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6 days
Test Coverage
package ipfscluster

import (


    ds "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore"
    rpc "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-gorpc"
    dual "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/dual"
    host "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/host"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
    peerstore "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peerstore"
    mdns "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/discovery/mdns"
    ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"

    ocgorpc "github.com/lanzafame/go-libp2p-ocgorpc"
    trace "go.opencensus.io/trace"

// ReadyTimeout specifies the time before giving up
// during startup (waiting for consensus to be ready)
// It may need adjustment according to timeouts in the
// consensus layer.
var ReadyTimeout = 30 * time.Second

const (
    pingMetricName                = "ping"
    bootstrapCount                = 3
    reBootstrapInterval           = 30 * time.Second
    priorityPeerReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Minute
    mdnsServiceTag                = "_ipfs-cluster-discovery._udp"
    maxAlerts                     = 1000

var errFollowerMode = errors.New("this peer is configured to be in follower mode. Write operations are disabled")

// Cluster is the main IPFS cluster component. It provides
// the go-API for it and orchestrates the components that make up the system.
type Cluster struct {
    ctx    context.Context
    cancel func()

    id        peer.ID
    config    *Config
    host      host.Host
    dht       *dual.DHT
    discovery mdns.Service
    datastore ds.Datastore

    rpcServer   *rpc.Server
    rpcClient   *rpc.Client
    peerManager *pstoremgr.Manager

    consensus Consensus
    apis      []API
    ipfs      IPFSConnector
    tracker   PinTracker
    monitor   PeerMonitor
    allocator PinAllocator
    informers []Informer
    tracer    Tracer

    alerts    []api.Alert
    alertsMux sync.Mutex

    doneCh  chan struct{}
    readyCh chan struct{}
    readyB  bool
    wg      sync.WaitGroup

    // peerAdd
    paMux sync.Mutex

    // shutdown function and related variables
    shutdownLock sync.RWMutex
    shutdownB    bool
    removed      bool

    curPingVal pingValue

// NewCluster builds a new IPFS Cluster peer. It initializes a LibP2P host,
// creates and RPC Server and client and sets up all components.
// The new cluster peer may still be performing initialization tasks when
// this call returns (consensus may still be bootstrapping). Use Cluster.Ready()
// if you need to wait until the peer is fully up.
func NewCluster(
    ctx context.Context,
    host host.Host,
    dht *dual.DHT,
    cfg *Config,
    datastore ds.Datastore,
    consensus Consensus,
    apis []API,
    ipfs IPFSConnector,
    tracker PinTracker,
    monitor PeerMonitor,
    allocator PinAllocator,
    informers []Informer,
    tracer Tracer,
) (*Cluster, error) {
    err := cfg.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if host == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("cluster host is nil")

    if len(informers) == 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("no informers are passed")

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)

    listenAddrs := ""
    for _, addr := range host.Addrs() {
        listenAddrs += fmt.Sprintf("        %s/p2p/%s\n", addr, host.ID())

    logger.Infof("IPFS Cluster v%s listening on:\n%s\n", version.Version, listenAddrs)

    peerManager := pstoremgr.New(ctx, host, cfg.GetPeerstorePath())

    var mdnsSvc mdns.Service
    if cfg.MDNSInterval > 0 {
        mdnsSvc = mdns.NewMdnsService(host, mdnsServiceTag, peerManager)
        err = mdnsSvc.Start()
        if err != nil {
            logger.Warnf("mDNS could not be started: %s", err)

    c := &Cluster{
        ctx:         ctx,
        cancel:      cancel,
        id:          host.ID(),
        config:      cfg,
        host:        host,
        dht:         dht,
        discovery:   mdnsSvc,
        datastore:   datastore,
        consensus:   consensus,
        apis:        apis,
        ipfs:        ipfs,
        tracker:     tracker,
        monitor:     monitor,
        allocator:   allocator,
        informers:   informers,
        tracer:      tracer,
        alerts:      []api.Alert{},
        peerManager: peerManager,
        shutdownB:   false,
        removed:     false,
        doneCh:      make(chan struct{}),
        readyCh:     make(chan struct{}),
        readyB:      false,

    // PeerAddresses are assumed to be permanent and have the maximum
    // priority for bootstrapping.
    c.peerManager.ImportPeersWithPriority(c.config.PeerAddresses, false, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL, 0)
    // Peerstore addresses come afterwards and have increasing priorities
    // for bootstrapping and non permanent TTL (1h).
    c.peerManager.ImportPeersFromPeerstore(false, peerstore.AddressTTL)

    // Attempt to connect to some peers.
    connectedPeers := c.peerManager.Bootstrap(bootstrapCount, true, true)
    // We cannot warn when count is low as this as this is normal if going
    // to Join() later.
    logger.Debugf("Bootstrapped to %d peers successfully", len(connectedPeers))
    // Log a ping metric for every connected peer. This will make them
    // visible as peers without having to wait for them to send one.
    for _, p := range connectedPeers {
        if err := c.logPingMetric(ctx, p); err != nil {

    // After setupRPC components can do their tasks with a fully operative
    // routed libp2p host with some connections and a working DHT (hopefully).
    err = c.setupRPC()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Note: It is very important to first call Add() once in a non-racy
    // place
    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

    return c, nil

func (c *Cluster) setupRPC() error {
    rpcServer, err := newRPCServer(c)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.rpcServer = rpcServer

    var rpcClient *rpc.Client
    if c.config.Tracing {
        csh := &ocgorpc.ClientHandler{}
        rpcClient = rpc.NewClientWithServer(
    } else {
        rpcClient = rpc.NewClientWithServer(c.host, version.RPCProtocol, rpcServer)
    c.rpcClient = rpcClient
    return nil

func (c *Cluster) setupRPCClients() {
    for _, api := range c.apis {
    for _, informer := range c.informers {

// watchPinset triggers recurrent operations that loop on the pinset.
func (c *Cluster) watchPinset() {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(c.ctx, "cluster/watchPinset")
    defer span.End()

    stateSyncTimer := time.NewTimer(c.config.StateSyncInterval)

    // Upon start, every item in the state that is not pinned will appear
    // as PinError when doing a Status, we should proceed to recover
    // (try pinning) all of those right away.
    recoverTimer := time.NewTimer(0) // 0 so that it does an initial recover right away

    // This prevents doing an StateSync while doing a RecoverAllLocal,
    // which is intended behavior as for very large pinsets
    for {
        select {
        case <-stateSyncTimer.C:
            logger.Debug("auto-triggering StateSync()")
        case <-recoverTimer.C:
            logger.Debug("auto-triggering RecoverAllLocal()")

            out := make(chan api.PinInfo, 1024)
            go func() {
                for range out {
            err := c.RecoverAllLocal(ctx, out)
            if err != nil {
        case <-c.ctx.Done():
            if !stateSyncTimer.Stop() {
            if !recoverTimer.Stop() {

// returns the smallest ttl from the metrics pushed by the informer.
func (c *Cluster) sendInformerMetrics(ctx context.Context, informer Informer) (time.Duration, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/sendInformerMetric")
    defer span.End()

    var minTTL time.Duration
    var errors error
    metrics := informer.GetMetrics(ctx)
    if len(metrics) == 0 {
        logger.Errorf("informer %s produced no metrics", informer.Name())
        return minTTL, nil

    for _, metric := range metrics {
        if metric.Discard() { // do not publish invalid metrics
            // the tags informer creates an invalid metric
            // when no tags are defined.
        metric.Peer = c.id
        ttl := metric.GetTTL()
        if ttl > 0 && (ttl < minTTL || minTTL == 0) {
            minTTL = ttl
        err := c.monitor.PublishMetric(ctx, metric)

        if multierr.AppendInto(&errors, err) {
            logger.Warnf("error sending metric %s: %s", metric.Name, err)
    return minTTL, errors

func (c *Cluster) sendInformersMetrics(ctx context.Context) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/sendInformersMetrics")
    defer span.End()

    var errors error
    for _, informer := range c.informers {
        _, err := c.sendInformerMetrics(ctx, informer)
        if multierr.AppendInto(&errors, err) {
            logger.Warnf("informer %s did not send all metrics", informer.Name())
    return errors

// pushInformerMetrics loops and publishes informers metrics using the
// cluster monitor. Metrics are pushed normally at a TTL/2 rate. If an error
// occurs, they are pushed at a TTL/4 rate.
func (c *Cluster) pushInformerMetrics(ctx context.Context, informer Informer) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/pushInformerMetrics")
    defer span.End()

    timer := time.NewTimer(0) // fire immediately first

    // retries counts how many retries we have made
    retries := 0
    // retryWarnMod controls how often do we log
    // "error broadcasting metric".
    // It will do it in the first error, and then on every
    // 10th.
    retryWarnMod := 10

    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case <-timer.C:
            // wait

        minTTL, err := c.sendInformerMetrics(ctx, informer)
        if minTTL == 0 {
            minTTL = 30 * time.Second
        if err != nil {
            if (retries % retryWarnMod) == 0 {
                logger.Errorf("error broadcasting metric: %s", err)
            // retry sooner
            timer.Reset(minTTL / 4)

        retries = 0
        // send metric again in TTL/2
        timer.Reset(minTTL / 2)

func (c *Cluster) sendPingMetric(ctx context.Context) (api.Metric, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/sendPingMetric")
    defer span.End()

    id := c.ID(ctx)
    newPingVal := pingValue{
        Peername:      id.Peername,
        IPFSID:        id.IPFS.ID,
        IPFSAddresses: publicIPFSAddresses(id.IPFS.Addresses),
    if c.curPingVal.Valid() &&
        !newPingVal.Valid() { // i.e. ipfs down
        newPingVal = c.curPingVal // use last good value
    c.curPingVal = newPingVal

    v, err := json.Marshal(newPingVal)
    if err != nil {
        // continue anyways

    metric := api.Metric{
        Name:  pingMetricName,
        Peer:  c.id,
        Valid: true,
        Value: string(v),
    metric.SetTTL(c.config.MonitorPingInterval * 2)
    return metric, c.monitor.PublishMetric(ctx, metric)

// logPingMetric logs a ping metric as if it had been sent from PID.  It is
// used to make peers appear available as soon as we connect to them (without
// having to wait for them to broadcast a metric).
// We avoid specifically sending a metric to a peer when we "connect" to it
// because: a) this requires an extra. OPEN RPC endpoint (LogMetric) that can
// be called by everyone b) We have no way of verifying that the peer ID in a
// metric pushed is actually the issuer of the metric (something the regular
// "pubsub" way of pushing metrics allows (by verifying the signature on the
// message). Thus, this reduces chances of abuse until we have something
// better.
func (c *Cluster) logPingMetric(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) error {
    m := api.Metric{
        Name:  pingMetricName,
        Peer:  pid,
        Valid: true,
    m.SetTTL(c.config.MonitorPingInterval * 2)
    return c.monitor.LogMetric(ctx, m)

func (c *Cluster) pushPingMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/pushPingMetrics")
    defer span.End()

    ticker := time.NewTicker(c.config.MonitorPingInterval)
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():


        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case <-ticker.C:

// Alerts returns the last alerts recorded by this cluster peer with the most
// recent first.
func (c *Cluster) Alerts() []api.Alert {
    alerts := make([]api.Alert, len(c.alerts))
        total := len(alerts)
        for i, a := range c.alerts {
            alerts[total-1-i] = a

    return alerts

// read the alerts channel from the monitor and triggers repins
func (c *Cluster) alertsHandler() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-c.ctx.Done():
        case alrt := <-c.monitor.Alerts():
            // Follower peers do not care about alerts.
            // They can do nothing about them.
            if c.config.FollowerMode {

            logger.Warnf("metric alert for %s: Peer: %s.", alrt.Name, alrt.Peer)
                if len(c.alerts) > maxAlerts {
                    c.alerts = c.alerts[:0]

                c.alerts = append(c.alerts, alrt)

            if alrt.Name != pingMetricName {
                continue // only handle ping alerts

            if c.config.DisableRepinning {
                logger.Debugf("repinning is disabled. Will not re-allocate pins on alerts")

            cState, err := c.consensus.State(c.ctx)
            if err != nil {

            distance, err := c.distances(c.ctx, alrt.Peer)
            if err != nil {

            pinCh := make(chan api.Pin, 1024)
            go func() {
                err = cState.List(c.ctx, pinCh)
                if err != nil {

            for pin := range pinCh {
                if containsPeer(pin.Allocations, alrt.Peer) && distance.isClosest(pin.Cid) {
                    c.repinFromPeer(c.ctx, alrt.Peer, pin)

// detects any changes in the peerset and saves the configuration. When it
// detects that we have been removed from the peerset, it shuts down this peer.
func (c *Cluster) watchPeers() {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(c.config.PeerWatchInterval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-c.ctx.Done():

        select {
        case <-c.ctx.Done():
        case <-ticker.C:
            //logger.Debugf("%s watching peers", c.id)
            hasMe := false
            peers, err := c.consensus.Peers(c.ctx)
            if err != nil {
            for _, p := range peers {
                if p == c.id {
                    hasMe = true

            if !hasMe {
                defer c.shutdownLock.Unlock()
                logger.Info("peer no longer in peerset. Initiating shutdown")
                c.removed = true
                go c.Shutdown(c.ctx)

// reBootstrap regularly attempts to bootstrap (re-connect to peers from the
// peerstore). This should ensure that we auto-recover from situations in
// which the network was completely gone and we lost all peers.
func (c *Cluster) reBootstrap() {
    generalBootstrap := time.NewTicker(reBootstrapInterval)
    priorityPeerReconnect := time.NewTicker(priorityPeerReconnectInterval)

    defer generalBootstrap.Stop()
    defer priorityPeerReconnect.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-c.ctx.Done():
        case <-generalBootstrap.C:
            // Attempt to reach low-water setting if for some
            // reason we are not there already. The default low
            // water is 100.  On small clusters this ensures we
            // stay connected to everyone. On larger clusters this
            // will not trigger new connections when already above
            // low water. When it does, known peers will be randomly
            // selected.
            connected := c.peerManager.Bootstrap(c.config.ConnMgr.LowWater, false, false)
            for _, p := range connected {
                logger.Infof("reconnected to %s", p)
        case <-priorityPeerReconnect.C:
            // This is a safeguard for clusters with many peers.
            // It is understood that PeerAddresses are stable,
            // possibly "trusted" or at least honest peers.
            // We don't need to be connected to them, but in an
            // scenario where there rest of the (untrusted) peers
            // works to isolate or mislead other peers (i.e. not
            // propagating pubsub), it does not hurt to reconnect
            // to one of these peers from time to time.
            if len(c.config.PeerAddresses) == 0 {
            connected := c.peerManager.Bootstrap(1, true, true)
            for _, p := range connected {
                logger.Infof("reconnected to priority peer %s", p)

// find all Cids pinned to a given peer and triggers re-pins on them.
func (c *Cluster) vacatePeer(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/vacatePeer")
    defer span.End()

    if c.config.DisableRepinning {
        logger.Warnf("repinning is disabled. Will not re-allocate cids from %s", p)

    cState, err := c.consensus.State(ctx)
    if err != nil {

    pinCh := make(chan api.Pin, 1024)
    go func() {
        err = cState.List(ctx, pinCh)
        if err != nil {

    for pin := range pinCh {
        if containsPeer(pin.Allocations, p) {
            c.repinFromPeer(ctx, p, pin)

// repinFromPeer triggers a repin on a given pin object blacklisting one of the
// allocations.
func (c *Cluster) repinFromPeer(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, pin api.Pin) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/repinFromPeer")
    defer span.End()

    logger.Debugf("repinning %s from peer %s", pin.Cid, p)

    pin.Allocations = nil // force re-allocations
    // note that pin() should not result in different allocations
    // if we are not under the replication-factor min.
    _, ok, err := c.pin(ctx, pin, []peer.ID{p})
    if ok && err == nil {
        logger.Infof("repinned %s out of %s", pin.Cid, p)

// run launches some go-routines which live throughout the cluster's life
func (c *Cluster) run() {
    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

    for _, informer := range c.informers {
        go func(inf Informer) {
            defer c.wg.Done()
            c.pushInformerMetrics(c.ctx, inf)

    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()

func (c *Cluster) ready(timeout time.Duration) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(c.ctx, "cluster/ready")
    defer span.End()

    // We bootstrapped first because with dirty state consensus
    // may have a peerset and not find a leader so we cannot wait
    // for it.
    timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
    select {
    case <-timer.C:
        logger.Error("***** ipfs-cluster consensus start timed out (tips below) *****")
This peer was not able to become part of the cluster.
This might be due to one or several causes:
  - Check the logs above this message for errors
  - Check that there is connectivity to the "peers" multiaddresses
  - Check that all cluster peers are using the same "secret"
  - Check that this peer is reachable on its "listen_multiaddress" by all peers
  - Check that the current cluster is healthy (has a leader). Otherwise make
    sure to start enough peers so that a leader election can happen.
  - Check that the peer(s) you are trying to connect to is running the
    same version of IPFS-cluster.
    case <-c.consensus.Ready(ctx):
        // Consensus ready means the state is up to date.
    case <-c.ctx.Done():

    // Cluster is ready.

    peers, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
    if err != nil {

    logger.Info("Cluster Peers (without including ourselves):")
    if len(peers) == 1 {
        logger.Info("    - No other peers")

    for _, p := range peers {
        if p != c.id {
            logger.Infof("    - %s", p)

    // Wait for ipfs
    logger.Info("Waiting for IPFS to be ready...")
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
    case <-c.ipfs.Ready(ctx):
        ipfsid, err := c.ipfs.ID(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("IPFS signaled ready but ID() errored: ", err)
        } else {
            logger.Infof("IPFS is ready. Peer ID: %s", ipfsid.ID)

    c.readyB = true
    logger.Info("** IPFS Cluster is READY **")

// Ready returns a channel which signals when this peer is
// fully initialized (including consensus).
func (c *Cluster) Ready() <-chan struct{} {
    return c.readyCh

// Shutdown performs all the necessary operations to shutdown
// the IPFS Cluster peer:
// * Save peerstore with the current peers
// * Remove itself from consensus when LeaveOnShutdown is set
// * It Shutdowns all the components
// * Collects all goroutines
// Shutdown does not close the libp2p host, the DHT, the datastore or
// generally anything that Cluster did not create.
func (c *Cluster) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Shutdown")
    defer span.End()

    defer c.shutdownLock.Unlock()

    if c.shutdownB {
        logger.Debug("Cluster is already shutdown")
        return nil

    logger.Info("shutting down Cluster")

    // Shutdown APIs first, avoids more requests coming through.
    for _, api := range c.apis {
        if err := api.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("error stopping API: %s", err)
            return err

    // Cancel discovery service (this shutdowns announcing). Handling
    // entries is canceled along with the context below.
    if c.discovery != nil {

    // Try to store peerset file for all known peers whatsoever
    // if we got ready (otherwise, don't overwrite anything)
    if c.readyB {
        // Ignoring error since it's a best-effort

    // Only attempt to leave if:
    // - consensus is initialized
    // - cluster was ready (no bootstrapping error)
    // - We are not removed already (means watchPeers() called us)
    if c.consensus != nil && c.config.LeaveOnShutdown && c.readyB && !c.removed {
        c.removed = true
        _, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
        if err == nil {
            // best effort
            logger.Warn("attempting to leave the cluster. This may take some seconds")
            err := c.consensus.RmPeer(ctx, c.id)
            if err != nil {
                logger.Error("leaving cluster: " + err.Error())

    if con := c.consensus; con != nil {
        if err := con.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("error stopping consensus: %s", err)
            return err

    // We left the cluster or were removed. Remove any consensus-specific
    // state.
    if c.removed && c.readyB {
        err := c.consensus.Clean(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("cleaning consensus: ", err)

    if err := c.monitor.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("error stopping monitor: %s", err)
        return err

    if err := c.ipfs.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("error stopping IPFS Connector: %s", err)
        return err

    if err := c.tracker.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("error stopping PinTracker: %s", err)
        return err

    for _, inf := range c.informers {
        if err := inf.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("error stopping informer: %s", err)
            return err

    if err := c.tracer.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("error stopping Tracer: %s", err)
        return err


    c.shutdownB = true
    return nil

// Done provides a way to learn if the Peer has been shutdown
// (for example, because it has been removed from the Cluster)
func (c *Cluster) Done() <-chan struct{} {
    return c.doneCh

// ID returns information about the Cluster peer
func (c *Cluster) ID(ctx context.Context) api.ID {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/ID")
    defer span.End()

    // ignore error since it is included in response object
    ipfsID, err := c.ipfs.ID(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        ipfsID = api.IPFSID{
            Error: err.Error(),

    var addrs []api.Multiaddr
    mAddrs, err := peer.AddrInfoToP2pAddrs(&peer.AddrInfo{ID: c.id, Addrs: c.host.Addrs()})
    if err == nil {
        for _, mAddr := range mAddrs {
            addrs = append(addrs, api.NewMultiaddrWithValue(mAddr))

    peers := []peer.ID{}
    // This method might get called very early by a remote peer
    // and might catch us when consensus is not set
    if c.consensus != nil {
        peers, _ = c.consensus.Peers(ctx)

    clusterPeerInfos := c.peerManager.PeerInfos(peers)
    addresses := []api.Multiaddr{}
    for _, pinfo := range clusterPeerInfos {
        addrs, err := peer.AddrInfoToP2pAddrs(&pinfo)
        if err != nil {
        for _, a := range addrs {
            addresses = append(addresses, api.NewMultiaddrWithValue(a))

    id := api.ID{
        ID: c.id,
        // PublicKey:          c.host.Peerstore().PubKey(c.id),
        Addresses:             addrs,
        ClusterPeers:          peers,
        ClusterPeersAddresses: addresses,
        Version:               version.Version.String(),
        RPCProtocolVersion:    version.RPCProtocol,
        IPFS:                  ipfsID,
        Peername:              c.config.Peername,
    if err != nil {
        id.Error = err.Error()

    return id

// PeerAdd adds a new peer to this Cluster.
// For it to work well, the new peer should be discoverable
// (part of our peerstore or connected to one of the existing peers)
// and reachable. Since PeerAdd allows to add peers which are
// not running, or reachable, it is recommended to call Join() from the
// new peer instead.
// The new peer ID will be passed to the consensus
// component to be added to the peerset.
func (c *Cluster) PeerAdd(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (*api.ID, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/PeerAdd")
    defer span.End()

    defer c.shutdownLock.RUnlock()
    if c.shutdownB {
        return nil, errors.New("cluster is shutdown")

    // starting 10 nodes on the same box for testing
    // causes deadlock and a global lock here
    // seems to help.
    defer c.paMux.Unlock()
    logger.Debugf("peerAdd called with %s", pid)

    // Let the consensus layer be aware of this peer
    err := c.consensus.AddPeer(ctx, pid)
    if err != nil {
        id := &api.ID{ID: pid, Error: err.Error()}
        return id, err

    logger.Infof("Peer added %s", pid)
    addedID, err := c.getIDForPeer(ctx, pid)
    if err != nil {
        return addedID, err
    if !containsPeer(addedID.ClusterPeers, c.id) {
        addedID.ClusterPeers = append(addedID.ClusterPeers, c.id)
    return addedID, nil

// PeerRemove removes a peer from this Cluster.
// The peer will be removed from the consensus peerset.
// This may first trigger repinnings for all content if not disabled.
func (c *Cluster) PeerRemove(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/PeerRemove")
    defer span.End()

    // We need to repin before removing the peer, otherwise, it won't
    // be able to submit the pins.
    logger.Infof("re-allocating all CIDs directly associated to %s", pid)
    c.vacatePeer(ctx, pid)

    err := c.consensus.RmPeer(ctx, pid)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    logger.Info("Peer removed %s", pid)
    return nil

// Join adds this peer to an existing cluster by bootstrapping to a
// given multiaddress. It works by calling PeerAdd on the destination
// cluster and making sure that the new peer is ready to discover and contact
// the rest.
func (c *Cluster) Join(ctx context.Context, addr ma.Multiaddr) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Join")
    defer span.End()

    logger.Debugf("Join(%s)", addr)

    // Add peer to peerstore so we can talk to it
    pid, err := c.peerManager.ImportPeer(addr, false, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if pid == c.id {
        return nil

    // Note that PeerAdd() on the remote peer will
    // figure out what our real address is (obviously not
    // ListenAddr).
    var myID api.ID
    err = c.rpcClient.CallContext(
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Log a fake but valid metric from the peer we are
    // contacting. This will signal a CRDT component that
    // we know that peer since we have metrics for it without
    // having to wait for the next metric round.
    if err := c.logPingMetric(ctx, pid); err != nil {

    // Broadcast our metrics to the world
    err = c.sendInformersMetrics(ctx)
    if err != nil {

    _, err = c.sendPingMetric(ctx)
    if err != nil {

    // We need to trigger a DHT bootstrap asap for this peer to not be
    // lost if the peer it bootstrapped to goes down. We do this manually
    // by triggering 1 round of bootstrap in the background.
    // Note that our regular bootstrap process is still running in the
    // background since we created the cluster.
    go func() {
        defer c.wg.Done()
        select {
        case err := <-c.dht.LAN.RefreshRoutingTable():
            if err != nil {
                // this error is quite chatty
                // on single peer clusters
        case <-c.ctx.Done():

        select {
        case err := <-c.dht.WAN.RefreshRoutingTable():
            if err != nil {
                // this error is quite chatty
                // on single peer clusters
        case <-c.ctx.Done():

    // ConnectSwarms in the background after a while, when we have likely
    // received some metrics.
    time.AfterFunc(c.config.MonitorPingInterval, func() {

    // wait for leader and for state to catch up
    // then sync
    err = c.consensus.WaitForSync(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Start pinning items in the state that are not on IPFS yet.
    out := make(chan api.PinInfo, 1024)
    // discard outputs
    go func() {
        for range out {
    go c.RecoverAllLocal(c.ctx, out)

    logger.Infof("%s: joined %s's cluster", c.id, pid)
    return nil

// Distances returns a distance checker using current trusted peers.
// It can optionally receive a peer ID to exclude from the checks.
func (c *Cluster) distances(ctx context.Context, exclude peer.ID) (*distanceChecker, error) {
    trustedPeers, err := c.getTrustedPeers(ctx, exclude)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("could not get trusted peers:", err)
        return nil, err

    return &distanceChecker{
        local:      c.id,
        otherPeers: trustedPeers,
        cache:      make(map[peer.ID]distance, len(trustedPeers)+1),
    }, nil

// StateSync performs maintenance tasks on the global state that require
// looping through all the items. It is triggered automatically on
// StateSyncInterval. Currently it:
//   - Sends unpin for expired items for which this peer is "closest"
//     (skipped for follower peers)
func (c *Cluster) StateSync(ctx context.Context) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/StateSync")
    defer span.End()


    if c.config.FollowerMode {
        return nil

    cState, err := c.consensus.State(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    timeNow := time.Now()

    // Only trigger pin operations if we are the closest with respect to
    // other trusted peers. We cannot know if our peer ID is trusted by
    // other peers in the Cluster. This assumes yes. Setting FollowerMode
    // is a way to assume the opposite and skip this completely.
    distance, err := c.distances(ctx, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err // could not list peers

    clusterPins := make(chan api.Pin, 1024)
    go func() {
        err = cState.List(ctx, clusterPins)
        if err != nil {

    // Unpin expired items when we are the closest peer to them.
    for p := range clusterPins {
        if p.ExpiredAt(timeNow) && distance.isClosest(p.Cid) {
            logger.Infof("Unpinning %s: pin expired at %s", p.Cid, p.ExpireAt)
            if _, err := c.Unpin(ctx, p.Cid); err != nil {

    return nil

// StatusAll returns the GlobalPinInfo for all tracked Cids in all peers on
// the out channel. This is done by broacasting a StatusAll to all peers.  If
// an error happens, it is returned. This method blocks until it finishes. The
// operation can be aborted by canceling the context.
func (c *Cluster) StatusAll(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/StatusAll")
    defer span.End()

    in := make(chan api.TrackerStatus, 1)
    in <- filter
    return c.globalPinInfoStream(ctx, "PinTracker", "StatusAll", in, out)

// StatusAllLocal returns the PinInfo for all the tracked Cids in this peer on
// the out channel. It blocks until finished.
func (c *Cluster) StatusAllLocal(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, out chan<- api.PinInfo) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/StatusAllLocal")
    defer span.End()

    return c.tracker.StatusAll(ctx, filter, out)

// Status returns the GlobalPinInfo for a given Cid as fetched from all
// current peers. If an error happens, the GlobalPinInfo should contain
// as much information as could be fetched from the other peers.
func (c *Cluster) Status(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Status")
    defer span.End()

    return c.globalPinInfoCid(ctx, "PinTracker", "Status", h)

// StatusLocal returns this peer's PinInfo for a given Cid.
func (c *Cluster) StatusLocal(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) api.PinInfo {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/StatusLocal")
    defer span.End()

    return c.tracker.Status(ctx, h)

// used for RecoverLocal and SyncLocal.
func (c *Cluster) localPinInfoOp(
    ctx context.Context,
    h api.Cid,
    f func(context.Context, api.Cid) (api.PinInfo, error),
) (pInfo api.PinInfo, err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/localPinInfoOp")
    defer span.End()

    cids, err := c.cidsFromMetaPin(ctx, h)
    if err != nil {
        return api.PinInfo{}, err

    for _, ci := range cids {
        pInfo, err = f(ctx, ci)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("tracker.SyncCid() returned with error: ", err)
            logger.Error("Is the ipfs daemon running?")
    // return the last pInfo/err, should be the root Cid if everything ok
    return pInfo, err

// RecoverAll triggers a RecoverAllLocal operation on all peers and returns
// GlobalPinInfo objets for all recovered items. This method blocks until
// finished. Operation can be aborted by canceling the context.
func (c *Cluster) RecoverAll(ctx context.Context, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/RecoverAll")
    defer span.End()

    return c.globalPinInfoStream(ctx, "Cluster", "RecoverAllLocal", nil, out)

// RecoverAllLocal triggers a RecoverLocal operation for all Cids tracked
// by this peer.
// Recover operations ask IPFS to pin or unpin items in error state. Recover
// is faster than calling Pin on the same CID as it avoids committing an
// identical pin to the consensus layer.
// It returns the list of pins that were re-queued for pinning on the out
// channel. It blocks until done.
// RecoverAllLocal is called automatically every PinRecoverInterval.
func (c *Cluster) RecoverAllLocal(ctx context.Context, out chan<- api.PinInfo) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/RecoverAllLocal")
    defer span.End()

    return c.tracker.RecoverAll(ctx, out)

// Recover triggers a recover operation for a given Cid in all
// cluster peers.
// Recover operations ask IPFS to pin or unpin items in error state. Recover
// is faster than calling Pin on the same CID as it avoids committing an
// identical pin to the consensus layer.
func (c *Cluster) Recover(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Recover")
    defer span.End()

    return c.globalPinInfoCid(ctx, "PinTracker", "Recover", h)

// RecoverLocal triggers a recover operation for a given Cid in this peer only.
// It returns the updated PinInfo, after recovery.
// Recover operations ask IPFS to pin or unpin items in error state. Recover
// is faster than calling Pin on the same CID as it avoids committing an
// identical pin to the consensus layer.
func (c *Cluster) RecoverLocal(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) (api.PinInfo, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/RecoverLocal")
    defer span.End()

    return c.localPinInfoOp(ctx, h, c.tracker.Recover)

// Pins sends pins on the given out channel as it iterates the full
// pinset (current global state). This is the source of truth as to which pins
// are managed and their allocation, but does not indicate if the item is
// successfully pinned. For that, use the Status*() methods.
// The operation can be aborted by canceling the context. This methods blocks
// until the operation has completed.
func (c *Cluster) Pins(ctx context.Context, out chan<- api.Pin) error {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Pins")
    defer span.End()

    cState, err := c.consensus.State(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return cState.List(ctx, out)

// pinsSlice returns the list of Cids managed by Cluster and which are part
// of the current global state. This is the source of truth as to which
// pins are managed and their allocation, but does not indicate if
// the item is successfully pinned. For that, use StatusAll().
// It is recommended to use PinsChannel(), as this method is equivalent to
// loading the full pinset in memory!
func (c *Cluster) pinsSlice(ctx context.Context) ([]api.Pin, error) {
    out := make(chan api.Pin, 1024)
    var err error
    go func() {
        err = c.Pins(ctx, out)

    var pins []api.Pin
    for pin := range out {
        pins = append(pins, pin)
    return pins, err

// PinGet returns information for a single Cid managed by Cluster.
// The information is obtained from the current global state. The
// returned api.Pin provides information about the allocations
// assigned for the requested Cid, but does not indicate if
// the item is successfully pinned. For that, use Status(). PinGet
// returns an error if the given Cid is not part of the global state.
func (c *Cluster) PinGet(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) (api.Pin, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/PinGet")
    defer span.End()

    st, err := c.consensus.State(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Pin{}, err
    pin, err := st.Get(ctx, h)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Pin{}, err
    return pin, nil

// Pin makes the cluster Pin a Cid. This implies adding the Cid
// to the IPFS Cluster peers shared-state. Depending on the cluster
// pinning strategy, the PinTracker may then request the IPFS daemon
// to pin the Cid.
// Pin returns the Pin as stored in the global state (with the given
// allocations and an error if the operation could not be persisted. Pin does
// not reflect the success or failure of underlying IPFS daemon pinning
// operations which happen in async fashion.
// If the options UserAllocations are non-empty then these peers are pinned
// with priority over other peers in the cluster.  If the max repl factor is
// less than the size of the specified peerset then peers are chosen from this
// set in allocation order.  If the minimum repl factor is greater than the
// size of this set then the remaining peers are allocated in order from the
// rest of the cluster. Priority allocations are best effort. If any priority
// peers are unavailable then Pin will simply allocate from the rest of the
// cluster.
// If the Update option is set, the pin options (including allocations) will
// be copied from an existing one. This is equivalent to running PinUpdate.
func (c *Cluster) Pin(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Pin")
    defer span.End()

    pin := api.PinWithOpts(h, opts)

    result, _, err := c.pin(ctx, pin, []peer.ID{})
    return result, err

// sets the default replication factor in a pin when it's set to 0
func (c *Cluster) setupReplicationFactor(pin api.Pin) (api.Pin, error) {
    rplMin := pin.ReplicationFactorMin
    rplMax := pin.ReplicationFactorMax
    if rplMin == 0 {
        rplMin = c.config.ReplicationFactorMin
        pin.ReplicationFactorMin = rplMin
    if rplMax == 0 {
        rplMax = c.config.ReplicationFactorMax
        pin.ReplicationFactorMax = rplMax

    // When pinning everywhere, remove all allocations.
    // Allocations may have been preset by the adder
    // for the cases when the replication factor is > -1.
    // Fixes part of #1319: allocations when adding
    // are kept.
    if pin.IsPinEverywhere() {
        pin.Allocations = nil

    return pin, isReplicationFactorValid(rplMin, rplMax)

// basic checks on the pin type to check it's well-formed.
func checkPinType(pin api.Pin) error {
    switch pin.Type {
    case api.DataType:
        if pin.Reference != nil {
            return errors.New("data pins should not reference other pins")
    case api.ShardType:
        if pin.MaxDepth != 1 {
            return errors.New("must pin shards go depth 1")
        // FIXME: indirect shard pins could have max-depth 2
        // FIXME: repinning a shard type will overwrite replication
        //        factor from previous:
        // if existing.ReplicationFactorMin != rplMin ||
        //    existing.ReplicationFactorMax != rplMax {
        //    return errors.New("shard update with wrong repl factors")
    case api.ClusterDAGType:
        if pin.MaxDepth != 0 {
            return errors.New("must pin roots directly")
        if pin.Reference == nil {
            return errors.New("clusterDAG pins should reference a Meta pin")
    case api.MetaType:
        if len(pin.Allocations) != 0 {
            return errors.New("meta pin should not specify allocations")
        if pin.Reference == nil {
            return errors.New("metaPins should reference a ClusterDAG")

        return errors.New("unrecognized pin type")
    return nil

// setupPin ensures that the Pin object is fit for pinning. We check
// and set the replication factors and ensure that the pinType matches the
// metadata consistently.
func (c *Cluster) setupPin(ctx context.Context, pin, existing api.Pin) (api.Pin, error) {
    _, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/setupPin")
    defer span.End()
    var err error

    pin, err = c.setupReplicationFactor(pin)
    if err != nil {
        return pin, err

    if !pin.ExpireAt.IsZero() && pin.ExpireAt.Before(time.Now()) {
        return pin, errors.New("pin.ExpireAt set before current time")

    if !existing.Defined() {
        return pin, nil

    // If an pin CID is already pin, we do a couple more checks
    if existing.Type != pin.Type {
        msg := "cannot repin CID with different tracking method, "
        msg += "clear state with pin rm to proceed. "
        msg += "New: %s. Was: %s"
        return pin, fmt.Errorf(msg, pin.Type, existing.Type)

    if existing.Mode == api.PinModeRecursive && pin.Mode != api.PinModeRecursive {
        msg := "cannot repin a CID which is already pinned in "
        msg += "recursive mode (new pin is pinned as %s). Unpin it first."
        return pin, fmt.Errorf(msg, pin.Mode)

    return pin, checkPinType(pin)

// pin performs the actual pinning and supports a blacklist to be able to
// evacuate a node and returns the pin object that it tried to pin, whether
// the pin was submitted to the consensus layer or skipped (due to error or to
// the fact that it was already valid) and error.
// This is the method called by the Cluster.Pin RPC endpoint.
func (c *Cluster) pin(
    ctx context.Context,
    pin api.Pin,
    blacklist []peer.ID,
) (api.Pin, bool, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/pin")
    defer span.End()

    if c.config.FollowerMode {
        return api.Pin{}, false, errFollowerMode

    if !pin.Cid.Defined() {
        return pin, false, errors.New("bad pin object")

    // Handle pin updates when the option is set
    if update := pin.PinUpdate; update.Defined() && !update.Equals(pin.Cid) {
        pin, err := c.PinUpdate(ctx, update, pin.Cid, pin.PinOptions)
        return pin, true, err

    existing, err := c.PinGet(ctx, pin.Cid)
    if err != nil && err != state.ErrNotFound {
        return pin, false, err

    pin, err = c.setupPin(ctx, pin, existing)
    if err != nil {
        return pin, false, err

    // Set the Pin timestamp to now(). This is not an user-controllable
    // "option".
    pin.Timestamp = time.Now()

    if pin.Type == api.MetaType {
        return pin, true, c.consensus.LogPin(ctx, pin)

    // Usually allocations are unset when pinning normally, however, the
    // allocations may have been preset by the adder in which case they
    // need to be respected. Whenever allocations are set. We don't
    // re-allocate. repinFromPeer() unsets allocations for this reason.
    // allocate() will check which peers are currently allocated
    // and try to respect them.
    if len(pin.Allocations) == 0 {
        // If replication factor is -1, this will return empty
        // allocations.
        allocs, err := c.allocate(
        if err != nil {
            return pin, false, err
        pin.Allocations = allocs

    // If this is true, replication factor should be -1.
    if len(pin.Allocations) == 0 {
        logger.Infof("pinning %s everywhere:", pin.Cid)
    } else {
        logger.Infof("pinning %s on %s:", pin.Cid, pin.Allocations)

    return pin, true, c.consensus.LogPin(ctx, pin)

// Unpin removes a previously pinned Cid from Cluster. It returns
// the global state Pin object as it was stored before removal, or
// an error if it was not possible to update the global state.
// Unpin does not reflect the success or failure of underlying IPFS daemon
// unpinning operations, which happen in async fashion.
func (c *Cluster) Unpin(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) (api.Pin, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Unpin")
    defer span.End()

    if c.config.FollowerMode {
        return api.Pin{}, errFollowerMode

    logger.Info("IPFS cluster unpinning:", h)
    pin, err := c.PinGet(ctx, h)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Pin{}, err

    switch pin.Type {
    case api.DataType:
        return pin, c.consensus.LogUnpin(ctx, pin)
    case api.ShardType:
        err := "cannot unpin a shard directly. Unpin content root CID instead"
        return pin, errors.New(err)
    case api.MetaType:
        // Unpin cluster dag and referenced shards
        err := c.unpinClusterDag(ctx, pin)
        if err != nil {
            return pin, err
        return pin, c.consensus.LogUnpin(ctx, pin)
    case api.ClusterDAGType:
        err := "cannot unpin a Cluster DAG directly. Unpin content root CID instead"
        return pin, errors.New(err)
        return pin, errors.New("unrecognized pin type")

// unpinClusterDag unpins the clusterDAG metadata node and the shard metadata
// nodes that it references.  It handles the case where multiple parents
// reference the same metadata node, only unpinning those nodes without
// existing references
func (c *Cluster) unpinClusterDag(ctx context.Context, metaPin api.Pin) error {
    cids, err := c.cidsFromMetaPin(ctx, metaPin.Cid)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // TODO: FIXME: potentially unpinning shards which are referenced
    // by other clusterDAGs.
    for _, ci := range cids {
        err = c.consensus.LogUnpin(ctx, api.PinCid(ci))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// PinUpdate pins a new CID based on an existing cluster Pin. The allocations
// and most pin options (replication factors) are copied from the existing
// Pin.  The options object can be used to set the Name for the new pin and
// might support additional options in the future.
// The from pin is NOT unpinned upon completion. The new pin might take
// advantage of efficient pin/update operation on IPFS-side (if the
// IPFSConnector supports it - the default one does). This may offer
// significant speed when pinning items which are similar to previously pinned
// content.
func (c *Cluster) PinUpdate(ctx context.Context, from api.Cid, to api.Cid, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error) {
    existing, err := c.PinGet(ctx, from)
    if err != nil { // including when the existing pin is not found
        return api.Pin{}, err

    // Hector: I am not sure whether it has any point to update something
    // like a MetaType.
    if existing.Type != api.DataType {
        return api.Pin{}, errors.New("this pin type cannot be updated")

    existing.Cid = to
    existing.PinUpdate = from
    existing.Timestamp = time.Now()
    if opts.Name != "" {
        existing.Name = opts.Name
    if !opts.ExpireAt.IsZero() && opts.ExpireAt.After(time.Now()) {
        existing.ExpireAt = opts.ExpireAt
    return existing, c.consensus.LogPin(ctx, existing)

// PinPath pins an CID resolved from its IPFS Path. It returns the resolved
// Pin object.
func (c *Cluster) PinPath(ctx context.Context, path string, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/PinPath")
    defer span.End()

    ci, err := c.ipfs.Resolve(ctx, path)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Pin{}, err

    return c.Pin(ctx, ci, opts)

// UnpinPath unpins a CID resolved from its IPFS Path. If returns the
// previously pinned Pin object.
func (c *Cluster) UnpinPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (api.Pin, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/UnpinPath")
    defer span.End()

    ci, err := c.ipfs.Resolve(ctx, path)
    if err != nil {
        return api.Pin{}, err

    return c.Unpin(ctx, ci)

// AddFile adds a file to the ipfs daemons of the cluster.  The ipfs importer
// pipeline is used to DAGify the file.  Depending on input parameters this
// DAG can be added locally to the calling cluster peer's ipfs repo, or
// sharded across the entire cluster.
func (c *Cluster) AddFile(ctx context.Context, reader *multipart.Reader, params api.AddParams) (api.Cid, error) {
    // TODO: add context param and tracing

    var dags adder.ClusterDAGService
    if params.Shard {
        dags = sharding.New(ctx, c.rpcClient, params, nil)
    } else {
        dags = single.New(ctx, c.rpcClient, params, params.Local)
    defer dags.Close()
    add := adder.New(dags, params, nil)
    return add.FromMultipart(ctx, reader)

// Version returns the current IPFS Cluster version.
func (c *Cluster) Version() string {
    return version.Version.String()

// Peers returns the IDs of the members of this Cluster on the out channel.
// This method blocks until it has finished.
func (c *Cluster) Peers(ctx context.Context, out chan<- api.ID) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/Peers")
    defer span.End()

    peers, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("an empty list of peers will be returned")
    c.peersWithFilter(ctx, peers, out)

// requests IDs from a given number of peers.
func (c *Cluster) peersWithFilter(ctx context.Context, peers []peer.ID, out chan<- api.ID) {
    defer close(out)

    // We should be done relatively quickly with this call. Otherwise
    // report errors.
    timeout := 15 * time.Second
    ctxCall, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
    defer cancel()

    in := make(chan struct{})
    idsOut := make(chan api.ID, len(peers))
    errCh := make(chan []error, 1)

    go func() {
        defer close(errCh)

        errCh <- c.rpcClient.MultiStream(

    // Unfortunately, we need to use idsOut as intermediary channel
    // because it is closed when MultiStream ends and we cannot keep
    // adding things on it (the errors below).
    for id := range idsOut {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            logger.Errorf("Peers call aborted: %s", ctx.Err())
        case out <- id:

    // ErrCh will always be closed on context cancellation too.
    errs := <-errCh
    for i, err := range errs {
        if err == nil {
        if rpc.IsAuthorizationError(err) {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            logger.Errorf("Peers call aborted: %s", ctx.Err())
        case out <- api.ID{
            ID:    peers[i],
            Error: err.Error(),

// getTrustedPeers gives listed of trusted peers except the current peer and
// the excluded peer if provided.
func (c *Cluster) getTrustedPeers(ctx context.Context, exclude peer.ID) ([]peer.ID, error) {
    peers, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    trustedPeers := make([]peer.ID, 0, len(peers))

    for _, p := range peers {
        if p == c.id || p == exclude || !c.consensus.IsTrustedPeer(ctx, p) {
        trustedPeers = append(trustedPeers, p)

    return trustedPeers, nil

func (c *Cluster) setTrackerStatus(gpin *api.GlobalPinInfo, h api.Cid, peers []peer.ID, status api.TrackerStatus, pin api.Pin, t time.Time) {
    for _, p := range peers {
        pv := pingValueFromMetric(c.monitor.LatestForPeer(c.ctx, pingMetricName, p))
            Cid:         h,
            Name:        pin.Name,
            Allocations: pin.Allocations,
            Origins:     pin.Origins,
            Created:     pin.Timestamp,
            Metadata:    pin.Metadata,
            Peer:        p,
            PinInfoShort: api.PinInfoShort{
                PeerName:      pv.Peername,
                IPFS:          pv.IPFSID,
                IPFSAddresses: pv.IPFSAddresses,
                Status:        status,
                TS:            t,

func (c *Cluster) globalPinInfoCid(ctx context.Context, comp, method string, h api.Cid) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/globalPinInfoCid")
    defer span.End()

    // The object we will return
    gpin := api.GlobalPinInfo{}

    // allocated peers, we will contact them through rpc
    var dests []peer.ID
    // un-allocated peers, we will set remote status
    var remote []peer.ID

    timeNow := time.Now()

    // If pin is not part of the pinset, mark it unpinned
    pin, err := c.PinGet(ctx, h)
    if err != nil && err != state.ErrNotFound {
        return api.GlobalPinInfo{}, err

    // When NotFound return directly with an unpinned
    // status.
    if err == state.ErrNotFound {
        var members []peer.ID
        if c.config.FollowerMode {
            members = []peer.ID{c.host.ID()}
        } else {
            members, err = c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
            if err != nil {
                return api.GlobalPinInfo{}, err

        return gpin, nil

    // The pin exists.
    gpin.Cid = h
    gpin.Name = pin.Name

    // Make the list of peers that will receive the request.
    if c.config.FollowerMode {
        // during follower mode return only local status.
        dests = []peer.ID{c.host.ID()}
        remote = []peer.ID{}
    } else {
        members, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return api.GlobalPinInfo{}, err

        if !pin.IsPinEverywhere() {
            dests = pin.Allocations
            remote = peersSubtract(members, dests)
        } else {
            dests = members
            remote = []peer.ID{}

    // set status remote on un-allocated peers
    c.setTrackerStatus(&gpin, h, remote, api.TrackerStatusRemote, pin, timeNow)

    lenDests := len(dests)
    replies := make([]api.PinInfo, lenDests)

    // a globalPinInfo type of request should be relatively fast. We
    // cannot block response indefinitely due to an unresponsive node.
    timeout := 15 * time.Second
    ctxs, cancels := rpcutil.CtxsWithTimeout(ctx, lenDests, timeout)
    defer rpcutil.MultiCancel(cancels)

    errs := c.rpcClient.MultiCall(

    for i, r := range replies {
        e := errs[i]

        // No error. Parse and continue
        if e == nil {

        if rpc.IsAuthorizationError(e) {
            logger.Debug("rpc auth error:", e)

        // Deal with error cases (err != nil): wrap errors in PinInfo
        logger.Errorf("%s: error in broadcast response from %s: %s ", c.id, dests[i], e)

        pv := pingValueFromMetric(c.monitor.LatestForPeer(ctx, pingMetricName, dests[i]))
            Cid:         h,
            Name:        pin.Name,
            Peer:        dests[i],
            Allocations: pin.Allocations,
            Origins:     pin.Origins,
            Created:     pin.Timestamp,
            Metadata:    pin.Metadata,
            PinInfoShort: api.PinInfoShort{
                PeerName:      pv.Peername,
                IPFS:          pv.IPFSID,
                IPFSAddresses: pv.IPFSAddresses,
                Status:        api.TrackerStatusClusterError,
                TS:            timeNow,
                Error:         e.Error(),

    return gpin, nil

func (c *Cluster) globalPinInfoStream(ctx context.Context, comp, method string, inChan interface{}, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
    defer close(out)

    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/globalPinInfoStream")
    defer span.End()

    if inChan == nil {
        emptyChan := make(chan struct{})
        inChan = emptyChan

    fullMap := make(map[api.Cid]api.GlobalPinInfo)

    var members []peer.ID
    var err error
    if c.config.FollowerMode {
        members = []peer.ID{c.host.ID()}
    } else {
        members, err = c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // We don't have a good timeout proposal for this. Depending on the
    // size of the state and the peformance of IPFS and the network, this
    // may take moderately long.
    // If we did, this is the place to put it.
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    msOut := make(chan api.PinInfo)
    errsCh := make(chan []error, 1)
    go func() {
        defer close(errsCh)
        errsCh <- c.rpcClient.MultiStream(

    setPinInfo := func(p api.PinInfo) {
        if !p.Defined() {
        info, ok := fullMap[p.Cid]
        if !ok {
            info = api.GlobalPinInfo{}
        // Set the new/updated info
        fullMap[p.Cid] = info

    // make the big collection.
    for pin := range msOut {

    // This WAITs until MultiStream is DONE.
    erroredPeers := make(map[peer.ID]string)
    errs, ok := <-errsCh
    if ok {
        for i, err := range errs {
            if err == nil {
            if rpc.IsAuthorizationError(err) {
                logger.Debug("rpc auth error", err)
            logger.Errorf("%s: error in broadcast response from %s: %s ", c.id, members[i], err)
            erroredPeers[members[i]] = err.Error()

    // Merge any errors
    for p, msg := range erroredPeers {
        pv := pingValueFromMetric(c.monitor.LatestForPeer(ctx, pingMetricName, p))
        for c := range fullMap {
                Cid:         c,
                Name:        "",
                Peer:        p,
                Allocations: nil,
                Origins:     nil,
                // Created:    // leave unitialized
                Metadata: nil,
                PinInfoShort: api.PinInfoShort{
                    PeerName:      pv.Peername,
                    IPFS:          pv.IPFSID,
                    IPFSAddresses: pv.IPFSAddresses,
                    Status:        api.TrackerStatusClusterError,
                    TS:            time.Now(),
                    Error:         msg,

    for _, v := range fullMap {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            err := fmt.Errorf("%s.%s aborted: %w", comp, method, ctx.Err())
            return err
        case out <- v:

    return nil

func (c *Cluster) getIDForPeer(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (*api.ID, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/getIDForPeer")
    defer span.End()

    var id api.ID
    err := c.rpcClient.CallContext(
    if err != nil {
        id.ID = pid
        id.Error = err.Error()
    return &id, err

// cidsFromMetaPin expands a meta-pin and returns a list of Cids that
// Cluster handles for it: the ShardPins, the ClusterDAG and the MetaPin, in
// that order (the MetaPin is the last element).
// It returns a slice with only the given Cid if it's not a known Cid or not a
// MetaPin.
func (c *Cluster) cidsFromMetaPin(ctx context.Context, h api.Cid) ([]api.Cid, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/cidsFromMetaPin")
    defer span.End()

    cState, err := c.consensus.State(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    list := []api.Cid{h}

    pin, err := cState.Get(ctx, h)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if pin.Type != api.MetaType {
        return list, nil

    if pin.Reference == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("metaPin.Reference is unset")
    list = append([]api.Cid{*pin.Reference}, list...)
    clusterDagPin, err := c.PinGet(ctx, *pin.Reference)
    if err != nil {
        return list, fmt.Errorf("could not get clusterDAG pin from state. Malformed pin?: %s", err)

    clusterDagBlock, err := c.ipfs.BlockGet(ctx, clusterDagPin.Cid)
    if err != nil {
        return list, fmt.Errorf("error reading clusterDAG block from ipfs: %s", err)

    clusterDagNode, err := sharding.CborDataToNode(clusterDagBlock, "cbor")
    if err != nil {
        return list, fmt.Errorf("error parsing clusterDAG block: %s", err)
    for _, l := range clusterDagNode.Links() {
        list = append([]api.Cid{api.NewCid(l.Cid)}, list...)

    return list, nil

// // diffPeers returns the peerIDs added and removed from peers2 in relation to
// // peers1
// func diffPeers(peers1, peers2 []peer.ID) (added, removed []peer.ID) {
//     m1 := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
//     m2 := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
//     added = make([]peer.ID, 0)
//     removed = make([]peer.ID, 0)
//     if peers1 == nil && peers2 == nil {
//         return
//     }
//     if peers1 == nil {
//         added = peers2
//         return
//     }
//     if peers2 == nil {
//         removed = peers1
//         return
//     }

//     for _, p := range peers1 {
//         m1[p] = struct{}{}
//     }
//     for _, p := range peers2 {
//         m2[p] = struct{}{}
//     }
//     for k := range m1 {
//         _, ok := m2[k]
//         if !ok {
//             removed = append(removed, k)
//         }
//     }
//     for k := range m2 {
//         _, ok := m1[k]
//         if !ok {
//             added = append(added, k)
//         }
//     }
//     return
// }

// RepoGC performs garbage collection sweep on all peers' IPFS repo.
func (c *Cluster) RepoGC(ctx context.Context) (api.GlobalRepoGC, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/RepoGC")
    defer span.End()

    members, err := c.consensus.Peers(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return api.GlobalRepoGC{}, err

    // to club `RepoGCLocal` responses of all peers into one
    globalRepoGC := api.GlobalRepoGC{PeerMap: make(map[string]api.RepoGC)}

    for _, member := range members {
        var repoGC api.RepoGC
        err = c.rpcClient.CallContext(
        if err == nil {
            globalRepoGC.PeerMap[member.String()] = repoGC

        if rpc.IsAuthorizationError(err) {
            logger.Debug("rpc auth error:", err)

        logger.Errorf("%s: error in broadcast response from %s: %s ", c.id, member, err)

        pv := pingValueFromMetric(c.monitor.LatestForPeer(ctx, pingMetricName, member))

        globalRepoGC.PeerMap[member.String()] = api.RepoGC{
            Peer:     member,
            Peername: pv.Peername,
            Keys:     []api.IPFSRepoGC{},
            Error:    err.Error(),

    return globalRepoGC, nil

// RepoGCLocal performs garbage collection only on the local IPFS deamon.
func (c *Cluster) RepoGCLocal(ctx context.Context) (api.RepoGC, error) {
    ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cluster/RepoGCLocal")
    defer span.End()

    resp, err := c.ipfs.RepoGC(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return api.RepoGC{}, err
    resp.Peer = c.id
    resp.Peername = c.config.Peername
    return resp, nil