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namespace CodeJetter\core\utility;

 * Class StringUtility.
class StringUtility
    public $plural = [
        '/(quiz)$/i'                    => '$1zes',
        '/^(ox)$/i'                     => '$1en',
        '/([m|l])ouse$/i'               => '$1ice',
        '/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/i'      => '$1ices',
        '/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i'              => '$1es',
        '/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i'           => '$1ies',
        '/(hive)$/i'                    => '$1s',
        '/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i'      => '$1$2ves',
        '/(shea|lea|loa|thie)f$/i'      => '$1ves',
        '/sis$/i'                       => 'ses',
        '/([ti])um$/i'                  => '$1a',
        '/(tomat|potat|ech|her|vet)o$/i'=> '$1oes',
        '/(bu)s$/i'                     => '$1ses',
        '/(alias)$/i'                   => '$1es',
        '/(octop)us$/i'                 => '$1i',
        '/(ax|test)is$/i'               => '$1es',
        '/(us)$/i'                      => '$1es',
        '/s$/i'                         => 's',
        '/$/'                           => 's',

    public $irregular = [
        'move'   => 'moves',
        'foot'   => 'feet',
        'goose'  => 'geese',
        'sex'    => 'sexes',
        'child'  => 'children',
        'man'    => 'men',
        'tooth'  => 'teeth',
        'person' => 'people',
        'valve'  => 'valves',

    public $uncountable = [

    public $singular = [
        '/(quiz)zes$/i'                                                     => '$1',
        '/(matr)ices$/i'                                                    => '$1ix',
        '/(vert|ind)ices$/i'                                                => '$1ex',
        '/^(ox)en$/i'                                                       => '$1',
        '/(alias)es$/i'                                                     => '$1',
        '/(octop|vir)i$/i'                                                  => '$1us',
        '/(cris|ax|test)es$/i'                                              => '$1is',
        '/(shoe)s$/i'                                                       => '$1',
        '/(o)es$/i'                                                         => '$1',
        '/(bus)es$/i'                                                       => '$1',
        '/([m|l])ice$/i'                                                    => '$1ouse',
        '/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i'                                                => '$1',
        '/(m)ovies$/i'                                                      => '$1ovie',
        '/(s)eries$/i'                                                      => '$1eries',
        '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i'                                             => '$1y',
        '/([lr])ves$/i'                                                     => '$1f',
        '/(tive)s$/i'                                                       => '$1',
        '/(hive)s$/i'                                                       => '$1',
        '/(li|wi|kni)ves$/i'                                                => '$1fe',
        '/(shea|loa|lea|thie)ves$/i'                                        => '$1f',
        '/(^analy)ses$/i'                                                   => '$1sis',
        '/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i'  => '$1$2sis',
        '/([ti])a$/i'                                                       => '$1um',
        '/(n)ews$/i'                                                        => '$1ews',
        '/(h|bl)ouses$/i'                                                   => '$1ouse',
        '/(corpse)s$/i'                                                     => '$1',
        '/(us)es$/i'                                                        => '$1',
        '/s$/i'                                                             => '',

     * Replace the last occurrence of the search string with the replacement string.
     * @param $search
     * @param $replace
     * @param $subject
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function stringLastReplace($search, $replace, $subject)
        $position = strrpos($subject, $search);

        if ($position !== false) {
            return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $position, strlen($search));
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param $string
     * @param $prefix
     * @return string
    public function removePrefix($string, $prefix)
        if (substr($string, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) {
            $string = substr($string, strlen($prefix));

        return $string;

     * @param $string
     * @param $suffix
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function removeSuffix($string, $suffix)
        $filtered = $this->stringLastReplace($suffix, '', $string);

        return $filtered !== false ? $filtered : $string;

     * Extract and return class name from a full namespace.
     * @param $namespace
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return string
    public function getClassNameFromNamespace($namespace)
        if (empty($namespace)) {
            throw new \Exception('Namespace cannot be empty');

        $namespaceParts = explode('\\', $namespace);

        return end($namespaceParts);

     * Convert html special characters to html entities.
     * @param $string
     * @return string
    public function prepareForView($string)
        return htmlspecialchars($string);

     * Convert camel case to snake case e.g. AdminUser becomes Admin_User.
     * @param $string
     * @return mixed
    public function camelCaseToSnakeCase($string)
        return preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1_$2', $string);

     * Convert singular word to plural.
     * @param $string
     * @return mixed
    public function singularToPlural($string)
        // save some time in the case that singular and plural are the same
        if (in_array(strtolower($string), $this->uncountable)) {
            return $string;

        // check for irregular singular forms
        foreach ($this->irregular as $pattern => $result) {
            $pattern = '/'.$pattern.'$/i';

            if (preg_match($pattern, $string)) {
                return preg_replace($pattern, $result, $string);

        // check for matches using regular expressions
        foreach ($this->plural as $pattern => $result) {
            if (preg_match($pattern, $string)) {
                return preg_replace($pattern, $result, $string);

        return $string;

     * Convert plural word to singular.
     * @param $string
     * @return mixed
    public function pluralToSingular($string)
        // save some time in the case that singular and plural are the same
        if (in_array(strtolower($string), $this->uncountable)) {
            return $string;

        // check for irregular plural forms
        foreach ($this->irregular as $result => $pattern) {
            $pattern = '/'.$pattern.'$/i';

            if (preg_match($pattern, $string)) {
                return preg_replace($pattern, $result, $string);

        // check for matches using regular expressions
        foreach ($this->singular as $pattern => $result) {
            if (preg_match($pattern, $string)) {
                return preg_replace($pattern, $result, $string);

        return $string;

     * Convert snake case to camel case e.g. admin_user becomes AdminUser.
     * @param $string
     * @return mixed
    public function snakeCaseToCamelCase($string)
        return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $string)));

     * Remove http and www from url
     * becomes
     * @param  $domain
     * @return mixed
    public function removeURLProtocol($domain)
        // If scheme not included, prepend it
        if (!preg_match('#^http(s)?://#', $domain)) {
            $domain = 'http://'.$domain;

        $urlParts = parse_url($domain);

        $path = empty($urlParts['path']) ? '' : $urlParts['path'];
        $query = empty($urlParts['query']) ? '' : '?'.$urlParts['query'];

        // remove www
        return preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $urlParts['host'].$path.$query);

     * @param $json
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return array|mixed
    public function jsonToArray($json)
        $array = empty($json) ? [] : json_decode($json, true);

        if ($array === null || !is_array($array) || json_last_error() !== 0) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid JSON content');

        return $array;