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# TrackerApi

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This gem allows you to easily use the [Pivotal Tracker v5 API](

It’s powered by [Faraday]( and [Virtus](

## Compatibility

This gem is tested against the following officially supported Ruby versions:
 - Minimum Ruby Version: 2.7.x
 - Latest Ruby Supported: 3.2.x

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tracker_api'

And then execute:
$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tracker_api

## Basic Usage

client = 'my-api-token')                    # Create API client                                                           # Get email for the authenticated person
client.activity                                                           # Get a list of all the activity performed the authenticated person
client.notifications                                                      # Get notifications for the authenticated person

projects = client.projects                                                # Get all projects
project  = client.project(123456)                                         # Find project with given ID
project.activity                                                          # Get a list of all the activity performed on this project

project.stories                                                           # Get all stories for a project
project.stories(with_state: :unscheduled, limit: 10)                      # Get 10 unscheduled stories for a project
project.stories(filter: 'requester:OWK label:"jedi stuff"')               # Get all stories that match the given filters
project.create_story(name: 'Destroy death star')                          # Create a story with the name 'Destroy death star''Destroy death star')                                      # Get a search result with all epics and stories relevant to the query

story = project.story(847762630)                                          # Find a story with the given ID
story.activity                                                            # Get a list of all the activity performed on this story
story.transitions                                                         # Get a list of all the story transitions on this story = 'Save the Ewoks'                                             # Update a single story attribute
story.attributes = { name: 'Save the Ewoks', description: '...' }         # Update multiple story attributes
story.add_label('Endor')                                                  # Add a new label to an existing story                                                                # Save changes made to a story

story = client.story(117596687)                                           # Get a story with story ID only

story = client:     client,
                                          project_id: 123456,
                                          id:         847762630)          # Use the Story resource to get the story
comments = story.comments                                                 #   comments without first fetching the story

comment = story.create_comment(text: "Use the force!")                    # Create a new comment on the story

comment = story.create_comment(text: "Use the force again !",             # Create a new comment on the story with
                                files: ['path/to/an/existing/file'])      #     file attachments

comment.text += " (please be careful)"                                                              # Update text of an existing comment
comment.delete                                                            # Delete an existing comment

comment.create_attachments(files: ['path/to/an/existing/file'])           # Add attachments to existing comment
comment.delete_attachments                                                # Delete all attachments from a comment

attachments = comment.attachments                                         # Get attachments associated with a comment
attachments.first.delete                                                  # Delete a specific attachment

comment.attachments(reload: true)                                         # Re-load the attachments after modification
task = story.tasks.first                                                  # Get story tasks
task.complete = true                                                                 # Mark a task complete

review =                                              # Mark a review as complete
review.status = 'pass'

epics = project.epics                                                     # Get all epics for a project
epic  = epics.first
label = epic.label                                                        # Get an epic's label

workspaces = client.workspaces                                            # Get person's multi-project workspaces

## Eager Loading

See Pivotal Tracker API [documentation]( for how to use the `fields` parameter.

client = 'my-api-token')                    # Create API client

client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,labels(name)')               # Eagerly get labels with a project
client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,epics')                      # Eagerly get epics with a project
client.project(project_id).stories(fields: ':default,tasks')              # Eagerly get stories with tasks
story.comments(fields: ':default,person')                                 # Eagerly get comments and the person that made the comment for a story

## Error Handling
`TrackerApi::Errors::ClientError` is raised for 4xx HTTP status codes  
`TrackerApi::Errors::ServerError` is raised for 5xx HTTP status codes

## Warning

Direct mutation of an attribute value skips coercion and dirty tracking. Please use direct assignment or the specialized add_* methods to get expected behavior.

This will cause coercion and dirty tracking to be bypassed and the new label will not be saved.
story = project.story(847762630)

label = 'Special Snowflake')
story.labels << label

story.labels = story.labels.dup.push(label)


- Add missing resources and endpoints
- Add create, update, delete for resources
- Error handling for [error responses](

## Semantic Versioning

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

## Contributing

Currently this client supports read-only access to Pivotal Tracker.
We will be extending it as our use cases require, but are always happy to accept contributions.

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request