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// Package pinsvc contains type definitions for the Pinning Services API
package pinsvc

import (

    types "github.com/ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster/api"

func init() {
    // intialize trackerStatusString
    stringStatus = make(map[string]Status)
    for k, v := range statusString {
        stringStatus[v] = k

// APIError is returned by the API as a body when an error
// occurs. It implements the error interface.
type APIError struct {
    Details APIErrorDetails `json:"error"`

// APIErrorDetails contains details about the APIError.
type APIErrorDetails struct {
    Reason  string `json:"reason"`
    Details string `json:"details,omitempty"`

func (apiErr APIError) Error() string {
    return apiErr.Details.Reason

// PinName is a string limited to 255 chars when serializing JSON.
type PinName string

// MarshalJSON converts the string to JSON.
func (pname PinName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(string(pname))

// UnmarshalJSON reads the JSON string and errors if over 256 chars.
func (pname *PinName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    if len(data) > 257 { // "a_string" 255 + 2 for quotes
        return errors.New("pin name is over 255 chars")
    var v string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v)
    *pname = PinName(v)
    return err

// Pin contains basic information about a Pin and pinning options.
type Pin struct {
    Cid     types.Cid         `json:"cid"`
    Name    PinName           `json:"name,omitempty"`
    Origins []types.Multiaddr `json:"origins,omitempty"`
    Meta    map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`

// Defined returns if the pinis empty (Cid not set).
func (p Pin) Defined() bool {
    return p.Cid.Defined()

// MatchesName returns in a pin status matches a name option with a given
// match strategy.
func (p Pin) MatchesName(nameOpt string, strategy MatchingStrategy) bool {
    if nameOpt == "" {
        return true
    name := string(p.Name)

    switch strategy {
    case MatchingStrategyUndefined:
        return true

    case MatchingStrategyExact:
        return nameOpt == name
    case MatchingStrategyIexact:
        return strings.EqualFold(name, nameOpt)
    case MatchingStrategyPartial:
        return strings.Contains(name, nameOpt)
    case MatchingStrategyIpartial:
        return strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(name), strings.ToLower(nameOpt))
        return true

// MatchesMeta returns true if the pin status metadata matches the given.  The
// metadata should have all the keys in the given metaOpts and the values
// should, be the same (metadata map includes metaOpts).
func (p Pin) MatchesMeta(metaOpts map[string]string) bool {
    for k, v := range metaOpts {
        if p.Meta[k] != v {
            return false
    return true

// Status represents a pin status, which defines the current state of the pin
// in the system.
type Status int

// Values for the Status type.
const (
    StatusUndefined Status = 0
    StatusQueued           = 1 << iota

var statusString = map[Status]string{
    StatusUndefined: "undefined",
    StatusQueued:    "queued",
    StatusPinned:    "pinned",
    StatusPinning:   "pinning",
    StatusFailed:    "failed",

// values autofilled in init()
var stringStatus map[string]Status

// String converts a Status into a readable string.
// If the given Status is a filter (with several
// bits set), it will return a comma-separated list.
func (st Status) String() string {
    var values []string

    // simple and known composite values
    if v, ok := statusString[st]; ok {
        return v

    // other filters
    for k, v := range statusString {
        if st&k > 0 {
            values = append(values, v)

    return strings.Join(values, ",")

// Match returns true if the tracker status matches the given filter.
func (st Status) Match(filter Status) bool {
    return filter == StatusUndefined ||
        st == StatusUndefined ||
        st&filter > 0

// MarshalJSON uses the string representation of Status for JSON
// encoding.
func (st Status) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(st.String())

// UnmarshalJSON sets a tracker status from its JSON representation.
func (st *Status) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var v string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *st = StatusFromString(v)
    return nil

// StatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// Status value. The string can be a comma-separated list
// representing a Status filter. Unknown status names are
// ignored.
func StatusFromString(str string) Status {
    values := strings.Split(strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1), ",")
    status := StatusUndefined
    for _, v := range values {
        st, ok := stringStatus[v]
        if ok {
            status |= st
    return status

// MatchingStrategy defines a type of match for filtering pin lists.
type MatchingStrategy int

// Values for MatchingStrategy.
const (
    MatchingStrategyUndefined MatchingStrategy = iota

// MatchingStrategyFromString converts a string to its MatchingStrategy value.
func MatchingStrategyFromString(str string) MatchingStrategy {
    switch str {
    case "exact":
        return MatchingStrategyExact
    case "iexact":
        return MatchingStrategyIexact
    case "partial":
        return MatchingStrategyPartial
    case "ipartial":
        return MatchingStrategyIpartial
        return MatchingStrategyUndefined

// PinStatus provides information about a Pin stored by the Pinning API.
type PinStatus struct {
    RequestID string            `json:"requestid"`
    Status    Status            `json:"status"`
    Created   time.Time         `json:"created"`
    Pin       Pin               `json:"pin"`
    Delegates []types.Multiaddr `json:"delegates"`
    Info      map[string]string `json:"info,omitempty"`

// PinList is the result of a call to List pins
type PinList struct {
    Count   uint64      `json:"count"`
    Results []PinStatus `json:"results"`

// ListOptions represents possible options given to the List endpoint.
type ListOptions struct {
    Cids             []types.Cid
    Name             string
    MatchingStrategy MatchingStrategy
    Status           Status
    Before           time.Time
    After            time.Time
    Limit            uint64
    Meta             map[string]string

// FromQuery parses ListOptions from url.Values.
func (lo *ListOptions) FromQuery(q url.Values) error {
    cidq := q.Get("cid")
    if len(cidq) > 0 {
        for _, cstr := range strings.Split(cidq, ",") {
            c, err := types.DecodeCid(cstr)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error decoding cid %s: %w", cstr, err)
            lo.Cids = append(lo.Cids, c)

    n := q.Get("name")
    if len(n) > 255 {
        return fmt.Errorf("error in 'name' query param: longer than 255 chars")
    lo.Name = n

    lo.MatchingStrategy = MatchingStrategyFromString(q.Get("match"))
    if lo.MatchingStrategy == MatchingStrategyUndefined {
        lo.MatchingStrategy = MatchingStrategyExact // default
    statusStr := q.Get("status")
    lo.Status = StatusFromString(statusStr)
    // FIXME: This is a bit lazy, as "invalidxx,pinned" would result in a
    // valid "pinned" filter.
    if statusStr != "" && lo.Status == StatusUndefined {
        return fmt.Errorf("error decoding 'status' query param: no valid filter")

    if bef := q.Get("before"); bef != "" {
        err := lo.Before.UnmarshalText([]byte(bef))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error decoding 'before' query param: %s: %w", bef, err)

    if after := q.Get("after"); after != "" {
        err := lo.After.UnmarshalText([]byte(after))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error decoding 'after' query param: %s: %w", after, err)

    if v := q.Get("limit"); v != "" {
        lim, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error parsing 'limit' query param: %s: %w", v, err)
        lo.Limit = lim
    } else {
        lo.Limit = 10 // implicit default

    if meta := q.Get("meta"); meta != "" {
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(meta), &lo.Meta)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling 'meta' query param: %s: %w", meta, err)

    return nil