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import collections
import inspect
import re
from itertools import chain

from .actions import Action
from .actions import ColorStreamAction
from .event import Event

__all__ = (

ALLOWED_KEYS = tuple(sorted(i for i in Event.__dict__.keys() if not i.startswith('_') and i not in ('tracer', 'thread', 'frame')))

class BasePredicate:

class Query:
    Event-filtering predicate.

    See :class:`hunter.event.Event` for details about the fields that can be filtered on.

        query: criteria to match on.

            Accepted arguments:

    def __init__(self, **query):
        query_eq = {}
        query_startswith = {}
        query_endswith = {}
        query_in = {}
        query_contains = {}
        query_regex = {}
        query_lt = {}
        query_lte = {}
        query_gt = {}
        query_gte = {}

        for key, value in query.items():
            parts = [p for p in key.split('_') if p]
            count = len(parts)
            if count > 2:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Unexpected argument {key!r}. Must be one of {ALLOWED_KEYS} with optional operators like: {ALLOWED_OPERATORS}'
            elif count == 2:
                prefix, operator = parts
                if operator in ('startswith', 'sw'):
                    if not isinstance(value, str):
                        if not isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple)):
                            raise ValueError(f'Value {value!r} for {key!r} is invalid. Must be a string, list, tuple or set.')
                        value = tuple(value)
                    mapping = query_startswith
                elif operator in ('endswith', 'ew'):
                    if not isinstance(value, str):
                        if not isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple)):
                            raise ValueError(f'Value {value!r} for {key!r} is invalid. Must be a string, list, tuple or set.')
                        value = tuple(value)
                    mapping = query_endswith
                elif operator == 'in':
                    mapping = query_in
                elif operator in ('contains', 'has'):
                    mapping = query_contains
                elif operator in ('regex', 'rx'):
                    value = re.compile(value)
                    mapping = query_regex
                elif operator == 'lt':
                    mapping = query_lt
                elif operator == 'lte':
                    mapping = query_lte
                elif operator == 'gt':
                    mapping = query_gt
                elif operator == 'gte':
                    mapping = query_gte
                    raise TypeError(f'Unexpected operator {operator!r}. Must be one of {ALLOWED_OPERATORS}.')
                mapping = query_eq
                prefix = key

            if prefix not in ALLOWED_KEYS:
                raise TypeError(f'Unexpected argument {key!r}. Must be one of {ALLOWED_KEYS}.')

            mapping[prefix] = value

        self.query_eq = tuple(sorted(query_eq.items()))
        self.query_startswith = tuple(sorted(query_startswith.items()))
        self.query_endswith = tuple(sorted(query_endswith.items()))
        self.query_in = tuple(sorted(query_in.items()))
        self.query_contains = tuple(sorted(query_contains.items()))
        self.query_regex = tuple(sorted(query_regex.items()))
        self.query_lt = tuple(sorted(query_lt.items()))
        self.query_lte = tuple(sorted(query_lte.items()))
        self.query_gt = tuple(sorted(query_gt.items()))
        self.query_gte = tuple(sorted(query_gte.items()))

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Query(%s)' % (
            ', '.join(
                ', '.join(f'{key}{kind}={value!r}' for key, value in mapping)
                for kind, mapping in [
                    ('', self.query_eq),
                    ('_in', self.query_in),
                    ('_contains', self.query_contains),
                    ('_startswith', self.query_startswith),
                    ('_endswith', self.query_endswith),
                    ('_regex', self.query_regex),
                    ('_lt', self.query_lt),
                    ('_lte', self.query_lte),
                    ('_gt', self.query_gt),
                    ('_gte', self.query_gte),
                if mapping

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<hunter.predicates.Query: %s>' % ' '.join(
            fmt % (mapping,)
            for fmt, mapping in [
                ('query_eq=%r', self.query_eq),
                ('query_in=%r', self.query_in),
                ('query_contains=%r', self.query_contains),
                ('query_startswith=%r', self.query_startswith),
                ('query_endswith=%r', self.query_endswith),
                ('query_regex=%r', self.query_regex),
                ('query_lt=%r', self.query_lt),
                ('query_lte=%r', self.query_lte),
                ('query_gt=%r', self.query_gt),
                ('query_gte=%r', self.query_gte),
            if mapping

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, Query)
            and self.query_eq == other.query_eq
            and self.query_in == other.query_in
            and self.query_contains == other.query_contains
            and self.query_startswith == other.query_startswith
            and self.query_endswith == other.query_endswith
            and self.query_regex == other.query_regex
            and self.query_lt == other.query_lt
            and self.query_lte == other.query_lte
            and self.query_gt == other.query_gt
            and self.query_gte == other.query_gte

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles event. Returns True if all criteria matched.
        for key, value in self.query_eq:
            evalue = event[key]
            if evalue != value:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_in:
            evalue = event[key]
            if evalue not in value:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_contains:
            evalue = event[key]
            if value not in evalue:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_startswith:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue.startswith(value):
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_endswith:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue.endswith(value):
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_regex:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not value.match(evalue):
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_gt:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue > value:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_gte:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue >= value:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_lt:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue < value:
                return False
        for key, value in self.query_lte:
            evalue = event[key]
            if not evalue <= value:
                return False

        return True

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Query(...) | Query(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(Query(...), Query(...))``.
        return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Query(...) & Query(...)``. It converts that to ``And(Query(...), Query(...))``.
        return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~Query(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(Query(...))``.
        return Not(self)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | Query(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, Query(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & Query(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, Query(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

class When:
    Conditional predicate. Runs ``actions`` when ``condition(event)`` is ``True``.

    Actions take a single ``event`` argument.

    def __init__(self, condition, *actions):
        if not actions:
            raise TypeError('Must give at least one action.')
        self.condition = condition
        self.actions = tuple(action() if inspect.isclass(action) and issubclass(action, Action) else action for action in actions)

    def __str__(self):
        return 'When({}, {})'.format(
            ', '.join(repr(p) for p in self.actions),

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<hunter.predicates.When: condition={!r}, actions={!r}>'.format(

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, When) and self.condition == other.condition and self.actions == other.actions

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        if self.condition(event):
            for action in self.actions:
            return True
            return False

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``When(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(When(...), other)``.
        return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``When(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(When(...), other)``.
        return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~When(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(When(...))``.
        return Not(self)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | When(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, When(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & When(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, When(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

class From:
    From-point filtering mechanism. Switches on to running the predicate after condition matches, and switches off when
    the depth goes lower than the initial level.

    After ``condition(event)`` returns ``True`` the ``event.depth`` will be saved and calling this object with an
    ``event`` will return ``predicate(event)`` until ``event.depth - watermark`` is equal to the depth that was saved.

        condition (callable): Optional :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query` object or a callable that returns True/False.
        predicate (callable): Optional :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query` object or a callable that returns True/False to
            run after ``condition`` first returns ``True``. Note that this predicate will be called with a event-copy that has adjusted
            :attr:`~hunter.event.Event.depth` and :attr:`~hunter.event.Event.calls` to the initial point where the ``condition`` matched.
            In other words they will be relative.
        watermark (int): Depth difference to switch off and wait again on ``condition``.

    See Also:

    def __init__(self, condition, predicate=None, watermark=0):
        self.condition = condition
        self.predicate = predicate
        self.watermark = watermark
        self._origin_depth = None
        self._origin_calls = None

    def __str__(self):
        return 'From({}, {}, watermark={})'.format(

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<hunter.predicates.From: condition={self.condition!r}, predicate={self.predicate!r}, watermark={self.watermark!r}>'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, From) and self.condition == other.condition and self.predicate == other.predicate

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        if self._origin_depth is None:
            if self.condition(event):
                self._origin_depth = event.depth
                self._origin_calls = event.calls
                delta_depth = delta_calls = 0
                return False
            delta_depth = event.depth - self._origin_depth
            delta_calls = event.calls - self._origin_calls
            if delta_depth < self.watermark:
                self._origin_depth = None
                return False
        if self.predicate is None:
            return True
            relative_event = event.clone()
            relative_event.depth = delta_depth
            relative_event.calls = delta_calls
            return self.predicate(relative_event)

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``From(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(From(...), other)``.
        return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``From(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(From(...), other))``.
        return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~From(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(From(...))``.
        return Not(self)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | From(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, From(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & From(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, From(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

class And:
    Logical conjunction. Returns ``False`` at the first sub-predicate that returns ``False``, otherwise returns ``True``.

    def __init__(self, *predicates):
        self.predicates = predicates

    def __str__(self):
        return 'And(%s)' % ', '.join(str(p) for p in self.predicates)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<hunter.predicates.And: predicates={self.predicates!r}>'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, And) and self.predicates == other.predicates

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        for predicate in self.predicates:
            if not predicate(event):
                return False
            return True

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``And(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(And(...), other)``.
        return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``And(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(..., other)``.
        return And(
                other.predicates if isinstance(other, And) else (other,),

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~And(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(And(...))``.
        return Not(self)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | And(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, And(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & And(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, And(...))``.
        return And(other, *self.predicates)

class Or:
    Logical disjunction. Returns ``True`` after the first sub-predicate that returns ``True``.

    def __init__(self, *predicates):
        self.predicates = predicates

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Or(%s)' % ', '.join(str(p) for p in self.predicates)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<hunter.predicates.Or: predicates={self.predicates!r}>'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Or) and self.predicates == other.predicates

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        for predicate in self.predicates:
            if predicate(event):
                return True
            return False

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Or(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(..., other)``.
        return Or(
                other.predicates if isinstance(other, Or) else (other,),

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Or(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(Or(...), other)``.
        return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~Or(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(Or(...))``.
        return Not(self)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | Or(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, Or(...))``.
        return Or(other, *self.predicates)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & Or(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, Or(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

class Not:
    Logical complement (negation). Simply returns ``not predicate(event)``.

    def __init__(self, predicate):
        self.predicate = predicate

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Not(%s)' % self.predicate

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<hunter.predicates.Not: predicate=%r>' % self.predicate

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Not) and self.predicate == other.predicate

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        return not self.predicate(event)

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Not(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(Not(...), other)``.

        Note that ``Not(...) | Not(...)`` converts to ``Not(And(..., ...))``.
        if isinstance(other, Not):
            return Not(And(self.predicate, other.predicate))
            return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Not(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(Not(...), other)``.

        Note that ``Not(...) & Not(...)`` converts to ``Not(Or(..., ...))``.
        if isinstance(other, Not):
            return Not(Or(self.predicate, other.predicate))
            return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~Not(...)``. It converts that to ``...``.
        return self.predicate

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | Not(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, Not(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & Not(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, Not(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

class Backlog:
    Until-point buffering mechanism. It will buffer detached events up to the given ``size`` and display them
    using the given ``action`` when ``condition`` returns True.

    This is a complement to :class:`~hunter.predicates.From` - essentially working the other way. While :class:`~hunter.predicates.From`
    shows events after something interesting occurred the Backlog will show events prior to something interesting occurring.

    If the depth delta from the first event in the backlog and the event that matched the condition is less
    than the given ``stack`` then it will create fake call events to be passed to the action before the events
    from the backlog are passed in.

    Using a ``filter`` or pre-filtering is recommended to reduce storage work and improve tracing speed. Pre-filtering means that you use
    Backlog inside a :class:`~hunter.When` or `:class:`~hunter.And` - effectively reducing the number of Events that get to the Backlog.

        condition (callable): Optional :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query` object or a callable that returns True/False.
        size (int): Number of events that the backlog stores. Effectively this is the ``maxlen`` for the internal deque.
        stack (int): Stack size to fill. Setting this to ``0`` disables creating fake call events.
        vars (bool): Makes global/local variables available in the stored events.
            This is an expensive option - it will use ``action.try_repr`` on all the variables.
        strip (bool): If this option is set then the backlog will be cleared every time an event matching the ``condition`` is found.
            Disabling this may show more context every time an event matching the ``condition`` is found but said context may also be
            duplicated across multiple matches.
        action (ColorStreamAction): A ColorStreamAction to display the stored events when an event matching the ``condition`` is found.
        filter (callable): Optional :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query` object or a callable that returns True/False to filter the stored
            events with.

    See Also:

    def __init__(
        self.action = action() if inspect.isclass(action) and issubclass(action, Action) else action
        if not isinstance(self.action, ColorStreamAction):
            raise TypeError('Action %r must be a ColorStreamAction.' % self.action)
        self.condition = condition
        self.queue = collections.deque(maxlen=size)
        self.size = size
        self.stack = stack
        self.strip = strip
        self.vars = vars
        self._try_repr = self.action.try_repr if self.vars else None
        self._filter = filter

    def __call__(self, event):
        Handles the event.
        result = self.condition(event)
        if result:
            if self.queue:

                first_event = self.queue[0]
                first_depth = first_event.depth
                backlog_call_depth = event.depth - first_depth
                first_is_call = first_event.kind == 'call'  # note that True is 1, thus the following math is valid
                missing_depth = min(
                    max(0, self.stack - backlog_call_depth + first_is_call),
                if missing_depth:
                    if first_is_call and first_event.frame is not None:
                        first_frame = first_event.frame.f_back
                        first_frame = first_event.frame
                    if first_frame is not None:
                        stack_events = collections.deque()  # a new deque because self.queue is limited, we can't add while it's full
                        frame = first_frame
                        depth_delta = 0
                        while frame and depth_delta < missing_depth:
                            stack_event = Event(
                                depth=first_depth - depth_delta - 1,
                            if not self.vars:
                                # noinspection PyPropertyAccess
                                stack_event.locals = {}
                                stack_event.globals = {}
                                stack_event.detached = True
                            frame = frame.f_back
                            depth_delta += 1
                        for stack_event in stack_events:
                            if self._filter is None or self._filter(stack_event):
                for backlog_event in self.queue:
                    if self._filter is None:
                    elif self._filter(backlog_event):
            if self.strip and event.depth < 1:
                # Looks like we're back to depth 0 for some reason.
                # Delete everything because we don't want to see what is likely just a long stream of useless returns.
            if self._filter is None or self._filter(event):
                detached_event = event.detach(self._try_repr)
                detached_event.frame = event.frame

        return result

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Backlog({}, size={}, stack={}, vars={}, action={}, filter={})'.format(

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<hunter.predicates.Backlog: condition={!r}, size={!r}, stack={!r}, vars={!r}, action={!r}, filter={!r}>'.format(

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, Backlog)
            and self.condition == other.condition
            and self.size == other.size
            and self.stack == other.stack
            and self.vars == other.vars
            and self.action == other.action

    def __or__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Backlog(...) | other``. It converts that to ``Or(Backlog(...), other)``.
        return Or(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``Backlog(...) & other``. It converts that to ``And(Backlog(...), other))``.
        return And(self, other)

    def __invert__(self):
        Convenience API so you can do ``~Backlog(...)``. It converts that to ``Not(Backlog(...))``.
        return Backlog(

    def __ror__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other | Backlog(...)``. It converts that to ``Or(other, Backlog(...))``.
        return Or(other, self)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        Convenience API so you can do ``other & Backlog(...)``. It converts that to ``And(other, Backlog(...))``.
        return And(other, self)

    def filter(self, *predicates, **kwargs):
        Returns another Backlog instance with extra output filtering. If the current instance already
        have filters they will be merged by using an :class:`~hunter.predicates.And` predicate.

            *predicates (callables): Callables that returns True/False or :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query` objects.
            **kwargs: Arguments that may be passed to :class:`~hunter.predicates.Query`.

        Returns: A new :class:`~hunter.predicates.Backlog` instance.
        from hunter import _merge

        if self._filter is not None:
            predicates = (self._filter, *predicates)

        return Backlog(
            filter=_merge(*predicates, **kwargs),