#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Description: Plugin for expanding short urls and cleaning up links with tags
# Author: Pablo Iranzo Gomez (
import logging
import re
import requests
import stampy.stampy
import stampy.plugin.config
from stampy.i18n import _
from stampy.i18n import _L
def init():
Initializes module
:return: List of triggers for plugin
triggers = ["*"]
return triggers
def cron():
Function to be executed periodically
def run(message): # do not edit this line
Executes plugin
:param message: message to run against
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message)
texto = msgdetail["text"]
chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"]
message_id = msgdetail["message_id"]
who_id = msgdetail["who_id"]
newtexto = ""
delete = False
cleanlink = stampy.plugin.config.config(key='cleanlink', gid=chat_id)
cleankey = stampy.plugin.config.config(key='cleankey', gid=chat_id)
if cleanlink and 'http' in texto:
newtexto = _("Cleaned up: ")
for word in texto.split():
if "http" in word:
url = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\), ]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', word)
if len(url) != 0:
url = url[0]
# Unshorten URL
session = requests.Session() # so connections are recycled
resp = session.head(url, allow_redirects=True)
newurl = resp.url
# Fake as we couldn't expand url
newurl = url
if newurl != url:
delete = True
# Check if url has to be cleaned
if cleankey:
renewurl = re.sub(cleankey, '', newurl)
if renewurl != newurl:
delete = True
newurl = renewurl
newtexto = newtexto + " " + newurl
newtexto = newtexto + " " + word
if delete:"Link cleaner for %s in chat %s" % (who_id, chat_id))
stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=newtexto,
# Attempt to delete initial message
stampy.stampy.deletemessage(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id)
def help(message): # do not edit this line
Returns help for plugin
:param message: message to process
:return: help text
commandtext = ""
return commandtext