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# Stampython: A Telegram bot for karma accounting

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**Table of contents**
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 insertAnchor:true orderedList:true -->

1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [Important](#important)
3. [Notes](#notes)
4. [Test](#test)
5. [Donations](#donations)

<!-- /TOC -->

<a id="markdown-introduction" name="introduction"></a>
## Introduction

Attempt to create a python script that monitors a telegram bot URL and replies to commands for adding/removing karma.

Check more information about [Telegram Bots](

News about the program, new features, etc at <>.

Quick User guide at [](
Quick Admin guide at [](
Configuration variables at [](

Send a "/help" command to <> to get up-to-date information about commands available

<a id="markdown-important" name="important"></a>
## Important

- The bot will need to have access to all of your messages in order to process them

<a id="markdown-notes" name="notes"></a>
## Notes

- On first execution it will create database and start filling values

<a id="markdown-test" name="test"></a>
## Test

- I've a copy running the name `@redken_bot`. Invite it to your channels if you want to give it a try or click <>.

<a id="markdown-donations" name="donations"></a>
## Donations

The bot runs on my hardware which involves (HW, power, internet, etc), if
you wish to collaborate, please, use <> for
your donation.