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// Package adder implements functionality to add content to IPFS daemons
// managed by the Cluster.
package adder

import (

    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"

    files "github.com/ipfs/boxo/files"
    merkledag "github.com/ipfs/boxo/ipld/merkledag"
    cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
    ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
    ipldlegacy "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-legacy"
    logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
    dagpb "github.com/ipld/go-codec-dagpb"
    cidlink "github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/linking/cid"
    multihash "github.com/multiformats/go-multihash"

var logger = logging.Logger("adder")

var ipldDecoder *ipldlegacy.Decoder

// create an ipld registry specific to this package
func init() {
    mcReg := multicodec.Registry{}
    mcReg.RegisterDecoder(cid.DagProtobuf, dagpb.Decode)
    mcReg.RegisterDecoder(cid.Raw, raw.Decode)
    mcReg.RegisterDecoder(cid.DagCBOR, dagcbor.Decode)
    ls := cidlink.LinkSystemUsingMulticodecRegistry(mcReg)

    ipldDecoder = ipldlegacy.NewDecoderWithLS(ls)
    ipldDecoder.RegisterCodec(cid.DagProtobuf, dagpb.Type.PBNode, merkledag.ProtoNodeConverter)
    ipldDecoder.RegisterCodec(cid.Raw, basicnode.Prototype.Bytes, merkledag.RawNodeConverter)

// ClusterDAGService is an implementation of ipld.DAGService plus a Finalize
// method. ClusterDAGServices can be used to provide Adders with a different
// add implementation.
type ClusterDAGService interface {
    // Finalize receives the IPFS content root CID as
    // returned by the ipfs adder.
    Finalize(ctx context.Context, ipfsRoot api.Cid) (api.Cid, error)
    // Close performs any necessary cleanups and should be called
    // whenever the DAGService is not going to be used anymore.
    Close() error
    // Allocations returns the allocations made by the cluster DAG service
    // for the added content.
    Allocations() []peer.ID

// A dagFormatter can create dags from files.Node. It can keep state
// to add several files to the same dag.
type dagFormatter interface {
    Add(name string, f files.Node) (api.Cid, error)

// Adder is used to add content to IPFS Cluster using an implementation of
// ClusterDAGService.
type Adder struct {
    ctx    context.Context
    cancel context.CancelFunc

    dgs ClusterDAGService

    params api.AddParams

    // AddedOutput updates are placed on this channel
    // whenever a block is processed. They contain information
    // about the block, the CID, the Name etc. and are mostly
    // meant to be streamed back to the user.
    output chan api.AddedOutput

// New returns a new Adder with the given ClusterDAGService, add options and a
// channel to send updates during the adding process.
// An Adder may only be used once.
func New(ds ClusterDAGService, p api.AddParams, out chan api.AddedOutput) *Adder {
    // Discard all progress update output as the caller has not provided
    // a channel for them to listen on.
    if out == nil {
        out = make(chan api.AddedOutput, 100)
        go func() {
            for range out {

    return &Adder{
        dgs:    ds,
        params: p,
        output: out,

func (a *Adder) setContext(ctx context.Context) {
    if a.ctx == nil { // only allows first context
        ctxc, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
        a.ctx = ctxc
        a.cancel = cancel

// FromMultipart adds content from a multipart.Reader. The adder will
// no longer be usable after calling this method.
func (a *Adder) FromMultipart(ctx context.Context, r *multipart.Reader) (api.Cid, error) {
    logger.Debugf("adding from multipart with params: %+v", a.params)

    f, err := files.NewFileFromPartReader(r, "multipart/form-data")
    if err != nil {
        return api.CidUndef, err
    defer f.Close()
    return a.FromFiles(ctx, f)

// FromFiles adds content from a files.Directory. The adder will no longer
// be usable after calling this method.
func (a *Adder) FromFiles(ctx context.Context, f files.Directory) (api.Cid, error) {
    logger.Debug("adding from files")

    if a.ctx.Err() != nil { // don't allow running twice
        return api.CidUndef, a.ctx.Err()

    defer a.cancel()
    defer close(a.output)

    var dagFmtr dagFormatter
    var err error
    switch a.params.Format {
    case "", "unixfs":
        dagFmtr, err = newIpfsAdder(ctx, a.dgs, a.params, a.output)

    case "car":
        dagFmtr, err = newCarAdder(ctx, a.dgs, a.params, a.output)
        err = errors.New("bad dag formatter option")
    if err != nil {
        return api.CidUndef, err

    // setup wrapping
    if a.params.Wrap {
        f = files.NewSliceDirectory(
            []files.DirEntry{files.FileEntry("", f)},

    it := f.Entries()
    var adderRoot api.Cid
    for it.Next() {
        select {
        case <-a.ctx.Done():
            return api.CidUndef, a.ctx.Err()
            logger.Debugf("ipfsAdder AddFile(%s)", it.Name())

            adderRoot, err = dagFmtr.Add(it.Name(), it.Node())
            if err != nil {
                logger.Error("error adding to cluster: ", err)
                return api.CidUndef, err
        // TODO (hector): We can only add a single CAR file for the
        // moment.
        if a.params.Format == "car" {
    if it.Err() != nil {
        return api.CidUndef, it.Err()

    clusterRoot, err := a.dgs.Finalize(a.ctx, adderRoot)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("error finalizing adder:", err)
        return api.CidUndef, err
    logger.Infof("%s successfully added to cluster", clusterRoot)
    return clusterRoot, nil

// A wrapper around the ipfsadd.Adder to satisfy the dagFormatter interface.
type ipfsAdder struct {

func newIpfsAdder(ctx context.Context, dgs ClusterDAGService, params api.AddParams, out chan api.AddedOutput) (*ipfsAdder, error) {
    iadder, err := ipfsadd.NewAdder(ctx, dgs, dgs.Allocations)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    iadder.Trickle = params.Layout == "trickle"
    iadder.RawLeaves = params.RawLeaves
    iadder.Chunker = params.Chunker
    iadder.Out = out
    iadder.Progress = params.Progress
    iadder.NoCopy = params.NoCopy

    // Set up prefi
    prefix, err := merkledag.PrefixForCidVersion(params.CidVersion)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad CID Version: %s", err)

    hashFunCode, ok := multihash.Names[strings.ToLower(params.HashFun)]
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("hash function name not known")
    prefix.MhType = hashFunCode
    prefix.MhLength = -1
    iadder.CidBuilder = &prefix
    return &ipfsAdder{
        Adder: iadder,
    }, nil

func (ia *ipfsAdder) Add(name string, f files.Node) (api.Cid, error) {
    // In order to set the AddedOutput names right, we use
    // OutputPrefix:
    // When adding a folder, this is the root folder name which is
    // prepended to the addedpaths.  When adding a single file,
    // this is the name of the file which overrides the empty
    // AddedOutput name.
    // After coreunix/add.go was refactored in go-ipfs and we
    // followed suit, it no longer receives the name of the
    // file/folder being added and does not emit AddedOutput
    // events with the right names. We addressed this by adding
    // OutputPrefix to our version. go-ipfs modifies emitted
    // events before sending to user).
    ia.OutputPrefix = name

    nd, err := ia.AddAllAndPin(f)
    if err != nil {
        return api.CidUndef, err
    return api.NewCid(nd.Cid()), nil

// An adder to add CAR files. It is at the moment very basic, and can
// add a single CAR file with a single root. Ideally, it should be able to
// add more complex, or several CARs by wrapping them with a single root.
// But for that we would need to keep state and track an MFS root similarly to
// what the ipfsadder does.
type carAdder struct {
    ctx    context.Context
    dgs    ClusterDAGService
    params api.AddParams
    output chan api.AddedOutput

func newCarAdder(ctx context.Context, dgs ClusterDAGService, params api.AddParams, out chan api.AddedOutput) (*carAdder, error) {
    return &carAdder{
        ctx:    ctx,
        dgs:    dgs,
        params: params,
        output: out,
    }, nil

// Add takes a node which should be a CAR file and nothing else and
// adds its blocks using the ClusterDAGService.
func (ca *carAdder) Add(name string, fn files.Node) (api.Cid, error) {
    if ca.params.Wrap {
        return api.CidUndef, errors.New("cannot wrap a CAR file upload")

    f, ok := fn.(files.File)
    if !ok {
        return api.CidUndef, errors.New("expected CAR file is not of type file")
    carReader, err := car.NewCarReader(f)
    if err != nil {
        return api.CidUndef, err

    if len(carReader.Header.Roots) != 1 {
        return api.CidUndef, errors.New("only CAR files with a single root are supported")

    root := carReader.Header.Roots[0]
    bytes := uint64(0)
    size := uint64(0)

    for {
        block, err := carReader.Next()
        if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
            return api.CidUndef, err
        } else if block == nil {

        bytes += uint64(len(block.RawData()))

        nd, err := ipldDecoder.DecodeNode(context.TODO(), block)
        if err != nil {
            return api.CidUndef, err

        // If the root is in the CAR and the root is a UnixFS
        // node, then set the size in the output object.
        if nd.Cid().Equals(root) {
            ufs, err := unixfs.ExtractFSNode(nd)
            if err == nil {
                size = ufs.FileSize()

        err = ca.dgs.Add(ca.ctx, nd)
        if err != nil {
            return api.CidUndef, err

    ca.output <- api.AddedOutput{
        Name:        name,
        Cid:         api.NewCid(root),
        Bytes:       bytes,
        Size:        size,
        Allocations: ca.dgs.Allocations(),

    return api.NewCid(root), nil