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package common

import (

    logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
    crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/crypto"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
    ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"



const minMaxHeaderBytes = 4096

const defaultMaxHeaderBytes = minMaxHeaderBytes

// Config provides common API configuration values and allows to customize its
// behavior. It implements most of the config.ComponentConfig interface
// (except the Default() and ConfigKey() methods). Config should be embedded
// in a Config object that implements the missing methods and sets the
// meta options.
type Config struct {

    // These are meta-options and should be set by actual Config
    // implementations as early as possible.
    DefaultFunc   func(*Config) error
    ConfigKey     string
    EnvConfigKey  string
    Logger        *logging.ZapEventLogger
    RequestLogger *logging.ZapEventLogger
    APIErrorFunc  func(err error, status int) error

    // Listen address for the HTTP REST API endpoint.
    HTTPListenAddr []ma.Multiaddr

    // TLS configuration for the HTTP listener
    TLS *tls.Config

    // pathSSLCertFile is a path to a certificate file used to secure the
    // HTTP API endpoint. We track it so we can write it in the JSON.
    PathSSLCertFile string

    // pathSSLKeyFile is a path to the private key corresponding to the
    // SSLKeyFile. We track it so we can write it in the JSON.
    PathSSLKeyFile string

    // Maximum duration before timing out reading a full request
    ReadTimeout time.Duration

    // Maximum duration before timing out reading the headers of a request
    ReadHeaderTimeout time.Duration

    // Maximum duration before timing out write of the response
    WriteTimeout time.Duration

    // Server-side amount of time a Keep-Alive connection will be
    // kept idle before being reused
    IdleTimeout time.Duration

    // Maximum cumulative size of HTTP request headers in bytes
    // accepted by the server
    MaxHeaderBytes int

    // Listen address for the Libp2p REST API endpoint.
    Libp2pListenAddr []ma.Multiaddr

    // ID and PrivateKey are used to create a libp2p host if we
    // want the API component to do it (not by default).
    ID         peer.ID
    PrivateKey crypto.PrivKey

    // BasicAuthCredentials is a map of username-password pairs
    // which are authorized to use Basic Authentication
    BasicAuthCredentials map[string]string

    // HTTPLogFile is path of the file that would save HTTP API logs. If this
    // path is empty, HTTP logs would be sent to standard output. This path
    // should either be absolute or relative to cluster base directory. Its
    // default value is empty.
    HTTPLogFile string

    // Headers provides customization for the headers returned
    // by the API on existing routes.
    Headers map[string][]string

    // CORS header management
    CORSAllowedOrigins   []string
    CORSAllowedMethods   []string
    CORSAllowedHeaders   []string
    CORSExposedHeaders   []string
    CORSAllowCredentials bool
    CORSMaxAge           time.Duration

    // Tracing flag used to skip tracing specific paths when not enabled.
    Tracing bool

type jsonConfig struct {
    HTTPListenMultiaddress config.Strings `json:"http_listen_multiaddress"`
    SSLCertFile            string         `json:"ssl_cert_file,omitempty"`
    SSLKeyFile             string         `json:"ssl_key_file,omitempty"`
    ReadTimeout            string         `json:"read_timeout"`
    ReadHeaderTimeout      string         `json:"read_header_timeout"`
    WriteTimeout           string         `json:"write_timeout"`
    IdleTimeout            string         `json:"idle_timeout"`
    MaxHeaderBytes         int            `json:"max_header_bytes"`

    Libp2pListenMultiaddress config.Strings `json:"libp2p_listen_multiaddress,omitempty"`
    ID                       string         `json:"id,omitempty"`
    PrivateKey               string         `json:"private_key,omitempty" hidden:"true"`

    BasicAuthCredentials map[string]string   `json:"basic_auth_credentials"  hidden:"true"`
    HTTPLogFile          string              `json:"http_log_file"`
    Headers              map[string][]string `json:"headers"`

    CORSAllowedOrigins   []string `json:"cors_allowed_origins"`
    CORSAllowedMethods   []string `json:"cors_allowed_methods"`
    CORSAllowedHeaders   []string `json:"cors_allowed_headers"`
    CORSExposedHeaders   []string `json:"cors_exposed_headers"`
    CORSAllowCredentials bool     `json:"cors_allow_credentials"`
    CORSMaxAge           string   `json:"cors_max_age"`

// GetHTTPLogPath gets full path of the file where http logs should be
// saved.
func (cfg *Config) GetHTTPLogPath() string {
    if filepath.IsAbs(cfg.HTTPLogFile) {
        return cfg.HTTPLogFile

    if cfg.BaseDir == "" {
        return ""

    return filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, cfg.HTTPLogFile)

// ApplyEnvVars fills in any Config fields found as environment variables.
func (cfg *Config) ApplyEnvVars() error {
    jcfg, err := cfg.toJSONConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = envconfig.Process(cfg.EnvConfigKey, jcfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return cfg.applyJSONConfig(jcfg)

// Validate makes sure that all fields in this Config have
// working values, at least in appearance.
func (cfg *Config) Validate() error {
    if cfg.Logger == nil || cfg.RequestLogger == nil {
        return errors.New("config loggers not set")

    switch {
    case cfg.ReadTimeout < 0:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".read_timeout is invalid")
    case cfg.ReadHeaderTimeout < 0:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".read_header_timeout is invalid")
    case cfg.WriteTimeout < 0:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".write_timeout is invalid")
    case cfg.IdleTimeout < 0:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".idle_timeout invalid")
    case cfg.MaxHeaderBytes < minMaxHeaderBytes:
        return fmt.Errorf(cfg.ConfigKey+".max_header_bytes must be not less then %d", minMaxHeaderBytes)
    case cfg.BasicAuthCredentials != nil && len(cfg.BasicAuthCredentials) == 0:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".basic_auth_creds should be null or have at least one entry")
    case (cfg.PathSSLCertFile != "" || cfg.PathSSLKeyFile != "") && cfg.TLS == nil:
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ": missing TLS configuration")
    case (cfg.CORSMaxAge < 0):
        return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".cors_max_age is invalid")

    return cfg.validateLibp2p()

func (cfg *Config) validateLibp2p() error {
    if cfg.ID != "" || cfg.PrivateKey != nil || len(cfg.Libp2pListenAddr) > 0 {
        // if one is set, all should be
        if cfg.ID == "" || cfg.PrivateKey == nil || len(cfg.Libp2pListenAddr) == 0 {
            return errors.New("all ID, private_key and libp2p_listen_multiaddress should be set")
        if !cfg.ID.MatchesPrivateKey(cfg.PrivateKey) {
            return errors.New(cfg.ConfigKey + ".ID does not match private_key")

    return nil

// LoadJSON parses a raw JSON byte slice created by ToJSON() and sets the
// configuration fields accordingly.
func (cfg *Config) LoadJSON(raw []byte) error {
    jcfg := &jsonConfig{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw, jcfg)
    if err != nil {
        cfg.Logger.Error(cfg.ConfigKey + ": error unmarshaling config")
        return err

    if cfg.DefaultFunc == nil {
        return errors.New("default config generation not set. This is a bug")

    return cfg.applyJSONConfig(jcfg)

func (cfg *Config) applyJSONConfig(jcfg *jsonConfig) error {
    err := cfg.loadHTTPOptions(jcfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = cfg.loadLibp2pOptions(jcfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Other options
    cfg.BasicAuthCredentials = jcfg.BasicAuthCredentials
    cfg.HTTPLogFile = jcfg.HTTPLogFile
    cfg.Headers = jcfg.Headers

    return cfg.Validate()

func (cfg *Config) loadHTTPOptions(jcfg *jsonConfig) error {
    if addresses := jcfg.HTTPListenMultiaddress; len(addresses) > 0 {
        cfg.HTTPListenAddr = make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(addresses))
        for _, addr := range addresses {
            httpAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
            if err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s.http_listen_multiaddress: %s", cfg.ConfigKey, err)
                return err
            cfg.HTTPListenAddr = append(cfg.HTTPListenAddr, httpAddr)

    err := cfg.tlsOptions(jcfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if jcfg.MaxHeaderBytes == 0 {
        cfg.MaxHeaderBytes = defaultMaxHeaderBytes
    } else {
        cfg.MaxHeaderBytes = jcfg.MaxHeaderBytes

    // CORS
    cfg.CORSAllowedOrigins = jcfg.CORSAllowedOrigins
    cfg.CORSAllowedMethods = jcfg.CORSAllowedMethods
    cfg.CORSAllowedHeaders = jcfg.CORSAllowedHeaders
    cfg.CORSExposedHeaders = jcfg.CORSExposedHeaders
    cfg.CORSAllowCredentials = jcfg.CORSAllowCredentials
    if jcfg.CORSMaxAge == "" { // compatibility
        jcfg.CORSMaxAge = "0s"

    return config.ParseDurations(
        &config.DurationOpt{Duration: jcfg.ReadTimeout, Dst: &cfg.ReadTimeout, Name: "read_timeout"},
        &config.DurationOpt{Duration: jcfg.ReadHeaderTimeout, Dst: &cfg.ReadHeaderTimeout, Name: "read_header_timeout"},
        &config.DurationOpt{Duration: jcfg.WriteTimeout, Dst: &cfg.WriteTimeout, Name: "write_timeout"},
        &config.DurationOpt{Duration: jcfg.IdleTimeout, Dst: &cfg.IdleTimeout, Name: "idle_timeout"},
        &config.DurationOpt{Duration: jcfg.CORSMaxAge, Dst: &cfg.CORSMaxAge, Name: "cors_max_age"},

func (cfg *Config) tlsOptions(jcfg *jsonConfig) error {
    cert := jcfg.SSLCertFile
    key := jcfg.SSLKeyFile

    if cert+key == "" {
        return nil

    cfg.PathSSLCertFile = cert
    cfg.PathSSLKeyFile = key

    if !filepath.IsAbs(cert) {
        cert = filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, cert)

    if !filepath.IsAbs(key) {
        key = filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, key)

    cfg.Logger.Debug("baseDir: ", cfg.BaseDir)
    cfg.Logger.Debug("cert path: ", cert)
    cfg.Logger.Debug("key path: ", key)

    tlsCfg, err := newTLSConfig(cert, key)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    cfg.TLS = tlsCfg
    return nil

func (cfg *Config) loadLibp2pOptions(jcfg *jsonConfig) error {
    if addresses := jcfg.Libp2pListenMultiaddress; len(addresses) > 0 {
        cfg.Libp2pListenAddr = make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(addresses))
        for _, addr := range addresses {
            libp2pAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
            if err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s.libp2p_listen_multiaddress: %s", cfg.ConfigKey, err)
                return err
            cfg.Libp2pListenAddr = append(cfg.Libp2pListenAddr, libp2pAddr)

    if jcfg.PrivateKey != "" {
        pkb, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(jcfg.PrivateKey)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error decoding %s.private_key: %s", cfg.ConfigKey, err)
        pKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPrivateKey(pkb)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s.private_key ID: %s", cfg.ConfigKey, err)
        cfg.PrivateKey = pKey

    if jcfg.ID != "" {
        id, err := peer.Decode(jcfg.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s.ID: %s", cfg.ConfigKey, err)
        cfg.ID = id
    return nil

// ToJSON produce a human-friendly JSON representation of the Config
// object.
func (cfg *Config) ToJSON() (raw []byte, err error) {
    jcfg, err := cfg.toJSONConfig()
    if err != nil {

    raw, err = config.DefaultJSONMarshal(jcfg)

func (cfg *Config) toJSONConfig() (jcfg *jsonConfig, err error) {
    // Multiaddress String() may panic
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r)

    httpAddresses := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.HTTPListenAddr))
    for _, addr := range cfg.HTTPListenAddr {
        httpAddresses = append(httpAddresses, addr.String())

    libp2pAddresses := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.Libp2pListenAddr))
    for _, addr := range cfg.Libp2pListenAddr {
        libp2pAddresses = append(libp2pAddresses, addr.String())

    jcfg = &jsonConfig{
        HTTPListenMultiaddress: httpAddresses,
        SSLCertFile:            cfg.PathSSLCertFile,
        SSLKeyFile:             cfg.PathSSLKeyFile,
        ReadTimeout:            cfg.ReadTimeout.String(),
        ReadHeaderTimeout:      cfg.ReadHeaderTimeout.String(),
        WriteTimeout:           cfg.WriteTimeout.String(),
        IdleTimeout:            cfg.IdleTimeout.String(),
        MaxHeaderBytes:         cfg.MaxHeaderBytes,
        BasicAuthCredentials:   cfg.BasicAuthCredentials,
        HTTPLogFile:            cfg.HTTPLogFile,
        Headers:                cfg.Headers,
        CORSAllowedOrigins:     cfg.CORSAllowedOrigins,
        CORSAllowedMethods:     cfg.CORSAllowedMethods,
        CORSAllowedHeaders:     cfg.CORSAllowedHeaders,
        CORSExposedHeaders:     cfg.CORSExposedHeaders,
        CORSAllowCredentials:   cfg.CORSAllowCredentials,
        CORSMaxAge:             cfg.CORSMaxAge.String(),

    if cfg.ID != "" {
        jcfg.ID = cfg.ID.String()
    if cfg.PrivateKey != nil {
        pkeyBytes, err := crypto.MarshalPrivateKey(cfg.PrivateKey)
        if err == nil {
            pKey := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pkeyBytes)
            jcfg.PrivateKey = pKey
    if len(libp2pAddresses) > 0 {
        jcfg.Libp2pListenMultiaddress = libp2pAddresses


// CorsOptions returns cors.Options setup from the configured values.
func (cfg *Config) CorsOptions() *cors.Options {
    maxAgeSeconds := int(cfg.CORSMaxAge / time.Second)

    return &cors.Options{
        AllowedOrigins:   cfg.CORSAllowedOrigins,
        AllowedMethods:   cfg.CORSAllowedMethods,
        AllowedHeaders:   cfg.CORSAllowedHeaders,
        ExposedHeaders:   cfg.CORSExposedHeaders,
        AllowCredentials: cfg.CORSAllowCredentials,
        MaxAge:           maxAgeSeconds,
        Debug:            false,

// ToDisplayJSON returns JSON config as a string.
func (cfg *Config) ToDisplayJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    jcfg, err := cfg.toJSONConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return config.DisplayJSON(jcfg)

// LogWriter returns a writer to write logs to. If a log path is configured,
// it creates a file.  Otherwise, uses the given logger.
func (cfg *Config) LogWriter() (io.Writer, error) {
    if cfg.HTTPLogFile != "" {
        f, err := os.OpenFile(cfg.GetHTTPLogPath(), os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return f, nil
    return logWriter{
        logger: cfg.RequestLogger,
    }, nil

func newTLSConfig(certFile, keyFile string) (*tls.Config, error) {
    cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.New("error loading TLS certificate/key: " + err.Error())
    // based on https://github.com/denji/golang-tls
    return &tls.Config{
        MinVersion:               tls.VersionTLS12,
        CurvePreferences:         []tls.CurveID{tls.CurveP521, tls.CurveP384, tls.CurveP256},
        PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
        CipherSuites: []uint16{
        Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
    }, nil