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package sharding

// dag.go defines functions for constructing and parsing ipld-cbor nodes
// of the clusterDAG used to track sharded DAGs in ipfs-cluster

// Most logic goes into handling the edge cases in which clusterDAG
// metadata for a single shard cannot fit within a single shard node.  We
// make the following simplifying assumption: a single shard will not track
// more than 35,808,256 links (~2^25).  This is the limit at which the current
// shard node format would need 2 levels of indirect nodes to reference
// all of the links.  Note that this limit is only reached at shard sizes 7
// times the size of the current default and then only when files are all
// 1 byte in size.  In the future we may generalize the shard dag to multiple
// indirect nodes to accommodate much bigger shard sizes.  Also note that the
// move to using the identity hash function in cids of very small data
// will improve link density in shard nodes and further reduce the need for
// multiple levels of indirection.

import (

    blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
    cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
    cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
    ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
    mh "github.com/multiformats/go-multihash"

// MaxLinks is the max number of links that, when serialized fit into a block
const MaxLinks = 5984
const hashFn = mh.SHA2_256

// CborDataToNode parses cbor data into a clusterDAG node while making a few
// checks
func CborDataToNode(raw []byte, format string) (ipld.Node, error) {
    if format != "cbor" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected shard node format %s", format)
    shardCid, err := cid.NewPrefixV1(cid.DagCBOR, hashFn).Sum(raw)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    shardBlk, err := blocks.NewBlockWithCid(raw, shardCid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    shardNode, err := cbor.DecodeBlock(shardBlk)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return shardNode, nil

func makeDAGSimple(ctx context.Context, dagObj map[string]cid.Cid) (ipld.Node, error) {
    node, err := cbor.WrapObject(
        hashFn, mh.DefaultLengths[hashFn],
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return node, err

// makeDAG parses a dagObj which stores all of the node-links a shardDAG
// is responsible for tracking.  In general a single node of links may exceed
// the capacity of an ipfs block.  In this case an indirect node in the
// shardDAG is constructed that references "leaf shardNodes" that themselves
// carry links to the data nodes being tracked. The head of the output slice
// is always the root of the shardDAG, i.e. the ipld node that should be
// recursively pinned to track the shard
func makeDAG(ctx context.Context, dagObj map[string]cid.Cid) ([]ipld.Node, error) {
    // FIXME: We have a 4MB limit on the block size enforced by bitswap:
    // https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/blob/master/network/network.go#L23

    // No indirect node
    if len(dagObj) <= MaxLinks {
        n, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, dagObj)
        return []ipld.Node{n}, err
    // Indirect node required
    leafNodes := make([]ipld.Node, 0)       // shardNodes with links to data
    indirectObj := make(map[string]cid.Cid) // shardNode with links to shardNodes
    numFullLeaves := len(dagObj) / MaxLinks
    for i := 0; i <= numFullLeaves; i++ {
        leafObj := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
        for j := 0; j < MaxLinks; j++ {
            c, ok := dagObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i*MaxLinks+j)]
            if !ok { // finished with this leaf before filling all the way
                if i != numFullLeaves {
                    panic("bad state, should never be here")
            leafObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", j)] = c
        leafNode, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, leafObj)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        indirectObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)] = leafNode.Cid()
        leafNodes = append(leafNodes, leafNode)
    indirectNode, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, indirectObj)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    nodes := append([]ipld.Node{indirectNode}, leafNodes...)
    return nodes, nil

// TODO: decide whether this is worth including. Is precision important for
// most usecases?  Is being a little over the shard size a serious problem?
// Is precision worth the cost to maintain complex accounting for metadata
// size (cid sizes will vary in general, cluster dag cbor format may
// grow to vary unpredictably in size)
// byteCount returns the number of bytes the dagObj will occupy when
//serialized into an ipld DAG
/*func byteCount(obj dagObj) uint64 {
    // 1 byte map overhead
    // for each entry:
    //    1 byte indicating text
    //    1 byte*(number digits) for key
    //    2 bytes for link tag
    //    35 bytes for each cid
    count := 1
    for key := range obj {
        count += fixedPerLink
        count += len(key)
    return uint64(count) + indirectCount(len(obj))

// indirectCount returns the number of bytes needed to serialize the indirect
// node structure of the shardDAG based on the number of links being tracked.
func indirectCount(linkNum int) uint64 {
    q := linkNum / MaxLinks
    if q == 0 { // no indirect node needed
        return 0
    dummyIndirect := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
    for key := 0; key <= q; key++ {
        dummyIndirect[fmt.Sprintf("%d", key)] = nil
    // Count bytes of entries of single indirect node and add the map
    // overhead for all leaf nodes other than the original
    return byteCount(dummyIndirect) + uint64(q)

// Return the number of bytes added to the total shard node metadata DAG when
// adding a new link to the given dagObj.
func deltaByteCount(obj dagObj) uint64 {
    linkNum := len(obj)
    q1 := linkNum / MaxLinks
    q2 := (linkNum + 1) / MaxLinks
    count := uint64(fixedPerLink)
    count += uint64(len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(obj))))

    // new shard nodes created by adding link
    if q1 != q2 {
        // first new leaf node created, i.e. indirect created too
        if q2 == 1 {
            count++                   // map overhead of indirect node
            count += 1 + fixedPerLink // fixedPerLink + len("0")

        // added to indirect node
        count += fixedPerLink
        count += uint64(len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", q2)))

        // overhead of new leaf node
    return count