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package sharding

import (

    ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"

    cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
    rpc "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-gorpc"

    humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"

// a shard represents a set of blocks (or bucket) which have been assigned
// a peer to be block-put and will be part of the same shard in the
// cluster DAG.
type shard struct {
    ctx             context.Context
    rpc             *rpc.Client
    allocations     []peer.ID
    pinOptions      api.PinOptions
    bs              *adder.BlockStreamer
    blocks          chan api.NodeWithMeta
    closeBlocksOnce sync.Once
    // dagNode represents a node with links and will be converted
    // to Cbor.
    dagNode     map[string]cid.Cid
    currentSize uint64
    sizeLimit   uint64

func newShard(globalCtx context.Context, ctx context.Context, rpc *rpc.Client, opts api.PinOptions) (*shard, error) {
    allocs, err := adder.BlockAllocate(ctx, rpc, opts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if opts.ReplicationFactorMin > 0 && len(allocs) == 0 {
        // This would mean that the empty cid is part of the shared state somehow.
        panic("allocations for new shard cannot be empty without error")

    if opts.ReplicationFactorMin < 0 {
        logger.Warn("Shard is set to replicate everywhere ,which doesn't make sense for sharding")

    // TODO (hector): get latest metrics for allocations, adjust sizeLimit
    // to minimum. This can be done later.

    blocks := make(chan api.NodeWithMeta, 256)

    return &shard{
        ctx:         globalCtx,
        rpc:         rpc,
        allocations: allocs,
        pinOptions:  opts,
        bs:          adder.NewBlockStreamer(globalCtx, rpc, allocs, blocks),
        blocks:      blocks,
        dagNode:     make(map[string]cid.Cid),
        currentSize: 0,
        sizeLimit:   opts.ShardSize,
    }, nil

// AddLink tries to add a new block to this shard if it's not full.
// Returns true if the block was added
func (sh *shard) AddLink(ctx context.Context, c cid.Cid, s uint64) {
    linkN := len(sh.dagNode)
    linkName := fmt.Sprintf("%d", linkN)
    logger.Debugf("shard: add link: %s", linkName)

    sh.dagNode[linkName] = c
    sh.currentSize += s

// Allocations returns the peer IDs on which blocks are put for this shard.
func (sh *shard) Allocations() []peer.ID {
    if len(sh.allocations) == 1 && sh.allocations[0] == "" {
        return nil
    return sh.allocations

func (sh *shard) sendBlock(ctx context.Context, n ipld.Node) error {
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    case sh.blocks <- adder.IpldNodeToNodeWithMeta(n):
        return nil

// Close stops any ongoing block streaming.
func (sh *shard) Close() error {
    sh.closeBlocksOnce.Do(func() {
    return nil

// Flush completes the allocation of this shard by building a CBOR node
// and adding it to IPFS, then pinning it in cluster. It returns the Cid of the
// shard.
func (sh *shard) Flush(ctx context.Context, shardN int, prev cid.Cid) (cid.Cid, error) {
    logger.Debugf("shard %d: flush", shardN)
    nodes, err := makeDAG(ctx, sh.dagNode)
    if err != nil {
        return cid.Undef, err

    for _, n := range nodes {
        err = sh.sendBlock(ctx, n)
        if err != nil {
            return cid.Undef, err


    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return cid.Undef, ctx.Err()
    case <-sh.bs.Done():

    if err := sh.bs.Err(); err != nil {
        return cid.Undef, err

    rootCid := nodes[0].Cid()
    pin := api.PinWithOpts(api.NewCid(rootCid), sh.pinOptions)
    pin.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-shard-%d", sh.pinOptions.Name, shardN)
    // this sets allocations as priority allocation
    pin.Allocations = sh.allocations
    pin.Type = api.ShardType
    ref := api.NewCid(prev)
    pin.Reference = &ref
    pin.MaxDepth = 1
    pin.ShardSize = sh.Size()           // use current size, not the limit
    if len(nodes) > len(sh.dagNode)+1 { // using an indirect graph
        pin.MaxDepth = 2

    logger.Infof("shard #%d (%s) completed. Total size: %s. Links: %d",

    return rootCid, adder.Pin(ctx, sh.rpc, pin)

// Size returns this shard's current size.
func (sh *shard) Size() uint64 {
    return sh.currentSize

// Size returns this shard's size limit.
func (sh *shard) Limit() uint64 {
    return sh.sizeLimit

// Last returns the last added link. When finishing sharding,
// the last link of the last shard is the data root for the
// full sharded DAG (the CID that would have resulted from
// adding the content to a single IPFS daemon).
func (sh *shard) LastLink() cid.Cid {
    l := len(sh.dagNode)
    lastLink := fmt.Sprintf("%d", l-1)
    return sh.dagNode[lastLink]