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// Package api holds declarations for types used in ipfs-cluster APIs to make
// them re-usable across differen tools. This include RPC API "Serial[izable]"
// versions for types. The Go API uses natives types, while RPC API,
// REST APIs etc use serializable types (i.e. json format). Conversion methods
// exists between types.
// Note that all conversion methods ignore any parsing errors. All values must
// be validated first before initializing any of the types defined here.
package api

import (

    pb "github.com/ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster/api/pb"

    cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
    logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
    protocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/protocol"
    multiaddr "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"

    // needed to parse /ws multiaddresses
    _ "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/transport/websocket"
    // needed to parse /dns* multiaddresses
    _ "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"

    proto "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"

var logger = logging.Logger("apitypes")

var unixZero = time.Unix(0, 0)

func init() {
    // intialize trackerStatusString
    stringTrackerStatus = make(map[string]TrackerStatus)
    for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
        stringTrackerStatus[v] = k

// TrackerStatus values
const (
    // IPFSStatus should never take this value.
    // When used as a filter. It means "all".
    TrackerStatusUndefined TrackerStatus = 0
    // The cluster node is offline or not responding
    TrackerStatusClusterError TrackerStatus = 1 << iota
    // An error occurred pinning
    // An error occurred unpinning
    // The IPFS daemon has pinned the item
    // The IPFS daemon is currently pinning the item
    // The IPFS daemon is currently unpinning the item
    // The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item
    // The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item but it is being tracked
    // The item has been queued for pinning on the IPFS daemon
    // The item has been queued for unpinning on the IPFS daemon
    // The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item through this cid but it is
    // tracked in a cluster dag
    // The item is in the state and should be pinned, but
    // it is however not pinned and not queued/pinning.

// Composite TrackerStatus.
const (
    TrackerStatusError  = TrackerStatusClusterError | TrackerStatusPinError | TrackerStatusUnpinError
    TrackerStatusQueued = TrackerStatusPinQueued | TrackerStatusUnpinQueued

// TrackerStatus represents the status of a tracked Cid in the PinTracker
type TrackerStatus int

var trackerStatusString = map[TrackerStatus]string{
    TrackerStatusUndefined:            "undefined",
    TrackerStatusClusterError:         "cluster_error",
    TrackerStatusPinError:             "pin_error",
    TrackerStatusUnpinError:           "unpin_error",
    TrackerStatusError:                "error",
    TrackerStatusPinned:               "pinned",
    TrackerStatusPinning:              "pinning",
    TrackerStatusUnpinning:            "unpinning",
    TrackerStatusUnpinned:             "unpinned",
    TrackerStatusRemote:               "remote",
    TrackerStatusPinQueued:            "pin_queued",
    TrackerStatusUnpinQueued:          "unpin_queued",
    TrackerStatusQueued:               "queued",
    TrackerStatusSharded:              "sharded",
    TrackerStatusUnexpectedlyUnpinned: "unexpectedly_unpinned",

// values autofilled in init()
var stringTrackerStatus map[string]TrackerStatus

// String converts a TrackerStatus into a readable string.
// If the given TrackerStatus is a filter (with several
// bits set), it will return a comma-separated list.
func (st TrackerStatus) String() string {
    var values []string

    // simple and known composite values
    if v, ok := trackerStatusString[st]; ok {
        return v

    // other filters
    for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
        if st&k > 0 {
            values = append(values, v)

    return strings.Join(values, ",")

// Match returns true if the tracker status matches the given filter.
// For example TrackerStatusPinError will match TrackerStatusPinError
// and TrackerStatusError.
func (st TrackerStatus) Match(filter TrackerStatus) bool {
    return filter == TrackerStatusUndefined ||
        st == TrackerStatusUndefined ||
        st&filter > 0

// MarshalJSON uses the string representation of TrackerStatus for JSON
// encoding.
func (st TrackerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(st.String())

// UnmarshalJSON sets a tracker status from its JSON representation.
func (st *TrackerStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var v string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *st = TrackerStatusFromString(v)
    return nil

// TrackerStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// TrackerStatus value. The string can be a comma-separated list
// representing a TrackerStatus filter. Unknown status names are
// ignored.
func TrackerStatusFromString(str string) TrackerStatus {
    values := strings.Split(strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1), ",")
    var status TrackerStatus
    for _, v := range values {
        st, ok := stringTrackerStatus[v]
        if ok {
            status |= st
    return status

// TrackerStatusAll all known TrackerStatus values.
func TrackerStatusAll() []TrackerStatus {
    var list []TrackerStatus
    for k := range trackerStatusString {
        if k != TrackerStatusUndefined {
            list = append(list, k)

    return list

// IPFSPinStatus values
// FIXME include maxdepth
const (
    IPFSPinStatusBug IPFSPinStatus = iota

// IPFSPinStatus represents the status of a pin in IPFS (direct, recursive etc.)
type IPFSPinStatus int

// IPFSPinStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// IPFSPinStatus.
func IPFSPinStatusFromString(t string) IPFSPinStatus {
    // Since indirect statuses are of the form "indirect through <cid>"
    // use a prefix match

    switch {
    case strings.HasPrefix(t, "indirect"):
        return IPFSPinStatusIndirect
    case strings.HasPrefix(t, "recursive"):
        // FIXME: Maxdepth?
        return IPFSPinStatusRecursive
    case t == "direct":
        return IPFSPinStatusDirect
        return IPFSPinStatusBug

// String returns the string form of the status as written by IPFS.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) String() string {
    switch ips {
    case IPFSPinStatusDirect:
        return "direct"
    case IPFSPinStatusRecursive:
        return "recursive"
    case IPFSPinStatusIndirect:
        return "indirect"
        return ""

// UnmarshalJSON parses a status from JSON
func (ips *IPFSPinStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    var str string
    err := json.Unmarshal(b, &str)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *ips = IPFSPinStatusFromString(str)
    return nil

// MarshalJSON converts a status to JSON.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(ips.String())

// IsPinned returns true if the item is pinned as expected by the
// maxDepth parameter.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) IsPinned(maxDepth PinDepth) bool {
    switch {
    case maxDepth < 0:
        return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
    case maxDepth == 0:
        return ips == IPFSPinStatusDirect
    case maxDepth > 0:
        // FIXME: when we know how ipfs returns partial pins.
        return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
    return false

// ToTrackerStatus converts the IPFSPinStatus value to the
// appropriate TrackerStatus value.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) ToTrackerStatus() TrackerStatus {
    return ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap[ips]

var ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap = map[IPFSPinStatus]TrackerStatus{
    IPFSPinStatusDirect:    TrackerStatusPinned,
    IPFSPinStatusRecursive: TrackerStatusPinned,
    IPFSPinStatusIndirect:  TrackerStatusUnpinned,
    IPFSPinStatusUnpinned:  TrackerStatusUnpinned,
    IPFSPinStatusBug:       TrackerStatusUndefined,
    IPFSPinStatusError:     TrackerStatusClusterError, //TODO(ajl): check suitability

// Cid embeds a cid.Cid with the MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON methods overwritten.
type Cid struct {

// CidUndef is an Undefined CID.
var CidUndef = Cid{cid.Undef}

// NewCid wraps a cid.Cid in a Cid.
func NewCid(c cid.Cid) Cid {
    return Cid{
        Cid: c,

// DecodeCid parses a CID from its string form.
func DecodeCid(str string) (Cid, error) {
    c, err := cid.Decode(str)
    return Cid{c}, err

// CastCid returns a CID from its bytes.
func CastCid(bs []byte) (Cid, error) {
    c, err := cid.Cast(bs)
    return Cid{c}, err

// MarshalJSON marshals a CID as JSON as a normal CID string.
func (c Cid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    if !c.Defined() {
        return []byte("null"), nil
    return []byte(`"` + c.String() + `"`), nil

// UnmarshalJSON reads a CID from its representation as JSON string.
func (c *Cid) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    if string(b) == "null" {
        *c = CidUndef
        return nil

    var cidStr string
    err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cidStr)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    cc, err := DecodeCid(cidStr)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *c = cc
    return nil

// Equals returns true if two Cids are equal.
func (c Cid) Equals(c2 Cid) bool {
    return c.Cid.Equals(c2.Cid)

// IPFSPinInfo represents an IPFS Pin, which only has a CID and type.
// Its JSON form is what IPFS returns when querying a pinset.
type IPFSPinInfo struct {
    Cid  Cid           `json:"Cid" codec:"c"`
    Type IPFSPinStatus `json:"Type" codec:"t"`

// GlobalPinInfo contains cluster-wide status information about a tracked Cid,
// indexed by cluster peer.
type GlobalPinInfo struct {
    Cid         Cid               `json:"cid" codec:"c"`
    Name        string            `json:"name" codec:"n"`
    Allocations []peer.ID         `json:"allocations" codec:"a,omitempty"`
    Origins     []Multiaddr       `json:"origins" codec:"g,omitempty"`
    Created     time.Time         `json:"created" codec:"t,omitempty"`
    Metadata    map[string]string `json:"metadata" codec:"m,omitempty"`

    // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28827
    // Peer IDs are of string Kind(). We can't use peer IDs here
    // as Go ignores TextMarshaler.
    PeerMap map[string]PinInfoShort `json:"peer_map" codec:"pm,omitempty"`

// String returns the string representation of a GlobalPinInfo.
func (gpi GlobalPinInfo) String() string {
    str := fmt.Sprintf("Cid: %s\n", gpi.Cid)
    str = str + "Peers:\n"
    for pid, p := range gpi.PeerMap {
        str = str + fmt.Sprintf("\t%s: %+v\n", pid, p)
    return str

// Add adds a PinInfo object to a GlobalPinInfo
func (gpi *GlobalPinInfo) Add(pi PinInfo) {
    if !gpi.Cid.Defined() || !pi.Status.Match(TrackerStatusClusterError) {
        gpi.Cid = pi.Cid
        gpi.Name = pi.Name
        gpi.Allocations = pi.Allocations
        gpi.Origins = pi.Origins
        gpi.Created = pi.Created
        gpi.Metadata = pi.Metadata

    if gpi.PeerMap == nil {
        gpi.PeerMap = make(map[string]PinInfoShort)

    gpi.PeerMap[pi.Peer.String()] = pi.PinInfoShort

// Defined returns if the object is not empty.
func (gpi *GlobalPinInfo) Defined() bool {
    return gpi.Cid.Defined()

// Match returns true if one of the statuses in GlobalPinInfo matches
// the given filter.
func (gpi GlobalPinInfo) Match(filter TrackerStatus) bool {
    for _, pi := range gpi.PeerMap {
        if pi.Status.Match(filter) {
            return true
    return false

// PinInfoShort is a subset of PinInfo which is embedded in GlobalPinInfo
// objects and does not carry redundant information as PinInfo would.
type PinInfoShort struct {
    PeerName      string        `json:"peername" codec:"pn,omitempty"`
    IPFS          peer.ID       `json:"ipfs_peer_id,omitempty" codec:"i,omitempty"`
    IPFSAddresses []Multiaddr   `json:"ipfs_peer_addresses,omitempty" codec:"ia,omitempty"`
    Status        TrackerStatus `json:"status" codec:"st,omitempty"`
    TS            time.Time     `json:"timestamp" codec:"ts,omitempty"`
    Error         string        `json:"error" codec:"e,omitempty"`
    AttemptCount  int           `json:"attempt_count" codec:"a,omitempty"`
    PriorityPin   bool          `json:"priority_pin" codec:"y,omitempty"`

// String provides a string representation of PinInfoShort.
func (pis PinInfoShort) String() string {
    var b strings.Builder
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "status: %s\n", pis.Status)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "peername: %s\n", pis.PeerName)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "ipfs: %s\n", pis.IPFS)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "ipfsAddresses: %v\n", pis.IPFSAddresses)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "error: %s\n", pis.Error)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "attemptCount: %d\n", pis.AttemptCount)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "priority: %t\n", pis.PriorityPin)
    return b.String()

// PinInfo holds information about local pins. This is used by the Pin
// Trackers.
type PinInfo struct {
    Cid         Cid               `json:"cid" codec:"c"`
    Name        string            `json:"name" codec:"m,omitempty"`
    Peer        peer.ID           `json:"peer" codec:"p,omitempty"`
    Allocations []peer.ID         `json:"allocations" codec:"o,omitempty"`
    Origins     []Multiaddr       `json:"origins" codec:"g,omitempty"`
    Created     time.Time         `json:"created" codec:"t,omitempty"`
    Metadata    map[string]string `json:"metadata" codec:"md,omitempty"`


// ToGlobal converts a PinInfo object to a GlobalPinInfo with
// a single peer corresponding to the given PinInfo.
func (pi PinInfo) ToGlobal() GlobalPinInfo {
    gpi := GlobalPinInfo{}
    return gpi

// Defined returns if the PinInfo is not zero.
func (pi PinInfo) Defined() bool {
    return pi.Cid.Defined()

// String provides a string representation of PinInfo.
func (pi PinInfo) String() string {
    var b strings.Builder
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "cid: %s\n", pi.Cid)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "name: %s\n", pi.Name)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "peer: %s\n", pi.Peer)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "allocations: %v\n", pi.Allocations)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s\n", pi.PinInfoShort)
    return b.String()

// Version holds version information
type Version struct {
    Version string `json:"version" codec:"v"`

// ConnectGraph holds information about the connectivity of the cluster To
// read, traverse the keys of ClusterLinks.  Each such id is one of the peers
// of the "ClusterID" peer running the query.  ClusterLinks[id] in turn lists
// the ids that peer "id" sees itself connected to.  It is possible that id is
// a peer of ClusterID, but ClusterID can not reach id over rpc, in which case
// ClusterLinks[id] == [], as id's view of its connectivity can not be
// retrieved.
// Iff there was an error reading the IPFSID of the peer then id will not be a
// key of ClustertoIPFS or IPFSLinks. Finally iff id is a key of ClustertoIPFS
// then id will be a key of IPFSLinks.  In the event of a SwarmPeers error
// IPFSLinks[id] == [].
type ConnectGraph struct {
    ClusterID    peer.ID           `json:"cluster_id" codec:"id"`
    IDtoPeername map[string]string `json:"id_to_peername" codec:"ip,omitempty"`
    // ipfs to ipfs links
    IPFSLinks map[string][]peer.ID `json:"ipfs_links" codec:"il,omitempty"`
    // cluster to cluster links
    ClusterLinks map[string][]peer.ID `json:"cluster_links" codec:"cl,omitempty"`
    // cluster trust links
    ClusterTrustLinks map[string]bool `json:"cluster_trust_links" codec:"ctl,omitempty"`
    // cluster to ipfs links
    ClustertoIPFS map[string]peer.ID `json:"cluster_to_ipfs" codec:"ci,omitempty"`

// Multiaddr is a concrete type to wrap a Multiaddress so that it knows how to
// serialize and deserialize itself.
type Multiaddr struct {

// NewMultiaddr returns a cluster Multiaddr wrapper creating the
// multiaddr.Multiaddr with the given string.
func NewMultiaddr(mstr string) (Multiaddr, error) {
    m, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(mstr)
    return Multiaddr{Multiaddr: m}, err

// NewMultiaddrWithValue returns a new cluster Multiaddr wrapper using the
// given multiaddr.Multiaddr.
func NewMultiaddrWithValue(ma multiaddr.Multiaddr) Multiaddr {
    return Multiaddr{Multiaddr: ma}

// MarshalJSON returns a JSON-formatted multiaddress.
func (maddr Multiaddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return maddr.Multiaddr.MarshalJSON()

// UnmarshalJSON parses a cluster Multiaddr from the JSON representation.
func (maddr *Multiaddr) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    maddr.Multiaddr, _ = multiaddr.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") // null multiaddresses not allowed
    return maddr.Multiaddr.UnmarshalJSON(data)

// MarshalBinary returs the bytes of the wrapped multiaddress.
func (maddr Multiaddr) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
    return maddr.Multiaddr.MarshalBinary()

// UnmarshalBinary casts some bytes as a multiaddress wraps it with
// the given cluster Multiaddr.
func (maddr *Multiaddr) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
    datacopy := make([]byte, len(data)) // This is super important
    copy(datacopy, data)
    maddr.Multiaddr, _ = multiaddr.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") // null multiaddresses not allowed
    return maddr.Multiaddr.UnmarshalBinary(datacopy)

// Value returns the wrapped multiaddr.Multiaddr.
func (maddr Multiaddr) Value() multiaddr.Multiaddr {
    return maddr.Multiaddr

// ID holds information about the Cluster peer
type ID struct {
    ID                    peer.ID     `json:"id" codec:"i,omitempty"`
    Addresses             []Multiaddr `json:"addresses" codec:"a,omitempty"`
    ClusterPeers          []peer.ID   `json:"cluster_peers" codec:"cp,omitempty"`
    ClusterPeersAddresses []Multiaddr `json:"cluster_peers_addresses" codec:"cpa,omitempty"`
    Version               string      `json:"version" codec:"v,omitempty"`
    Commit                string      `json:"commit" codec:"c,omitempty"`
    RPCProtocolVersion    protocol.ID `json:"rpc_protocol_version" codec:"rv,omitempty"`
    Error                 string      `json:"error" codec:"e,omitempty"`
    IPFS                  IPFSID      `json:"ipfs,omitempty" codec:"ip,omitempty"`
    Peername              string      `json:"peername" codec:"pn,omitempty"`
    //PublicKey          crypto.PubKey

// IPFSID is used to store information about the underlying IPFS daemon
type IPFSID struct {
    ID        peer.ID     `json:"id,omitempty" codec:"i,omitempty"`
    Addresses []Multiaddr `json:"addresses" codec:"a,omitempty"`
    Error     string      `json:"error" codec:"e,omitempty"`

// PinType specifies which sort of Pin object we are dealing with.
// In practice, the PinType decides how a Pin object is treated by the
// PinTracker.
// See descriptions above.
// A sharded Pin would look like:
// [ Meta ] (not pinned on IPFS, only present in cluster state)
//    |
//    v
// [ Cluster DAG ] (pinned everywhere in "direct")
//    |      ..  |
//    v          v
// [Shard1] .. [ShardN] (allocated to peers and pinned with max-depth=1
// | | .. |    | | .. |
// v v .. v    v v .. v
// [][]..[]    [][]..[] Blocks (indirectly pinned on ipfs, not tracked in cluster)
type PinType uint64

// PinType values. See PinType documentation for further explanation.
const (
    // BadType type showing up anywhere indicates a bug
    BadType PinType = 1 << iota
    // DataType is a regular, non-sharded pin. It is pinned recursively.
    // It has no associated reference.
    // MetaType tracks the original CID of a sharded DAG. Its Reference
    // points to the Cluster DAG CID.
    // ClusterDAGType pins carry the CID of the root node that points to
    // all the shard-root-nodes of the shards in which a DAG has been
    // divided. Its Reference carries the MetaType CID.
    // ClusterDAGType pins are pinned directly everywhere.
    // ShardType pins carry the root CID of a shard, which points
    // to individual blocks on the original DAG that the user is adding,
    // which has been sharded.
    // They carry a Reference to the previous shard.
    // ShardTypes are pinned with MaxDepth=1 (root and
    // direct children only).

// AllType is a PinType used for filtering all pin types
const AllType PinType = DataType | MetaType | ClusterDAGType | ShardType

// PinTypeFromString is the inverse of String.  It returns the PinType value
// corresponding to the input string
func PinTypeFromString(str string) PinType {
    switch str {
    case "pin":
        return DataType
    case "meta-pin":
        return MetaType
    case "clusterdag-pin":
        return ClusterDAGType
    case "shard-pin":
        return ShardType
    case "all":
        return AllType
    case "":
        return AllType
        return BadType

// String returns a printable value to identify the PinType
func (pT PinType) String() string {
    switch pT {
    case DataType:
        return "pin"
    case MetaType:
        return "meta-pin"
    case ClusterDAGType:
        return "clusterdag-pin"
    case ShardType:
        return "shard-pin"
    case AllType:
        return "all"
        return "bad-type"

// MarshalJSON provides json-representation of the pin type.
func (pT PinType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(pT.String())

// UnmarshalJSON provides json-representation of the pin type.
func (pT *PinType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    var str string
    err := json.Unmarshal(b, &str)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    t := PinTypeFromString(str)
    *pT = t
    return nil

var pinOptionsMetaPrefix = "meta-"

// PinMode is a PinOption that indicates how to pin something on IPFS,
// recursively or direct.
type PinMode int

// PinMode values
const (
    PinModeRecursive PinMode = 0
    PinModeDirect    PinMode = 1

// PinModeFromString converts a string to PinMode.
func PinModeFromString(s string) PinMode {
    switch s {
    case "recursive", "":
        return PinModeRecursive
    case "direct":
        return PinModeDirect
        logger.Warn("unknown pin mode string. Defaulting to recursive")
        return PinModeRecursive

// String returns a human-readable value for PinMode.
func (pm PinMode) String() string {
    switch pm {
    case PinModeRecursive:
        return "recursive"
    case PinModeDirect:
        return "direct"
        return "recursive"

// ToIPFSPinStatus converts a PinMode to IPFSPinStatus.
func (pm PinMode) ToIPFSPinStatus() IPFSPinStatus {
    if pm == PinModeDirect {
        return IPFSPinStatusDirect
    if pm == PinModeRecursive {
        return IPFSPinStatusRecursive
    return IPFSPinStatusBug

// MarshalJSON converts the PinMode into a readable string in JSON.
func (pm PinMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(pm.String())

// UnmarshalJSON takes a JSON value and parses it into PinMode.
func (pm *PinMode) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    var s string
    err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *pm = PinModeFromString(s)
    return nil

// ToPinDepth converts the Mode to Depth.
func (pm PinMode) ToPinDepth() PinDepth {
    switch pm {
    case PinModeRecursive:
        return -1
    case PinModeDirect:
        return 0
        logger.Warn("unknown pin mode %d. Defaulting to -1 depth", pm)
        return -1

// PinOptions wraps user-defined options for Pins
type PinOptions struct {
    ReplicationFactorMin int               `json:"replication_factor_min" codec:"rn,omitempty"`
    ReplicationFactorMax int               `json:"replication_factor_max" codec:"rx,omitempty"`
    Name                 string            `json:"name" codec:"n,omitempty"`
    Mode                 PinMode           `json:"mode" codec:"o,omitempty"`
    ShardSize            uint64            `json:"shard_size" codec:"s,omitempty"`
    UserAllocations      []peer.ID         `json:"user_allocations" codec:"ua,omitempty"`
    ExpireAt             time.Time         `json:"expire_at" codec:"e,omitempty"`
    Metadata             map[string]string `json:"metadata" codec:"m,omitempty"`
    PinUpdate            Cid               `json:"pin_update,omitempty" codec:"pu,omitempty"`
    Origins              []Multiaddr       `json:"origins" codec:"g,omitempty"`

// Equals returns true if two PinOption objects are equivalent. po and po2 may
// be nil.
func (po PinOptions) Equals(po2 PinOptions) bool {
    if po.Name != po2.Name {
        return false

    if po.Mode != po2.Mode {
        return false

    if po.ReplicationFactorMax != po2.ReplicationFactorMax {
        return false

    if po.ReplicationFactorMin != po2.ReplicationFactorMin {
        return false

    if po.ShardSize != po2.ShardSize {
        return false

    lenAllocs1 := len(po.UserAllocations)
    lenAllocs2 := len(po2.UserAllocations)
    if lenAllocs1 != lenAllocs2 {
        return false

    // avoid side effects in the original objects
    allocs1 := PeersToStrings(po.UserAllocations)
    allocs2 := PeersToStrings(po2.UserAllocations)
    if strings.Join(allocs1, ",") != strings.Join(allocs2, ",") {
        return false

    if !po.ExpireAt.Equal(po2.ExpireAt) {
        return false

    for k, v := range po.Metadata {
        v2 := po2.Metadata[k]
        if k != "" && v != v2 {
            return false

    // deliberately ignore Update

    lenOrigins1 := len(po.Origins)
    lenOrigins2 := len(po2.Origins)
    if lenOrigins1 != lenOrigins2 {
        return false

    for _, o1 := range po.Origins {
        found := false
        for _, o2 := range po2.Origins {
            if o1.Value().Equal(o2.Value()) {
                found = true
        if !found {
            return false

    return true

// ToQuery returns the PinOption as query arguments.
func (po PinOptions) ToQuery() (string, error) {
    q := url.Values{}
    q.Set("replication-min", fmt.Sprintf("%d", po.ReplicationFactorMin))
    q.Set("replication-max", fmt.Sprintf("%d", po.ReplicationFactorMax))
    q.Set("name", po.Name)
    q.Set("mode", po.Mode.String())
    q.Set("shard-size", fmt.Sprintf("%d", po.ShardSize))
    q.Set("user-allocations", strings.Join(PeersToStrings(po.UserAllocations), ","))
    if !po.ExpireAt.IsZero() {
        v, err := po.ExpireAt.MarshalText()
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        q.Set("expire-at", string(v))
    for k, v := range po.Metadata {
        if k == "" {
        q.Set(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pinOptionsMetaPrefix, k), v)
    if po.PinUpdate.Defined() {
        q.Set("pin-update", po.PinUpdate.String())

    if len(po.Origins) > 0 {
        origins := make([]string, len(po.Origins))
        for i, o := range po.Origins {
            origins[i] = o.String()
        q.Set("origins", strings.Join(origins, ","))

    return q.Encode(), nil

// FromQuery is the inverse of ToQuery().
func (po *PinOptions) FromQuery(q url.Values) error {
    po.Name = q.Get("name")

    po.Mode = PinModeFromString(q.Get("mode"))

    rplStr := q.Get("replication")
    if rplStr != "" { // override
        q.Set("replication-min", rplStr)
        q.Set("replication-max", rplStr)

    err := parseIntParam(q, "replication-min", &po.ReplicationFactorMin)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = parseIntParam(q, "replication-max", &po.ReplicationFactorMax)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if v := q.Get("shard-size"); v != "" {
        shardSize, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.New("parameter shard_size is invalid")
        po.ShardSize = shardSize

    if allocs := q.Get("user-allocations"); allocs != "" {
        po.UserAllocations = StringsToPeers(strings.Split(allocs, ","))

    if v := q.Get("expire-at"); v != "" {
        var tm time.Time
        err := tm.UnmarshalText([]byte(v))
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "expire-at cannot be parsed")
        po.ExpireAt = tm
    } else if v = q.Get("expire-in"); v != "" {
        d, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "expire-in cannot be parsed")
        if d < time.Second {
            return errors.New("expire-in duration too short")
        po.ExpireAt = time.Now().Add(d)

    po.Metadata = make(map[string]string)
    for k := range q {
        if !strings.HasPrefix(k, pinOptionsMetaPrefix) {
        metaKey := strings.TrimPrefix(k, pinOptionsMetaPrefix)
        if metaKey == "" {
        po.Metadata[metaKey] = q.Get(k)

    updateStr := q.Get("pin-update")
    if updateStr != "" {
        updateCid, err := DecodeCid(updateStr)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error decoding update option parameter: %s", err)
        po.PinUpdate = updateCid

    originsStr := q.Get("origins")
    if originsStr != "" {
        origins := strings.Split(originsStr, ",")
        maOrigins := make([]Multiaddr, len(origins))
        for i, ostr := range origins {
            maOrig, err := NewMultiaddr(ostr)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error decoding multiaddress: %w", err)
            _, err = maOrig.ValueForProtocol(multiaddr.P_P2P)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("multiaddress does not contain peer ID: %w", err)

            maOrigins[i] = maOrig
        po.Origins = maOrigins

    return nil

// PinDepth indicates how deep a pin should be pinned, with
// -1 meaning "to the bottom", or "recursive".
type PinDepth int

// ToPinMode converts PinDepth to PinMode
func (pd PinDepth) ToPinMode() PinMode {
    switch pd {
    case -1:
        return PinModeRecursive
    case 0:
        return PinModeDirect
        logger.Warnf("bad pin depth: %d", pd)
        return PinModeRecursive

// Pin carries all the information associated to a CID that is pinned
// in IPFS Cluster. It also carries transient information (that may not
// get protobuffed, like UserAllocations).
type Pin struct {

    Cid Cid `json:"cid" codec:"c"`

    // See PinType comments
    Type PinType `json:"type" codec:"t,omitempty"`

    // The peers to which this pin is allocated
    Allocations []peer.ID `json:"allocations" codec:"a,omitempty"`

    // MaxDepth associated to this pin. -1 means
    // recursive.
    MaxDepth PinDepth `json:"max_depth" codec:"d,omitempty"`

    // We carry a reference CID to this pin. For
    // ClusterDAGs, it is the MetaPin CID. For the
    // MetaPin it is the ClusterDAG CID. For Shards,
    // it is the previous shard CID.
    // When not needed the pointer is nil
    Reference *Cid `json:"reference" codec:"r,omitempty"`

    // The time that the pin was submitted to the consensus layer.
    Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp" codec:"i,omitempty"`

// String is a string representation of a Pin.
func (pin Pin) String() string {
    var b strings.Builder
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "cid: %s\n", pin.Cid.String())
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "type: %s\n", pin.Type)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "allocations: %v\n", pin.Allocations)
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "maxdepth: %d\n", pin.MaxDepth)
    if pin.Reference != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(&b, "reference: %s\n", pin.Reference)
    return b.String()

// IsPinEverywhere returns when the both replication factors are set to -1.
func (pin Pin) IsPinEverywhere() bool {
    return pin.ReplicationFactorMin == -1 && pin.ReplicationFactorMax == -1

// PinPath is a wrapper for holding pin options and path of the content.
type PinPath struct {
    Path string `json:"path"`

// Defined returns if the path has a value.
func (pp PinPath) Defined() bool {
    return pp.Path != ""

// PinCid is a shortcut to create a Pin only with a Cid.  Default is for pin to
// be recursive and the pin to be of DataType.
func PinCid(c Cid) Pin {
    return Pin{
        Cid:         c,
        Type:        DataType,
        Allocations: []peer.ID{},
        MaxDepth:    -1, // Recursive
        Timestamp:   time.Now(),

// PinWithOpts creates a new Pin calling PinCid(c) and then sets its
// PinOptions fields with the given options. Pin fields that are linked to
// options are set accordingly (MaxDepth from Mode).
func PinWithOpts(c Cid, opts PinOptions) Pin {
    p := PinCid(c)
    p.PinOptions = opts
    p.MaxDepth = p.Mode.ToPinDepth()
    return p

func convertPinType(t PinType) pb.Pin_PinType {
    var i pb.Pin_PinType
    for t != 1 {
        if t == 0 {
            return pb.Pin_BadType
        t = t >> 1
    return i

// ProtoMarshal marshals this Pin using probobuf.
func (pin Pin) ProtoMarshal() ([]byte, error) {
    allocs := make([][]byte, len(pin.Allocations))
    for i, pid := range pin.Allocations {
        bs, err := pid.Marshal()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        allocs[i] = bs

    // Cursory google search says len=0 slices will be
    // decoded as null, which is fine.
    origins := make([][]byte, len(pin.Origins))
    for i, orig := range pin.Origins {
        origins[i] = orig.Bytes()

    var expireAtProto uint64
    // Only set the protobuf field with non-zero times.
    if !(pin.ExpireAt.IsZero() || pin.ExpireAt.Equal(unixZero)) {
        expireAtProto = uint64(pin.ExpireAt.Unix())

    var timestampProto uint64
    // Only set the protobuf field with non-zero times.
    if !(pin.Timestamp.IsZero() || pin.Timestamp.Equal(unixZero)) {
        timestampProto = uint64(pin.Timestamp.Unix())

    // Our metadata needs to always be seralized in exactly the same way,
    // and that is why we use an array sorted by key and deprecated using
    // a protobuf map.
    var sortedMetadata []*pb.Metadata
    var metaKeys []string
    for k := range pin.Metadata {
        metaKeys = append(metaKeys, k)

    for _, k := range metaKeys {
        metadata := &pb.Metadata{
            Key:   k,
            Value: pin.Metadata[k],
        sortedMetadata = append(sortedMetadata, metadata)

    opts := &pb.PinOptions{
        ReplicationFactorMin: int32(pin.ReplicationFactorMin),
        ReplicationFactorMax: int32(pin.ReplicationFactorMax),
        Name:                 pin.Name,
        ShardSize:            pin.ShardSize,
        // Metadata:             pin.Metadata,
        PinUpdate: pin.PinUpdate.Bytes(),
        ExpireAt:  expireAtProto,
        // Mode:                 pin.Mode,
        // UserAllocations:      pin.UserAllocations,
        Origins:        origins,
        SortedMetadata: sortedMetadata,

    pbPin := &pb.Pin{
        Cid:         pin.Cid.Bytes(),
        Type:        convertPinType(pin.Type),
        Allocations: allocs,
        MaxDepth:    int32(pin.MaxDepth),
        Options:     opts,
        Timestamp:   timestampProto,
    if ref := pin.Reference; ref != nil {
        pbPin.Reference = ref.Bytes()
    return proto.Marshal(pbPin)

// ProtoUnmarshal unmarshals this fields from protobuf-encoded bytes.
func (pin *Pin) ProtoUnmarshal(data []byte) error {
    pbPin := pb.Pin{}
    err := proto.Unmarshal(data, &pbPin)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    ci, err := CastCid(pbPin.GetCid())
    if err != nil {
        pin.Cid = CidUndef
    } else {
        pin.Cid = ci

    pin.Type = 1 << uint64(pbPin.GetType())

    pbAllocs := pbPin.GetAllocations()
    lenAllocs := len(pbAllocs)
    allocs := make([]peer.ID, lenAllocs)
    for i, pidb := range pbAllocs {
        pid, err := peer.IDFromBytes(pidb)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        allocs[i] = pid

    pin.Allocations = allocs
    pin.MaxDepth = PinDepth(pbPin.GetMaxDepth())
    ref, err := CastCid(pbPin.GetReference())
    if err != nil {
        pin.Reference = nil

    } else {
        pin.Reference = &ref

    ts := pbPin.GetTimestamp()
    if ts > 0 {
        pin.Timestamp = time.Unix(int64(ts), 0)

    opts := pbPin.GetOptions()
    pin.ReplicationFactorMin = int(opts.GetReplicationFactorMin())
    pin.ReplicationFactorMax = int(opts.GetReplicationFactorMax())
    pin.Name = opts.GetName()
    pin.ShardSize = opts.GetShardSize()

    // pin.UserAllocations = opts.GetUserAllocations()
    exp := opts.GetExpireAt()
    if exp > 0 {
        pin.ExpireAt = time.Unix(int64(exp), 0)

    // Use whatever metadata is available.
    //lint:ignore SA1019 we keed to keep backwards compat
    pin.Metadata = opts.GetMetadata()
    sortedMetadata := opts.GetSortedMetadata()
    if len(sortedMetadata) > 0 && pin.Metadata == nil {
        pin.Metadata = make(map[string]string, len(sortedMetadata))
    for _, md := range opts.GetSortedMetadata() {
        pin.Metadata[md.Key] = md.Value

    pinUpdate, err := CastCid(opts.GetPinUpdate())
    if err == nil {
        pin.PinUpdate = pinUpdate

    // We do not store the PinMode option but we can
    // derive it from the MaxDepth setting.
    pin.Mode = pin.MaxDepth.ToPinMode()

    pbOrigins := opts.GetOrigins()
    origins := make([]Multiaddr, len(pbOrigins))
    for i, orig := range pbOrigins {
        maOrig, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddrBytes(orig)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        origins[i] = NewMultiaddrWithValue(maOrig)
    pin.Origins = origins

    return nil

// Equals checks if two pins are the same (with the same allocations).
// If allocations are the same but in different order, they are still
// considered equivalent.
func (pin Pin) Equals(pin2 Pin) bool {
    if !pin.Cid.Equals(pin2.Cid) {
        return false

    if pin.Type != pin2.Type {
        return false

    if pin.MaxDepth != pin2.MaxDepth {
        return false

    if pin.Reference != nil && pin2.Reference == nil ||
        pin.Reference == nil && pin2.Reference != nil {
        return false

    if pin.Reference != nil && pin2.Reference != nil &&
        !pin.Reference.Equals(*pin2.Reference) {
        return false

    allocs1 := PeersToStrings(pin.Allocations)
    allocs2 := PeersToStrings(pin2.Allocations)

    if strings.Join(allocs1, ",") != strings.Join(allocs2, ",") {
        return false

    return pin.PinOptions.Equals(pin2.PinOptions)

// IsRemotePin determines whether a Pin's ReplicationFactor has
// been met, so as to either pin or unpin it from the peer.
func (pin Pin) IsRemotePin(pid peer.ID) bool {
    if pin.IsPinEverywhere() {
        return false

    for _, p := range pin.Allocations {
        if p == pid {
            return false
    return true

// ExpiredAt returns whether the pin has expired at the given time.
func (pin Pin) ExpiredAt(t time.Time) bool {
    if pin.ExpireAt.IsZero() || pin.ExpireAt.Equal(unixZero) {
        return false

    return pin.ExpireAt.Before(t)

// Defined returns true if this is not a zero-object pin (the CID must be set).
func (pin Pin) Defined() bool {
    return pin.Cid.Defined()

// NodeWithMeta specifies a block of data and a set of optional metadata fields
// carrying information about the encoded ipld node
type NodeWithMeta struct {
    Data    []byte `codec:"d,omitempty"`
    Cid     Cid    `codec:"c,omitempty"`
    CumSize uint64 `codec:"s,omitempty"` // Cumulative size

// Size returns how big is the block. It is different from CumSize, which
// records the size of the underlying tree.
func (n *NodeWithMeta) Size() uint64 {
    return uint64(len(n.Data))

// MetricsSet is a map to carry slices of metrics indexed by type.
type MetricsSet map[string][]Metric

// Metric transports information about a peer.ID. It is used to decide
// pin allocations by a PinAllocator. IPFS cluster is agnostic to
// the Value, which should be interpreted by the PinAllocator.
// The ReceivedAt value is a timestamp representing when a peer has received
// the metric value.
type Metric struct {
    Name          string  `json:"name" codec:"n,omitempty"`
    Peer          peer.ID `json:"peer" codec:"p,omitempty"`
    Value         string  `json:"value" codec:"v,omitempty"`
    Expire        int64   `json:"expire" codec:"e,omitempty"`
    Valid         bool    `json:"valid" codec:"d,omitempty"`
    Weight        int64   `json:"weight" codec:"w,omitempty"`
    Partitionable bool    `json:"partitionable" codec:"o,omitempty"`
    ReceivedAt    int64   `json:"received_at" codec:"t,omitempty"` // ReceivedAt contains a UnixNano timestamp

func (m Metric) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s | %s | %s | Recv: %d | Exp: %d | W: %d | Part: %t | Valid: %t",

// Defined returns true if the metric name is set.
func (m Metric) Defined() bool {
    return m.Name != ""

// SetTTL sets Metric to expire after the given time.Duration
func (m *Metric) SetTTL(d time.Duration) {
    exp := time.Now().Add(d)
    m.Expire = exp.UnixNano()

// GetTTL returns the time left before the Metric expires
func (m Metric) GetTTL() time.Duration {
    expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
    ttl := time.Until(expDate)
    if ttl < 0 {
        ttl = 0
    return ttl

// Expired returns if the Metric has expired
func (m Metric) Expired() bool {
    expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
    return time.Now().After(expDate)

// Discard returns if the metric not valid or has expired
func (m Metric) Discard() bool {
    return !m.Valid || m.Expired()

// GetWeight returns the weight of the metric.
// This is for compatibility.
func (m Metric) GetWeight() int64 {
    return m.Weight

// MetricSlice is a sortable Metric array.
type MetricSlice []Metric

func (es MetricSlice) Len() int      { return len(es) }
func (es MetricSlice) Swap(i, j int) { es[i], es[j] = es[j], es[i] }
func (es MetricSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
    if es[i].Peer == es[j].Peer {
        return es[i].Expire < es[j].Expire
    return es[i].Peer < es[j].Peer

// Alert carries alerting information about a peer.
type Alert struct {
    TriggeredAt time.Time `json:"triggered_at" codec:"r,omitempty"`

// Error can be used by APIs to return errors.
type Error struct {
    Code    int    `json:"code" codec:"o,omitempty"`
    Message string `json:"message" codec:"m,omitempty"`

// Error implements the error interface and returns the error's message.
func (e Error) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Message, e.Code)

// IPFSRepoStat wraps information about the IPFS repository.
type IPFSRepoStat struct {
    RepoSize   uint64 `codec:"r,omitempty"`
    StorageMax uint64 `codec:"s, omitempty"`

// IPFSRepoGC represents the streaming response sent from repo gc API of IPFS.
type IPFSRepoGC struct {
    Key   Cid    `json:"key,omitempty" codec:"k,omitempty"`
    Error string `json:"error,omitempty" codec:"e,omitempty"`

// RepoGC contains garbage collected CIDs from a cluster peer's IPFS daemon.
type RepoGC struct {
    Peer     peer.ID      `json:"peer" codec:"p,omitempty"` // the Cluster peer ID
    Peername string       `json:"peername" codec:"pn,omitempty"`
    Keys     []IPFSRepoGC `json:"keys" codec:"k"`
    Error    string       `json:"error,omitempty" codec:"e,omitempty"`

// GlobalRepoGC contains cluster-wide information about garbage collected CIDs
// from IPFS.
type GlobalRepoGC struct {
    PeerMap map[string]RepoGC `json:"peer_map" codec:"pm,omitempty"`