kind (str): A string like ``'call'``, ``'line'``, ``'return'`` or ``'exception'``.
        arg: A value that depends on ``kind``. Usually is ``None`` but for ``'return'`` or ``'exception'`` other values
            may be expected.
        tracer (:class:`hunter.tracer.Tracer`): The :class:`~hunter.tracer.Tracer` instance that created the event.
            Needed for the ``calls`` and ``depth`` fields.
    def __init__(self, FrameType frame, int kind, object arg, Tracer tracer=None, object depth=None, object calls=None,
                 object threading_support=MISSING):
        if tracer is None:
            if depth is None:
                raise TypeError('Missing argument: depth (required because tracer was not given).')
            if calls is None:
                raise TypeError('Missing argument: calls (required because tracer was not given).')
            if threading_support is MISSING:
                raise TypeError('Missing argument: threading_support (required because tracer was not given).')
            depth = tracer.depth
            calls = tracer.calls
            threading_support = tracer.threading_support

        self.arg = arg
        self.frame = frame
        self.kind = <str> KIND_NAMES[kind]
        self.depth = depth
        self.calls = calls
        self.threading_support = threading_support
        self.detached = False
        self.builtin = kind > 3

        self._code = UNSET
        self._filename = UNSET
        self._fullsource = UNSET
        self._function_object = UNSET
        self._function = UNSET
        self._globals = UNSET
        self._lineno = UNSET
        self._locals = UNSET
        self._module = UNSET
        self._source = UNSET
        self._stdlib = UNSET
        self._threadidn = UNSET
        self._threadname = UNSET
        self._thread = UNSET
        self._instruction = UNSET

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Event kind=%r function=%r module=%r filename=%r lineno=%s>' % (
            self.kind, self.function, self.module, self.filename, self.lineno

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def detach(self, value_filter=None):
        return fast_detach(self, value_filter)

    def clone(self):
        return fast_clone(self)

    cdef inline instruction_getter(self):
        cdef int position

        if self._instruction is UNSET:
            position = PyFrame_GetLasti(self.frame)
            co_code = PyCode_GetCode(self.code_getter())
            if co_code and position >= 0:
                self._instruction = co_code[position]
                self._instruction = None
        return self._instruction

    def instruction(self):
        return self.instruction_getter()

    cdef inline threadid_getter(self):
        cdef long current

        if self._threadidn is UNSET:
            current = PyThread_get_thread_ident()
            main = get_main_thread()
            if main is not None and current == main.ident:
                self._threadidn = None
                self._threadidn = current
        return self._threadidn

    def threadid(self):
        return self.threadid_getter()

    cdef inline threadname_getter(self):
        if self._threadname is UNSET:
            if self._thread is UNSET:
                self._thread = current_thread()
            self._threadname =
        return self._threadname

    def threadname(self):
        return self.threadname_getter()

    cdef inline locals_getter(self):
        if self._locals is UNSET:
            if self.builtin:
                self._locals = {}
                self._locals = PyFrame_GetLocals(self.frame)
        return self._locals

    def locals(self):
        return self.locals_getter()

    cdef inline globals_getter(self):
        if self._globals is UNSET:
            if self.builtin:
                self._locals = {}
                self._globals = PyFrame_GetGlobals(self.frame)
        return self._globals

    def globals(self):
        return self.globals_getter()

    cdef inline function_getter(self):
        if self._function is UNSET:
            if self.builtin:
                self._function = self.arg.__name__
                self._function = self.code_getter().co_name
        return self._function

    def function(self):
        return self.function_getter()

    def function_object(self):
        cdef CodeType code
        if self.builtin:
            return self.builtin
        elif self._function_object is UNSET:
            code = self.code_getter()
            if code.co_name is None:
                return None
            # First, try to find the function in globals
            candidate = self.globals.get(code.co_name, None)
            func = if_same_code(candidate, code)
            # If that failed, as will be the case with class and instance methods, try
            # to look up the function from the first argument. In the case of class/instance
            # methods, this should be the class (or an instance of the class) on which our
            # method is defined.
            if func is None and code.co_argcount >= 1:
                first_arg = self.locals.get(PyCode_GetVarnames(code)[0])
                func = get_func_in_mro(first_arg, code)
            # If we still can't find the function, as will be the case with static methods,
            # try looking at classes in global scope.
            if func is None:
                for v in self.globals.values():
                    if not isinstance(v, type):
                    func = get_func_in_mro(v, code)
                    if func is not None:
            self._function_object = func
        return self._function_object

    cdef inline module_getter(self):
        if self._module is UNSET:
            if self.builtin:
                module = self.arg.__module__
                module = self.globals.get('__name__', '')
            if module is None:
                module = '?'
            self._module = module
        return self._module

    def module(self):
        return self.module_getter()

    cdef inline filename_getter(self):
        cdef CodeType code
        if self._filename is UNSET:
            code = self.code_getter()
            filename = code.co_filename
            if not filename:
                filename = self.globals.get('__file__')
            if not filename:
                filename = '?'
            elif filename.endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo')):
                filename = filename[:-1]
            elif filename.endswith(('.so', '.pyd')):
                cybasename = CYTHON_SUFFIX_RE.sub('', filename)
                for ext in ('.pyx', '.py'):
                    cyfilename = cybasename + ext
                    if exists(cyfilename):
                        filename = cyfilename

            self._filename = filename
        return self._filename

    def filename(self):
        return self.filename_getter()

    cdef inline lineno_getter(self):
        if self._lineno is UNSET:
            self._lineno = PyFrame_GetLineNumber(self.frame)
        return self._lineno

    def lineno(self):
        return self.lineno_getter()

    cdef inline CodeType code_getter(self):
        if self._code is UNSET:
            return PyFrame_GetCode(self.frame)
            return self._code

    def code(self):
        return self.code_getter()

    cdef inline stdlib_getter(self):
        if self._stdlib is UNSET:
            module_parts = self.module.split('.')
            if 'pkg_resources' in module_parts:
                # skip this over-vendored module
                self._stdlib = True
            elif self.filename == '<string>' and (self.module.startswith('namedtuple_') or self.module == 'site'):
                # skip namedtuple exec garbage
                self._stdlib = True
            elif self.filename.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES_PATHS):
                # if in site-packages then definitely not stdlib
                self._stdlib = False
            elif self.filename.startswith(SYS_PREFIX_PATHS):
                self._stdlib = True
                self._stdlib = False
        return self._stdlib

    def stdlib(self):
        return self.stdlib_getter()

    cdef inline fullsource_getter(self):
        cdef list lines
        cdef CodeType code

        if self._fullsource is UNSET:
                self._fullsource = None
                code = self.code_getter()
                if self.kind == 'call' and code.co_name != '<module>':
                    lines = []
                        for _, token, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(
                                    self.lineno - 1,
                            if token in ('def', 'class', 'lambda'):
                                self._fullsource = ''.join(lines)
                    except TokenError:
                if self._fullsource is None:
                    self._fullsource = getline(self.filename, self.lineno, self.globals)
            except Exception as exc:
                self._fullsource = f'??? NO SOURCE: {exc!r}'
        return self._fullsource

    def fullsource(self):
        return self.fullsource_getter()

    cdef inline source_getter(self):
        if self._source is UNSET:
            if self.filename.endswith(('.so', '.pyd')):
                self._source = f'??? NO SOURCE: not reading binary {splitext(basename(self.filename))[1]} file'
                self._source = getline(self.filename, self.lineno, self.globals)
            except Exception as exc:
                self._source = f'??? NO SOURCE: {exc!r}'

        return self._source

    def source(self):
        return self.source_getter()

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return getattr(self, item)

def yield_lines(filename, module_globals, start, list collector,
    dedent = None
    amount = 0
    for line in getlines(filename, module_globals)[start:start + limit]:
        if dedent is None:
            dedent = LEADING_WHITESPACE_RE.findall(line)
            dedent = dedent[0] if dedent else ''
            amount = len(dedent)
        elif not line.startswith(dedent):
        yield line[amount:]

cdef inline Event fast_detach(Event self, object value_filter):
    event = <Event> Event.__new__(Event)

    event._code = self.code_getter()
    event._filename = self.filename_getter()
    event._fullsource = self.fullsource_getter()
    event._function_object = self._function_object
    event._function = self.function_getter()
    event._lineno = self.lineno_getter()
    event._module = self.module_getter()
    event._source = self.source_getter()
    event._stdlib = self.stdlib_getter()
    event._threadidn = self.threadid_getter()
    event._threadname = self.threadname_getter()
    event._instruction = self.instruction_getter()

    if value_filter:
        event._globals = {key: value_filter(value) for key, value in self.globals.items()}
        event._locals = {key: value_filter(value) for key, value in self.locals.items()}
        event.arg = value_filter(self.arg)
        event._globals = {}
        event._locals = {}
        event.arg = None

    event.builtin = self.builtin
    event.calls = self.calls
    event.depth = self.depth
    event.detached = True
    event.kind = self.kind
    event.threading_support = self.threading_support

    return event

cdef inline Event fast_clone(Event self):
    event = <Event> Event.__new__(Event)
    event.arg = self.arg
    event.builtin = self.builtin
    event.calls = self.calls
    event.depth = self.depth
    event.detached = False
    event.frame = self.frame
    event.kind = self.kind
    event.threading_support = self.threading_support
    event._code = self._code
    event._filename = self._filename
    event._fullsource = self._fullsource
    event._function_object = self._function_object
    event._function = self._function
    event._globals = self._globals
    event._lineno = self._lineno
    event._locals = self._locals
    event._module = self._module
    event._source = self._source
    event._stdlib = self._stdlib
    event._threadidn = self._threadidn
    event._threadname = self._threadname
    event._thread = self._thread
    event._instruction = self._instruction
    return event